英语 中的 blow 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 blow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 blow 的说明。

英语 中的blow 表示吹 chuī, 被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu, 向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì, 炸,爆炸 bào zhà, 一击,一打 yì jī,yì dá, 冲击,打击 chōng jī,dǎ jī, 吹制, 暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ, 吹风 chuī fēng, 可卡因 kě kǎ yīn, 吹奏(管乐器) chuī zòu guǎn yuè qì, 熔断,烧断 róng duàn,shāo duàn, 离开,忽然离去 lí kāi,hū rán lí qù, 很糟糕,很烂 hěn zāo gāo, 对…吹气 duì chuī qì, 吹动 chuī dòng, 吹,吹奏 chuī, 炸毁, 挥霍, 浪费, 浪费 làng fèi, 把...挥霍在…上, 摧毁 cuī huǐ, 给…留下深刻印象, 射杀, 大败 dà bài, 吹去 chuī qù, 突然来访,偶然造访,意外到来 tū rán lái fǎng,ǒu rán zào fǎng,yì wài dào lái, 冲…飞吻, 放屁 fàng pì, 赶走,不希望…陪伴 gǎn zǒu,bù xī wàng péi bàn, 取消 qǔ xiāo, 将…熄灭 jiāng xī miè, 拒绝 jù jué, 消散 xiāo sàn, 被逐渐淡忘,随风而去 bèi zhú jiàn dàn wàng, 离开 lí kāi, 爆炸 bào zhà, 引爆 yǐn bào, 给...充气, 放大 fàng dà, 发脾气 fā pí qì, 使保险丝熔断, 大怒 dà nù, 勃然大怒 bó rán dà nù, 飞吻, 给…飞吻, 给…飞吻, 吹走 chuī zǒu, 被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu, , 刮倒 guā dǎo, 吹风机 chuī fēng jī, 摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng, 吹入,吹进 chuī rù,chuī jìn, 向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì, 突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng, 搞砸了,失败了 gǎo zá le,shī bài le, 口交 kǒu jiāo, 飞吻, 太惊人了!太厉害了! tài jīng rén le tài lì hài le, 吹跑 chuī pǎo, 夸大其词 kuā dà qí cí, 吹翻, 忘掉过去, 把...拿出来, 告发,举报 gào fā ,jǔ bào, 揭发 jiē fā, 短暂造访 duǎn zàn zào fǎng, 吹过,在…发生, 花掉 huā diào, 输送蒸汽入汽缸 shū sòng zhēng qì rù qì gāng, 揭露...的身份, 让…震惊, 让…无法思考, 擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi, 自吹自擂,自夸 zì chuī zì léi,zì kuā, 暴怒,发脾气 bào nù,fā pí qì, 逐一的 zhú yī de, 用吹风机吹干的 yòng chuī fēng jī chuī gān de, 用吹风机吹干, 吹干头发, 新来的人 xīn lái de rén, 吹牛的人,好自夸的人,说大话者 chuī niú de rén,hǎo zì kuā de rén,shuō dà huà zhě, 盛宴,美餐 shèng yàn,měi cān, 爆胎 bào tāi, 可充气的 kě chōng qì de, 放大的照片 fàng dà de zhào piàn, 大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng, 上体重击 shàng tǐ zhòng jī, 重大打击,严重挫折,败北 zhòng dà dǎ jī,yán zhòng cuò zhé,bài běi, 毁灭性打击 huǐ miè xìng dǎ jī, 致命的打击,致命一击, 重击,猛击 zhòng jī,měng jī, 沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī, 沉重的一击 chén zhòng de yì jī, 沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī, 打倒对手的一击 dǎ dǎo duì shǒu de yì jī, 沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī, 宣泄情感,宣泄怒气 xuān xiè qíng gǎn,xuān xiè nù qì, 发泄感情 fā xiè gǎn qíng, 不公平的批评, 打击腰部以下部位。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 blow 的含义

吹 chuī

intransitive verb (air: move)

The winter wind blows from the west.

被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu

intransitive verb (be swept by air)

Sand blows across the beach.

向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì

transitive verb (move with breath)

Blow the pinwheel and watch it spin.

炸,爆炸 bào zhà

intransitive verb (informal (explode) (轮胎、炸弹等)

Watch out, the bomb is going to blow!

一击,一打 yì jī,yì dá

noun (punch) (拳头、武器等)

The blow knocked him down, but he soon got back up.

冲击,打击 chōng jī,dǎ jī

noun (figurative (shock) (比喻)

The news that her husband had died was a serious blow.


transitive verb (glass: shape using air) (玻璃)

At the factory, we watched a man blowing glass into a vase shape.

暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ

noun (informal (storm)

We are expecting a big blow tonight, and have closed the shutters of the beach house.

吹风 chuī fēng

noun (blast of wind)

A blow of air pushed over the pile of papers.

可卡因 kě kǎ yīn

noun (slang (drug: cocaine) (毒品)

Rod asked me if I knew where he could score some blow.

