英语 中的 fish 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fish 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fish 的说明。

英语 中的fish 表示鱼 yú, 鱼肉 yú ròu, 捕鱼 bǔ yú, 钓鱼 diào yú, 寻找, 找寻, 搜索, 美元 měi yuán, 寻求,渴求 xún qiú,kě qiú, 搜寻,搜索 sōu xún ,sōu suǒ, 在...中钓鱼, 捞出, 取出, 拿出, 从...里捡出, 捞起, 搜寻 sōu xún, 完全不同的事, 如离水之鱼, 琵琶鱼 pí pá yú, 蓝鱼 lán yú, 硬骨鱼, 油炸食品店 yóu  zhá shí pǐn diàn, 小丑鱼, 态度冰冷的人 tài dù bīng lěng de rén, 狂饮, 酩酊大醉, 炸鱼加炸薯条 zhá yú jiā zhá shǔ tiáo, 球形鱼缸 qiú xíng yú gāng, 没有隐私的地方 méi yǒu yǐn sī de dì fāng, 鱼卵 yú luǎn, 渔场 yú chǎng, 养鱼,鱼类养殖, 以炸鱼为主食的活动(野餐、晚餐等) yǐ zhá yú wéi zhǔ shí de huó dòng yě cān wǎn cān děng, 鱼苗孵化场 yú miáo fū huà chǎng, 鱼钩 yú gōu, 鱼市,鱼市场, 鱼油, 鱼塘 yú táng, 鱼店, 鱼棒, 鱼汤, 鱼缸 yú gāng, 土豆煎鱼饼 tǔ dòu jiān yú bǐng, 鱼眼的, 鱼眼镜头, 鱼钩 yú gōu, 鱼粉,鱼料, 比目鱼 bǐ mù yú, 飞鱼 fēi yú, 供垂钓的鱼 gòng chuí diào de yú, 鱼丸冻 yú wán dòng, 钓鱼纸牌, 底栖鱼,底鱼, 捕底栖鱼,捕底鱼, 有更好的事要做 yǒu gèng hǎo de shì yào zuò, 如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ, 秋沙鸭 qiū shā yā, 非驴非马, 鹦嘴鱼,鹦鹉鱼,鹦哥鱼, 古怪的人,怪人,奇怪的家伙 gǔ guài de rén,guài rén,qí guài de jiā huo, 生鱼片,刺身, 旗鱼 qí yú, 鱼群 yú qún, 海鱼, 鱼群 yú qún, 热带鱼 rè dài yú, 金枪鱼肉 jīn qiāng yú ròu, 鲈鱼,鲈类 lú yú, 白鱼 bái yú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fish 的含义

鱼 yú

noun (aquatic animal)

My son has a pet fish.

鱼肉 yú ròu

noun (fish meat as food)

I prefer to eat fish for health reasons.

捕鱼 bǔ yú

transitive verb (fish: try to catch)

He's fishing trout.

钓鱼 diào yú

intransitive verb (go angling)

On Sundays I go down to the river and fish.

寻找, 找寻, 搜索

intransitive verb (figurative (search, rummage)

Looking for her lipstick, she fished in her bag.

美元 měi yuán

noun (US, dated, slang (dollar)

Hey, man, do you have a spare twenty fish?

寻求,渴求 xún qiú,kě qiú

(figurative (seek: compliments, etc.)

She's fishing for compliments. Just ignore her.

搜寻,搜索 sōu xún ,sōu suǒ

transitive verb (figurative (search through)

They're fishing the whole region for leads.


transitive verb (try to catch fish in)

My grandfather has been fishing these waters for forty years.

捞出, 取出, 拿出

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (retrieve, pick out)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (retrieve, pick out)

He fished the twenty pound note out of the toilet.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US (from the water)

搜寻 sōu xún

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, figurative (dubious information)

I'll see if I can fish up any ideas for my next article.


noun (figurative, informal (entirely different matter, thing)


noun (figurative ([sb] in unfamiliar place, situation) (比喻,指因处于陌生环境而感觉不适者)

Although a fantastic football player, he was a fish out of water on the golf course.

琵琶鱼 pí pá yú

noun (type of fish)

Anglers use a growth on their head as a lure to attract prey.

蓝鱼 lán yú

noun (variety of marine fish)



油炸食品店 yóu  zhá shí pǐn diàn

noun (UK (take-away restaurant: sells fries)


noun (bright orange striped fish)

态度冰冷的人 tài dù bīng lěng de rén

noun (informal, figurative (person: unfriendly) (非正式用语,比喻)

She's such a cold fish that she wouldn't even talk to me when I said hello.

