英语 中的 street 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 street 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 street 的说明。

英语 中的street 表示路 lù, 街 jiē, 机动车道 jī dòng chē dào, 街道上的居民 jiē dào shàng de jū mín, 街坊 jiē fāng, 街道 jiē dào, 通向街道的 tōng xiàng jiē dào de, 发生在街头的 fā shēng zài jiē tóu de, 在街道上工作的 zài jiē dào shàng gōng zuò de, 街头文化的 jiē tóu wén huà de, 偏僻街道, 小巷的, 不正当的,偷偷摸摸的 bú zhèng dāng de ,tōu tōu mō mō de, 小街,小巷 xiǎo xiàng, 交叉路, 横街, 死路 sǐ lù, 唐宁街, 英国首相府邸 yīng guó shǒu xiàng fǔ dǐ, 主要街道 zhǔ yào jiē dào, 零售业 líng shòu yè, 零售 líng shòu, 市中心店铺, 就在街对面 jiù zài jiē duì miàn, 正街 zhèng jiē, 普通人,一般人 pǔ tōng rén,yì bān rén, 不临街的, (生活得)很舒适 shēng huó de hěn shū shì, 无家可归 wú jiā kě guī, 没有工作,失业 méi yǒu gōng zuò,shī yè, 被释放, 边道 biān dào, 街头杂技演员 jiē tóu zá jì yǎn yuán, 街道地址 jiē dào dì zhǐ, 街头艺术, 街头艺术家 jiē tóu yì shù jiā, 街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén, 街道清洁工 jiē dào qīng jié gōng, 街头信誉,街头时尚风格 jiē tóu xìn yù,jiē tóu shí shàng fēng gé, 具有街头信誉的,拥有街头时尚风格的 jù yǒu jiē tóu xìn yù de,yōng yǒu jiē tóu shí shàng fēng gé de, 街头舞者, 街头食品, 街头集市 jiē tóu jí shì, 街道名, 俗称, 街头游行, 街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén, 街头流浪汉, 街头赛车,街头狂飙,街头飙车, 路标 lù biāo, 会来事儿的, 精明世故, 清道夫 qīng dào fū, 清扫车 qīng sǎo chē, 路灯 lù dēng, 路灯 lù dēng, 街头服饰, 街头装, 较高的地区,高处 jiào gāo de dì qū,gāo chù, 相互责任,共同责任, 正适合你 zhèng shì hé nǐ, 华尔街 huā ěr jiē, 华尔街股票交易所 huá ěr jiē gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 street 的含义

路 lù

noun (road)

This street has four lanes.

街 jiē

noun (road with its buildings)

It is a beautiful street with all the trees and nice buildings.

机动车道 jī dòng chē dào

noun (part of road for cars)

Kids, get out of the street and play on the lawn!

街道上的居民 jiē dào shàng de jū mín

noun (residents of a street)

The whole street came out to watch the burning building.

街坊 jiē fāng

noun (neighborhood)

This is such a friendly street. Everyone helps each other.

街道 jiē dào

noun (name of a road)

While Main Street might think this is bad, Wall Street likes the change. Their address is 123 Alphington Street.

通向街道的 tōng xiàng jiē dào de

noun as adjective (leading to the street)

Don't use the street door; use the back door.

发生在街头的 fā shēng zài jiē tóu de

noun as adjective (taking place in the street)

There is a street festival in Springfield today.

在街道上工作的 zài jiē dào shàng gōng zuò de

noun as adjective (working in the street)

The street vendor sold hot dogs from his stand.

街头文化的 jiē tóu wén huà de

noun as adjective (belonging to street culture)

His parents couldn't understand his street slang.


noun (often plural (street off main road)


noun as adjective (street: off main road)

不正当的,偷偷摸摸的 bú zhèng dāng de ,tōu tōu mō mō de

noun as adjective (figurative (clandestine or illegal)

小街,小巷 xiǎo xiàng

noun (small street from main road)


noun (street that crosses another)


noun (short street connecting main roads)

死路 sǐ lù

noun (road: no exit)

Don't turn there: it's a dead-end street.


noun (UK, figurative (British prime minister) (比喻英国首相)

He expects the proposal to be supported by Downing Street.

英国首相府邸 yīng guó shǒu xiàng fǔ dǐ

noun (British prime minister's address)

By tradition, the British Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.

