英语 中的 hair 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hair 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hair 的说明。

英语 中的hair 表示头发 tóu fà, 毛发,体毛 máo fà ,tǐ máo, 毛发,毛皮,毛 máo fà ,máo pí,máo, 头发丝 tóu fà sī, 毛,茸毛 máo,róng máo, 一丝,一毫,一丁点 yì sī,yì háo,yì dīng diǎn, 一根头发 yì gēn tóu fà, 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ, 意大利天使面, 红褐色的头发 hóng hè sè de tóu fà, 不如意的一天, 金发 jīn fà, (扎头发的)绒球 zā tóu fà de róng qiú, 褐色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà, 差一点儿 chà yì diǎn er, 险些 xiǎn xiē, 骆驼毛 jià tuó máo, 骆驼毛布料 jià tuó máo bù liào, 骆驼毛制成的 jià tuó máo zhì chéng de, 卷发器, 卷发 juǎn fà, 深色头发 shēn sè tóu fà, 做头发 zuò tóu fà, 梳头 shū tóu, 茸毛 róng máo, 皮筋,扎辫绳, 胡子 hú zi, 金发 jīn fà, 毛囊 máo náng, 卷发 juǎn fà, 心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn, 姜黄色头发, 白发, 发油 fà yóu, 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié, 发夹 fà jiá, 理发剪子 lǐ fà jiǎn zi, 头发的颜色, 染发剂 rǎn fà jì, 电吹风 diàn chuī fēng, 染发剂,染发水 rǎn fà jì, 啫喱, 银须草 yín xū cǎo, 解醉酒, 发油 fà yóu, 脱毛,除毛 tuō máo, 脱毛膏, 发艺沙龙 fà yì shā lóng, 喷雾发胶 pēn wù fà jiāo, 直发夹 zhí fà jiá, 直发剂, 发型设计师 fā xíng shè jì shī, 枪的微力扳机 qiāng de wēi lì bān jī, 容易触发的, 一触即发的,反应敏捷的 yí chù jí fā de,fǎn yìng mǐn jié de, 令人毛骨悚然的 lìng rén máo gǔ sǒng rán de, 令人兴奋的 lìng rén xīng fèn de, 令人震惊的 lìng rén zhèn jīng de, 毛发去除霜 máo fà qù chú shuāng, 发带 fà dài, 发箍, 发卡, 毫厘之差的,距离极短的,间隙极小的,一发之差的, háo lí zhī chā de,jù lí jí duǎn de,jiàn xì jí xiǎo de,yí fà zhī chā de, 发网 fā wǎng, 吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī, 做琐细的区分, 发胶 fà jiāo, 发型 fà xíng, 头发一团糟 tóu fà yì tuán zāo, 满头头发 mǎn tóu tóu fà, 发胶 fà jiāo, 放轻松,放松 fàng qīng sōng,fàng sōng, 一绺头发 yì liǔ tóu fà, 长发, 让…毛骨悚然, 蓬发 péng fà, 弄乱某人的头发 nòng luàn mǒu rén de tóu fà, 蓬松的头发,乱蓬蓬的头发 péng sōng de tóu fà ,luàn péng péng de tóu fà, 精油 jīng yóu, 分头发, 阴毛 yīn máo, 红头发 hóng tóu fà, 根毛, 乱糟糟的一大堆,蓬乱的一大堆, 短发 duǎn fà, 直发 zhí fà, 心急如焚, 一缕头发 yì lǚ tóu fà, 白发, (刷子)硬毛的 shuā zi yìng máo de, 硬毛狗。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hair 的含义

头发 tóu fà

noun (not countable (human head) (不可数,人的)

She's having her hair cut, as it has grown longer than she likes.

毛发,体毛 máo fà ,tǐ máo

noun (not countable (on human body) (不可数,人的)

He has a lot of hair on his chest.

毛发,毛皮,毛 máo fà ,máo pí,máo

noun (not countable (animal) (不可数,动物的)

This cushion is stuffed with horse hair.

头发丝 tóu fà sī

noun (not countable (filament) (不可数)

The hairs on this brush are quite stiff.

毛,茸毛 máo,róng máo

noun (botany) (植物的)

The plant's stem is covered in fine hairs.

一丝,一毫,一丁点 yì sī,yì háo,yì dīng diǎn

noun (not countable (tiny measure of sthg) (不可数)

The window cracked just a hair.

