英语 中的 ten 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ten 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ten 的说明。

英语 中的ten 表示十,10, 十(个、辆、根…), 十岁的, …的十倍, 10个, 按十计数, 十点, 10号,10日, 10号,10日, 英俊的人,漂亮的人 piào liàng de rén, 10点, 10元纸币, 10元纸币, 10元纸币, 一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián, (美元的)十分 měi yuán de shí fēn, (欧元的)十分 ōu yuán de shí fēn, 十诫 shí jiè, 一千万的 yì qiān wàn de, 上午十点 shàng wǔ shí diǎn, 晚上十点 wǎn shàng shí diǎn, 十左右 shí zuǒ yòu, 十分里得了十分, 满分, 一万个… yí wàn gè, 十元美钞 shí yuán měi chāo, 传统牛仔帽, 保龄球 bǎo líng qiú, 有十个部分的 yǒu shí gè bù fèn de, 十倍的 shí bèi de, 十倍地 shí bèi de, 十重, 球瓶 qiú píng, 十瓶制保龄球, 前十名 qián shí míng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ten 的含义


noun (cardinal number: 10) (基数)

Ten is the number that comes after nine and before eleven.


adjective (10 in number) (数量)

There were ten people in the queue.


adjective (10 years of age)

Emily is ten.


adjective (thousands, millions: times ten) (千、百万)

When the company folded, tens of thousands of factory workers lost their jobs.


pronoun (people, things: 10 of them) (人、物)

I counted the books and there were ten.


plural noun (multiples of ten)

The children were learning to count to 100 in tens.


noun (time: 10 o'clock) (时间)

"What time is it?" - "Ten."
“几点了?” - “十点。”


noun (US, written (tenth day of specified month) (一个月的第十天)

We fly out of New York City on July 10.


noun (mainly UK, written (tenth day of specified month) (一个月的第十天)

This offer is valid until 10 July 2019.

英俊的人,漂亮的人 piào liàng de rén

noun (slang (person: good looking)

Steve is definitely a ten!


noun (playing card: with 10 pips) (纸牌)

Vicky led with the ten of clubs.


noun (US, Can, AU, informal (paper money: bill worth 10 dollars) (美元,加元,澳元)

Do you have any change? I only have a ten.


noun (UK (paper money: note worth 10 pounds) (英镑)

The bank cashier asked Jana if she would prefer a twenty or two tens.


noun (paper money: note worth 10 euros) (欧元)

The book cost €9.50, so I paid with a ten.

一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián

adjective (figurative, informal (common) (非正式用语)

In Hollywood, aspiring young actresses are a dime a dozen.

(美元的)十分 měi yuán de shí fēn

plural noun (US, Can (dime, 10th of a dollar)

(欧元的)十分 ōu yuán de shí fēn

plural noun (10th of a euro)

十诫 shí jiè

plural noun (Bible: instructions given to Moses) (《圣经》)

God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

一千万的 yì qiān wàn de

adjective (ten thousand thousand: of [sth])

上午十点 shàng wǔ shí diǎn

noun (time: 10 A.M.)

At weekends, I rarely get up before ten o'clock.

晚上十点 wǎn shàng shí diǎn

noun (time: 10 P.M.)

There's not much to do in this town after ten o'clock.

十左右 shí zuǒ yòu

adjective (about 10)

In about ten or so days, I will have finished my exams!


noun (mark, result: 10/10) (分数)


noun (figurative (highest possible score)

一万个… yí wàn gè

adjective (10,000 in number)

The distance between Madrid and Buenos Aires is almost exactly ten thousand kilometres.

十元美钞 shí yuán měi chāo

noun (US (note worth 10 dollars)

When I was a child, I always got a brand new ten-dollar bill for my birthday.


noun (large cowboy hat)

保龄球 bǎo líng qiú

noun (game of skittles)

有十个部分的 yǒu shí gè bù fèn de

adjective (having ten parts)

The process is tenfold, so make sure you are familiar with each step before you begin.

十倍的 shí bèi de

adjective (times ten: in greatness, etc.)

James vowed tenfold revenge on the company that wronged him.

十倍地 shí bèi de

adverb (by ten, ten times)

The population has increased tenfold in the last fifty years.


adverb (in ten ways)

球瓶 qiú píng

noun (skittle used in bowling) (保龄球)


noun (bowling with ten pins)

前十名 qián shí míng

noun (10 best or most popular)

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ten 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。