英语 中的 low 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 low 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 low 的说明。

英语 中的low 表示低的 dī de, 开得低的, 低的 dī de, 声音小的 shēng yīn xiǎo de, 少的 shǎo de, 低的 dī de, 不正当的,卑劣的 bú zhèng dāng de ,bēi liè de, 海拔低的 hǎi bá dī de, 向下地 xiàng xià de, 情绪低沉的,情绪低落的,沮丧的 qíng xù dī chén de,qíng xù dī luò de,jǔ sàng de, 地位低的,低下的 dì wèi dī de,dī xià de, 低的,不好的,差的 dī de ,bù hǎo de ,chà de, 低俗的,粗鲁的 dī sú de,cū lǔ de, 低速档的 dī sù dàng de, 低的,靠近地平线的 dī de ,kào jìn dì píng xiàn de, 低悬的, 低声地 dī shēng de, 低沉地 dī chén de, 低价地 dī jià de, 低价 dī jià, 低气压 dī qì yā, 牛叫声 niú jiào shēng, 哞哞叫 mōu mōu jiào, 低压区 dī yā qū, 浅浮雕, 到处 dào chù, 高低算牌法, 有带皮靴, 高低的, 四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo, 低调 dī diào, 压倒 yā dǎo, 低频, 低频的, 潜伏 qián fú, 仰角, 仰角的, 近光, 近光的, 低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā, 不公平的批评, 打击腰部以下部位, 低热量的 dī rè liàng de, 低碳水化合物的, 下层(社会) xià céng ( shè huì ), 下等的 xià děng de, 便宜, 低成本的 dī chéng běn de, 低脂的, 低等级的, 低度的, 低分, 低智商 dī zhì shāng, 情绪低落,消沉 qíng xù dī luò ,xiāo chén, 低音 dī yīn, 缺,缺少,缺乏 quē shǎo ,quē fá, 评价很低 píng jià hěn dī, 表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā, 表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā, 低音 dī yīn, 最低点 zuì dī diǎn, 低潮,低谷 dī cháo,dī gǔ, 低价 dī jià, 不重要的事 bú zhòng yào de shì, 低等 dī děng, 低等的 dī děng de, 低风险,低危, 淡季 dàn jì, 低钠饮食 dī nà yǐn shí, 情绪低落 qíng xù dī luò, 技术含量低的,低端技术的, 低端技术, 低潮 dī cháo, 不引人关注 bù yǐn rén guān zhù, 低能见度 dī néng jiàn dù, 低能见度的, 低声耳语 dī shēng ěr yǔ, 低音量 dī yīn liàng, 低工资, 低工资的, 低成本的 dī chéng běn de, 低热量食品 dī rè liàng shí pǐn, 低碳水化合物饮食 dī tàn shuǐ huà hé wù yǐn shí, 低成本航空公司,廉价航空公司, 领口开得低的, 低密度的, 低密度的,不密集的,不集中的 bù jí zhōng de, 下贱的 xià jiàn de, 低端的,基本款的 dī duān de, 低脂奶, 低飞的,低空飞行的, 矮生的,低矮的 dī ǎi de, 最简单的任务, 低收入的,收入低的 dī shōu rù de, 基础水平的,初级水平的, 低级语言 dī jí yǔ yán, 低洼的,低地的 dī dì de, 低维护的,易养护的, 要求不高的 yāo qiú bù gāo de, 粗俗的,粗野的 cū sú de ,cū yě de, 工资低的, 收入少的, 低音的 dī yīn de, 斜度小的,平缓的 píng huǎn de, 小功率的,低功率的, 低能的,低功耗的,低能耗的 dī néng de, 便宜的,廉价的 pián yi de,lián jià de, 占地小的, 低调的 dī diào de, 低级别的,下层的 dī jí bié de,xià céng de, 对…评价不高,贬低 duì … píng jià bù gāo,biǎn dī, 租金便宜的, 劣质的 liè zhì de, 层数少的, 短裆的, 低层楼房, 低盐饮食 dī yán yǐn shí, 得分低的,低分的, 需要技能低的,低技术含量的, 低技能的, 低腰的, 低矮的 dī ǎi de, 低规格的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 low 的含义

低的 dī de

adjective (not extending or placed high)

This room has low ceilings.


adjective (below normal level) (领口等)

The standard of entries in this year's competition is very low.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我这次考试得了个低分,心里很难过。

低的 dī de

adjective (pitch, tone: dull or deep) (音高、声调)

Do you hear that low hum?

