英语 中的 stood 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 stood 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stood 的说明。

英语 中的stood 表示站起来 zhàn qǐ lái, 站 zhàn, 持…立场 chí … lì chǎng, 立场,态度,意见 lì chǎng ,tài dù ,yì jiàn, 摊子 tān zi, 站 zhàn, 抵抗 dǐ kàng, 讲台 jiǎng tái, 支架 zhī jià, 机座, 衣物架 yī wù jià, 雨伞架 yǔ sǎn jià, 证人席 zhèng rén xí, 丛, 露天看台 lù tiān kàn tái, 有可能做某事, 直立 zhí lì, 站在 zhàn zài, 继续有效 jì xù yǒu xiào, 测得…(数量、度数等) cè dé shù liàng dù shù děng, 处于…状态(境况等) chǔ yú zhuàng tài jìng kuàng děng, 位于 wèi yú, 滞留,停滞 zhì liú,tíng zhì, 做候选人 zuò hòu xuǎn rén, 对...感到, 踩在…上面, 竖放 shù fàng, 接受 jiē shòu, 经受住 jīng shòu zhù, 容忍 róng rěn, 请某人的客做某事, 抵抗 dǐ kàng, 闲站着 xián zhàn zhe, 站到一边, 让开, 靠边站, 退出竞争, 让位, 退后 tuì hòu, 支持 zhī chí, 在旁边,在场 zài páng biān,zài chǎng, 支持 zhī chí, 坚持 jiān chí, 退下, 退出证人席 tuì chū zhèng rén xí, 被撤下岗位, 代表,表示,是…的缩写 dài biǎo,biǎo shì, 代表 dài biǎo, 容忍 róng rěn, 支持 zhī chí, 参加...的选举, 代替, 替代, 代替 dài tì, 代表 dài biǎo, 保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí, 突出 tū chū, 出色 chū sè, 监督 jiān dū, 做好...准备, 失约,爽约 shī yuē, 站出来反对 zhàn chū lái fǎn duì, 经得住, 对抗 duì kàng, 经久耐用 jīng jiǔ nài yòng, 支持 zhī chí, 以当前的形势, 自行车支架,自行车架, 无法忍受, 能够忍受 néng gòu rěn shòu, 能忍耐, 衣帽架 yī mào jià, 水果摊, 立式衣帽架 lì shì yī mào jià, 没有立足依据, 远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guò, 热狗摊儿 rè gǒu tān er, (摩托车、自行车等的)撑脚架 mó tuō chē zì xíng chē děng de chēng jiǎo jià, 支架 zhī jià, 让…毛骨悚然, 乐谱架 yuè pǔ jià, 没有希望, 经受不起, 待命状态, 待命, 处于待命状态, 一夜情 yí yè qíng, 竞选 jìng xuǎn, 适合 shì hé, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 有可能 yǒu kě néng, 独立运行的, 立正站着 lì zhèng zhàn zhe, 站在后面, 承认自己的错误, 笔直地站立 bǐ zhí de zhàn lì, 坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí, 一动不动, 坚定 jiān dìng, 站岗,放哨 zhàn gāng, 看守,守护 kān shǒu,shǒu hù, 替身 tì shēn, 列队 liè duì, 挡住去路 dǎng zhù qù lù, 妨碍 fáng ài, 拘泥于礼节,讲究礼节, 独立 dú lì, 公开反对, 对某人有益,给某人好处, 肩并肩站着 jiān bìng jiān zhàn zhe, 与…肩并肩站着 yǔ … jiān bìng jiān zhàn zhe, 一动不动地站着 yí dòng bú dòng de zhàn zhe, 静止 jìng zhǐ, 昂首挺胸, 经得起时间的考验,持久 chí jiǔ, 合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ, 站在一起,并排站立 zhàn zài yì qǐ,bìng pái zhàn lì, 站起来 zhàn qǐ lái, 使站立,扶起 shǐ zhàn lì, 单口相声 dān kǒu xiàng shēng, 说单口相声的, 站出来表明立场 zhàn chū lái biǎo míng lì chǎng, 支持 zhī chí, 捍卫, 捍卫自己,维护自己的权利, 坚持立场, 停火,停战 tíng huǒ ,tíng zhàn, 休整期, 停工 tíng gōng, 下台 xià tái, 休整, 战备状态, 喜剧演员 xǐ jù yǎn yuán, 单口喜剧 dān kǒu xǐ jù, 独立的 dú lì de, 独立程序 dú lì chéng xù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 stood 的含义

站起来 zhàn qǐ lái

intransitive verb (rise)

Please stand for the national anthem.

