英语 中的 air 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 air 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 air 的说明。

英语 中的air 表示空中, 空气 kōng qì, 空气 kōng qì, 气氛 qì fēn, 播出, 表达 biǎo dá, 音乐 yīn yuè, 样子 yàng zi, 神态 shén tài, 航空 háng kōng, 空调 kōng tiáo, 飞机的, 装腔作势 zhuāng qiāng zuò shì, 广播 guǎng bō, 使(房间等)通风 shǐ fáng jiān děng tōng fēng, 使暴露于空气中 shǐ bào lù yú kōng qì zhōng, 空气调节 kōng qì tiáo jié, 航空信件 háng kōng xìn jiàn, 空军十字勋章, 空军十字勋章, 空中救护车 kōng zhōng jiù hù chē, 空袭 kōng xí, 空气制动器 kōng qì zhì dòng qì, 气泡 qì pào, 航空货物 háng kōng huò wù, 空调设备 kōng tiáo shè bèi, 空调 kōng tiáo, 空调的, 空调装置 kōng tiáo zhuāng zhì, 气垫 qì diàn, 风干, 风干的 fēng gān de, 风道,风管 fēng guǎn, 空气过滤器 kōng qì guò lǜ qì, 气流 qì liú, 空军 kōng jūn, 美国空军, 空军 kōng jūn, 空中货运,空运 kōng zhōng huò yùn,kōng yùn, 空气清新剂 kōng qì qīng xīn jì, 空气吉他, 气枪 qì qiāng, 气锤 qì chuí, 空气曲棍球, 空气曲棍球桌, 气喇叭 qì lǎ bā, 女乘务员,空姐 nǚ chéng wù yuán ,kōng jiě, 进气口 jìn qì kǒu, 进气道 jìn qì dào, 漏气 lòu qì, 航空邮政 háng kōng yóu zhèng, 航空信 háng kōng xìn, 空军中将 kōng jūn zhōng jiàng, 空军中将 kōng jūn zhōng jiàng, 充气床垫 chōng qì chuáng diàn, 充气垫,气垫 chōng qì diàn,qì diàn, 气阱, 气穴,气窝 qì wō, 空气污染 kōng qì wū rǎn, 气压 qì yā, 气压 qì yā, 打气筒 dǎ qì tǒng, 空气压缩泵 kōng qì yā suō bèng, 空中闹事, 空袭 kōng xí, 气步枪 qì bù qiāng, 肺泡, 气囊 qì náng, 气囊 qì náng, 通风井 tōng fēng jǐng, 通风井 tōng fēng jǐng, 空中打击 kōng zhōng dǎ jī, 空乘人员罢工 kōng chéng rén yuán bà gōng, 小型客机 xiǎo xíng kè jī, 空中交通 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng, 空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì, 空运 kōng yùn, 运输机 yùn shū jī, 航空旅行 háng kōng lǚ xíng, 气阀 qì fá, 通气孔,通风口 tōng fēng kǒu, 空运单, 用空调给…降温, 装有空调的 zhuāng yǒu kòng tiáo de, 空气制冷的 kōng qì zhì lěng de, 风干的 fēng gān de, 正在风干的 zhèng zài fēng gān de, 充气的,空气填充的,充满空气的 chōng qì de, 防空洞 fáng kōng dòng, 海空救援 hǎi kōng jiù yuán, 空对空的 kōng duì kōng de, 空对地的 kōng duì dì de, 空对地的 kōng duì dì de, 空中交通管制员 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán, 安全气囊 ān quán qì náng, 空军基地 kōng jūn jī dì, 充气床垫 chōng qì chuáng diàn, 空运货物 kōng yùn huò wù, 气闸舱, 气密过渡舱, 气闸,气锁 qì zhá,qì suǒ, 密封的 mì fēng de, 严密的,无懈可击的,毫无破绽的 yán mì de ,wú xiè kě jī de ,háo wú pò zhàn de, 航线 háng xiàn, 吸入的空气 xī rù de kōng qì, 令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī, 通过航空途径, 穿过大气, 缓解紧张气氛 huǎn jiě jǐn zhāng qì fēn, 清洁空气 qīng jié kōng qì, 浮上水面吸口气, 休息片刻, 压缩空气 yā suō kōng qì, 无信号区, 附生植物, 使…暴露于空气中。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 air 的含义


noun (space above, around)

The magician seemed to hover in the air before their eyes.