声音小的 shēng yīn xiǎo de

adjective (quiet)

She spoke into his ear in a very low voice.

少的 shǎo de

adjective (supplies: running out)

Supplies of toilet paper are low.

低的 dī de

adjective (price, etc.: modest) (价格)

The shop is selling jeans at a very low price.

不正当的,卑劣的 bú zhèng dāng de ,bēi liè de

adjective (figurative (underhand, devious) (手段等)

Low tactics like cheating your customers will make you a lot of enemies.

海拔低的 hǎi bá dī de

adverb (not very high up)

The plane flew low over the houses.

向下地 xiàng xià de

adverb (down: to or in a low position)

He bent down low to kiss his child.

情绪低沉的,情绪低落的,沮丧的 qíng xù dī chén de,qíng xù dī luò de,jǔ sàng de

adjective (figurative (depressed) (比喻)

I'm feeling low today after hearing the bad news.

地位低的,低下的 dì wèi dī de,dī xià de

adjective (figurative (humble, inferior) (比喻)

She was from a low caste.

低的,不好的,差的 dī de ,bù hǎo de ,chà de

adjective (figurative (negative, unfavourable) (评价、看法等)

I have a low opinion of people like him.

低俗的,粗鲁的 dī sú de,cū lǔ de

adjective (figurative (vulgar) (语言)

I don't want you using low language like that around the children.

低速档的 dī sù dàng de

adjective (gear: lower) (汽车)

We put the car into low gear to climb the hill.

低的,靠近地平线的 dī de ,kào jìn dì píng xiàn de

adjective (sun: setting) (太阳)

The sun was low and about to set.


adjective (sun: starting to rise) (太阳)

It was early morning, and the sun was still low.

低声地 dī shēng de

adverb (in a quiet voice)

He spoke low so nobody could hear.

低沉地 dī chén de

adverb (at a low pitch)

I hope you sing bass because you need to sing this song very low.

低价地 dī jià de

adverb (at a low price)

The rule with stocks is: buy low, sell high!

低价 dī jià

noun (minimum)

The stock hit a record low for the year.

低气压 dī qì yā

noun (weather: depression) (天气)

There is a low centred over the Atlantic, causing storms.

牛叫声 niú jiào shēng

noun (moo)

The cow's low was a mournful sound in the middle of the night.

哞哞叫 mōu mōu jiào

intransitive verb (moo) (牛)

The cattle were lowing.

低压区 dī yā qū

noun (meteorology)

A stationary area of low pressure over the Great Lakes has brought us a week of rain and fog.


noun (Gallicism (raised sculpture effect)

The pattern is carved in bas-relief on the temple wall.

到处 dào chù

adverb (all over the place, everywhere)

I searched high and low for my glasses but couldn't find them.


noun (poker game)


noun (style of shoe) (高及足踝的)


adjective (having one high part and low part)

四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo

intransitive verb (search everywhere)

I hunted high and low for my keys, but they were nowhere to be found.

低调 dī diào

verbal expression (be inconspicuous)

After the argument I kept a low profile for a few days. Spies tend to keep a low profile to avoid attention.

压倒 yā dǎo

verbal expression (overcome, incapacitate)


noun (initialism (low frequency)


noun as adjective (initialism (low frequency)

潜伏 qián fú

verbal expression (figurative (not draw attention to yourself)


noun (camera: low down) (摄影机)

The actor was filmed from a low angle which made him look very tall.


noun as adjective (shot: from low down) (镜头)

The photographer used a low-angle shot to emphasize the model's height.


noun (headlights: dimmest setting) (车前灯)

The driver put the headlights on low beam so that he wouldn't dazzle other motorists.


noun as adjective (headlights: on dimmest setting) (车前灯)

I put the headlights on their low-beam setting.

