英语 中的 end 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 end 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 end 的说明。

英语 中的end 表示结束,终结 jié shù,zhōng jié, 尽头 jìn tóu, 最后部分,末尾 zuì hòu bù fèn ,mò wěi, 终极 zhōng jí, 结果 jié guǒ, 末端,末梢 mò duān,mò shāo, 结束 jié shù, 结束 jié shù, 目的 mù dì, 最终的 zuì zhōng de, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 部分 bù fèn, 毁灭 huǐ miè, 最棒的, 最好的, 屁股 pì gǔ, 边锋 biān fēng, 剧终, 完, 令人恼怒, 结果为 jié guǒ wéi, 结果却是 jié guǒ què shì, 摧毁 cuī huǐ, 杀死 shā sǐ, 内..., 内吞..., 以…结束,以…告终 yǐ … jié shù,yǐ … gào zhōng, 最后变成, 最终落得…下场, 最远端, 最令人讨厌的部分, 无事可做 wú shì kě zuò, 结束 jié shù, 焦躁不安 jiāo zào bù ān, 在最后 zài zuì hòu, 在…的最后阶段, 临死时 lín sǐ shí, 傍晚时刻,一天结束的时候 bàng wǎn shí kè,yì tiān jié shù de shí hòu, 最终,最后 zuì zhōng,zuì hòu, 在天涯海角 zài tiān yá hǎi jiǎo, 另一方面 lìng yì fāng miàn, 茫然不知所措, 束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè, 后面 hòu miàn, 后端 hòu duān, 最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de, 顶尖的 dǐng jiān de, 重要因素 zhòng yào yīn sù, 始末 shǐ mò, 结局的前兆 jié jú de qián zhào, 龟头 guī tóu, 蠢货 chǔn huò, 不如意的结局, 锚链的末端, 索端, 书立, 底端, 结束 jié shù, 使用的一头, 粗端, 在……结束时 zài jié shù shí, 落得一个痛苦结局, 结束 jié shù, 解决 jiě jué, 尽头 jìn tóu, 无出路的,死胡同的,死路一条的, 死路 sǐ lù, 结束 jié shù, 东区, 结束日期, 以…收场, 底线 dǐ xiàn, 停产, 临终的, 停产的, 发薪日 fā xīn rì, 结束 jié shù, 结束了…, 端点 duān diǎn, 终点 zhōng diǎn, 终端产品 zhōng duān chǎn pǐn, 最终产品 zuì zhōng chǎn pǐn, 最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ, 端线迂回进攻, 规避 guī bì, 最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn, 末期,终末期 mò qī, 茶几 chá jī, 末日 mò rì, 从头到尾地 cóng tóu dào wěi de, 从头到尾的 cóng tóu dào wěi de, 接连不断的, 最终 zuì zhōng, 被废弃 bèi fèi qì, 被扫进历史的垃圾堆, 最终用途 zuì zhōng yòng tú, 终端用户, 球门区 qiú mén qū, 球门区 qiú mén qū, 终极目标,最终目标 zuì zhōng mù biāo, 残局,最后一节比赛,比赛将近结束的时候 cán jú,zuì hòu yì jié bǐ sài,bǐ sài jiāng jìn jié shù de shí hòu, 尾声,最后阶段 wěi shēng,zuì hòu jiē duàn, 衬页 chèn yè, 烟头 yān tóu, 末尾 mò wěi, 布头 bù tóu, (两端里)远的一端 liǎng duān lǐ yuǎn de yì duān, 财政年度末, 连续几小时,连续数小时, 好几年 hǎo jǐ nián, 从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi, 从头至尾 cóng tóu zhì wěi, 前端 qián duān, 前端的 qián duān de, 预付的,提前支付的 yù fù de, 前端的 qián duān de, 走极端 zǒu jí duān, 直到永远 zhí dào yǒng yuǎn, 无休止 wú xiū zhǐ, 高端, 高端的,高档的 gāo duān de,gāo dàng de, 最后 zuì hòu, 终于 zhōng yú, 目的地 mù dì dì, 苦尽甘来, 未绑的线头 wèi bǎng de xiàn tóu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 end 的含义

结束,终结 jié shù,zhōng jié

noun (conclusion)

The story gripped me from the opening line right to the end.

