英语 中的 rush 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 rush 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 rush 的说明。

英语 中的rush 表示快速流动,奔腾,急泻 kuài sù liú dòng,bēn téng,jí xiè, 冲向, 扑向, 匆忙 cōng máng, 激增 jī zēng, 蜂拥而至 fēng yōng ér zhì, 带球突破,跑动带球 dài qiú tū pò,pǎo dòng dài qiú, 突然袭击 tū rán xí jī, 蜂拥前往某地(的人群) fēng yōng qián wǎng mǒu dì de rén qún, 匆忙 cōng máng, 灯心草 dēng xīn cǎo, 争相抢购, 突然一阵强烈的情感, 一股 yì gǔ, 猛冲 měng chōng, 带球跑 dài qiú pǎo, 突破,突袭,冲向 tū pò,tū xí,chōng xiàng, 快速运送 kuài sù yùn sòng, 匆忙做 cōng máng zuò, 突袭 tū xí, 风风火火地四处奔忙, 冲入 chōng rù, 仓促地做, 匆匆忙忙作出, 仓促跑掉 cāng cù pǎo diào, 猛冲向 měng chōng xiàng, 冲过来 chōng guò lái, 肾上腺素激增, 淘金热 táo jīn rè, 匆忙地 cōng máng de, 匆忙的 cōng máng de, 匆忙离开 cōng máng lí kāi, 赶回来, 高峰时间 gāo fēng shí jiān, 高峰期, 仓促跑出 cāng cù pǎo chū, 快速通过,快速穿过 kuài sù chuān guò, 匆忙做完,仓促完成 cāng cù wán chéng, 食糖后兴奋感。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 rush 的含义

快速流动,奔腾,急泻 kuài sù liú dòng,bēn téng,jí xiè

intransitive verb (move with speed) (流水、雨水等)

He rushed through the airport to catch the plane.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 河水从我脚边奔流而过。

冲向, 扑向

(charge, run at [sb/sth])

The bull suddenly rushed at the farmer.

匆忙 cōng máng

noun (haste)

In her rush to get out of the door, Audrey forgot her purse and had no money to buy lunch that day.

激增 jī zēng

noun (intensity of activity)

There was a sudden rush of activity as the guests began to arrive. I miss the rush of city life.

蜂拥而至 fēng yōng ér zhì

noun (onslaught) (人)

There was a rush of customers on the first day of the sale.

带球突破,跑动带球 dài qiú tū pò,pǎo dòng dài qiú

noun (American football: running play) (橄榄球)

The quarterback was tackled, and the pass rush was complete.

突然袭击 tū rán xí jī

noun (hostile attack)

The mugger's rush at him was sudden and violent.

蜂拥前往某地(的人群) fēng yōng qián wǎng mǒu dì de rén qún

noun (migration)

Flight prices skyrocket during the winter rush to the tropics.

匆忙 cōng máng

noun (sudden appearance)

The spring flowers have appeared with a rush this year.

灯心草 dēng xīn cǎo

noun (usually plural (marsh plant) (植物)

The fishermen stopped the boat among the rushes.


noun (strong demand for commodity)

There was a rush for the popular doll before Christmas.


noun (sudden intense emotion)

Mark felt a rush of anger when he saw his enemy.

一股 yì gǔ

noun (sudden intense sensation) (强烈感情等)

Emily experienced a rush of sweet flavour as she bit into the cake. John felt a rush of heat when he opened the oven door.

猛冲 měng chōng

intransitive verb (appear rapidly)

The star rushed onstage.

带球跑 dài qiú pǎo

intransitive verb (American football: run with ball) (橄榄球)

The team rushes for an average of two hundred yards a game.

突破,突袭,冲向 tū pò,tū xí,chōng xiàng

transitive verb (American football: tackle) (橄榄球)

He rushed the player with the ball.

快速运送 kuài sù yùn sòng

transitive verb (transport with haste)

The paramedics rushed Fred to the hospital.

匆忙做 cōng máng zuò

transitive verb (hurry)

I rushed my decision, and later regretted it.

突袭 tū xí

transitive verb (charge)

The army rushed the enemy.


phrasal verb, intransitive (go about things hurriedly)

James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party.

冲入 chōng rù

phrasal verb, intransitive (enter in a hurry)

He rushed in before we could stop him.

仓促地做, 匆匆忙忙作出

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (do hastily)

Don't rush into a decision which you may regret later.

仓促跑掉 cāng cù pǎo diào

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave in a hurry)

I hate to rush off, but I am late for work.

猛冲向 měng chōng xiàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (approach in a hurry)

I rushed over to the woman who fell down to see if she was okay.

冲过来 chōng guò lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (come over in a hurry)

She rushed up to me and grabbed my hand.


noun (flush of excitement or panic)

Roller coasters give him an adrenaline rush.

淘金热 táo jīn rè

noun (mass migration to goldmine)

The gold rush of the early 20th century became a symbol of the American Dream.

匆忙地 cōng máng de

adverb (hurrying, making haste)

Isabella was running around in a rush trying to get everything ready.

匆忙的 cōng máng de

adjective (hurrying, making haste)

Ava was in a rush to get to work on time.

匆忙离开 cōng máng lí kāi

(hurry and leave)

When the soldiers arrived, the villagers rushed away.


(return in a hurry)

I rushed back home after work so I could watch the hockey game on TV.

高峰时间 gāo fēng shí jiān

noun (peak traffic times)

The city roads are in chaos during the rush hour.


noun as adjective (peak traffic times)

Stan left work early to avoid the rush hour traffic.

仓促跑出 cāng cù pǎo chū

(exit in a hurry)

We rushed out to get some medicines before the pharmacy closed.

快速通过,快速穿过 kuài sù chuān guò

(hurry through a place)

Ron rushed through the school to get to his class in time.

匆忙做完,仓促完成 cāng cù wán chéng

(hurry to complete [sth])

Helen rushed through her homework.


noun (informal (energy boost)

A sugar rush is followed by a quick dip in stamina.

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rush 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。