英语 中的 through 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 through 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 through 的说明。

英语 中的through 表示从一端到另一端 cóng yì duān dào lìng yì duān, 由 yóu, 从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi, 到,至 dào,zhì, 因为 yīn wèi, 结束 jié shù, 完蛋了的 wán dàn le de, 完成 wán chéng, 从一端到另一端 cóng yì duān dào lìng yì duān, 从头到尾地 cóng tóu dào wěi de, 穿过 chuān guò, 在…整个期间 zài zhěng gè qī jiān, 在...时候, 通过 tōng guò, 通过 tōng guò, 受够了 shòu gòu le, 受够了做, 和…断绝关系, 离开 lí kāi, 取得重大突破 qǔ dé zhòng dà tū pò, 轻松完成 qīng sōng wán chéng, 帮助…渡过难关 bāng zhù dù guò nán guān, 情感外露 qíng gǎn wài lù, 按要求去做 àn yāo qiú qù zuò, 支持某人, 成功 chéng gōng, 脱险 tuō xiǎn, 反复度过, 钻取…, 将注意力集中在…上, 通过...向上钻取, 失败,落空,成为泡影 shī bài,luò kōng,chéng wéi pào yǐng, 坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ, 完成 wán chéng, 完成 wán chéng, 传球之后继续随球动作, 灌入 guàn rù, (想办法)通过(考验等) xiǎng bàn fǎ tōng guò kǎo yàn děng, 完成 wán chéng, 接通电话 jiē tōng diàn huà, 给某人打通电话, 使某人理解, 滑过 huá guò, 轻松地做某事, 用光 yòng guāng, 完成 wán chéng, 完成 wán chéng, 把…找遍 bǎ zhǎo biàn, 坚持过去 jiān chí guò qù, 匆忙浏览 cōng máng liú lǎn, 经历 jīng lì, 透过…看 tòu guò kàn, 目光穿过, 翻阅遍,查阅遍 fān yuè biàn,chá yuè biàn, 胡乱应付过去 hú luàn yìng fù guò qù, 胡乱应付, 一直 yì zhí, 整个晚上 zhěng gè wǎn shàng, 短暂造访 duǎn zàn zào fǎng, 吹过,在…发生, 花掉 huā diào, 输送蒸汽入汽缸 shū sòng zhēng qì rù qì gāng, 突出(包围), 翻阅 fān yuè, 挖洞钻过, 突然进入, 冲开,撞开, 完成 wán chéng, 仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá, 敷衍地做, 仔细搜寻, 奔流于, 刈出一条路来, 刺穿,切开,砍穿 cì chuān,qiē kāi, 直接穿过,绕过 rào guò, 从…抄近路, 诋毁 dǐ huǐ, 免下车餐馆, 免下车即可获得服务的, 小心地移动位置 xiǎo xīn de yí dòng wèi zhì, 挤出去 jǐ chū qù, 未加注意,疏忽,粗心大意 shū hū,cū xīn dà yì, 快进 kuài jìn, 走漏 zǒu lòu, 滤出, 快速翻阅 kuài sù fān yuè, 不断换台, 随球动作,扬球 yáng qiú, 将…进行到底 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ, 强行挤入, 使…通过狭窄的(管道等), 通过(某种渠道)输送, 走过 zǒu guò, 经受 jīng shòu, 穿过,走过 chuān guò ,zǒu guò, 翻阅 fān yuè, 度过难关, 暴涨,飞涨 bào zhǎng,fēi zhǎng, 走形式, 猛增,飞涨,暴涨 měng zēng,fēi zhǎng ,bào zhǎng, 采取必要措施以完成… cǎi qǔ bì yào cuò shī yǐ wán chéng …, 把…磨断, 在...开出一条路来, 中途, 一半 yí bàn, 听说 tīng shuō, 匆忙地做, 仓促地做 cāng cù de zuò, 匆匆走过 cōng cōng zǒu guò, 允许通行, 睁眼说瞎话, 坚持过来 jiān chí guò lái, 渡过难关,坚持到底 dù guò nán guān,jiān chí dào dǐ, 穿过 chuān guò, 此路不通, 翻阅 fān yuè, 穿过 chuān guò, 通过...。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 through 的含义

从一端到另一端 cóng yì duān dào lìng yì duān

preposition (in one end and out another)

The bullet went through his body.