尽头 jìn tóu

noun (furthest part)

They live at the end of the street.

最后部分,末尾 zuì hòu bù fèn ,mò wěi

noun (limit: time) (时间)

We're moving at the end of the month.

终极 zhōng jí

noun (figurative (limit, bounds)

Is there no end to our problems?

结果 jié guǒ

noun (outcome)

Does the end justify the means?

末端,末梢 mò duān,mò shāo

noun (tip, extremity) (物体)

You should place the end of the board against the wall.

结束 jié shù

transitive verb (bring to a conclusion)

She ended their relationship after just two months.

结束 jié shù

intransitive verb (finish)

The concert ended with a Mozart violin concerto.

目的 mù dì

noun (formal (goal, objective)

To what end are we doing all this?

最终的 zuì zhōng de

adjective (final)

By the time the film came to the end credits, most of the audience was crying.

死亡 sǐ wáng

noun (literary (death) (指人)

He met an untimely end.

部分 bù fèn

noun (portion, aspect)

It was the marketing end of the enterprise that caused the failure.

毁灭 huǐ miè

noun (destruction)

It's the end of the world as we know it.

最棒的, 最好的

noun (slang, dated (the best) (俚语,旧时用语)

I love John Coltrane. He's the end!

屁股 pì gǔ

noun (UK (remnant, butt) (比喻尾端)

Please put your cigar ends in the ashtray.

边锋 biān fēng

noun (American football: lineman) (橄榄球)

He was the best offensive end in the team's history.

剧终, 完

noun (written (book, film: indicating the finish) (电视等)

"The End" appeared on the screen in giant letters.


verbal expression (UK, dated (be exasperating)

"Honestly, Tabitha, you're the end!" said her mother in an exasperated voice.

结果为 jié guǒ wéi

intransitive verb (result)

Where will it all end?

结果却是 jié guǒ què shì

intransitive verb (arrive, find yourself)

We were trying to get to Brighton, but we ended up in Hastings.

摧毁 cuī huǐ

transitive verb (destroy, thwart)

The rain ended our plans to play tennis.

杀死 shā sǐ

transitive verb (literary (kill) (书面语)

If only God would end the person who did this!


prefix (within; inside)

For example: endoskeleton


prefix (taking in)

For example: endocytosis

以…结束,以…告终 yǐ … jié shù,yǐ … gào zhōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (arrive somewhere)

I hoped by taking the metro I would end up in central Paris.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (become)

If we keep going this way, we'll end up totally lost.


(have eventually)

I would never have gone skydiving if I'd known I was going to end up with a broken leg.


noun (vulgar, informal (furthest part of a place)


noun (vulgar, informal (most unpleasant part of [sth])

无事可做 wú shì kě zuò

adverb (informal, figurative (having nothing to do)

结束 jié shù

adjective (finished, over)

Economists think the recession is at an end.

焦躁不安 jiāo zào bù ān

verbal expression (feel unsettled or restless)

在最后 zài zuì hòu

adverb (at [sth]'s conclusion)

I haven't seen the film yet; don't tell me what happens at the end.


expression (at [sth]'s conclusion)

At the end of the race, the runner fell exhausted to her knees.

临死时 lín sǐ shí

adverb (just before death)

At the end, she just sighed and let go of my hand.

傍晚时刻,一天结束的时候 bàng wǎn shí kè,yì tiān jié shù de shí hòu

expression (in the evening)

He went home at the end of the day.

最终,最后 zuì zhōng,zuì hòu

expression (figurative (ultimately)

At the end of the day, there's nothing we can do.