狂饮, 酩酊大醉

verbal expression (figurative (be an alcoholic)

He may not be an alcoholic but he certainly drinks like a fish.

炸鱼加炸薯条 zhá yú jiā zhá shǔ tiáo

noun (UK (British fried meal) (英国常见食品)

Fish and chips is a common Friday-night meal in the UK.

球形鱼缸 qiú xíng yú gāng

noun (container for pet fish)

I need to clean the fish bowl this week.

没有隐私的地方 méi yǒu yǐn sī de dì fāng

noun (figurative (place, situation: no privacy)

I can't stand living in this fish bowl a minute longer!

鱼卵 yú luǎn

plural noun (roe, caviar)

She turned her nose up at the caviar, saying she didn't like fish eggs.

渔场 yú chǎng

(fish breeding place)


noun (breeding fish for food)

以炸鱼为主食的活动(野餐、晚餐等) yǐ zhá yú wéi zhǔ shí de huó dòng yě cān wǎn cān děng

noun (US (event: fried fish is served)

Our church is having a fish fry on Friday.

鱼苗孵化场 yú miáo fū huà chǎng

noun (place where fish are bred)

The fish hatchery had a lot of pools where the fish matured.

鱼钩 yú gōu

noun (device: for catching fish)

I always enjoyed fishing, but I hated having to stick the live bait on the fish hook.


noun (stalls selling fish)

Billingsgate is a famous fish market in London.


noun (oil from oily fish)

Fish oil contains several essential nutrients.

鱼塘 yú táng

noun (small lake for keeping fish)


noun (store that sells fish to eat)


(piece of fish)


noun (bouillon flavored with fish)

To make good bouillabaisse you start with fresh fish stock.

鱼缸 yú gāng

noun (aquarium)

A large fish tank occupied one wall of the room. Clean the filter regularly to keep your fish tank free from algae.

土豆煎鱼饼 tǔ dòu jiān yú bǐng

noun (patty of fish and potato)


adjective (lens, view: wide-angle) (镜头、视图:广角的)

This photograph was taken with a wide-angled lens, and shows a fisheye view of the city.


noun (convex, very wide-angle lens) (一种相机镜头)

Using a fisheye lens makes mediocre skateboarders look great.

鱼钩 yú gōu

noun (metal hook for catching fish)


noun (animal feed)

比目鱼 bǐ mù yú

noun (plaice, flounder, turbot, etc.) (鲽鱼、偏口鱼、大菱鲆等)

Flat fish like the flounder have both eyes on the same side of their head.

飞鱼 fēi yú

noun (fish: leaps from water)

Flying fish leap from the water in order to avoid predators.

供垂钓的鱼 gòng chuí diào de yú

noun (caught for sport)

The crew hope to catch a variety of game fish such as tuna, blue marlin, and sailfish.

鱼丸冻 yú wán dòng

noun (Jewish food: fish balls)

Gefilte fish is traditionally eaten at Passover.


(card game)


noun (fish living near bottom)


intransitive verb (fish for bottom fish)

有更好的事要做 yǒu gèng hǎo de shì yào zuò

verbal expression (figurative (have [sth] else to do)

I can't wait around here, I've other fish to fry.

如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ

adverb (out of place, out of one's element)

I always feel like a fish out of water at formal gatherings.

秋沙鸭 qiū shā yā

noun (type of duck)


expression (neither one or the other)


noun (tropical fish)

古怪的人,怪人,奇怪的家伙 gǔ guài de rén,guài rén,qí guài de jiā huo

noun (slang (strange person) (俚语)

Your uncle's a bit of a queer fish, I must say.


noun (food: fish that is uncooked)

Despite the popularity of sushi, raw fish is not usually considered healthy to eat.

旗鱼 qí yú

noun (fish with long dorsal fin) (一种海鱼)

鱼群 yú qún

noun (fish swimming in a group)

A school of fish swam through the coral.


noun (animal: marine fish)

鱼群 yú qún

noun (group of fish)

A shoal of fish was visible in the clear water.

热带鱼 rè dài yú

noun (fish from tropical waters)

Many collectors of tropical fish are particularly proud of their angelfish.

金枪鱼肉 jīn qiāng yú ròu

noun (uncountable (flesh of tuna)

I ate seared tuna with a lime dressing.

鲈鱼,鲈类 lú yú

noun (fish: genus Trachinus) (鱼)

白鱼 bái yú

noun (term for many varieties of edible fish)

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fish 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。