空气 kōng qì

noun (atmosphere)

The air in the bar was thick with smoke.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我感觉气氛怪怪的。

空气 kōng qì

noun (wind)

I felt a gust of air on my neck.

气氛 qì fēn

noun (ambiance)

His departure cast an air of sadness over their gathering.


transitive verb (show, broadcast)

All of the networks will air the debate.

表达 biǎo dá

transitive verb (figurative (express, vent)

The students went to the principal to air their grievances.

音乐 yīn yuè

noun (melody)

The violinist played a beautiful Irish air.

样子 yàng zi

noun (appearance)

She has the air of a Spaniard, but is actually English.

神态 shén tài

noun (attitude, aura)

Phil's new suit gave him an air of confidence.

航空 háng kōng

noun (air transport)

In the nineteen twenties, people began crossing the ocean by air.

空调 kōng tiáo

noun (informal, US (air conditioning)

I'm a little hot, so I'm going to turn on the air.


noun as adjective (relating to aircraft)

装腔作势 zhuāng qiāng zuò shì

plural noun (haughty manner)

Michael comes from a very ordinary family, despite his airs.

广播 guǎng bō

intransitive verb (be broadcast)

The interview with the president is going to air this Monday.

使(房间等)通风 shǐ fáng jiān děng tōng fēng

transitive verb (room, space: ventilate)

Let's open the windows to air the room.

使暴露于空气中 shǐ bào lù yú kōng qì zhōng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (expose to air)

When spring comes, we air out all the heavy winter blankets.

空气调节 kōng qì tiáo jié

noun (initialism (air conditioning) (air conditioning的缩写)

All our rooms are equipped with television, fridge and AC.

航空信件 háng kōng xìn jiàn

noun (thin stationary for use in airmail)


noun (US, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)


noun (UK, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)

空中救护车 kōng zhōng jiù hù chē

noun (aircraft for medical emergencies)

Helicopters were used as air ambulances during the Vietnam War.

空袭 kōng xí

noun (bombing or strafing by plane)

As the Second World War neared its end, many German cities faced Allied air attacks.

空气制动器 kōng qì zhì dòng qì

noun (machinery: pneumatic brake)

气泡 qì pào

noun (pocket of air in a liquid)

That little pump creates hundreds of air bubbles in the aquarium.

航空货物 háng kōng huò wù

noun (plane freight)

That airline charges $5.00 a pound for air cargo.

空调设备 kōng tiáo shè bèi

noun (device: cools the air)

The air conditioner was broken, so I turned on the fan.

空调 kōng tiáo

noun (system: cools the air)

I only turn on the air conditioning on the hottest days.


noun as adjective (system: for cooling air)

The air-conditioning unit has broken down.

空调装置 kōng tiáo zhuāng zhì

noun (device: cools the air)

The repairman will arrive between 1-4pm today to fix your air conditioning unit.

气垫 qì diàn

noun (inflatable packaging, padding)


transitive verb (dry by contact with air)

风干的 fēng gān de

adjective (dry from contact with air)

风道,风管 fēng guǎn

noun (building: air passage) (建筑)

In films, you often see people escape buildings through the air ducts.

空气过滤器 kōng qì guò lǜ qì

noun (device: removes dust from air)

It's important to clean the air filter regularly to keep your motorbike functioning properly.

气流 qì liú

noun (current, movement of air)

The air flow of this oxygen concentrator is 3 liters a minute.

空军 kōng jūn

noun (military: aviation unit)

France has a larger air force than the UK.


noun (US (USAF: United States Air Force)

Dan is a pilot in the Air Force.