低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā

noun (hypotension)

Low blood pressure can make you feel dizzy.


noun (figurative (unfair criticism)

You told him he was stupid? That's a low blow.


noun (boxing: illegal hit) (拳击犯规动作)

低热量的 dī rè liàng de

adjective (containing few calories)

The best way to lose weight is to go on a low-calorie diet and do plenty of exercise.


adjective (informal (containing few carbohydrates)

A low-carb diet is an effective way of losing weight.

下层(社会) xià céng ( shè huì )

adjective (figurative (base, vulgar)

The white establishment regarded jazz as a form of low-class entertainment.

下等的 xià děng de

adjective (indicating social status) (指社会地位)

After he lost his job they had to move to a low-class neighbourhood near the railway station.


noun (cheap price)

The tablet's advantages are its low cost and user-friendly design.

低成本的 dī chéng běn de

adjective (cheap, budget)

You can save money by booking a low-cost flight.


adjective (food: skimmed, light)

Many low-fat foods contain more sugar than their full-fat equivalents.


adjective (inferior)

Low-grade uranium ore must be enriched before it can fuel a reactor.


adjective (fever: slight) (疾病)

A low-grade fever is a common symptom of influenza.


noun (school: poor mark)

I always got low grades in physics and chemistry.

低智商 dī zhì shāng

noun (lack of intelligence)

Having a low IQ has never been a barrier to a career in politics.

情绪低落,消沉 qíng xù dī luò ,xiāo chén

noun (depression)

Bethany was in a low mood after the death of her mother.

低音 dī yīn

plural noun (music: deep or bass notes)

My father had an amazingly powerful baritone voice; when he hit those low notes, the windows would rattle all through the house.

缺,缺少,缺乏 quē shǎo ,quē fá

adjective (lacking in [sth])

We are low on toilet paper.

评价很低 píng jià hěn dī

noun (disapproval, dislike)

I have a low opinion of that storekeeper because he cheats his customers.

表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā

noun ([sb] who fails to achieve)

The student was a low performer in his English class.

表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā

noun (stock: low return) (股票:收益率低)

Shares in the company proved to be a slow performer on the stock market.

低音 dī yīn

noun (music: deep or bass frequency)

Tony sang the song in a low pitch.

最低点 zuì dī diǎn

noun (least happy time)

The low point in the athlete's career was when a leg injury forced him to miss the Olympic Games.

低潮,低谷 dī cháo,dī gǔ

noun (informal (unhappy moment, time)

James was at a low point at that time because he had just split up with his girlfriend.

低价 dī jià

noun (small or reduced cost)

A low price doesn't always mean lack of quality, but it's a good indicator.

不重要的事 bú zhòng yào de shì

noun ([sth] not considered urgent)

Paying your rent on time should not be a low priority. That project doesn't have to be finished until next month, so it's a low priority for now.

低等 dī děng

noun (inferiority)

His work was of low quality, and customers rarely employed his services a second time.

低等的 dī děng de

adjective (inferior, poor)

Low-quality electronics stop working soon after you buy them.


noun (involving little danger)

I have a low risk pregnancy.

淡季 dàn jì

noun (least popular time of year)

Hotel prices are much cheaper in the low season.

低钠饮食 dī nà yǐn shí

noun (regimen which restricts salt intake)

Food tastes bland for the first few days of a low sodium diet.

情绪低落 qíng xù dī luò

plural noun (depressed mood)

I could tell he was in low spirits by the look on his face. I try not to let my low spirits affect other people.


adjective (informal, abbreviation (low-technology)

Low-tech solutions to problems are sometimes more appropriate in developing countries.


noun (informal, abbreviation (low technology)

Low tech is often easier to repair than high tech because it involves fewer parts.

低潮 dī cháo

noun (sea's tide at lowest elevation)

At low tide, you can see a wrecked ship sticking out of the sand.

不引人关注 bù yǐn rén guān zhù

noun (being inconspicuous)

The politician kept a low visibility for several months after the scandal.

低能见度 dī néng jiàn dù

noun (short range of vision)

Due to low visibility caused by heavy fog, many flights from Heathrow Airport were delayed.


noun as adjective (relating to short range of vision)

低声耳语 dī shēng ěr yǔ

noun (subdued voice: murmur or whisper)

He revealed his plan in a low voice so as not to be overheard. He spoke in such a low voice that I could barely hear him.

