英语 中的 process 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 process 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 process 的说明。

英语 中的process 表示工序 gōng xù, 程序 chéng xù, 程序 chéng xù, 过程 guò chéng, 加工过的 jiā gōng guò de, 传票,法院传唤 chuán piào,fǎ yuàn chuán huàn, 突起 tū qǐ, 列队前进 liè duì qián jìn, 处理 chǔ lǐ, 加工 jiā gōng, 按程序办理, 按法律程序处理, 处理 chǔ lǐ, 把…送达, 将…加工为,将…转化为, 罐装工艺 guàn zhuāng gōng yì, 法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù, 标准程序 biāo zhǔn chéng xù, 四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuā, 冷冻程序 lěng dòng chéng xù, 进行中 jìn xíng zhōng, 正在生产, 正在制造, 在这个过程中, 在…的过程中, 正在…, 法律程序 fǎ lǜ chéng xù, 行动计划时间表,进度时间表, 甄选程序,遴选程序,筛选程序, 传票送达, 思考过程 sī kǎo guò chéng, 剑突。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 process 的含义

工序 gōng xù

noun (method)

The chair-manufacturing process is quite complex.

程序 chéng xù

noun (procedure)

There is a set process for applying for a passport.

程序 chéng xù

noun (systematic actions)

You must follow the same process every time you do it.

过程 guò chéng

noun (time: course)

Throughout the process, he stayed loyal to his beliefs.

加工过的 jiā gōng guò de

adjective (US (food: prepared by a process)

The process cheese doesn't look or taste like real cheese.

传票,法院传唤 chuán piào,fǎ yuàn chuán huàn

noun (law: summons) (法律)

The process was served by a bailiff.

突起 tū qǐ

noun (anatomy, zoology: protuberance)

This bony process is called the sacral promontory.

列队前进 liè duì qián jìn

intransitive verb (formal (move in a procession)

The royal party processed from Buckingham Palace to Westminster for the wedding.

处理 chǔ lǐ

transitive verb (treat) (用化学药品等)

We need to process this in a chemical solution to make it change colour.

加工 jiā gōng

transitive verb (convert)

Process the wood to make charcoal for cooking.


transitive verb (handle systematically)

The immigrants were processed at the airport.


transitive verb (begin legal process)

This case must be processed efficiently or we might lose in court.

处理 chǔ lǐ

transitive verb (deal with [sth] emotionally) (感情)

Each of us processes grief in our own way.


(often passive (serve a summons) (法院传票)

He was processed with a summons to appear in court by the police.


(convert) (比喻)

Since his stroke, Phil takes much longer to process words into sentences.

罐装工艺 guàn zhuāng gōng yì

noun (process of putting food in tins)

法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù

noun (legal proceedings)

If arrested, you have the right to due process.

标准程序 biāo zhǔn chéng xù

noun (standard procedure)

四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuā

noun (four-hue printing method) (美式拼法)

冷冻程序 lěng dòng chéng xù

noun (procedure for making [sth] frozen)

进行中 jìn xíng zhōng

adverb (underway, ongoing)

Preparations for the 2012 Olympics were in process.

正在生产, 正在制造

adjective (goods: in manufacture)


expression (while doing [sth])

Janine has been studying German at school, and in the process, she's made new friends.


expression (during, in the course of)

The robber tripped and broke his leg in the process of trying to flee.


verbal expression (be doing)

I am in the process of applying for a visa to travel to the USA.

法律程序 fǎ lǜ chéng xù

noun (court procedure)

The legal process to get squatters out of a property can take a long time.


noun (timetable for a plan of action)


noun (procedure for choosing [sth] or [sb])


noun (law: notice of action) (法律)

思考过程 sī kǎo guò chéng

noun (thinking, train of thought)


noun (lower part of breastbone)

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process 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。