空军 kōng jūn

noun (UK (RAF: Royal Air Force)

Ian joined the Air Force as soon as he was old enough.

空中货运,空运 kōng zhōng huò yùn,kōng yùn

noun (transport of goods by plane)

The company sent the items by air freight.

空气清新剂 kōng qì qīng xīn jì

noun (product that combats odours)

I sprayed the room with air freshener to cover the dog's smell.


noun (imaginary rock-guitar playing) (假装弹无实物吉他)

气枪 qì qiāng

noun (pellet rifle)

气锤 qì chuí

noun (tool: pneumatic hammer)

The construction crew had to use an air hammer to break up the concrete walkway.


noun (table game played with a puck)


noun (surface for playing air hockey)

气喇叭 qì lǎ bā

noun (loud pneumatic horn)

When there is fog, ships sound their air horns to gauge their positions.

女乘务员,空姐 nǚ chéng wù yuán ,kōng jiě

noun (dated (female airline steward) (飞机)

The air hostess served drinks to the passengers on the flight.

进气口 jìn qì kǒu

noun (ventilation aperture)

The air intake filter is dirty and needs to be replaced.

进气道 jìn qì dào

noun (carburettor opening)

The air intake valve on that engine seems to be clogged.

漏气 lòu qì

noun (escape of air)

Better check the pressure in that tire. I think it has a slow air leak.

航空邮政 háng kōng yóu zhèng

noun (postal service by plane)

航空信 háng kōng xìn

noun (post sent by plane)

空军中将 kōng jūn zhōng jiàng

noun (UK (officer in Royal Air Force)

Johnson holds the rank of Air Marshal.

空军中将 kōng jūn zhōng jiàng

noun (US (aircraft security agent) (英国)

Only a small number of flights have an air marshal on board.

充气床垫 chōng qì chuáng diàn

noun (inflatable mattress: for sleeping)

You'll need an air mattress when we go camping in the mountains. We pump up an air mattress for our house guests as we don't have a spare bed.

充气垫,气垫 chōng qì diàn,qì diàn

noun (US (air bed, lilo: for swimming pool) (泳池用)

I love floating on an air mattress.


noun (aeronautics: current of air) (使飞机突然下降的低气压区)

When the plane hit an air pocket, the turbulence knocked the flight attendants off their feet.

气穴,气窝 qì wō

noun (air trapped in liquid) (沉船时空气聚集的地方)

She survived in an air pocket under the capsized boat.

空气污染 kōng qì wū rǎn

noun (contamination of the atmosphere)

Toxic emissions from factories have increased air pollution.

气压 qì yā

noun (atmospheric force)

Masses of high and low air pressure create the weather on Earth.

气压 qì yā

noun (degree of atmospheric force) (空气压力的衡量单位)

The current temperature is -1, and the air pressure is 1016 millibars.

打气筒 dǎ qì tǒng

noun (device: inflates tyres)

To inflate our car tires, we use the air pump at the gas station instead of the bicycle pump at home.

空气压缩泵 kōng qì yā suō bèng

noun (device: compresses air)


noun (informal (outburst by plane passenger)

空袭 kōng xí

noun (bombing by plane)

气步枪 qì bù qiāng

noun (pneumatic gun)

You could shoot your eye out with that air rifle if you're not careful.


noun (sac containing air)

气囊 qì náng

noun (part of bird's body) (鸟类)

气囊 qì náng

noun (part of insect's body) (昆虫)

通风井 tōng fēng jǐng

noun (building: air passage) (建筑)

In my apartment, half the windows look out onto the street and half into the air shaft.

通风井 tōng fēng jǐng

noun (ventilation shaft in mine) (矿井)

空中打击 kōng zhōng dǎ jī

noun (military: aerial attack)

The military conducted an air strike on the enemy base.

空乘人员罢工 kōng chéng rén yuán bà gōng

noun (airline work stoppage)

小型客机 xiǎo xíng kè jī

noun (small for-hire aircraft)

There is regular air taxi service across the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Vancouver and Victoria.