由 yóu

preposition (by way of)

We went through St. Louis on the way to New Orleans.

从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi

preposition (US, informal (to the end of)

It was cold here through March.

到,至 dào,zhì

preposition (US, informal (dates: up to, including)

The store is open Tuesday through Friday.

因为 yīn wèi

preposition (as a result of)

He failed his exams through not studying enough.

结束 jié shù

adjective (informal (ending relationship)

I've had enough of your jealousy. We're through!

完蛋了的 wán dàn le de

adjective (informal (done, washed-up)

He was through! Nobody would hire him after the scandal.

完成 wán chéng

(informal (have finished doing [sth])

Can you do this photocopying for me? And when you're through with that, let me know and I'll find you something else to do.

从一端到另一端 cóng yì duān dào lìng yì duān

adverb (in one end, out the other)

He was passing through when we saw him.

从头到尾地 cóng tóu dào wěi de

adverb (from beginning to end)

After the song plays through, put on another CD.

穿过 chuān guò

preposition (penetrating)

A brick sailed through the kitchen window.

在…整个期间 zài zhěng gè qī jiān

preposition (time: during) (表示时间)

I was writing email through the evening.


preposition (indicating time)

She quit midway through nursing school.

通过 tōng guò

preposition (without stopping)

You just drove through a red light.

通过 tōng guò

preposition (by means of)

Fertilizer gets into the bay through storm runoff.

受够了 shòu gòu le

verbal expression (informal (have had enough of [sth])

I'm through with these stupid meetings. Bye!


verbal expression (informal (had enough of doing [sth])

I'm through with washing windows. I need a more exciting job!


verbal expression (informal (end relationship with [sb])

After discovering her husband's affair, Monica decided she was through with him.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (Aus, informal, figurative (place: leave)

取得重大突破 qǔ dé zhòng dà tū pò

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (make sudden advance)

The company succeeded in breaking through with these new ideas.

轻松完成 qīng sōng wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal (do easily)

Don't worry about the exam - I'm sure you'll breeze through it.

帮助…渡过难关 bāng zhù dù guò nán guān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (help to endure, survive)

情感外露 qíng gǎn wài lù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (feeling: be perceptible)

Though he tried to remain calm when the robber drew his gun, his fear came through in his trembling hand.

按要求去做 àn yāo qiú qù zuò

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (do what is necessary)

Whenever I need help, my parents always come through.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (do what is necessary) (在困境中)

I wasn't worried because I knew you would come through for me.

成功 chéng gōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (succeed)

The hero faced many challenges on his quest, but he came through in the end.

脱险 tuō xiǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (survive, endure)

The road to recovery is a difficult one, but you're strong enough to come through it.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (follow a pattern)

Mona continues to cycle through the stages of grief; she cannot forget her loss.


(computing hierarchy) (计算机)


(US, figurative (focus on)


(computing: go through higher data levels) (计算机)

失败,落空,成为泡影 shī bài,luò kōng,chéng wéi pào yǐng

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (be unsuccessful, come to nothing) (非正式用语)

I thought that the deal would be very profitable for my business, but it fell through at the last minute.

坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue [sth] to completion)

He's very good at starting things but never seems to manage to follow through.

完成 wán chéng

(continue [sth] to completion)

Sam is always making plans but she never follows through with any of them.

完成 wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (continue [sth] to completion)

A good manager ensures that their team is able to follow a project through.


phrasal verb, intransitive (sports: after throwing, etc.) (体育运动)

She's learning how to follow through in a complete arc after hitting the ball.

灌入 guàn rù

phrasal verb, intransitive (be channelled)

(想办法)通过(考验等) xiǎng bàn fǎ tōng guò kǎo yàn děng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (ordeal: survive)

The global recession has been tough on everyone, but we will get through it.