主要街道 zhǔ yào jiē dào

noun (UK (town's main street)

Roadworks are delaying traffic in the high street.

零售业 líng shòu yè

noun (UK, figurative, often capitalized (retail sector)

Discount supermarkets offer the lowest prices on the High Street.

零售 líng shòu

noun as adjective (UK, figurative (shops, fashion: retail)

Models paraded the latest high-street fashions.


noun (UK (store on the main street of a town)

就在街对面 jiù zài jiē duì miàn

adverb (on the opposite side of the road)

My in-laws moved in just across the street, which is handy for babysitting.

正街 zhèng jiē

noun (principal road)

The town's main street has been pedestrianized.

普通人,一般人 pǔ tōng rén,yì bān rén

noun (figurative (common man, average person) (比喻)

Can you explain your theory so that the man in the street can understand it?


adjective (not in the road)

(生活得)很舒适 shēng huó de hěn shū shì

adverb (figurative, slang (leading easy life)

After we paid all of our debts, we were living on easy street.

无家可归 wú jiā kě guī

expression (homeless)

没有工作,失业 méi yǒu gōng zuò,shī yè

expression (unemployed, without a job)


expression (free from prison)

The prosecution argued that it would be better for the offender to serve a prison sentence rather than be on the streets again.

边道 biān dào

noun (small road leading off larger street)

I drive down side streets to avoid the traffic.

街头杂技演员 jiē tóu zá jì yǎn yuán

noun (physical performer who works outdoors)

街道地址 jiē dào dì zhǐ

noun (location: building number)

We need a street address, not a post office box.


noun (art in public location)

街头艺术家 jiē tóu yì shù jiā

noun (creates art in public)

The street artist painted my portrait in 20 minutes.

街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén

noun (performs in public)

Mimes are popular street artists in the French Quarter.

街道清洁工 jiē dào qīng jié gōng

noun ([sb] employed to sweep roads)

街头信誉,街头时尚风格 jiē tóu xìn yù,jiē tóu shí shàng fēng gé

noun (slang, abbr (urban subculture: authenticity) (俚语,street credibility的缩略形式)

If I'm seen out with my mother, it'll damage my street cred!

具有街头信誉的,拥有街头时尚风格的 jù yǒu jiē tóu xìn yù de,yōng yǒu jiē tóu shí shàng fēng gé de

adjective (slang, abbr (authentically urban) (俚语,street credibility的缩略形式)


noun ([sb] who dances in a public place)


noun (food sold by outdoor vendors)

街头集市 jiē tóu jí shì

noun (outdoor stalls)

The weekly street market's a good place to find bargains.


noun (name of a road)

The street names in my area are all named after famous English poets.


noun (drug: common name) (药物的)

Pot, weed and grass are commonly used street names for marijuana.


noun (procession with floats) (花车游行)

街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén

noun (busker or entertainer in a public place)


noun (homeless individual)

They didn't choose to be street people: they just don't have a home to go to.


noun (illegal car races)

路标 lù biāo

noun (panel bearing a road name)


adjective (informal (able to cope in an urban setting)


plural noun (informal (experience with an urban setting)

She still has the street smarts she learned by growing up in a rough neighborhood.

清道夫 qīng dào fū

noun (person who cleans roads)

My father used to say : "If you don't work hard at school, you'll end up a street sweeper".

清扫车 qīng sǎo chē

noun (vehicle that cleans roads)

After the parade the street sweeper cleared all the rubbish off the road.

路灯 lù dēng

noun (light mounted on a post in street)

A car crashed into a streetlamp during the snowstorm.

路灯 lù dēng

noun (lamp illuminating a road)

The streetlights come on at 6:30 p.m.

街头服饰, 街头装

noun (clothing: fashionable casual)

较高的地区,高处 jiào gāo de dì qū,gāo chù

noun (UK (higher end of road) (街道)

They live at the top of the street.


noun (figurative (mutual responsibility)

正适合你 zhèng shì hé nǐ

expression (slang (the sort of thing you like)

That new film looks as though it'll be up your alley. You're going to love this new club: it's right up your alley!

华尔街 huā ěr jiē

noun (New York financial district)

He works on Wall Street in New York.

华尔街股票交易所 huá ěr jiē gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ

noun (figurative (New York stock exchange)

Wall Street greeted the news as evidence that inflation is under control.

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street 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。