一根头发 yì gēn tóu fà

noun (individual hair)

The two hairs were obviously from two different people.

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

expression (figurative (very close)

The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.


noun (capellini: very fine pasta) (非常细的意大利面)

红褐色的头发 hóng hè sè de tóu fà

noun (hair of reddish-brown colour)

The girl with the auburn hair is very attractive.


noun (figurative, slang (day when everything goes wrong)

金发 jīn fà

noun (hair: fair)

One of the stereotypes about Nordic people is that they all have blond hair.

(扎头发的)绒球 zā tóu fà de róng qiú

noun (UK (accessory to tie hair)

Melanie's hair was tied up in a ponytail with a colourful bobble.

褐色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà

noun (brunette or chestnut hair)

She wore a brown shirt to match her brown hair.

差一点儿 chà yì diǎn er

adverb (by a very slight margin, only just)

The truck missed the cyclist by a hair.

险些 xiǎn xiē

adverb (by the slightest margin)

The horse won by a hair's breadth.

骆驼毛 jià tuó máo

noun (hair of a camel)

骆驼毛布料 jià tuó máo bù liào

noun (fabric made of camel's hair)

骆驼毛制成的 jià tuó máo zhì chéng de

noun as adjective (made from camel's hair)


noun (hairstyling tool)

卷发 juǎn fà

noun (frizzy or wavy hair)

Does she have a perm or naturally curly hair?

深色头发 shēn sè tóu fà

noun (brunette or brown hair)

She has naturally dark hair but she dyes it blond.

做头发 zuò tóu fà

verbal expression (informal (style your hair)

I need the hair dresser to do my hair. Every morning I do my hair so it looks presentable.

梳头 shū tóu

verbal expression (informal (tidy your hair)

Just give me three minutes to do my hair.

茸毛 róng máo

plural noun (hair on face, body: fuzzy) (脸上、身上的)

I don't call those downy hairs you have 'a moustache'.


noun (stretchy hair accessory) (有弹性的)

胡子 hú zi

noun (moustache, beard, etc.)

There is considerable social stigma associated with facial hair in women.

金发 jīn fà

noun (blond or light-coloured hair)

People with fair hair are most susceptible to sunburn. Louise has fair hair and a pale complexion.

毛囊 máo náng

noun (hair-root cavity)

卷发 juǎn fà

noun (wildly-curled hair)

My frizzy hair is completely out of control in this humidity.

心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (annoy, disturb)


noun (informal (bright auburn hair)


noun (hair: gray from age or stress)

发油 fà yóu

noun (styling product)

蝴蝶结 hú dié jié

noun (decorative hair tie) (装饰发带)

发夹 fà jiá

noun (clasp for securing hairstyle)

理发剪子 lǐ fà jiǎn zi

plural noun (device for trimming hair)

The barber used the hair clippers to trim Michael's hair.


noun (shade)

Teenage girls often change their hair color experimentally.

染发剂 rǎn fà jì

noun (product: dye)

电吹风 diàn chuī fēng

noun (device for drying hair)

I don't use my hair dryer in the summer, but I'm glad to have it in the winter!

染发剂,染发水 rǎn fà jì

noun (substance to change hair color)


noun (hair-styling substance) (用于头发定型)

银须草 yín xū cǎo

noun (tall, tufted grass)


noun (figurative, informal (alcohol drunk to cure a hangover)

发油 fà yóu

noun (hairstyling product)

Jared spiked his hair with hair oil.

脱毛,除毛 tuō máo

noun (depilatory treatment)


noun (depilatory cream)

Hair removers can cause skin irritation.

发艺沙龙 fà yì shā lóng

noun (hairdresser's shop)

I have an appointment at the hair salon before we go out to dinner.

喷雾发胶 pēn wù fà jiāo

noun (hairstyling lacquer)

If you wear too much hair spray your hair will feel hard and crunchy.

直发夹 zhí fà jiá

noun (tongs: flatten curly hair)

She has always hated her curly hair and thinks that hair straighteners are a great invention.


noun (chemical: flattens curly hair)

发型设计师 fā xíng shè jì shī

noun (hairdresser)

I finally found a hair stylist who is good at cutting long hair.