完成 wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (work, task: complete) (工作,任务)

I have so much work to get through this week—I don't know how I'm going to do it all! I still have more studying to get through before the exam.

接通电话 jiē tōng diàn huà

phrasal verb, intransitive (reach [sb]: on phone)

After several attempts to call Yolanda, I eventually managed to get through.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (reach: on phone)

I'm trying to get through to the President but he's not answering his phone.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (make understand)

I need to get through to my son and make him see drugs are not the answer!

滑过 huá guò

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slide across or over)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (do or undergo easily)

用光 yòng guāng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (use up)

I went through all my clean clothes for the week!

完成 wán chéng

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be completed, authorized)

We had to wait for the loan to go through before we could buy the house.

完成 wán chéng

(do as planned)

The city council is going through with its plans to widen the road.

把…找遍 bǎ zhǎo biàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (search among)

I hunted through all the dusty, discarded papers in the attic, hoping to find my grandfather's birth certificate.

坚持过去 jiān chí guò qù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (endure, survive)

The dog is very ill and we are not sure whether he will last through the night.

匆忙浏览 cōng máng liú lǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (flip the pages of)

I was leafing through an old magazine when the doctor came in.

经历 jīng lì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (experience or endure)

Our grandparents lived through the War and know what it is like to lose everything.

透过…看 tòu guò kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (observe via: [sth] transparent)

You can see the individual cells if you look through the microscope. Look through the window and tell me what you see.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (appear not to see, be oblivious to) (比喻)

I said hello but he looked right through me.

翻阅遍,查阅遍 fān yuè biàn,chá yuè biàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (search through, survey)

Can I look through those old clothes before you throw them out in case there is something I like? My boss looked through the papers before signing them.

胡乱应付过去 hú luàn yìng fù guò qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (improvise) (非正式用语)

One of the team members is absent today. We'll just have to muddle through without her.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (accomplish by improvisation) (非正式用语)

一直 yì zhí

preposition (throughout)

There are wooden floors all through the apartment.

整个晚上 zhěng gè wǎn shàng

expression (throughout the night)

All through the night we could hear the loud music from the floor above.

短暂造访 duǎn zàn zào fǎng

(informal, figurative (place: visit briefly)

He blew through town last week. He never stays for long.


(informal, figurative (change: affect)

The winds of change are blowing through the Olde Towne club: they have accepted their first woman as a member.

花掉 huā diào

(slang, figurative (money: spend)

The gambling addict blew through his life's savings in two weeks.

输送蒸汽入汽缸 shū sòng zhēng qì rù qì gāng

adjective (carburettor) (汽化机)



The army used tanks to break through the barricades.

翻阅 fān yuè

(publication: look through)

Arnold smiled as he browsed through his old high school yearbook.


(move through)

Badgers burrow through the earth with their claws.


(suddenly enter)

The police burst through the front door, looking for the criminal.


(suddenly break and come through)

A dinosaur suddenly burst through the brick wall.

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (UK (complete)

She has good intentions but never carries through with them.

仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá

(luggage: put into plane's hold)

If you have to change flights, the airline can check your luggage through to the final destination.


(apply little effort)

He is coasting through the maths course.


(inspect thoroughly)

Linda spent the afternoon combing through old newspapers.


(water, blood: move quickly)

The water coursed through the canals. Terrified, Neil could feel the blood coursing in his veins.


verbal expression (make a path through)

刺穿,切开,砍穿 cì chuān,qiē kāi

(slice through with a blade)

I haven't got a clue why he bought that machete, there's no jungle to cut through in Belgium.

直接穿过,绕过 rào guò

(figurative, infformal (get past: [sth] superfluous)

Ok, let's cut through the crap and see what we do agree on!


(informal (take a shortcut)

He cut through the neighbours' back yard to get there quicker.

诋毁 dǐ huǐ

verbal expression (informal, figurative (dirty [sb]'s reputation) (名誉)

The biased reporter dragged the senator's name through the mud.


noun (takeaway restaurant)

Dave made a quick detour to the drive-through for fries on his way home from the office.


noun as adjective (used from a car)

The drive-through restaurant is inaccessible to pedestrians.

