英语 中的 price 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 price 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 price 的说明。

英语 中的price 表示价格 jià gé, 悬赏 xuán shǎng, 代价 dài jià, 为…定价 wèi dìng jià, 询问…的价格 xún wèn de jià gé, 开价 kāi jià, 好价钱 hǎo jià qián, 以...的价格, 不管价格如何高昂, 不惜任何代价 bù xī rèn hé dài jià, 便宜价 pián yí jià, 低价 dī jià, 投标价格 tóu biāo jià gé, 彩礼, 现金价格,付现价格 xiàn jīn jià gé,fù xiàn jià gé, 收盘价格 shōu pán jià gé, 需要付出代价, 价格下跌 jià gé xià diē, 消费价格指数 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù, 消费者物价指数, 降价的 jiàng jià de, 公平价格 gōng píng jià gé, 确定价格 què dìng jià gé, 垄断定价, 定价 dìng jià, 价格固定, 最低价,底价 zuì dī jià, 全价,足价, 好价钱 hǎo jià qián, 大价钱 dà jià qián, 半价 bàn jià, 半价的, 按半价, 高价 gāo jià, 高价 gāo jià, 高标价 gāo biāo jià, 最低价 zuì dī jià, 定价,报价,标价 dìng jià ,bào jià ,biāo jià, 低价 dī jià, 市场价格, 中等价位 zhōng děng jià wèi, 适中的价位 shì zhōng de jià wèi, 净价 jìng jià, 名义价格 míng yì jià gé, 卖价 mài jià, 卖价 mài jià, 开盘价,开市价 kāi pán jià,kāi shì jià, 一揽子价格 yì lǎn zi jià gé, 高价 gāo jià, 最高价格 zuì gāo jià gé, 物价控制 wù jià kòng zhì, 减价 jiǎn jià, 价格垄断 jià gé lǒng duàn, 价格冻结 jià gé dòng jié, 物价上涨 wù jià shàng zhǎng, 哄抬物价, 价格表 jià gé biǎo, 价格保护, 价格太高导致某人买不起某物, 价格点, 价格范围, 价格激增, 价格标签 jià gé biāo qiān, 费用 fèi yòng, 价格接受者, 物价上涨 wù jià shàng zhǎng, 哄抬物价, 价格诱发的, 购买价格, 涨价 zhǎng jià, 合理的价格 hé lǐ de jià gé, 建议(零售)价 jiàn yì líng shòu jià, 折扣价格 zhé kòu jià gé, 零售价 líng shòu jià, 零售价格指数, 销售价 xiāo shòu jià, 售价 shòu jià, 合理的价格 hé lǐ de jià gé, 股票价格 gǔ piào jià gé, 现货价格, 赔率 péi lǜ, 过高的价格,不合理的高价 guò gāo de jià gé,bù hé lǐ de gāo jià, 标价,售价 biāo jià ,shòu jià, 执行价格, 目标价格 mù biāo jià gé, 最高价 zuì gāo jià, 单位价格 dān wèi jià gé, 批发价 pī fā jià。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 price 的含义

价格 jià gé

noun (cost to purchase [sth])

What is the price of gold at the moment?

悬赏 xuán shǎng

noun (bounty)

The US government put a price on his head.

代价 dài jià

noun (figurative (toll) (比喻)

Some people say that wars are the price of freedom.

为…定价 wèi dìng jià

transitive verb (valuate)

The art dealer priced the vase at six hundred dollars.

询问…的价格 xún wèn de jià gé

transitive verb (label with a price)

Let me price this book, then we can go home.

开价 kāi jià

noun (cost of [sth] being sold)

The asking price for the vase is £25.

好价钱 hǎo jià qián

expression (at reasonable cost)

I was able to buy my PC at a good price.


expression (for a certain cost)


adverb (whatever the cost)

Bob was willing to buy the painting at any price.

不惜任何代价 bù xī rèn hé dài jià

adverb (figurative (whatever sacrifice is required)

Yvonne wanted to win the game at any price.