吹奏(管乐器) chuī zòu guǎn yuè qì

intransitive verb (play wind instrument)

The trumpeter blows hard and loud.

熔断,烧断 róng duàn,shāo duàn

intransitive verb (fuse, bulb: burn out) (灯泡保险丝)

The electrical surge caused the fuse to blow.

离开,忽然离去 lí kāi,hū rán lí qù

intransitive verb (US, slang (depart)

We are done here. Let's blow.

很糟糕,很烂 hěn zāo gāo

intransitive verb (US, slang (thing, situation: be bad)

This movie blows. Let's change the channel.

对…吹气 duì chuī qì

(direct breath onto [sth])

Janine blew on her fingernails to dry her nail varnish.

吹动 chuī dòng

transitive verb (wind) (风)

The wind blew the papers off the table.

吹,吹奏 chuī

transitive verb (horn, instrument: play) (喇叭、乐器等)

The flautist blew a sweet melody.


transitive verb (informal (make explode)

The army detonation team blew the bridge.

挥霍, 浪费

transitive verb (slang (squander money) (俚语)

The musician had blown his entire fortune, and was poor again.

浪费 làng fèi

transitive verb (US, slang (bungle) (机会)

I bet he will blow this opportunity just as he did the last one.


transitive verb (squander money)

Sophie blew all her wages on a new dress.

摧毁 cuī huǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (destroy)

The blast from the bomb blew the building apart.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (impress greatly)

The candidate blew her interviewer away.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (kill by shooting)

The gunman blew away his victim from close range.

大败 dà bài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (thoroughly defeat)

The first time he ran, he blew away the competition and came home with a gold medal.

吹去 chuī qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (be swept past)

A paper bag blew by in the wind.

突然来访,偶然造访,意外到来 tū rán lái fǎng,ǒu rán zào fǎng,yì wài dào lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (arrive unexpectedly)

He just blows in without any warning and expects dinner.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (kiss hand and blow)

放屁 fàng pì

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, slang (pass intestinal gas)

I think the dog blew off; it smells horrible.

赶走,不希望…陪伴 gǎn zǒu,bù xī wàng péi bàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, slang (reject or ignore [sb])

I smiled at Rita and said hi, but she blew me off; maybe she didn't recognise me.

取消 qǔ xiāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, slang (cancel: plan, obligation)

Since I was feeling better, I blew off my appointment with the doctor.

将…熄灭 jiāng xī miè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (extinguish)

She blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

拒绝 jù jué

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, slang, figurative (reject) (俚语)

A well-known movie star spent the night chasing after her, but she blew him out.

消散 xiāo sàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (clouds: pass, disappear) (云)

The clouds blew over and the sun came out.

被逐渐淡忘,随风而去 bèi zhú jiàn dàn wàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (argument, etc.: be forgotten) (争执等)

Let's hope that the dispute will soon blow over.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (Aus, informal, figurative (place: leave)

爆炸 bào zhà

phrasal verb, intransitive (explode)

I watched the Hindenburg blow up.

引爆 yǐn bào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (detonate)

They blew up the enemy's ammunition dump.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (inflate)

Karen blew up the airbed for her guests.

放大 fàng dà

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (photograph: enlarge) (照片)

Small photos may have to be blown up if they are not identifiable.

发脾气 fā pí qì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (get angry)

She blew up when I told her about the car.


verbal expression (electrical)

大怒 dà nù

verbal expression (figurative (get angry)

勃然大怒 bó rán dà nù

expression (slang (become very upset)


verbal expression (kiss hand and blow)


verbal expression (kiss hand and blow)


verbal expression (kiss hand and blow)

吹走 chuī zǒu

(wind: carry off)

The wind blew the dollar bill away.

被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu

(be carried off by wind)

The paper bag blew away in a gust of wind.

(be swept past)

刮倒 guā dǎo

(wind: knock over)

The wind blew down our swing set and shade umbrella.

吹风机 chuī fēng jī

noun (device: dries hair)

I never use a blow dryer to dry my hair.

摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng

verbal expression (figurative (waver, vacillate)

吹入,吹进 chuī rù,chuī jìn

(be swept in by the wind)

A handful of leaves blew in when I opened the door.

向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì


Here, blow into this paper bag, it will help you stop hyperventilating.

突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng

verbal expression (US, slang (arrive unexpectedly)

My friend just blew into town; we're going to go have dinner tonight.

搞砸了,失败了 gǎo zá le,shī bài le

verbal expression (slang, figurative (fail) (俚语)

I totally blew it, and I'm so embarrassed; I don't know when I've performed so badly.

口交 kǒu jiāo

noun (vulgar, slang (oral sex on a male)

Jonny asked his girlfriend to give him a blow job.


(kiss hand and blow)

太惊人了!太厉害了! tài jīng rén le tài lì hài le

interjection (informal (expressing amazement) (非正式用语,表示惊讶的感叹语)

Well, blow me down! You won the lottery!

