英语 中的 wind 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wind 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wind 的说明。

英语 中的wind 表示风 fēng, 绕, 卷, 屁,肠气 pì,cháng qì, 肠胀痛, 空谈,废话,空话 kōng tán,fèi huà,kōng huà, 呼吸,气息,喘息 hū xī,qì xī,chuǎn xī, 蜿蜒,迂回 wān yán ,yū huí, 使…气喘吁吁 shǐ qì chuǎn xū xū, 缠绕 chán rào, 给...上发条, 卷回, 回到 huí dào, 放松 fàng sōng, 使…逐渐停止, 上, 终结, 结束, 以…告终 yǐ … gào zhōng, 使发怒 shǐ fā nù, 戏弄..., 开...的玩笑, 准备投球, 阵风 zhèn fēng, 放屁 fàng pì, 听说 tīng shuō, 东风 dōng fēng, (吹进)一股清新的风 chuī jìn yì gǔ qīng xīn de fēng, 七级以上大风, 微风 wēi fēng, 得到...的风声, 风闻, (一阵)强风 yí zhèn qiáng fēng, 顶头风 dǐng tóu fēng, 大风 dà fēng, 呼啸的风 hū xiào de fēng, 寒风 hán fēng, 即将到来 jí jiāng dào lái, 像风一样地, 重振精神 chóng zhèn jīng shén, 顺风 shùn fēng, 让...失去动力, 信风 xìn fēng, 西风 xī fēng, 管乐队 guǎn yuè duì, 风寒 fēng hán, 风寒因素, 风铃, 越走越慢, 慢慢停下, 风能 fēng néng, 风电场, 管乐器 guǎn yuè qì, 继续延伸, 气管 qì guǎn, 风力 fēng lì, 风速, 风洞, 风轮机 fēng lún jī, 最终落得, 落入…的口袋之中, 风向标 fēng xiàng biāo, 风力发电的, 风障, 防风带 fáng fēng dài, 风向标 fēng xiàng biāo, 被风吹的 bèi fēng chuī de, 终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù, 终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù, 惹人气恼的, 挥臂投球, 终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wind 的含义

风 fēng

noun (moving air)

The wind is strong around skyscrapers.

绕, 卷

transitive verb (wrap or twist)

I had to wind up the kite string after we had finished playing with it.

屁,肠气 pì,cháng qì

noun (UK, informal (gas: flatulence)

My dog keeps letting off wind and it smells terrible.


noun (UK, informal (intestinal gas pains)

I've got really bad wind after eating those beans.

空谈,废话,空话 kōng tán,fèi huà,kōng huà

noun (figurative (verbiage)

That guy is all wind. You don't really believe him?

呼吸,气息,喘息 hū xī,qì xī,chuǎn xī

noun (informal (breath)

After getting hit so hard, the football player had the wind knocked out of him.

蜿蜒,迂回 wān yán ,yū huí

intransitive verb (curve) (道路等)

The road winds up and down the mountain.

使…气喘吁吁 shǐ qì chuǎn xū xū

transitive verb (usu passive (leave breathless)

After so much running, the basketball player was winded and gasping for air.

缠绕 chán rào

transitive verb (entwine)

He wound the cable tightly and put it in the drawer.


transitive verb (set mechanism of: a watch)

Before watches had batteries, you had to wind them.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (literal (tape, film: rewind)

回到 huí dào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (return to previous state)

放松 fàng sōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (relax)

After work I have a drink to wind down.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (bring to gradual end)

The company is winding down its operations in that part of the world.

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (power by turning)

You have to use a special key to wind the clock up.

终结, 结束

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal, figurative (end)

It's time for lunch - I wish they'd wind up this boring meeting!

以…告终 yǐ … gào zhōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (become)

If we don't stop and ask for directions, we're going to wind up completely lost!

使发怒 shǐ fā nù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, figurative, slang (annoy [sb])

Don't do that; you know it winds me up!

戏弄..., 开...的玩笑

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, figurative, slang (tease [sb])

Don't listen to Eric; he's winding you up.


phrasal verb, intransitive (baseball: prepare to pitch) (棒球)

The pitcher winds up, then throws the ball.

阵风 zhèn fēng

noun (gust)

A blast of wind blew the door shut and I could not get back in the house.

