英语 中的 office 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 office 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 office 的说明。

英语 中的office 表示办公室 bàn gōng shì, 工作室 gōng zuò shì, 办事处 bàn shì chù, 公职 gōng zhí, 重要职位 zhòng yào zhí wèi, 某职位所涉及的工作 mǒu zhí wèi suǒ shè jí de gōng zuò, 诊察室 zhěn chá shì, 神职 shén zhí, 政府部门 zhèng fǔ bù mén, 宗教仪式 zōng jiào yí shì, 行政办公室, 后勤办公室 hòu qín bàn gōng shì, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 票房 piào fáng, 票房 piào fáng, 分公司 fēn gōng sī, 总部 zǒng bù, 电话总机室 diàn huà zǒng jī shì, 海关署, 牙科手术室 yá kē shǒu shù shì, 牙医诊所, 医生办公室, 外地办事处,分部 fēn bù, 决策人员 jué cè rén yuán, 政府问责办公室, 邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú, 政府问责办公室, 总公司 zǒng gōng sī, 皇家出版局, 担任要职, 宗教法庭 zōng jiào fǎ tíng, 家庭办公室 jiā tíng bàn gōng shì, 内政部 nèi zhèng bù, 总部,总公司所在地 zǒng bù,zǒng gōng sī suǒ zài dì, 当权 dāng quán, 律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ, 行李寄存处, 失物招领处, 总部 zǒng bù, 诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ, 就职宣誓 jiù zhí xuān shì, 办公大楼 bàn gōng dà lóu, 办公楼 bàn gōng lóu, 办公事务,行政事务, 办公环境, 办公设备 bàn gōng shè bèi, 办公时间 bàn gōng shí jiān, 办公室工作, 办公室主管 bàn gōng shì zhǔ guǎn, 办公室政治, 办公空间, 办公室职员,办公人员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán, 办公用品, 办公室职员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán, 美国总统办公室, 美国总统, 专利局 zhuān lì jú, 邮局 yóu jú, 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng, 政府职位 zhèng fǔ zhí wèi, 邮局 yóu jú, 邮政局,邮政部 yóu zhèng jú,yóu zhèng bù, 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng, 公职 gōng zhí, 登记处 dēng jì chù, 注册地址, 竞选 jìng xuǎn, 就职 jiù zhí, 任期 rèn qī, 任期 rèn qī, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 旅游信息中心 lǚ yóu xìn xī zhōng xīn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 office 的含义

办公室 bàn gōng shì

noun (business: room for work)

My office is on the third floor.

工作室 gōng zuò shì

noun (home: room or area for work)

I have an office upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms.

办事处 bàn shì chù

noun (business: branch)

Yes, this company has an office in San Francisco. Our company's offices are on Main Street.

公职 gōng zhí

noun (occupation of a political position)

The candidate for governor had never run for high office before.

重要职位 zhòng yào zhí wèi

noun (position of power)

This is a very important man. He holds a high office in the company.

某职位所涉及的工作 mǒu zhí wèi suǒ shè jí de gōng zuò

noun (tasks of a position)

It is his office to pay the invoices that the company has due.

诊察室 zhěn chá shì

noun (US (doctor's surgery: consulting room) (医生的)

I don't feel well and need to go to the doctor's office.

神职 shén zhí

noun (UK (ministry)

The new priest took his office very seriously.

政府部门 zhèng fǔ bù mén

noun (government department)

The Office of Immigration handles visas.

宗教仪式 zōng jiào yí shì

noun (religious rite)

The office of Prime was celebrated at dawn.


noun (bureau, clerical department)

All disputes in billing are handled by the administrative office.

后勤办公室 hòu qín bàn gōng shì

noun (administrative department)

All the staff from the back office are going to the pub – do you want to come?

售票处 shòu piào chù

(ticket office)

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (theatre, cinema: ticket booth)

The box office was closed so tomorrow I'll get the tickets for you.

票房 piào fáng

noun (figurative (theatre, cinema: attendance)

The film was a massive success at the box office.

票房 piào fáng

noun as adjective (figurative (relating to ticket sales)

The movie was the biggest box-office success of the year.

分公司 fēn gōng sī

noun (local office)

The company has branch offices in 12 countries.

总部 zǒng bù

noun (headquarters, main office)

The insurance agent said that she had to get approval from the central office before she could change the policy.

电话总机室 diàn huà zǒng jī shì

noun (US (for telephone call switching)

Computers have replaced the human operators in the telephone central offices.


noun (government department)

牙科手术室 yá kē shǒu shù shì

noun (UK (dentist's treatment room)

I had to go to the dental surgery to have my wisdom teeth removed.


noun (dentist's treatment room)


noun (where you see a doctor)

I went to the doctor's office to get a prostate exam.

