英语 中的 read 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 read 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 read 的说明。

英语 中的read 表示阅读 yuè dú, 读到 dú dào, 看书 kàn shū, 阅读 yuè dú, 诵读 sòng dú, 朗读 lǎng dú, 阅读体验 yuè dú tǐ yàn, 读 dú, 通过阅读来学习(了解) tōng guò yuè dú lái xué xí liǎo jiě, 阅读 yuè dú, 观察 guān chá, 读出 dú chū, 理解 lǐ jiě, 显示, 标识, 读数为, 攻读 gōng dú, 查, 抄, 听到…说话, 写着, 重新再读 chóng xīn zài dú, 传输 chuán shū, 告知 gào zhī, 继续读 jì xù dú, 大声朗诵 dà shēng lǎng sòng, 宣读, 重读 zhòng dú, 通读 tōng dú, 通读,试读,排练 tōng dú,pái liàn, 攻读 gōng dú, 研究 yán jiū, 嘲讽式阅读, 看嘴唇动作理解意思, 读唇语 dú chún yǔ, 赶快读!一切尽在报内!, 再次阅读, 领会言外之意 lǐng huì yán wài zhī yì, 很容易看清, 很容易读懂, 从...中推断出, 朗读 lǎng dú, 读心,猜透心思, 预测未来 yù cè wèi lái, 提出警告,严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé, 对…提出警告,严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé, 通读剧本, 读出 dú chū, (没有事先练习 méi yǒu shì xiān liàn xí, 无声阅读, 即兴朗读,即兴念剧本 jí xìng niàn jù běn, 速读,快速浏览 sù dú,kuài sù liú lǎn, 博览群书的, 博览群书的, 博览群书的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 read 的含义

阅读 yuè dú

transitive verb (text)

I read the newspaper every day.

读到 dú dào

(read on the topic of)

I read about your accident in the newspaper.

看书 kàn shū

intransitive verb (read written matter)

She reads every night before going to sleep.

阅读 yuè dú

intransitive verb (be able to read)

My grandmother can't read.

诵读 sòng dú

intransitive verb (speak text aloud)

The teacher read and the children listened.

朗读 lǎng dú

transitive verb (speak text aloud)

She read the joke to us.

阅读体验 yuè dú tǐ yàn

noun (colloquial (experience of reading) (口语)

This mystery story is a good read - full of excitement.

读 dú

intransitive verb (have a given wording)

Listen closely to the wording, and note how it reads.

通过阅读来学习(了解) tōng guò yuè dú lái xué xí liǎo jiě

intransitive verb (learn of by reading)

As far as philosophy is concerned, I prefer to read rather than attend classes.

阅读 yuè dú

transitive verb (understand text)

He can read Russian.

观察 guān chá

transitive verb (understand by observing)

She read the skies for signs of a storm.

读出 dú chū

transitive verb (infer)

I'm not sure I read the same meaning from his comments that you do.

理解 lǐ jiě

transitive verb (interpret)

I read the article as critical of the government. What do you think?

显示, 标识, 读数为

transitive verb (measure: indicate) (量度,测量仪)

The thermometer reads 22 degrees.

攻读 gōng dú

transitive verb (UK (study)

My son is reading Classics at Cambridge University.

查, 抄

transitive verb (take details from) (表)

The electricity supplier sends someone to read the meter every year.


transitive verb (communications: hear) (通信)

Hello Houston, do you read me?


transitive verb (say, be written)

The sign read "Keep off the grass."

重新再读 chóng xīn zài dú

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (re-read)

传输 chuán shū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (data: transfer) (数据)

告知 gào zhī

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dated (inform) (过时用语)

继续读 jì xù dú

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue to read)

大声朗诵 dà shēng lǎng sòng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (recite aloud)

She read the letter out to me over the phone.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US ([sb]: chastise)

Jack's boss read him out for not submitting the report on time.

重读 zhòng dú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (review, look through)

Please read over my report and tell me if you notice any glaring errors. Read the instructions over and make sure you understand what you have to do.

通读 tōng dú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (document: review, read fully)

It is wise to read through any document before signing it.

通读,试读,排练 tōng dú,pái liàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (play, scene: rehearse) (指剧本或台词)

The cast read through the entire script from start to finish.

攻读 gōng dú

phrasal verb, intransitive (study, research)

We will read up on the history of Holland before visiting Amsterdam.

研究 yán jiū


I like to read up on a subject before expressing an opinion.


transitive verb (informal (read [sth] to mock, etc.) (带着仇恨情绪阅读)


intransitive verb (interpret by looking at [sb]'s mouth)

The film didn't have subtitles, so my deaf aunt had to lip-read.

读唇语 dú chún yǔ

transitive verb (interpret by watching [sb] speak)

The students lip-read the teacher's instructions.


interjection (newspaper seller's cry) (卖报宣传语)

The kiosk sign read "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! RMSTitanic sinks, huge loss of life.".


(read a second time)

领会言外之意 lǐng huì yán wài zhī yì

verbal expression (figurative (understand [sth] implied)

His speech sounded positive, but if you read between the lines it was actually quite pessimistic.


verbal expression (find clearly legible) (因字迹清楚)

I read his neat handwriting easily.


verbal expression (understand without effort)

That book is simple, intended for children to read easily.


(infer [sth] from [sth])

朗读 lǎng dú

(list: read aloud)

The teacher read off the names of the students who had never been absent.


verbal expression (figurative (guess [sb]'s intentions correctly)

You must have read my mind; this report is exactly what I would have written.

预测未来 yù cè wèi lái

(predict the future) (用茶叶)

Your formula for picking a winning horse is no better than reading tea leaves.

提出警告,严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reprimand [sb])

Anyone who breaks the school rules can expect the head teacher to read the riot act.

对…提出警告,严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reprimand)

My curfew is midnight, but I got home at three in the morning, and my mom read me the riot act.


noun (play, scene: rehearsal)

Let's just do a quick read-through to get familiar with the plot, then we'll start really rehearsing.

读出 dú chū

noun (display of output information)

The engineer checked all of the machine's readouts before turning it off to make repairs.

(没有事先练习 méi yǒu shì xiān liàn xí

intransitive verb (read music)


transitive verb (read without sounding out letters)

即兴朗读,即兴念剧本 jí xìng niàn jù běn

transitive verb (script: read unprepared) (戏剧表演,指没有事先准备的)

速读,快速浏览 sù dú,kuài sù liú lǎn

intransitive verb (read [sth] rapidly for the gist)


adjective (having read a lot)


adjective (book: read by many)

John Grisham's books are widely read, especially here in the South.


adjective (person: reads a variety)

Madeleine is a very widely read young lady for her age.

让我们学习 英语

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read 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。