枪的微力扳机 qiāng de wēi lì bān jī

noun (pressure-sensitive gun trigger)

Careful with that gun; it has a hair trigger and will go off at the slightest touch.


adjective (mechanism: easily activated) (机械)

一触即发的,反应敏捷的 yí chù jí fā de,fǎn yìng mǐn jié de

adjective (figurative (easily provoked, reactive) (比喻)

My new manager is making my life a living hell with his hair trigger temper.

令人毛骨悚然的 lìng rén máo gǔ sǒng rán de

adjective (figurative, informal (scary, frightening)

The novel is a hair-raising story about a small town and a monster.

令人兴奋的 lìng rén xīng fèn de

adjective (figurative, informal (adventure: exciting)

The movie is about a hair-raising adventure to the edge of the known world.

令人震惊的 lìng rén zhèn jīng de

adjective (figurative, informal (shocking)

Mary told me all of the hair-raising details of yesterday's events.

毛发去除霜 máo fà qù chú shuāng

noun (product for removing body hair)

Instead of shaving your legs, why not try that new, organic hair-removing cream?

发带 fà dài

noun (elastic band for hair)

Her long tresses were held back by a simple black hairband.

发箍, 发卡

noun (rigid band going over the hair)

The little girls all wore colorful hairbands to keep their hair out of their faces.

毫厘之差的,距离极短的,间隙极小的,一发之差的, háo lí zhī chā de,jù lí jí duǎn de,jiàn xì jí xiǎo de,yí fà zhī chā de

noun (figurative (minute gap or margin) (美式拼法,比喻)

发网 fā wǎng

noun (mesh head covering) (以防止头发散乱的)

It is required for cafeteria staff to wear hair nets.

吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī

adjective (figurative (faultfinding)


noun (figurative (making of trivial distinctions)

发胶 fà jiāo

noun (lacquer for styling hair)

The stylist finished by spraying the client's hair with hairspray.

发型 fà xíng

noun (way hair is cut or arranged)

She's got a new, much shorter hairstyle.

头发一团糟 tóu fà yì tuán zāo

verbal expression (be dishevelled)

Sarah's clothes were covered in mud and she had her hair in a mess.

满头头发 mǎn tóu tóu fà

noun (hair: amount, thickness)

That beautiful girl has a gorgeous head of hair.

发胶 fà jiāo

noun (UK (hairspray)

Bonnie used lacquer to hold her hairdo in place.

放轻松,放松 fàng qīng sōng,fàng sōng

verbal expression (figurative (get comfortable and relax)

一绺头发 yì liǔ tóu fà

noun (curl or tress of hair)

She cut a lock of hair and put it in a letter to her lover.


noun (hairstyle: grown long)

Long hair suits Debbie; she looks really pretty.


verbal expression (frighten [sb])

That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.

蓬发 péng fà

noun (hair that is massed or tangled)

I have to brush my cat every day to get rid of the matted hair.

弄乱某人的头发 nòng luàn mǒu rén de tóu fà

verbal expression (informal (make [sb]'s hair untidy)

Don't mess up my hair - I've only just come from the hairdressers!

蓬松的头发,乱蓬蓬的头发 péng sōng de tóu fà ,luàn péng péng de tóu fà

noun (slang, figurative (thick hair) (俚语)

The boy had a thick mop of hair.

精油 jīng yóu

noun (hair product) (护发用的)

Dana massaged oil into her hair to add moisture and shine.


verbal expression (hair: comb into parting)

Charles parts his hair in the middle.

阴毛 yīn máo

noun (hair growing in genital area)

They shaved all my pubic hair off before the operation.

红头发 hóng tóu fà

noun (auburn or ginger hair)


(botany) (植物)


noun (unruly mass of hair) (毛发等)

His face was surrounded by a shock of black hair.

短发 duǎn fà

noun (hair: close-cropped)

直发 zhí fà

noun (hair which has no curl)

Most Amerindians have dark straight hair.


verbal expression (figurative (worry excessively)

一缕头发 yì lǚ tóu fà

noun (fluffy clump of hair)

The teenager tried to grow a moustache, but could only achieve a small tuft of hair on his upper lip.


noun (hair with white color)

Fred was a tall man with white hair.

(刷子)硬毛的 shuā zi yìng máo de

adjective (dog: having wiry, coarse coat)


noun (wirehair dog)

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hair 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。