低音量 dī yīn liàng

noun (voice lower end of sound range)

Men typically have low voices and women have higher ones.


noun (small amount of remuneration)


adjective (receiving, paying a low wage)

低成本的 dī chéng běn de

adjective (small amount of funds)

Camping is a low-budget option for holidaymakers.

低热量食品 dī rè liàng shí pǐn

noun (low calorie intake)

I went on a low-calorie diet to lose weight.

低碳水化合物饮食 dī tàn shuǐ huà hé wù yǐn shí

noun (regimen which restricts carbohydrate intake)

No potatoes for me, thanks – I'm on a low-carbohydrate diet. She's trying this new low-carbohydrate diet to see if it will help her lose some weight.


noun (cheap air travel company)

Steve became a millionaire after setting up a low-cost airline.


adjective (clothing: low neckline) (衣服)

Eva is wearing a low-cut evening gown.


adjective (buildings: spread out) (建筑)

低密度的,不密集的,不集中的 bù jí zhōng de

adjective (not concentrated)

下贱的 xià jiàn de

adjective (slang (base, sneaky)

That low-down thief stole my wallet!

低端的,基本款的 dī duān de

adjective (basic)


noun (skimmed dairy product)

Low-fat milk contains 1% milk fat.


adjective (flying at low altitude)

People living near the airbase are complaining about the noise produced by low-flying aircraft.

矮生的,低矮的 dī ǎi de

adjective (plant: not tall)

I need to put low-growing plants along this wall so I can open the windows above them.


noun (figurative (easiest task)

Most people answer the easiest questions—in other words, the low-hanging fruit—in the quiz first.

低收入的,收入低的 dī shōu rù de

adjective (of or on low earnings)

This apartment complex is geared to low-income families.


adjective (basic level)

Introductory Physical Science is a low-level course.

低级语言 dī jí yǔ yán

noun (computer code)

Assembly language is a typical example of a low-level language.

低洼的,低地的 dī dì de

adjective (land: low elevation)

The low-lying areas flooded during the recent storm.


adjective (requiring little upkeep)

My garden of native plants is low-maintenance compared to the usual lawn.

要求不高的 yāo qiú bù gāo de

adjective (person: undemanding)

I'm grateful to have a fairly low-maintenance girlfriend.

粗俗的,粗野的 cū sú de ,cū yě de

adjective (vulgar, coarse)


adjective (job: poorly remunerated) (工作)

Teaching is a low-paid job in Argentina.


adjective (worker: earning little) (工人)

Low-paid workers sometimes take on second jobs just to pay their day-to-day living expenses.

低音的 dī yīn de

adjective (sound: low frequency)

A bass drum makes a low-pitched sound.

斜度小的,平缓的 píng huǎn de

adjective (roof: not much slope)


adjective (less powerful than usual)

低能的,低功耗的,低能耗的 dī néng de

adjective (using less energy than usual)

便宜的,廉价的 pián yi de,lián jià de

adjective (cheap)


adjective (literal (taking little space)

These low-profile lids take up 23% less space in shipping containers.

低调的 dī diào de

noun as adjective (figurative (inconspicuous)

低级别的,下层的 dī jí bié de,xià céng de

adjective (near bottom of range or hierarchy)

对…评价不高,贬低 duì … píng jià bù gāo,biǎn dī

transitive verb (not value highly)


noun as adjective (cheap to rent)

劣质的 liè zhì de

noun as adjective (of inferior quality)


adjective (building: short) (建筑)


adjective (pants: low waistband) (裤子)


noun (building)

低盐饮食 dī yán yǐn shí

noun (regimen which restricts salt intake)

My doctor has recommended that I follow a low-salt diet.


adjective (achieving poor score)


adjective (job: menial) (工作)

Being a hotel receptionist is a low-skilled job.


adjective (worker: menial) (工人)


adjective (trousers: hipster style) (裤子)

低矮的 dī ǎi de

adjective (low)


adjective (informal, abbreviation (technology: low-specification)

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