英语 中的 east 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 east 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 east 的说明。

英语 中的east 表示东方 dōng fāng, 东方,东方国家,东半球 dōng fāng,dōng fāng guó jiā,dōng bàn qiú, 向东地 xiàng dōng de, 在…以东 zài yǐ dōng, 在…东面,位于…东侧, 东方的 dōng fāng de, 东非, 东安格利亚, 东亚 dōng yà, 东海岸, 东区, 东德的 dōng dé de, 东德人 dōng dé rén, 东印度的 dōng yìn dù de, 印度东部的 yìn dù dōng bù de, 东印度群岛 dōng yìn dù qún dǎo, 东风 dōng fēng, 东北偏东, 东北偏东, 东南偏东, 东南偏东, 东北偏东, 东北偏东, 东南偏东, 向东南偏东方向, 远东(地区) yuǎn dōng dì qū, 中东 zhōng dōng, 中东 zhōng dōng, 近东地区 jìn dōng dì qū, 东北偏北, 东北偏北地, 东北部地区 dōng běi bù dì qū, 东北, 东北区的 dōng běi qū de, 来自东北方的, 往东北方向去的 wǎng dōng běi fāng xiàng qù de, 东南部 dōng nán bù, 东南方 dōng nán fāng, 来自东南的 lái zì dōng nán de, 东南的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 east 的含义

东方 dōng fāng

noun (direction, compass point)

The sun rises in the east.

东方,东方国家,东半球 dōng fāng,dōng fāng guó jiā,dōng bàn qiú

noun (dated (East Asia) (尤指远东)

Have you ever been to China or anywhere else in the East?

向东地 xiàng dōng de

adverb (to the east)

You need to drive three miles east to get there.

在…以东 zài yǐ dōng

(to the east of [sth])

The rich people live east of the river.


(in an easterly direction from [sth])

Great Britain is east of Ireland.

东方的 dōng fāng de

adjective (of the east)

The east wind is usually quite cold.


noun (most easterly part of Africa)


noun (region of England)

东亚 dōng yà

noun (countries of the Far East)

Marco Polo was the first famous European to visit East Asia.





东德的 dōng dé de

adjective (historical (of or from former East Germany)

Berlin was the East German capital.

东德人 dōng dé rén

noun (historical (person from former East Germany)

东印度的 dōng yìn dù de

adjective (Indonesian: of the East Indies) (英国殖民者初时误将包括印尼在内的马来群岛认为是印度的一部分,所以称其为东印度)

印度东部的 yìn dù dōng bù de

adjective (of or from eastern India)

东印度群岛 dōng yìn dù qún dǎo

plural noun (historical (southeast Asia)

东风 dōng fēng

noun (wind from the east)


noun (compass point)


adverb (in that direction)

The twister turned east-northeast and destroyed several farms.


noun (compass point between east and southeast)

A major storm is on its way from the east-southeast tonight.


adverb (between east and southeast)

The boat traveled east-southeast from Canada to northwest Africa.


noun (written, initialism (east-northeast)


adverb (written, initialism (in an east-northeasterly direction) (书面首字母缩写)

The tornado turned east-northeast and swept across farmland.


noun (written, initialism (east-southeast)

Winds will be out of the ESE tonight.


adverb (written, initialism (in an east-southeastly direction)

The boat traveled ESE from Canada to northwest Africa.

远东(地区) yuǎn dōng dì qū

noun (eastern Asia) (指相对于欧洲为中心的东亚等地区)

Traders brought valuable spices to Europe from the Far East.

中东 zhōng dōng

noun (eastern Mediterranean region)

Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East.

中东 zhōng dōng

noun as adjective (relating to the Middle East)

They were arguing about the country's Middle East policy.

近东地区 jìn dōng dì qū

noun (dated (Middle Eastern region)


noun (compass direction) (指南针)


adverb (towards this point)

If you head north-northeast, after a couple of miles you will see a sign for the theme park.

东北部地区 dōng běi bù dì qū

noun (north-eastern region)

In the northeast there are hundreds of butterfly species.


noun (compass point: NE)

The compass pointed to the northeast, toward the river.

东北区的 dōng běi qū de

adjective (in, of the northeast)

We have a seaside holiday cottage on the north-east coast.


adjective (wind: coming from the north east) (风)

This north-east wind is bitterly cold.

往东北方向去的 wǎng dōng běi fāng xiàng qù de

adjective (going towards the northeast)

The boat was on a north-east heading when it collided with the tanker.

东南部 dōng nán bù

noun (south-eastern region)

Florida is in the south east of the United States.

东南方 dōng nán fāng

noun (compass point: SE) (指南针)

The antique compass has a tiny emerald at southeast, and a sapphire at northeast.

来自东南的 lái zì dōng nán de

adjective (wind: coming from the southeast) (风)

The southeast wind blew strong.


adjective (in, of the southeast)

The tourists were eager to taste some southeast cuisine.

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east 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。