小心地移动位置 xiǎo xīn de yí dòng wèi zhì

(move carefully)

He eased gently through the dense crowd.

挤出去 jǐ chū qù

verbal expression (push through a crowd, etc.)

未加注意,疏忽,粗心大意 shū hū,cū xīn dà yì

verbal expression (figurative (be overlooked or missed)

快进 kuài jìn

(advance rapidly through)

I often fast forward through the boring parts of movies.

走漏 zǒu lòu

(figurative (information, news: reach [sb]) (消息)


(be strained, sieved)

快速翻阅 kuài sù fān yuè

(book, pages: leaf through)

I spent hours on that report and he just flicked through it before dismissing it!


(TV channels: browse) (电视)

I spent ten minutes flicking through the TV channels and didn't find anything worth watching.

随球动作,扬球 yáng qiú

noun (sport: continuation of motion) (体育运动,传球之后的)

You need to have a good follow-through to be a good golfer.

将…进行到底 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ

noun (continuing action)

The project manager keeps a close eye on her team to ensure follow-through.


verbal expression (obtain entry, way: by strength)

The army forced their way into the city.


(pour through [sth] narrow)

The mechanic funneled the dirty oil through a hose.


(figurative (channel)

He funneled his ill-gotten gains through his wife's business account.

走过 zǒu guò


To go through the border checkpoint, you needed a valid passport.

经受 jīng shòu

(figurative (endure, suffer)

Having grown up in Rwanda, Joe had gone through much torment, making him the man he is today.

穿过,走过 chuān guò ,zǒu guò

(pass through: tunnel) (通道等)

The hunters had to go through a cluster of trees to get to the wounded deer.

翻阅 fān yuè

(search, review)

I went through all my sketchbooks trying to find my favourite drawing of the oak tree.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (experience difficult time)

Pippa has a lot of problems at the moment; she's going through a rough patch.

暴涨,飞涨 bào zhǎng,fēi zhǎng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (cost: be high) (费用等)

Pork futures went through the ceiling today at three dollars and forty-two cents per pound.


verbal expression (do something half-heartedly)

猛增,飞涨,暴涨 měng zēng,fēi zhǎng ,bào zhǎng

expression (price, number: rise dramatically) (价格、数字)

采取必要措施以完成… cǎi qǔ bì yào cuò shī yǐ wán chéng …

verbal expression (informal (do [sth] daunting)

Bethan had doubts about applying for the job, but eventually went through with it.


(wear by abrasion)

Jeff used power tools to grind through the lock on his shed.


(cut through jungle)

We hacked through the jungle for hours.


adverb (unfinished)

Finish the job--don't stop halfway through.

一半 yí bàn

adverb (in the middle of)

Halfway through lunch, the phone rang.

听说 tīng shuō

verbal expression (figurative (hear a rumor)


(do hastily)

I hurried through the household chores, so I could watch the afternoon film on TV.

仓促地做 cāng cù de zuò

(cause to be done hastily)

This legislation is a disaster because the Government hurried it through Parliament.

匆匆走过 cōng cōng zǒu guò

(move hastily along or past)

I turned up the collar of my raincoat and hurried through the rain-swept streets.


(allow to pass)

The police asked the crowd to let the ambulance through.


verbal expression (tell a malicious lie)

坚持过来 jiān chí guò lái

verbal expression (US (experience or endure [sth])

Don't worry - times are hard because of the recession but you'll live through it.

渡过难关,坚持到底 dù guò nán guān,jiān chí dào dǐ

verbal expression (persevere to the end)

If you try hard enough, you can make it through!

穿过 chuān guò

verbal expression (travel through a place)

The army is currently moving through the forest on their way to the city.


noun (cul-de-sac)

翻阅 fān yuè

(book, magazine: flip the pages)

穿过 chuān guò

(get through)

It took us 20 minutes to pass through the Mont Blanc Tunnel.


(get through [sth])

Glass allows light to pass through.

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