放屁 fàng pì

verbal expression (pass gas)

听说 tīng shuō

verbal expression (informal (hear a rumour of [sth])

The employees caught wind of the coming lay-offs, and were very upset.

东风 dōng fēng

noun (wind from the east)

(吹进)一股清新的风 chuī jìn yì gǔ qīng xīn de fēng

noun (positive change) (比喻积极的改变)


noun (wind over 32 mph or 61 km/h)

微风 wēi fēng

noun (light breeze)

A gentle wind filled the sails, and the boat slid smoothly from the harbour.

得到...的风声, 风闻

transitive verb (informal (hear rumours of) (非正式用语)

(一阵)强风 yí zhèn qiáng fēng

noun (sudden blast of wind)

The gust of wind caused the newspaper to fly in the air.

顶头风 dǐng tóu fēng

noun (wind blowing head-on)

There was a strong head wind and so progress was slow.

大风 dà fēng

noun (strong wind)

呼啸的风 hū xiào de fēng

noun (loud, strong wind)

Driving rain and a howling wind turned their trek across the moor into a dangerous nightmare.

寒风 hán fēng

noun (extremely cold wind)

You will need your scarf, hat and gloves because there is an icy wind blowing out there.

即将到来 jí jiāng dào lái

expression (figurative (expected, imminent)

It's clear that an election is in the wind.


expression (very fast)

重振精神 chóng zhèn jīng shén

noun (informal, figurative (fresh burst of energy)

Now everyone has their second wind, let's get back to work!

顺风 shùn fēng

noun (wind from behind)

The plane arrived early because there was a tailwind for almost the entire flight.


verbal expression (kill [sb]'s motivation)

信风 xìn fēng

noun (often plural (easterly wind in tropics) (常用复数)

We waited for favourable trade winds before setting out to cross the Atlantic.

西风 xī fēng

noun (wind blowing towards the east)

The west wind blows across the Atlantic Ocean carrying rain to the British Isles.

管乐队 guǎn yuè duì

noun (musical group of wind instruments)

风寒 fēng hán

noun (wind's cooling effect)

I'm not going out again today: the wind chill's terrible out there.


noun (amount wind increases cold)


plural noun (mobile that makes a tinkling sound)

越走越慢, 慢慢停下

(run out of power) (因发条松掉失去动力)

Geoffrey's pocket watch had wound down and was telling the wrong time.

风能 fēng néng

noun (power generated by the wind)

The government should look into renewable sources such as wind energy.


noun (facility that generates electricity from wind)

An increasing amount of our electricity is generated by wind farms.

管乐器 guǎn yuè qì

noun (musical instrument played with breath)

The world's oldest wind instrument is a flute found in a German cave.


(continue for long distance)

The road wound on for miles.

气管 qì guǎn

noun (trachea)

风力 fēng lì

noun (energy generated by the wind)

Wind power is a viable alternative to energy from fossil fuels.


noun (how fast the wind is blowing)


noun (for studying airflow)

风轮机 fēng lún jī

noun (machine that generates electricity from wind)

The city is planning to erect around fifteen wind turbines on the site.


verbal expression (informal (eventually have to do)

If I don't find a job soon, I may wind up begging on the streets.


verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (be controlled) (比喻)

风向标 fēng xiàng biāo

(meteorology) (气象学)


adjective (using power from turbines)


noun (screen: protects from wind)

We chose a spot on the beach and put up our windbreak.

防风带 fáng fēng dài

noun ([sth] that protects from wind)

The hedge acts as a windbreak.

风向标 fēng xiàng biāo

noun (fabric tube used as wind vane)

被风吹的 bèi fēng chuī de

adjective (blown by the wind)

Dartmoor's windswept landscape is among the most beautiful in Europe.

终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù

adjective (mechanical)

My children loved to play with simple wind-up toys.

终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù

noun (UK, slang (practical joke)

I don't believe this is happening to me. It must be a wind-up!


noun (UK, slang (irritating situation)

It's a real wind-up when my internet connection keeps cutting out every few minutes.


noun (baseball: pitching) (棒球)

There's the wind-up for the pitch ... and it's low and outside for ball two.

终止,结束 zhōng zhǐ,jié shù

noun (informal (conclusion)

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wind 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。