便宜价 pián yí jià

noun (low cost)

You can find bargain prices on good used clothing at the thrift shop.

低价 dī jià

noun (cost before extras)

The base price is $20,000; if you want a stereo or air conditioning, that will be extra.

投标价格 tóu biāo jià gé

noun (highest amount of money offered)

The antique table was sold at the bid price of £5,000.


noun (payment for wife)

现金价格,付现价格 xiàn jīn jià gé,fù xiàn jià gé

noun (discount) (使用现金支付的最低价格)

The cash price for a new car can be as much as 10% less than if you buy it on time.

收盘价格 shōu pán jià gé

noun (stock market: ending price)

The closing price of the telephone company stock has risen for five consecutive days.


verbal expression (figurative (have a downside or disadvantage)

Rock stars discover that fame and fortune come at a price.

价格下跌 jià gé xià diē

verbal expression (informal (become less expensive)

That computer will come down in price when a faster model becomes available.

消费价格指数 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù

noun (retail price data)

The consumer price index has risen by 10 percent since the beginning of the year.


noun (initialism (consumer price index)

降价的 jiàng jià de

adjective (cheap, discounted)

公平价格 gōng píng jià gé

noun (reasonable cost)

I paid £2,000 for my car - it seemed like a fair price at the time.

确定价格 què dìng jià gé

verbal expression (agree on cost)

The management team met to fix the price for selling their newest product line.


verbal expression (collude to set price) (卖方串通)

There's no point in shopping around for a cheaper one. The shopkeepers all know each other round here and fix the price.

定价 dìng jià

noun (cost set in advance)

In general, department stores sell goods at fixed prices.


noun as adjective (option: with set cost)

Two types of mortgages are available: the fixed price mortgage and the variable mortgage.

最低价,底价 zuì dī jià

noun (minimum cost)

Occasionally a government will mandate a floor price to protect industries from foreign competition.


noun (cost of [sth] undiscounted)

At holiday time you will have to pay full price for airline tickets.

好价钱 hǎo jià qián

noun (reasonable cost)

The hotel offers good prices for rooms.

大价钱 dà jià qián

noun (value for money, cheap cost)

That's a great price for a machine with those features.

半价 bàn jià

noun (cost: 50% reduction)

The shop is selling lots of clothes at half price in the sale.


noun as adjective (50% reduction)

Alice always looks out for half-price items in the supermarket.


adverb (at a 50% reduction)

I bought this dress half-price in the sale.

高价 gāo jià

plural noun (great costs)

High prices are bad news for consumers.

高价 gāo jià

noun (figurative (great cost)

We won the battle, but we paid such a high price in human lives, I wonder if it was worth it.

高标价 gāo biāo jià

noun (figurative (great cost, expense)

His rise to fame came with a high price tag; his wife and children left him.

最低价 zuì dī jià

noun (UK, informal (low cost, discounted price)

This holiday season, our store will offer the best knockdown prices of the year.

定价,报价,标价 dìng jià ,bào jià ,biāo jià

noun (undiscounted, advertised cost)

Very few customers pay the list price for a new car.

低价 dī jià

noun (small or reduced cost)

A low price doesn't always mean lack of quality, but it's a good indicator.


noun (current price)

The current market price for lobster is $7.99 per pound.

中等价位 zhōng děng jià wèi

noun (reasonable or modest cost)

This store offers quality merchandise at a moderate price.

适中的价位 shì zhōng de jià wèi

noun (reasonable or moderate cost)

The car was being sold at a modest price.

净价 jìng jià

noun (price after tax)

名义价格 míng yì jià gé

noun (estimated cost)

The nominal price of the car is $25,000.

卖价 mài jià

noun (cost of [sth] being offered for sale)

The offer price is $250,000, but I think they will take substantially less.

卖价 mài jià

noun (cost of [sth] being offered for sale)

The offering price of this new share issue is likely to be between $1.85 and $1.95.