站 zhàn

intransitive verb (be on your feet)

The guard stands all day.

持…立场 chí … lì chǎng

intransitive verb (position on issue)

I stand in favour of the new law.

立场,态度,意见 lì chǎng ,tài dù ,yì jiàn

noun (determined position) (争论中的)

The professor's stand on the issue is clear.

摊子 tān zi

noun (booth, stall)

The boys opened a lemonade stand.

站 zhàn

noun (act of standing)

There were no seats on the bus, so it looked like she was in for a long stand.

抵抗 dǐ kàng

noun (final defence)

The soldiers made their stand at the river.

讲台 jiǎng tái

noun (raised platform)

The speaker stepped onto the stand.

支架 zhī jià

noun (support)

The conductor placed the sheet music on the stand.


noun (metallurgy: rolling unit in mill) (冶金)

衣物架 yī wù jià

noun (coat rack)

Place your raincoats on the stand by the door.

雨伞架 yǔ sǎn jià

noun (umbrella rack)

Many stores have a stand for wet umbrellas.

证人席 zhèng rén xí

noun (witness box)

The stand seemed a lonely and intimidating place to Gavin.

noun (group: of trees) (树)

露天看台 lù tiān kàn tái

plural noun (bleachers: spectators' seating)

The fans were sitting on the stands.


verbal expression (be in a position)

The investor stood to make a fortune on the deal.

直立 zhí lì

intransitive verb (be erect)

The dog stood on its hind legs.

站在 zhàn zài

intransitive verb (place yourself)

The referee stood between the fighters.

继续有效 jì xù yǒu xiào

intransitive verb (remain in effect)

The judge determined that the law stands.

测得…(数量、度数等) cè dé shù liàng dù shù děng

intransitive verb (measure)

Agnes stands five feet without her shoes.

处于…状态(境况等) chǔ yú zhuàng tài jìng kuàng děng

intransitive verb (be in a situation)

I stand corrected.

位于 wèi yú

intransitive verb (be situated)

The bank stands at the corner of Main and Rush streets.

滞留,停滞 zhì liú,tíng zhì

intransitive verb (stagnate) (液体)

The water has been standing in the puddle a long time.

做候选人 zuò hòu xuǎn rén

intransitive verb (be a candidate)

Lorraine is standing in the upcoming local elections.


intransitive verb (be a certain way)

The spectators stood amazed at the dancer's skill.


(tread upon)

Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall.

竖放 shù fàng

transitive verb (set upright)

The children stood the dominoes on end.

接受 jiē shòu

transitive verb (undergo)

Harry stood trial for murder.

经受住 jīng shòu zhù

transitive verb (endure without yielding)

Veronica stood the torture bravely.

容忍 róng rěn

transitive verb (tolerate)

Tallinn is a beautiful city to visit, if you can stand the sub-zero temperatures.


transitive verb (informal (treat, pay for)

Will you stand me a drink?

抵抗 dǐ kàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (resist, oppose)

闲站着 xián zhàn zhe

phrasal verb, intransitive (do nothing, remain idle)

Jeremy stands around talking instead of doing his work.

站到一边, 让开

phrasal verb, intransitive (move to let [sb] past)

I was told to stand aside to let the ambulance pass.

靠边站, 退出竞争, 让位

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (allow [sb] else to take charge)

I will stand aside if anyone else wants the job.

退后 tuì hòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, stay at a distance)

It is important to stand back from a fire so you do not get burned.

支持 zhī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (vouch for the trustworthiness of)

在旁边,在场 zài páng biān,zài chǎng

phrasal verb, intransitive (be ready and waiting)

I'll be standing by to catch you if you fall.

支持 zhī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (help or support)

The politician's wife stood by him when he was accused of misusing public funds.

坚持 jiān chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (remain firm about [sth] said)

I stand by my decision to sack Richard; it was the right thing to do.


phrasal verb, intransitive (resign) (从高位上)

I'd like to announce that I'm standing down as director of the company.

退出证人席 tuì chū zhèng rén xí

phrasal verb, intransitive (witness: leave stand) (证人)

Once I finished giving my testimony, the judge told me I could stand down.


phrasal verb, intransitive (troops: go off duty) (部队)

After the military exercise, the soldiers were ordered to stand down.