在天涯海角 zài tiān yá hǎi jiǎo

expression (in a distant place)

另一方面 lìng yì fāng miàn

adverb (as a complete contrast)

I like opera but at the other end of the spectrum I'm a punk rock fan.


adjective (upset, frustrated)

Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from school.

束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè

adjective (unable to find a solution)

Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.

后面 hòu miàn

noun (rear part)

He cruelly likened her appearance to the back end of a bus!

后端 hòu duān

noun (software: data access layer)

最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de

expression (most important part or goal)

Helping kids to make the best of themselves should be the be-all and end-all of education.

顶尖的 dǐng jiān de

expression (the very best)

When it comes to books about Appalachian history, that professor's work is the be-all and end-all.

重要因素 zhòng yào yīn sù

noun (most important element)

That film is the be-all end-all of the science fiction genre.

始末 shǐ mò

noun (totality of [sth])

That's the beginning and end of the matter, I won't discuss it further.

结局的前兆 jié jú de qián zhào

noun (point [sth] is doomed)

The sex scandal marked the beginning of the end for his career.

龟头 guī tóu

noun (UK, vulgar, slang (head of the penis)

蠢货 chǔn huò

noun (UK, vulgar, figurative, slang (idiot, stupid person)


noun (unpleasant conclusion)

This battle marked the bitter end of a war that had raged for ten years.


noun (nautical: end of anchor chain) (航海)


noun (end of cable or chain)


noun (support that keeps books in place)

Bob gave me a matching pair of wooden book ends as a present.


noun (engine: larger end of rod) (发动机)

结束 jié shù

transitive verb (conclude, finish)

The conference was brought to an end in the late afternoon.


(tools) (工具)


noun (thicker end, remainder)

在……结束时 zài jié shù shí

adverb (before the final moment)

By the end of the first chapter, I could guess the solution to the mystery. I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day.


verbal expression (end unpleasantly)

Their marriage came to a bitter end after he had a series of affairs.

结束 jié shù

verbal expression (conclude)

All good things must come to an end.

解决 jiě jué

verbal expression (be resolved)

With some therapy your internal conflict could finally come to an end.

尽头 jìn tóu

noun (road: cul-de-sac)

The street led to a dead end so we had to turn around.


noun as adjective (figurative (job, etc.: with no future)

Rick hated his dead-end job.

死路 sǐ lù

noun (road: no exit)

Don't turn there: it's a dead-end street.

结束 jié shù

verbal expression (finish)

As the evening drew to a close, the orchestra played a final waltz.




noun (day when [sth] finishes or closes)


verbal expression (result in)

底线 dǐ xiàn

noun (American football: field marking) (橄榄球)

The end line is located at the back of each end zone.


noun (product, vehicle: discontinuation) (产品、车辆)


adjective (final days of terminal disease)

A hospice is often the best place for end-of-life care.


adjective (product, vehicle: discontinued) (产品、车辆)

发薪日 fā xīn rì

noun (informal, figurative (payday)

结束 jié shù

(informal (conclude, finish in a certain way)


(informal (bring to a conclusion)

端点 duān diǎn

noun (extremity)

The end points are several hundred metres apart.

终点 zhōng diǎn

noun (where [sth] ends)

The proposed diversion alters the end point of the footpath.

终端产品 zhōng duān chǎn pǐn

noun (result of a process)

The end product of the process is a 100% organic fertilizer.

最终产品 zuì zhōng chǎn pǐn

noun (product created by a process)

The end result of the process is a new recyclable plastic.

最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ

noun (consequence)

The end result of a failure to follow safety procedures could be injury or death.


noun (American football manoeuvre) (美式橄榄球)

The player tried to make an end run, but was tackled.

规避 guī bì

noun (US, figurative (trick to bypass [sth])

The politician's actions were clearly an end run.

