英语 中的 upper 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 upper 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 upper 的说明。

英语 中的upper 表示较高的,高出的 jiào gāo de ,gāo chū de, 更高的 gèng gāo de, 上(臂)的, 上面的,上首的 shàng miàn de ,shàng shǒu de, 北部的 běi bù de, 上面的,上排的 shàng miàn de, 上游的 shàng yóu de, 安非他命 ān fēi tā mìng, 鞋帮 xié bāng, 较上面的一个,较高的一个, 上牙 shàng yá, 占上风 zhàn shàng fēng, 具有优势 jù yǒu yōu shì, 有优势 yǒu yōu shì, 掌控(某人) zhǎng kòng mǒu rén, 抿着嘴, 坚忍,坚定 jiān rěn,jiān dìng, 节制,隐忍 jié zhì,yǐn rěn, 上臂 shàng bì, 上身 shàng shēn, 最大值,上限,上界 zuì dà zhí,shàng xiàn,shàng jiè, 上流 shàng liú, 上流社会 shàng liú shè huì, 有钱人,上流社会的人 yǒu qián rén,shàng liú shè huì de rén, 上流社会的,有钱的 shàng liú shè huì de,yǒu qián de, 上层甲板 shàng céng jiǎ bǎn, 上肢 shàng zhī, 上风 shàng fēng, 上议院 shàng yì yuàn, 中高级的, 较高层, 上限 shàng xiàn, 上唇, 中上阶层 zhōng shàng jiē céng, 上层,较高层, 上西区, 上中产阶级, 大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ, 大写的 dà xiě de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 upper 的含义

较高的,高出的 jiào gāo de ,gāo chū de

adjective (higher than others) (两者以上相比)

The gardener cut back the upper part of the hedge.

更高的 gèng gāo de

adjective (higher of two) (两者相比)

The house had an upper and a lower floor.


adjective (body part: higher)

The upper arm is the portion between the elbow and the shoulder.

上面的,上首的 shàng miàn de ,shàng shǒu de

adjective (positioned higher on page) (页面等)

The upper section of the page shows a illustration.

北部的 běi bù de

adjective (region: northern)

Snow is expected across the upper part of the country.

上面的,上排的 shàng miàn de

adjective (teeth: on the top) (牙齿)

Alan had to have all his upper teeth taken out when he was eighty.

上游的 shàng yóu de

adjective (further upstream or inland)

Simon spent two weeks in the upper Loire valley.

安非他命 ān fēi tā mìng

noun (slang (drug: amphetamine) (一种兴奋剂)

Ben took a couple of uppers before he went out.

鞋帮 xié bāng

noun (top part of shoe)

The shoe repairer fitted a new sole to the upper.


noun (upper one of two) (两者中)

Laura asked Karen which bunk she would prefer and she chose the upper.

上牙 shàng yá

plural noun (usu plural (top teeth) (用作uppers)

The dentist examined Olivia's uppers.

占上风 zhàn shàng fēng

verbal expression (figurative (attain an advantage: over [sb])

An early goal has given the Blues the upper hand in the match.

具有优势 jù yǒu yōu shì

verbal expression (figurative (gain advantage)

The game lasted for hours before one team got the upper hand.

有优势 yǒu yōu shì

verbal expression (figurative (have an advantage: over [sb])

掌控(某人) zhǎng kòng mǒu rén

verbal expression (figurative (be in control of [sb])

The thief had the upper hand because he had the gun.


verbal expression (figurative (remain stoic) (指态度严肃)

坚忍,坚定 jiān rěn,jiān dìng

noun (figurative (stoicism) (比喻)

The British are famous for their stiff upper lip.

节制,隐忍 jié zhì,yǐn rěn

noun (figurative (reserve, self-restraint) (比喻)

上臂 shàng bì

noun (arm from shoulder to elbow)

上身 shàng shēn

noun (body above the waist)

The sweater covered her upper body, but her legs were still cold.

最大值,上限,上界 zuì dà zhí,shàng xiàn,shàng jiè

noun (mathematics: greater or equal number) (数学)

上流 shàng liú

noun (minor aristocracy)

The upper class constitutes a small section of British society.

上流社会 shàng liú shè huì

noun as adjective (aristocratic, posh)

Portia's schoolmates made fun of her upper-class accent.

有钱人,上流社会的人 yǒu qián rén,shàng liú shè huì de rén

noun (informal, figurative (wealthy people)

Only children from the upper crust go to that school.

上流社会的,有钱的 shàng liú shè huì de,yǒu qián de

noun as adjective (informal, figurative (people: wealthy)

They're all upper-crust snobs in that part of town.

上层甲板 shàng céng jiǎ bǎn

noun (top level of a bus or boat) (船)

We sat on the upper deck because there was more room.

上肢 shàng zhī

noun (arm)

上风 shàng fēng

noun (figurative (advantage) (比喻有利地位)

上议院 shàng yì yuàn

noun (higher parliamentary chamber)

The Senate is the upper house of the United States Congress.


adjective (language learner: very competent) (语言学习)


noun (higher storey or floor of a building) (楼宇)

上限 shàng xiàn

noun (maximum permitted)

I've reached the upper limit of my job's salary range.


noun (upper external part of mouth)

中上阶层 zhōng shàng jiē céng

noun (wealthy, highly-educated people)

Paying college tuitions nowadays can be difficult even for families in the upper middle class.


noun (building: higher floor) (建筑物)


noun (district of Manhattan in New York) (曼哈顿)


noun as adjective (wealthy)

Her upper-middle-class parents sent her to the best schools.

大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ

noun (capital letters)

Use uppercase for the first letter of someone's name.

大写的 dà xiě de

adjective (letter: capital) (字母)

The name 'John' begins with an upper-case letter J.

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upper 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。