吹跑 chuī pǎo

(be swept off by wind)

The tarp covering our roof blew off in the gale.

夸大其词 kuā dà qí cí

verbal expression (figurative, informal (overdramatize)

Sure, it seems like a lot of snow, but don't blow it out of proportion -- we usually have several inches in April.


(topple by blowing)

A strong wind had blown over several plant pots.


verbal expression (figurative (abandon old routines, habits)

New Year is a time to blow the dust off and make a fresh start.


verbal expression (figurative (use for the first time in ages) (放很久的东西)

Let's blow the dust off this old record and see how it sounds.

告发,举报 gào fā ,jǔ bào

verbal expression (figurative (inform on [sb])

The employee decided to blow the whistle on his employer for the illegal transactions.

揭发 jiē fā

verbal expression (figurative (report [sth])

短暂造访 duǎn zàn zào fǎng

(informal, figurative (place: visit briefly)

He blew through town last week. He never stays for long.


(informal, figurative (change: affect)

The winds of change are blowing through the Olde Towne club: they have accepted their first woman as a member.

花掉 huā diào

(slang, figurative (money: spend)

The gambling addict blew through his life's savings in two weeks.

输送蒸汽入汽缸 shū sòng zhēng qì rù qì gāng

adjective (carburettor) (汽化机)


verbal expression (reveal [sb]'s true identity)


verbal expression (slang (astound [sb])

When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind!


verbal expression (slang (drugs: disorient, overwhelm [sb]) (药物)

擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi

verbal expression (expel mucus)

Please blow your nose instead of sniffing.

自吹自擂,自夸 zì chuī zì léi,zì kuā

verbal expression (figurative (boast, be self-congratulatory)

暴怒,发脾气 bào nù,fā pí qì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (become very angry)

逐一的 zhú yī de

adjective (informal (account: detailed)

The eyewitness gave a blow-by-blow description of the horrific event.

用吹风机吹干的 yòng chuī fēng jī chuī gān de

adjective (dried using hairdryer) (头发)


transitive verb (use a hair-dryer on)

There's no point blow-drying your hair – it's pouring down outside!


noun (instance of drying hair)

The hairdresser asked her client if she wanted a blow-dry.

新来的人 xīn lái de rén

noun (informal (newcomer)

吹牛的人,好自夸的人,说大话者 chuī niú de rén,hǎo zì kuā de rén,shuō dà huà zhě

noun (slang, figurative (boastful person)

That guy's such a blowhard! He never stops talking about his achievements.

盛宴,美餐 shèng yàn,měi cān

noun (slang (gorging, binge) (俚语)

My friends and I had a blowout on pizza and ice-cream.

爆胎 bào tāi

noun (informal (punctured tire) (非正式用语)

I was driving along the road when I had a blowout; I must have run over something.

可充气的 kě chōng qì de

adjective (informal (inflatable)

We inflated the blow-up beach ball and tossed it in the water.

放大的照片 fàng dà de zhào piàn

noun (informal (enlarged image)

The gallery is displaying several blowups of famous images.

大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng

noun (informal (angry outburst)

Yesterday there was a huge blowup between the strikers and the administration.

上体重击 shàng tǐ zhòng jī

noun (boxing: hit, punch to the body) (拳击比赛中对胸部、腹部的攻击)

He received a direct body blow and fell to the ground.

重大打击,严重挫折,败北 zhòng dà dǎ jī,yán zhòng cuò zhé,bài běi

noun (figurative (severe setback or shock)

毁灭性打击 huǐ miè xìng dǎ jī

noun (figurative (great disappointment) (表示失望)


noun (final attack)

重击,猛击 zhòng jī,měng jī

noun (forceful punch or strike)

Although the jab to the chin dropped him, it was the hard blow to the ribs that did the damage.

沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī

noun (figurative (emotional setback) (情感)

The loss of his job dealt a hard blow to his self-confidence.

沉重的一击 chén zhòng de yì jī

noun (forceful punch or strike)

The boxer fell after taking a heavy blow from his opponent.

沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī

noun (figurative (emotional setback) (情感)

Not getting into her school of choice was a heavy blow.

打倒对手的一击 dǎ dǎo duì shǒu de yì jī

noun (boxing: winning punch) (拳击赛)

The boxer is in a coma following a knockout blow in the ring.

沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] devastating)

If Reus left now, it would be a knockout blow for the team.

宣泄情感,宣泄怒气 xuān xiè qíng gǎn,xuān xiè nù qì

verbal expression (figurative (vent emotions or anger) (比喻)

I was annoyed and wanted to let off steam. I called my boyfriend and he let me blow off steam for an hour.

发泄感情 fā xiè gǎn qíng

verbal expression (slang, figurative (release energy)

There was a play area where the kids could let off steam.


noun (figurative (unfair criticism)

You told him he was stupid? That's a low blow.


noun (boxing: illegal hit) (拳击犯规动作)

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