最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn

noun (final phase)

末期,终末期 mò qī

noun (final stage of terminal disease) (绝症)

When my friend was in the end stage of her cancer, they moved her to a hospice.

茶几 chá jī

noun (small table at end of sofa) (置于沙发旁的小桌子)

末日 mò rì

plural noun (religion: End of Days) (宗教)

从头到尾地 cóng tóu dào wěi de

adverb (in a row)

If all placed end to end, the rows of seats would stretch for 54 kilometres.

从头到尾的 cóng tóu dào wěi de

adjective (from start to finish)

The match delivered end-to-end thrills, with six near-goals.


adjective (continuous)

The movie is packed with end-to-end fight scenes.

最终 zuì zhōng

verbal expression (eventually have to do)

Julia turned Larry down, so he ended up going to the prom by himself.

被废弃 bèi fèi qì

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be discarded)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (be forgotten)

His well-intentioned efforts have ended up on the scrap heap of history.

最终用途 zuì zhōng yòng tú

noun ([sth]'s purpose)


noun (consumer)

The end user's point of view is too often not taken on board by product designers.

球门区 qiú mén qū

noun (US (football: part of field) (足球)

球门区 qiú mén qū

noun (hockey: part of rink) (曲棍球)

终极目标,最终目标 zuì zhōng mù biāo

noun (ultimate goal)

残局,最后一节比赛,比赛将近结束的时候 cán jú,zuì hòu yì jié bǐ sài,bǐ sài jiāng jìn jié shù de shí hòu

noun (final part of a chess game) (棋赛等的)

Because his rook was trapped, Brian found himself in the endgame of the chess match.

尾声,最后阶段 wěi shēng,zuì hòu jiē duàn

noun (figurative (final stage of a process) (某一过程的)

The endgame will consist of comparing this year's sales numbers to last year's.

衬页 chèn yè

noun (paper at front or back of a book)

烟头 yān tóu

noun (last part of a cigarette)

末尾 mò wěi

noun (UK, figurative (last part of [sth])

The novel is set in London at the fag end of the 19th century.

布头 bù tóu

noun (historical (unfinished end of cloth) (历史用语)

(两端里)远的一端 liǎng duān lǐ yuǎn de yì duān

noun (furthest part, limit)

The station is situated at the far end of the village.


noun (close of accounting period)


adverb (for long stretches of time)

He sits there and plays computer games for hours on end.

好几年 hǎo jǐ nián

adverb (for many years)

She searched for her lost child for years on end, but never found him.

从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi

adverb (all the way through)

I read the whole 400-page report from beginning to end.

从头至尾 cóng tóu zhì wěi

adverb (in length)

From end to end, an American football field is 100 yards long.

前端 qián duān

noun (foremost part)

The front end of the car was badly damaged.

前端的 qián duān de

adjective (relating to foremost part)

预付的,提前支付的 yù fù de

adjective (money: paid at beginning) (金钱)

前端的 qián duān de

adjective (computer: user's access) (计算机)

走极端 zǒu jí duān

verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] extreme)

直到永远 zhí dào yǒng yuǎn

verbal expression (be infinite)

无休止 wú xiū zhǐ

verbal expression (figurative (be interminable)

His love for her had no end.


noun (expensive range)

It's a nice handbag, but it's on the high end.

高端的,高档的 gāo duān de,gāo dàng de

noun as adjective (upmarket or exclusive)

I work at a high-end clothing store; nothing we sell is under $100.

最后 zuì hòu

adverb (ultimately)

In the end, it doesn't really matter whether we go to Milan or Barcelona for our holiday; either would be great.

终于 zhōng yú

adverb (finally, eventually)

He finished his work in the end.

目的地 mù dì dì

noun (destination)

After months on the road, they were sad to have finally reached journey's end.


noun (figurative (prospect of relief or success)

未绑的线头 wèi bǎng de xiàn tóu

noun (unfastened end of [sth]) (本义)

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