英语 中的 dry 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dry 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dry 的说明。

英语 中的dry 表示干的 gān de, 干的 gān de, 把…弄干 bǎ nòng gān, 变干 biàn gān, 干燥的 gān zào de, 干旱的 gān hàn de, 干的,没有甜味的 gān de ,méi yǒu tián wèi de, 禁酒的 jìn jiǔ de, 口渴的 kǒu kě de, 冷的, 含蓄的, 讽刺性的, 无聊的 wú liáo de, 忘词, 变干 biàn gān, 弄干 nòng gān, 干透 gān tòu, 干透 gān tòu, 戒酒 jiè jiǔ, 干涸, 干透, 枯竭,耗尽 kū jié,hào jìn, 忘记要说什么 wàng jì yào shuō shén me, 住口 zhù kǒu, 风干, 风干的 fēng gān de, 榨干…的钱, 用吹风机吹干, 吹干头发, 全干的, 滴干, 使…滴干, 滴干免烫的, 干洗店, 衣物干洗 yī wù gān xǐ, 干洗好的衣物, 干咳, 干船坞 gān chuán wù, 白板笔, 纺织品 fǎng zhī pǐn, 干货, 纺织品商店 fǎng zhī pǐn shāng diàn, 干呕 gān ǒu, 冷幽默 lěng yōu mò, 干冰, 干冰雾化后的烟雾, 陆地 lù dì, 马提尼酒 mǎ tí ní jiǔ, 干腐, 干腐病, 使...染上干腐病, 得干腐病, 排练 pái liàn, 旱季 hàn jì, 干性皮肤, 干槽症, 干旱期, 低潮期, 干石, 干石制的, 住嘴 zhù zuǐ, 干型葡萄酒 gān xíng pú táo jiǔ, 冷幽默 lěng yōu mò, 干洗 gān xǐ, 不哭的, 石膏板, 干砌石墙 gān qì shí qiáng, 石膏板的, 干砌石墙的 gān qì shí qiáng de, 用石膏板建, 装石膏板, 拖把 tuō bǎ, 冻干, 悬挂晾干, 被抛弃的,无依无靠的,孤立无援的,孤独无助的 bèi pāo qì de ,wú yī wú kào de,gū lì wú yuán de,gū dú wú zhù de, 达到目标, 抛弃..., 让…搁浅, 半干的, 脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn, 在陆地上 zài lù dì shàng, 干涸 gān hé, 人造滑雪坡 rén zào huá xuě pō, 用烘干机烘干。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dry 的含义

干的 gān de

adjective (not wet)

The chair was dry because it was not in the rain.

干的 gān de

adjective (food: lacking moisture) (食品)

The crackers were dry.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他喜欢吃不涂黄油的面包。

把…弄干 bǎ nòng gān

transitive verb (make dry)

He dried the dishes with a towel.

变干 biàn gān

intransitive verb (become dry)

The clothes dried in the sun.

干燥的 gān zào de

adjective (land, climate: arid)

Many parts of Spain are dry like the desert.

干旱的 gān hàn de

adjective (weather: no rain)

It has been dry around here for the last couple of months.

干的,没有甜味的 gān de ,méi yǒu tián wèi de

adjective (wine: not sweet) (葡萄酒)

She doesn't like dry wine. It isn't sweet enough for her.

禁酒的 jìn jiǔ de

adjective (figurative (place, event: no alcohol) (某个地方)

Some counties in Louisiana are dry counties.

口渴的 kǒu kě de

adjective (thirsty)

After walking all day, I was a little dry.

冷的, 含蓄的, 讽刺性的

adjective (figurative (humour: ironic) (幽默)

Not everyone understands his dry humour.

无聊的 wú liáo de

adjective (figurative (boring)

The man I went out with was a little dry.


intransitive verb (figurative, slang (theater: forget your line) (剧场演员)

I dried onstage and the actor playing Hamlet had to feed me my line.

变干 biàn gān

phrasal verb, intransitive (become dry)

She sat in the sun to dry off after her swim.

弄干 nòng gān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make dry)

After he dropped his cell phone in the pool, he dried it off using a blow dryer.

干透 gān tòu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make dry)

Overcooking meat dries it out.

干透 gān tòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (become completely dry)

My skin dries out if I don't use moisturizer every day.

戒酒 jiè jiǔ

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (recover from alcohol addiction) (比喻,俚语)

He went into rehab to dry out.

干涸, 干透

phrasal verb, intransitive (liquid: dry completely) (液体)

During a drought, streams may dry up completely.

枯竭,耗尽 kū jié,hào jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (disappear) (比喻)

At one point in the banking crisis, the supply of funds to industry almost dried up completely.

忘记要说什么 wàng jì yào shuō shén me

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (forget speech) (比喻)

When the moment came for him to speak his lines, the actor dried up completely.