代表,表示,是…的缩写 dài biǎo,biǎo shì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be short for) (字母缩写)

The "U" in USA stands for "united".

代表 dài biǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (represent)

This party stands for fair pay and workers' rights.

容忍 róng rěn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (tolerate, accept)

I won't stand for any more of Richard's racist comments.

支持 zhī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (advocate)

I will stand for you whatever happens, you can rely on me.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (run for: election)

My uncle wants to stand for office.

代替, 替代

phrasal verb, intransitive (replace [sb] temporarily)

Linda is standing in while the usual secretary is ill.

代替 dài tì

(replace [sb] temporarily)

Your teacher had an emergency so I will stand in for her for this class.

代表 dài biǎo

(be a substitute for [sth])

Trying to explain the accident to his friends in the bar, Gavin used the beer glass to stand in for the car and the mat to stand in for the pedestrian.

保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí

phrasal verb, intransitive (keep at a distance)

The girls stood off to the side.

突出 tū chū

phrasal verb, intransitive (be noticeable)

Wow, those bright colors really stand out.

出色 chū sè

phrasal verb, intransitive (be remarkable)

Of all the applicants for the job, there was one who really stood out.

监督 jiān dū

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (oversee)


phrasal verb, intransitive (military: be ready for attack) (军队)

失约,爽约 shī yuē

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (fail to meet for date)

We were supposed to meet outside the restaurant but he stood me up.

站出来反对 zhàn chū lái fǎn duì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (oppose actively)

We must stand up against racism.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (withstand: wear, stress)

Concrete construction is used in the tropics because it will stand up against hurricanes and insects.

对抗 duì kàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (confront)

Kate stood up to the bully by telling her loudly to stop.

经久耐用 jīng jiǔ nài yòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (withstand: wear, stress)

They ran many trials to ensure the fabric would stand up to the extreme weather conditions.

支持 zhī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (show solidarity with)


expression (in terms of the current situation)

As things stand, the team is unlikely to win the tournament.


noun (rack for parking cycles)


verbal expression (informal (find intolerable)

I can't stand my overbearing, demanding boss.

能够忍受 néng gòu rěn shòu

verbal expression (be able to tolerate)

I hope that noise stops soon - I don't think I can stand it much longer!


verbal expression (be able to tolerate)

If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home. I can't stand seeing you so unhappy.

衣帽架 yī mào jià

noun (stand for overcoats)


noun (kiosk selling fruit)

He stole two apples from a fruit stand.

立式衣帽架 lì shì yī mào jià

noun (structure to hang coats or hats on)

He took off his hat and coat and hung them on the hat stand by the door.


verbal expression (figurative (have no support for a claim, etc.)

远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guò

verbal expression (figurative (be vastly superior to)

George's essay was head and shoulders above those of the rest of the class.

热狗摊儿 rè gǒu tān er

noun (kiosk or counter selling hot dogs)

Whenever I pass through Chicago, I try to stop at a hot-dog stand to pick up lunch.

(摩托车、自行车等的)撑脚架 mó tuō chē zì xíng chē děng de chēng jiǎo jià

noun (US (metal support for a bike)

支架 zhī jià

noun (device that keeps [sth] upright)


verbal expression (frighten [sb])

That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.

乐谱架 yuè pǔ jià

noun (device for holding sheet music)

Ellen adjusted the height of her music stand so she could read the music while sitting down.


verbal expression (informal (be doomed)

The car hit Bridget at 70 mph. She didn't stand a chance.


verbal expression (figurative (not withstand scrutiny, etc.) (检验等)

David's lies won't stand up in court.


adverb (people: in a state of readiness)

The news crews were on standby, waiting for a big announcement from the president.

待命, 处于待命状态

adverb (ready, available)

Ambulances were on standby at the edge of the field.

一夜情 yí yè qíng

noun (isolated sexual encounter with [sb])

Betty's not my girlfriend; we had a one-night stand, that's all.

竞选 jìng xuǎn

verbal expression (try to get elected to a public position)

适合 shì hé

verbal expression (colloquial (be accepted)

This situation doesn't sit well with me.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (informal (have a possibility)

I tried everything I could but never really stood a chance.

有可能 yǒu kě néng

verbal expression (informal (have a possibility)

The team realistically never stood a chance of beating Real Madrid.


(software: run independently) (软件)

立正站着 lì zhèng zhàn zhe

verbal expression (military: stand straight)

The entire company stood to attention in perfect unison.


