英语 中的 film 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 film 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 film 的说明。

英语 中的film 表示电影 diàn yǐng, 胶卷 jiāo juǎn, 薄膜 báo mó, 拍 pāi, 塑料薄膜, 角膜翳, 拍摄电影 pāi shè diàn yǐng, 适于拍摄 shì yú pāi shè, 蒙上一层薄膜 méng shàng yì céng bó mó, 把…蒙上一层薄膜 bǎ méng shàng yì céng bó mó, 黑白电影 hēi bái diàn yǐng, 黑白胶片 hēi bái jiāo piàn, 黄色电影, 黄色电影, 照相机胶卷, 胶卷盒 jiāo juǎn hé, 彩色胶卷 cǎi sè jiāo juǎn, 有色电影, 喜剧片,喜剧电影, 黄片, 纪录片 jì lù piàn, 剧情片,情节剧 jù qíng piàn,qíng jié jù, 教育片 jiào yù piàn, 故事片 gù shì piàn, 电影版,改编影片,改编电影, 电影片段 diàn yǐng piàn duàn, 电影演职人员名单, 摄制组, 电影评论家, 影视导演 yǐng shì dǎo yǎn, 电影行业, 黑色电影, 投影机, 电影拍摄道具, 电影胶片卷盘 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn juǎn pán, 电影角色 diàn yǐng jué sè, 电影场景 diàn yǐng chǎng jǐng, 电影研究,影视研究, 改编电影, 电影导演 diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn, 电影制作人 diàn yǐng zhì zuò rén, 电影导演 diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn, 电影制作人 diàn yǐng zhì zuò rén, (具有独特风格的)电影导演 jù yǒu dú tè fēng gé de diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn, 电影制作, 电影制作的, 电影胶片 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn, 幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn, 外国影片,外国电影, 达到剧情片标准长度的影片 dá dào jù qíng piàn biāo zhǔn cháng dù de yǐng piàn, 历史电影,历史片, 恐怖片 kǒng bù piàn, 电影演员 diàn yǐng yǎn yuán, 电影迷,影迷, 电影摄影机 diàn yǐng shè yǐng jī, 电影评论,影评, 电影场景 diàn yǐng chǎng jǐng, 电影明星 diàn yǐng míng xīng, 保鲜膜 bǎo xiān mó, 摄影胶卷, 一卷胶片 yì juǎn jiāo piàn, 短片 duǎn piàn, 无声电影 wú shēng diàn yǐng, 充满血腥和暴力的恐怖电影,血腥恐怖片 chōng mǎn xiě xīng hé bào lì de kǒng bù diàn yǐng / chōng mǎn xuè xīng hé bào lì de kǒng bù diàn yǐng,xiě xīng kǒng bù piàn / xuè xīng kǒng bù piàn, 暴力恐怖片, 凶杀电影。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 film 的含义

电影 diàn yǐng

noun (esp. UK (piece of cinema entertainment)

The film was about the war in Bosnia.

胶卷 jiāo juǎn

noun (in old-fashioned cameras)

Yes, son, before there were digital cameras, all cameras used film.

薄膜 báo mó

noun (thin layer)

There was a film of oil coating the lake water.

拍 pāi

transitive verb (record as moving images) (电影等)

The director filmed three scenes of the movie today.


noun (plastic covering)

Kate pulled the film off of the cell phone's screen.


noun (opaque obstruction)

The old man's eyes were covered in a milky film because of cataracts.

拍摄电影 pāi shè diàn yǐng

intransitive verb (record moving images)

The crew is going to begin filming soon.

适于拍摄 shì yú pāi shè

intransitive verb (be recorded)

The scene filmed well.

蒙上一层薄膜 méng shàng yì céng bó mó

intransitive verb (become coated with a thin layer)

With the oil on it, the lake filmed over quickly.

把…蒙上一层薄膜 bǎ méng shàng yì céng bó mó

transitive verb (dated (coat in a thin layer)

Just film the skin with a thin layer of cream.

黑白电影 hēi bái diàn yǐng

noun (movie: without colour)

I love watching silents, those old black-and-white films with no sound.

黑白胶片 hēi bái jiāo piàn

noun (camera film: without colour)

All our early home movies were on black-and-white film.


noun (adult film)


noun (figurative, informal (pornographic film)

This TV station shows blue movies late at night.


noun (for analog photos)

Now that photography is digital, camera film is practically an antique.

胶卷盒 jiāo juǎn hé

noun (container for photographic film)

Alicia wound up the film and put it back into its canister.

彩色胶卷 cǎi sè jiāo juǎn

noun (for photographing in color)

Jane shot the photos using color film, scanned them into her computer and converted them to black and white.


noun (cinema: movie in color)


noun (US, colloquial (humorous film)


noun (informal (pornographic film)

The boys hid the dirty movie under the mattress so their mom wouldn't find it.