住口 zhù kǒu

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (stop talking)

He's ranting again. I wish he'd just dry up!


transitive verb (dry by contact with air)

风干的 fēng gān de

adjective (dry from contact with air)


(figurative (spend all [sb]'s money)

Between them, my six kids have bled me dry!


transitive verb (use a hair-dryer on)

There's no point blow-drying your hair – it's pouring down outside!


noun (instance of drying hair)

The hairdresser asked her client if she wanted a blow-dry.


adjective (extremely dry, parched)


intransitive verb (dry by letting water run off)


transitive verb (dry by letting water run off)


adjective (able to drip-dry)


noun (company: cleans clothing)

That suit's too delicate for the washing machine; you'll have to take it to the dry cleaner.

衣物干洗 yī wù gān xǐ

noun (cleaning clothes with chemicals)

Dry cleaning is a lot cheaper than it used to be.


noun (clothes for chemical cleaning)

Please pick up the dry cleaning on your way home.


noun (coughing with little mucus)

干船坞 gān chuán wù

noun (nautical: for repairing ships)


noun (erasable whiteboard pen)

纺织品 fǎng zhī pǐn

plural noun (mainly US (fabrics, clothing)

In recent years, grocery stores have expanded into selling dry goods, such as clothing.


plural noun (UK (dry food: flour, grain, etc.)

纺织品商店 fǎng zhī pǐn shāng diàn

noun (shop: sells fabrics, clothing)

You won't find groceries or hardware at a dry goods store.

干呕 gān ǒu

plural noun (retching without vomiting)

冷幽默 lěng yōu mò

noun (deadpan comedy)

The double-entendre is often an element of dry humor.


noun (CO2: used for refrigeration)

I need some dry ice to ship these crawfish to Cuba.


noun (artificial smoke effect)

Dry ice covered the stage as the band appeared.

陆地 lù dì

noun (terra firma, earth)

We were glad to be back on dry land after our disastrous cruise.

马提尼酒 mǎ tí ní jiǔ

noun (cocktail)

After a few dry martinis the problem didn't seem so bad.


noun (wood: fungal decay) (木材由于真菌引起的)

We found dry rot in the roof timbers and the whole roof had to be replaced.


noun (plant disease)


transitive verb (affect with dry rot)


intransitive verb (develop dry rot)

排练 pái liàn

noun (trial, rehearsal)

We've only got one chance to get it right, so let's do a dry run first.

旱季 hàn jì

noun (non-rainy season in the tropics)

It's no cooler in the monsoon than it is in the dry season!


noun (skin condition: lack of moisture)

The dry skin on my elbows is very annoying and painful when it catches on the inside of my sleeves.


noun (dental inflammation) (牙科炎症)


noun (period of dry weather)


noun (figurative (period of no activity)


noun (wall-building: without cement)


noun as adjective (made without cement)

住嘴 zhù zuǐ

interjection (figurative, slang (stop talking!) (俚语)

Oh, dry up! I'm tired of your constant complaining.

干型葡萄酒 gān xíng pú táo jiǔ

noun (wine that is not sweet)

Can you suggest a dry white wine to go with our fish? Sweet wines have a higher sugar content than dry wines.

冷幽默 lěng yōu mò

noun (ironic humour)

He had such a dry wit that sometimes it took me a while to realize he was joking.

干洗 gān xǐ

transitive verb (clean using chemicals)

I won't buy any clothes that I have to have dry-cleaned.


adjective (not weeping)

I never manage to stay dry-eyed during sad movies.


noun (US (plasterboard)

The contractor finally finished putting up the drywall today.

干砌石墙 gān qì shí qiáng

noun (UK (stone wall built without mortar)

The property is surrounded by a drywall.


noun as adjective (US (for use with drywall)

干砌石墙的 gān qì shí qiáng de

noun as adjective (UK (built without mortar)


transitive verb (US (construct using drywall)

Today we are going to drywall the kitchen.


intransitive verb (US (construct or install drywall)

The workers have been drywalling for weeks now.

拖把 tuō bǎ

noun (cleaning tool)


transitive verb (freeze rapidly, then dry)


verbal expression (suspend [sth] wet until it dries)

I'll hang my towel to dry in the sun.

被抛弃的,无依无靠的,孤立无援的,孤独无助的 bèi pāo qì de ,wú yī wú kào de,gū lì wú yuán de,gū dú wú zhù de

adjective (figurative (person: abandoned) (人)

When he left her, she found herself high and dry with no income and nowhere to live.


expression (UK, informal (having achieved your goal)


verbal expression (often passive (person: abandon)


verbal expression (often passive (ship: ground, beach) (船)

The fishing boats were left high and dry when the tide went out.


adjective (partially dry)

脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn

noun (US (powdered skimmed milk) (美式拼法)

Nonfat dry milk is more tasty than skim milk.

在陆地上 zài lù dì shàng

adverb (not at sea)

I didn't believe I had survived the shipwreck until I was back on dry land.

干涸 gān hé

(dry up) (河流、湖泊等)

The river ran dry and all the fish died.

人造滑雪坡 rén zào huá xuě pō

noun (artificial hill for skiing)

Synthetic matting is used for the surface of these ski slopes.


verbal expression (heat until dry in a tumble-dryer)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。