英语 中的 story 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 story 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 story 的说明。

英语 中的story 表示故事 gù shì, 故事 gù shì, 讲述 jiǎng shù, 故事情节 gù shì qíng jié, 谎言,谎话 huǎng yán,huǎng huà, 楼层 lóu céng, 层 céng, 报道 bào dào, …层的, …层, 冒险故事 mào xiǎn gù shì, 据说 jù shuō, 背景故事, 睡前故事 shuì qián gù shì, 圣诞故事, 无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán, 成长故事, 封面故事, 掩人耳目的说法, 侦探小说 zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō, 童话 tóng huà, 寻常情况, 幽默故事, 鬼故事, 趣闻 qù wén, 有趣的故事 yǒu qù de gù shì, 不幸的遭遇, 恐怖故事, 充满人情味的新闻报道, 生平, 似是而非的说法,说得像真的一样 sì shì ér fēi de shuō fǎ,shuō de xiàng zhēn de yí yàng, 爱情故事 ài qíng gù shì, 故事的寓意 gù shì de yù yì, 经验教训 jīng yàn jiāo xùn, 多层的 duō céng de, 新闻故事, 冗长无趣的笑话, 短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō, 短篇小说作家 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō zuò jiā, 单层的, (为引起同情而讲述的)让人感伤的故事 wèi yǐn qǐ tóng qíng ér jiǎng shù de ràng rén gǎn shāng de gù shì, 小说作家 xiǎo shuō zuò jiā, 故事大纲,故事梗概,主要布局 gù shì dà gāng,gù shì gěng gài,zhǔ yào bù jú, 成名史, 难以置信的故事, 大话 dà huà, 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì, 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì, 那又是另一回事了 nà yòu shì lìng yì huí shì le, 全部情况 quán bù qíng kuàng, 三层的公寓 sān céng de gōng yù, 头条新闻 tóu tiáo xīn wén, 真实故事, 两层的, 上层,较高层。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 story 的含义

故事 gù shì

noun (fictional tale)

That author writes wonderful stories.

故事 gù shì

noun (narrative account)

Granny, tell us the story of how you met Grandpa.

讲述 jiǎng shù

noun (version of events)

Her story is different from mine.

故事情节 gù shì qíng jié

noun (plot)

This book has a great story.

谎言,谎话 huǎng yán,huǎng huà

noun (informal (lie) (非正式用语)

The mischievous children told their parents a story.

楼层 lóu céng

noun (floor, level of a building)

This building has five stories.

层 céng

noun (layer, tier)

Their wedding cake had five stories.

报道 bào dào

noun (journalism: article) (新闻术语)

Jillian is hoping for a big story.


noun as adjective (as suffix (storied: with a given number of floors)

Locals objected to the proposed construction of a 20-storey building in the city centre.


noun as adjective (as suffix (with a given number of tiers, layers)

They had a five-story cake at their wedding.

冒险故事 mào xiǎn gù shì

noun (fiction with exciting plot)

When I was a child I wanted to be a pirate like the ones I read about in adventure stories.

据说 jù shuō

expression (as has been said)

As the story goes, Hector was out of town when the bank was robbed.


noun (fiction: character's background)

睡前故事 shuì qián gù shì

noun (story read to a child before sleep)

The children begged their father to read them a bedtime story.


noun (Bible tale: birth of Jesus) (圣经故事:耶稣诞生)

Nativity plays tell the Christmas story.

无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán

noun (figurative, informal (far-fetched account)


noun (novel, film: child becomes adult) (小说、电影)


noun (magazine: story on front page) (杂志)


noun (fiction concealing true purpose)

侦探小说 zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō

noun (story about crime investigation)

童话 tóng huà

noun (fantasy story)

The movie is a modern adaptation of a classic fairy tale.


noun (common situation)

It's a familiar story; she came to New York to be a star on Broadway and ended up on the streets.


noun (amusing anecdote, joke)

He told us a funny story about his holiday in Thailand.


noun (tale of the supernatural)

They sat around the fire and told ghost stories to each other.

趣闻 qù wén

noun (entertaining account, anecdote)

It wasn't much fun when it happened, but it makes a good story now.

有趣的故事 yǒu qù de gù shì

noun (good piece of fiction)

I read a good story by Carol Shields last week.


noun (account of [sb]'s misfortune)

The man told us a hard-luck story, before asking us for money.


noun (scary story, film, etc.)


noun (news item about people's lives)

It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer.


noun ([sb]'s past experiences and history)

似是而非的说法,说得像真的一样 sì shì ér fēi de shuō fǎ,shuō de xiàng zhēn de yí yàng

noun (informal, ironic (dubious account) (非正式用语,讽刺意味)

Are you telling me you never heard the phone? That's a likely story!

爱情故事 ài qíng gù shì

noun (story about a romantic relationship)

故事的寓意 gù shì de yù yì

noun (ethical lesson in a fable or story)

In the tale of the tortoise and the hare, the slow tortoise wins the race - the moral of the story is that steady persistence wins in the end.

经验教训 jīng yàn jiāo xùn

noun (figurative (lesson to be learned from [sth])

The engine blew up after a week so the moral of the story is not to buy a really cheap second-hand car.

多层的 duō céng de

noun as adjective (building: with levels) (建筑)


(news report)


noun (figurative, informal (long wordy anecdote)

短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō

noun (written fiction shorter than a novella)

He wrote short stories about people living in rural areas.

短篇小说作家 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō zuò jiā

noun (author of short fiction)

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous 19th-century American short story writer.


adjective (building: having one level, floor) (建筑)

(为引起同情而讲述的)让人感伤的故事 wèi yǐn qǐ tóng qíng ér jiǎng shù de ràng rén gǎn shāng de gù shì

noun (informal (tale or account meant to evoke pity)

Just get on with your job – I don't want to hear any more of your sob stories.

小说作家 xiǎo shuō zuò jiā

noun (author of prose fiction)

I want to be a story writer when I grow up.

故事大纲,故事梗概,主要布局 gù shì dà gāng,gù shì gěng gài,zhǔ yào bù jú

noun (fiction: plot, story) (小说)

I found the storyline of “War and Peace” really difficult to follow.


noun (figurative (real-life example of [sb] succeeding)


noun (figurative, informal (far-fetched account)

大话 dà huà

noun (figurative, informal (far-fetched story)

I don't want to hear any of your tall tales about being abducted by aliens on your way to school.

讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì

verbal expression (recite a narrative)

The children asked their grandfather to tell them a story.

讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì

verbal expression (figurative (reflect events)

Every picture tells a story.

那又是另一回事了 nà yòu shì lìng yì huí shì le

interjection (informal (quite the contrary)

Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story!

全部情况 quán bù qíng kuàng

noun (the full truth)

We'll never know the whole story about what she did that night.

三层的公寓 sān céng de gōng yù

noun (flat with three floors)

头条新闻 tóu tiáo xīn wén

noun (headline news item)


noun (account of a real-life experience)


noun as adjective (building: having two floors)


noun (building: higher floor) (建筑物)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。