纪录片 jì lù piàn

noun (factual, informative film)

剧情片,情节剧 jù qíng piàn,qíng jié jù

noun (fictional film with serious theme)

教育片 jiào yù piàn

noun (information film)

The teacher showed the class an educational film about World War II.

故事片 gù shì piàn

noun (full-length movie)

At the movie theater there are usually commercials and previews before the feature film.


noun (movie version)

The film adaptation was not as good as the book.

电影片段 diàn yǐng piàn duàn

noun (extract of a film or movie)

I'm watching one of those shows on TV that contain a lot of old film clips.


plural noun (movie: list of cast and crew)

Sometimes, I like to stay after the movie and watch the film credits.


noun (team filming a movie or video)


noun ([sb] who reviews movies)

I do not often agree with the film critics who write for that newspaper.

影视导演 yǐng shì dǎo yǎn

noun (oversees making of film)

Kurosawa is considered to be one of Japan's best film directors.


noun (business of making films)

The book describes the growth of the film industry in India.


noun (film: thriller)


noun (device for screening films)

The family replaced their television with a film projector.


noun (object used on a movie set)

They sent her to find a worn-out chair to be used as a film prop in the prison scene.

电影胶片卷盘 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn juǎn pán

noun (spool of movie film)

We found a box full of old film reels in the loft.

电影角色 diàn yǐng jué sè

noun (acting part in a movie)

I've worked in TV for years but haven't yet had a film role.

电影场景 diàn yǐng chǎng jǐng

noun (movie: stage, setting)

Hank was really excited as it was his first time on a film set.


plural noun (academic subject: cinema) (学科)

He was such an avid movie fan that he immediately chose film studies as his university major.


noun (movie adaptation)

电影导演 diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn

noun (movie director)

Steven Spielberg is a very successful film maker.

电影制作人 diàn yǐng zhì zuò rén

noun (movie producer)

In addition to being an acclaimed actor, Clint Eastwood is also an influential filmmaker.

电影导演 diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn

noun (cinema: director)

Before becoming a filmmaker, Shane studied cinematography in college.

电影制作人 diàn yǐng zhì zuò rén

noun (cinema: producer)

Linda is a Hollywood filmmaker.

(具有独特风格的)电影导演 jù yǒu dú tè fēng gé de diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn

noun (cinema: auteur)

The filmmaker will be present at the screening.


noun (making movies)


noun as adjective (related to making movies)

电影胶片 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn

noun (media: cinefilm)

幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn

noun (band of cinefilm)


noun (movie made in another country)

I enjoy watching foreign films more than domestic films.

达到剧情片标准长度的影片 dá dào jù qíng piàn biāo zhǔn cháng dù de yǐng piàn

noun (feature-length movie)


noun (period movie, film set in the past)

'Gone with the Wind' is a classic example of an historical film.

恐怖片 kǒng bù piàn

noun (scary, gory film)

I can't watch a horror movie at night, I get too scared.

电影演员 diàn yǐng yǎn yuán

noun (film star)

Movie stars are a dime a dozen, it's rare to see a movie actor with the skill to move an audience in so subtle a motion.


noun (informal (person who loves cinema)

The Internet Movie Database is an invaluable resource for any movie buff.

电影摄影机 diàn yǐng shè yǐng jī

noun (motion-picture camera)

Lawrence of Arabia was filmed using the larger 35mm format movie camera.


noun (critique of a film)

I rarely read movie reviews: I prefer to make my own judgements.

电影场景 diàn yǐng chǎng jǐng

noun (set piece in a film)

电影明星 diàn yǐng míng xīng

noun (famous film actor)

Now that he was a movie star everybody wanted to give him things for free.

保鲜膜 bǎo xiān mó

noun (transparent film for wrapping food)


noun (photographic film on a spool)

一卷胶片 yì juǎn jiāo piàn

noun (spool of film for a camera)

Digital cameras have made rolls of film obsolete. When she was taking pictures, she had to stop to change a roll of film.

短片 duǎn piàn

noun (movie less than feature length)

无声电影 wú shēng diàn yǐng

noun (movie without sound)

The silent movie era was quite short: roughly 1900 to 1930.

充满血腥和暴力的恐怖电影,血腥恐怖片 chōng mǎn xiě xīng hé bào lì de kǒng bù diàn yǐng / chōng mǎn xuè xīng hé bào lì de kǒng bù diàn yǐng,xiě xīng kǒng bù piàn / xuè xīng kǒng bù piàn

noun (informal (violent or gory horror film) (非正式用语)

This movie is one of my favorite slashers of all time!


noun (violent or gory horror film)


noun (film: shows real deaths)

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film 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。