外地办事处,分部 fēn bù

noun (branch or local agency)

Sometimes the policies dictated by the company's headquarters make no sense to the field offices.

决策人员 jué cè rén yuán

noun (decision-making officers)

I have to check with the front office before I give anyone a promotion.


noun (initialism (Government Accountability Office)

邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú

noun (US (main post office branch)

The general post office is located in the neighborhood of Chelsea.


noun (US (agency: audits Congress)

总公司 zǒng gōng sī

noun (headquarters)

The head office of our company is now overseas because we got bought out.


noun (initialism (Her Majesty's Stationery Office)


verbal expression (have specific important job)

宗教法庭 zōng jiào fǎ tíng

noun (Catholicism: moral guardians)

The Holy Office was replaced by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the 20th century. The Holy Office was responsible for many of the atrocities of the Inquisition.

家庭办公室 jiā tíng bàn gōng shì

noun (working area in one's house)

She shut the door to her home office to drown out the kids' noise.

内政部 nèi zhèng bù

noun (UK (government: domestic affairs department) (英国)

The Home Office deals with immigration and passport applications.

总部,总公司所在地 zǒng bù,zǒng gōng sī suǒ zài dì

noun (business: company's central location) (商务)

Microsoft has its home office in Seattle.

当权 dāng quán

adverb (in power)

Ronald Reagan was still in office when I moved to the States.

律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ

noun (lawyer or lawyers' premises)


noun (place where baggage may be stored)

I retrieved my bags from the left luggage office.


noun (room for mislaid objects)

总部 zǒng bù

noun (headquarters)

The main office is in London, but there are branches in Bristol and Leeds.

诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ

noun (US (health clinic)

就职宣誓 jiù zhí xuān shì

noun (professional pledge)

The president took the oath of office on Inauguration Day.

办公大楼 bàn gōng dà lóu

noun (multi-storey office building)

My company is on the 4th floor of an office block.

办公楼 bàn gōng lóu

noun (building containing offices)

My doctor is on the 5th floor of that office building.


plural noun (responsibility for clerical tasks)


noun (business workplace)

办公设备 bàn gōng shè bèi

noun (desks, chairs, etc.: in an office)

He ensured that his new office furniture would be hard-wearing.

办公时间 bàn gōng shí jiān

plural noun (hours when a business is open)

In the U.S., typical office hours are 8 to 5, while typical banking hours are 9 to 3. The professor's office hours were mornings only.


noun (work: clerical, administrative)

办公室主管 bàn gōng shì zhǔ guǎn

noun (employee in charge of office personnel)

The office manager made it clear she was not a secretary, not even an executive secretary.


noun (power play in the workplace)

You have to learn how to deal with office politics in most workplaces.


noun (part of a building for business use)

办公室职员,办公人员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán

noun (worker)


plural noun (stationery and furniture)

办公室职员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán

noun (employee in an office)

Office workers in the city were particularly affected by the power cuts.


noun (literal (office of president of US)


noun (figurative (executive power of US president)

专利局 zhuān lì jú

noun (trademark agency)

Thomas Edison registered over 1000 inventions at the Patent Office to stop others from copying them.

邮局 yóu jú

noun (written, initialism (Post Office) (缩写)

邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng

noun (abbreviation (Post Office Box)

I would prefer if you sent it to my PO Box instead of my house.

政府职位 zhèng fǔ zhí wèi

noun (government position)

After the library director retired she ran for political office.

邮局 yóu jú

noun (place where mail is sorted) (指地点)

I'm going to the post office to send this parcel to my brother.

邮政局,邮政部 yóu zhèng jú,yóu zhèng bù

noun (UK (organization that delivers mail) (指机构)

The government is planning to privatize the post office.

邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng

noun (number used as mailing address)

FedEx will not deliver packages to post office box addresses.

公职 gōng zhí

noun (position in government)

Many good people are reluctant to run for public office because of media scrutiny.

登记处 dēng jì chù

noun (building where civil records are kept)

People who don't want to get married in church can get married at their local registry office.


noun (official business address)

竞选 jìng xuǎn

verbal expression (try to get elected to a public position)

就职 jiù zhí

verbal expression (come to power)

He took office during the financial crisis.

任期 rèn qī

noun (term in power)

任期 rèn qī

noun (period in power)

The mayor's term of office is coming to an end.

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (booth or kiosk selling tickets)

旅游信息中心 lǚ yóu xìn xī zhōng xīn

noun (information centre for sightseers)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。