(take a spot behind)

I was standing behind a really tall guy as the carnival floats went past, so I couldn't see a thing!


expression (admit one's mistaken idea)

You were right, the Civil War ended in 1865. I stand corrected.

笔直地站立 bǐ zhí de zhàn lì

(hold yourself straight)

坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí

verbal expression (figurative (not change one's mind)

Once I make my mind up, I always stand fast in my decision.


verbal expression (not move)

I expected the cat to run away but it stood fast. The guards at Buckingham Palace are trained to stand fast, even if tourists provoke them.

坚定 jiān dìng

intransitive verb (be resolute)

He stood firm on his decision to go to college.

站岗,放哨 zhàn gāng

(keep watch)

看守,守护 kān shǒu,shǒu hù

verbal expression (watch over, protect)

替身 tì shēn

noun ([sb] who replaces [sb], substitute)

I'm glad our normal teacher is back; the stand-in wasn't very good.

列队 liè duì

verbal expression (queue)

The group had to stand in line to be served.

挡住去路 dǎng zhù qù lù

verbal expression (be an obstruction)

If that's what you've decided, go ahead. I won't stand in your way.

妨碍 fáng ài

verbal expression (obstruct, impede [sth])

By refusing to sell this land you're standing in the way of progress. I won't stand in the way of your marriage.


verbal expression (figurative (behave formally)

独立 dú lì

verbal expression (be independent)


verbal expression (oppose publicly)


verbal expression (be useful or beneficial to [sb])

This car should stand you in good stead for ten years or so.

肩并肩站着 jiān bìng jiān zhàn zhe

intransitive verb (figurative (be united)

Let's stand shoulder to shoulder and get the job done!

与…肩并肩站着 yǔ … jiān bìng jiān zhàn zhe

intransitive verb (figurative (unite in solidarity with)

The hotel workers' union stood shoulder to shoulder with the restaurant workers' union in the strike.

一动不动地站着 yí dòng bú dòng de zhàn zhe

intransitive verb (not move)

Stand still or the photo will turn out blurred.

静止 jìng zhǐ

intransitive verb (figurative (not change, progress)

Time had stood still: my grandparents' house looked exactly as it did when I was a child.


verbal expression (figurative (be proud of yourself)

She stood tall after successfully defending herself.

经得起时间的考验,持久 chí jiǔ

verbal expression (last, endure)

合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ

verbal expression (be logical)

The gun was in Alex's hand; it stands to reason he fired the shot. It stands to reason that she's tired: she just gave birth to twins!

站在一起,并排站立 zhàn zài yì qǐ,bìng pái zhàn lì

(figurative (be united)

The country must stand together if we are to survive these difficult times.

站起来 zhàn qǐ lái

(rise to your feet)

When I was at school we had to stand up each time a teacher entered the classroom. Please stand up to greet the President.

使站立,扶起 shǐ zhàn lì

(place upright)

I knocked the vase over and had to stand it up again.

单口相声 dān kǒu xiàng shēng

noun (informal (comedy: live joketelling)

Steve Martin was known for his stand-up before he started appearing in movies. // Jo started her career doing standup in bars.


adjective (telling jokes live)

The comedian performed a hilarious stand-up show.

站出来表明立场 zhàn chū lái biǎo míng lì chǎng

verbal expression (figurative (express opinion)

Don't just sit there complaining to your friends – stand up and be counted! Those that had the courage to stand up and be counted were arrested.

支持 zhī chí

verbal expression (figurative (defend [sb])

Johnston was a hero who stood up for his fellow captors without regard for his own safety.


verbal expression (figurative (advocate [sth])

Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for the rights of African Americans.


verbal expression (defend yourself)

Suzie has to learn to stand up for herself.


verbal expression (figurative (not waver, maintain your stance)

停火,停战 tíng huǒ ,tíng zhàn

noun (ceasefire)


noun (military: relaxation after alert) (士兵)

停工 tíng gōng

noun (work stoppage)

下台 xià tái

noun (resignation from job)


noun (troops: going off duty) (部队)


noun (military: readiness for attack)

The soldiers were at stand-to in preparation for the enemy attack.

喜剧演员 xǐ jù yǎn yuán

noun (performer: tells jokes)

单口喜剧 dān kǒu xǐ jù

noun (telling jokes to an audience)

独立的 dú lì de

adjective (computer program: independent, separate)

This stand-alone software will function offline.

独立程序 dú lì chéng xù

noun (separate computer program)

The program can be run as a standalone.

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