开盘价,开市价 kāi pán jià,kāi shì jià

noun (stock trading: day's starting price) (股票交易)

一揽子价格 yì lǎn zi jià gé

noun (all-inclusive cost)

高价 gāo jià

noun (elevated cost paid for [sth] of top quality)

Here at XYZ store you can always get premium quality without paying a premium price.

最高价格 zuì gāo jià gé

noun (upper limit set on prices)

Many economists think that establishing price ceilings interferes with free-market economics.

物价控制 wù jià kòng zhì

noun (limits set on prices)

The first thing the new dictator did was to establish price control on basic goods.

减价 jiǎn jià

noun (discount, lowering of costs)

You can find bargains after Christmas when there are price cuts on holiday merchandise.

价格垄断 jià gé lǒng duàn

noun (agreed control of prices)

The Department of Justice has accused the publisher of price fixing.

价格冻结 jià gé dòng jié

noun (temporary fixing of prices)

The Department of Trade and Industry imposed a price freeze on basic commodities.

物价上涨 wù jià shàng zhǎng

noun (increasing price with demand)

Price gouging of medical supplies was common during the pandemic.


noun as adjective (opportunistic with pricing)

Price-gouging manufacturers are selling masks for five times the normal price.

价格表 jià gé biǎo

noun (itemized listing of product prices)

The price list shows how much the company charges for different services.


intransitive verb (sell [sth] as low as competitor)


verbal expression (often passive (exclude through rising costs)


noun (cost of [sth] at retail) (需求曲线上的点,反应价格和需求量间的关系)


noun (scale of prices)

The price range of real estate varies from 4,500 to 8,000 euros per square metre. I need to buy a new car, but it's hard to find a reliable one in my price range.


noun (sudden severe increase in cost)

The bad summer weather caused a price spike in tomatoes.

价格标签 jià gé biāo qiān

noun (label showing an item's cost)

I cut the price tag off before I gift-wrapped the sweater.

费用 fèi yòng

noun (figurative (cost, value)

Health care reform will come with a hefty price tag.


noun (economics: purchaser unable to affect price)

物价上涨 wù jià shàng zhǎng

intransitive verb (raise prices with demand)

Some government agencies target companies that price-gouge.


transitive verb (raise price with demand)

That store is price-gouging masks and hand sanitizer.


adjective (prompted by pricing)


noun (cost at which [sth] is bought)

Over the years, the purchase price for a new car has risen significantly.

涨价 zhǎng jià

verbal expression (increase the cost of)

合理的价格 hé lǐ de jià gé

noun (fair cost)

建议(零售)价 jiàn yì líng shòu jià

noun (suggested retail price)

A lot of discount shops show inflated recommended prices.

折扣价格 zhé kòu jià gé

noun (discount)

零售价 líng shòu jià

noun (amount [sth] costs in shops)

I never pay the full retail price because I know how to haggle.


noun (UK (measure of inflation)

销售价 xiāo shòu jià

noun (discounted cost)

Even the sale price is more than I'm willing to pay.

售价 shòu jià

noun (cost at which [sth] is put up for sale)

I nearly fainted when I heard the selling price of the house.

合理的价格 hé lǐ de jià gé

noun (reasonable cost)

I hope I'll get a sensible price for my mother's old piano.

股票价格 gǔ piào jià gé

noun (cost of financial stocks)

So far this year share prices have fallen by a fifth.


noun (trading: immediate cost)

赔率 péi lǜ

noun (gambling odds)

过高的价格,不合理的高价 guò gāo de jià gé,bù hé lǐ de gāo jià

noun (informal (very high cost) (非正式用语)

标价,售价 biāo jià ,shòu jià

noun (seller's price, esp. for car) (尤指汽车)


noun (finance: fixed price) (金融)

目标价格 mù biāo jià gé

noun (anticipated retail cost)

The bank has set a target price of 250p per share.

最高价 zuì gāo jià

noun (highest cost)

You'll have to pay top price if you want theatre tickets for tonight.

单位价格 dān wèi jià gé

noun (cost per item)

批发价 pī fā jià

noun (cost of [sth] purchased in bulk)

The wholesale price is always much cheaper than the retail price.

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