空中交通 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng

noun (aircraft when flying)

Air traffic depends on airport controllers who know how to read radar information.

空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì

noun (directing and monitoring aircraft)

Air traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations.

空运 kōng yùn

noun (shipping, travel by aircraft)

The goods were packed and shipped today for air transport to Taipei.

运输机 yùn shū jī

noun (aircraft used for this)

航空旅行 háng kōng lǚ xíng

noun (uncountable (plane journeys)

Air travel is no longer the journey of wonderment it was fifty years ago.

气阀 qì fá

noun (device: controls air flow)

通气孔,通风口 tōng fēng kǒu

noun (outlet for air)

The hospital discovered that the virus was being carried through the air vents.


(shipping document)


transitive verb (cool)

I wish they would air-condition this hot room.

装有空调的 zhuāng yǒu kòng tiáo de

adjective (with air-cooling system)

The hotel said that for a few more dollars we could have an air-conditioned room.

空气制冷的 kōng qì zhì lěng de

adjective (engine: cooled by circulating air)

Most motorcycles have air-cooled engines. Volkswagen was one of the first cars with an air-cooled engine.

风干的 fēng gān de

adjective (dried by exposure to air)

正在风干的 zhèng zài fēng gān de

adjective (dries by exposure to air)

充气的,空气填充的,充满空气的 chōng qì de

adjective (full of air)

防空洞 fáng kōng dòng

noun (underground bunker)

During the Cold War, many Americans built air-raid shelters in their backyards.

海空救援 hǎi kōng jiù yuán

noun (emergency service at sea)

空对空的 kōng duì kōng de

adjective (weapon: between aircraft)

空对地的 kōng duì dì de

adjective (weapon: fired by aircraft at land)

空对地的 kōng duì dì de

adjective (weapon: aircraft to land, sea) (此处地既包括陆地,也包括海面。)

空中交通管制员 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán

noun (person: directs aircraft)

The air-traffic controller directed the plane to a runway.

安全气囊 ān quán qì náng

noun (self-inflating safety device)

In the event of a crash, an airbag can save you from a serious head or chest injury.

空军基地 kōng jūn jī dì

noun (military aircraft station)

充气床垫 chōng qì chuáng diàn

noun (lilo, inflatable mattress)

空运货物 kōng yùn huò wù

noun (cargo transported by aircraft)

气闸舱, 气密过渡舱

noun (between rooms)

气闸,气锁 qì zhá,qì suǒ

noun (pressurized chamber for divers) (也可写作air lock)

密封的 mì fēng de

adjective (completely sealed)

The samples should be stored in an airtight container.

严密的,无懈可击的,毫无破绽的 yán mì de ,wú xiè kě jī de ,háo wú pò zhàn de

adjective (figurative (irrefutable)

The attorney presented an airtight argument and won the trial.

航线 háng xiàn

noun (skyway: plane route)

There is a heavily traveled airway that passes right over our house.

吸入的空气 xī rù de kōng qì

noun (inhalation)

The paramedics administered oxygen because Sara was fighting for every breath of air.

令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī

noun (figurative ([sth] new)

The new manager came as a breath of fresh air.


adverb (via aeroplane)

Did you send the package by air?


adverb (through the atmosphere)

缓解紧张气氛 huǎn jiě jǐn zhāng qì fēn

verbal expression (figurative (resolve tensions)

After our dreadful argument the day before, he telephoned me to apologise and to clear the air, after which I felt much happier.

清洁空气 qīng jié kōng qì

verbal expression (remove pollutants) (本义)

The machine is designed to clear the air of dust and pollen.


verbal expression (rise to water's surface)

He had to come up for air after being underwater for two minutes.


verbal expression (figurative (take a break)

We worked straight through for 24 hours without even a break to come up for air.

压缩空气 yā suō kōng qì

noun (pressurized air)


noun (loss of signal)


noun (plant: growing on another)


verbal expression (leave uncovered)

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