英语 中的 box 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 box 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 box 的说明。

英语 中的box 表示箱子,盒子,匣子 xiāng zi ,hé zi ,xiá zi, 一盒(的量) yì hé de liàng, (剧院)包厢 jù yuàn bāo xiāng, (体育场内的)专席 tǐ yù chǎng nèi de zhuān xí, 陪审席,审判席 péi shěn xí,shěn pàn xí, 邮箱 yóu xiāng, (用于接收信件的)信插 yòng yú jiē shōu xìn jiàn de xìn chā, 投币式自动点唱机 tóu bì shì zì dòng diǎn chàng jī, 变速箱 biàn sù xiāng, 电视机 diàn shì jī, 棺材 guān cái, (表格上的)方框 biǎo gé shàng de fāng kuàng, 区 qū, 下体护身 xià tǐ hù shēn, 困境 kùn jìng, 耳光 ěr guāng, 拳击 quán jī, 与…进行拳击比赛 yǔ … jìn xíng quán jī bǐ sài, 反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ, 把…装入盒中, 把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái, 把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái, 将…装箱, 盒中袋, 投票箱 tóu piào xiāng, 投票选举制 tóu piào xuǎn jǔ zhì, 防熊储物箱, 大型商场 dà xíng shāng chǎng, 鸟舍 niǎo shè, 黑匣子, 手提音响, 箱式照相机 xiāng shì zhào xiàng jī, 美工刀 měi gōng dāo, 矮树盆栽, 邮箱号码, 一盒巧克力 yì hé qiǎo kè lì, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 票房 piào fáng, 票房 piào fáng, 卡位, 得分记录表,总成绩 dé fēn jì lù biǎo,zǒng chéng jì, 包厢座位 bāo xiāng zuò wèi, 包厢座位 bāo xiāng zuò wèi, 套装 tào zhuāng, 全季电视剧, 床箱里的弹簧 chuáng xiāng lǐ de tán huáng, 盒龟,箱龟 hé guī,xiāng guī, 弹簧床座, 储藏室 chǔ cáng shì, 小房间 xiǎo fáng jiān, 面包盒 miàn bāo hé, 公用电话亭 gōng yòng diàn huà tíng, 纸板箱 zhǐ bǎn xiāng, 现金柜, 猫砂盒, 复选框 fù xuǎn kuàng, 花里胡哨的 huā lǐ hú shào de, 木制雪茄烟盒 mù zhì xuě jiā yān hé, 冰箱 bīng xiāng, 对话框, 车夫位, 募捐箱 mù juān xiāng, 假饵盒,装假蝇的盒子 jiǎ ěr hé,zhuāng jiǎ yíng de hé zi, 保险丝盒, 变速箱, 变速器, 齿轮箱, 格尼帕树的果实, 礼品盒,礼盒, 手套箱, 手套式操作箱, 电视机 diàn shì jī, 玩偶盒, 首饰盒,珠宝盒 shǒu shì hé,zhū bǎo hé, 接驳盒, 陪审席 péi shěn xí, 收信箱 shōu xìn xiāng, 邮筒 yóu tǒng, 可上锁的箱子, 保险箱 bǎo xiǎn xiāng, 午餐盒 wǔ cān hé, 男性生殖器 nán xìng shēng zhí qì, 完全疯了 wán quán fēng le, 信箱 xìn xiāng, 邮箱 yóu xiāng, 语音信箱 yǔ yīn xìn xiāng, 电子信箱 diàn zǐ xìn xiāng, 存钱罐 cún qián guàn, 音乐盒 yīn yuè hé, 奇思妙想的 qí sī miào xiǎng de, 拆盒即可使用的 cā hé jí kě shǐ yòng de, 开箱即用的,即时可用的, 不落窠臼, 打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng, 受罚席 shòu fá xí, 罚球区 fá qiú qū, 铅笔盒 qiān bǐ hé, 公用电话亭 gōng yòng diàn huà tíng, 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng, 捐款箱 juān kuǎn xiāng, 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng, 记者席, 保险箱 bǎo xiǎn xiāng, 岗亭, 机顶盒, 独自练拳 dú zì liàn quán, 推诿, 打太极, 展示灯箱 zhǎn shì dēng xiāng, 鞋盒 xié hé, 蜗居, 信号塔, 鼻烟壶, 肥皂箱 féi zào xiāng, 扬声器 yáng shēng qì, 公共电话亭 gōng gòng diàn huà tíng, 文本框, 创造性地思考, 纸巾盒, 工具箱 gōng jù xiāng, 玩具箱, 喉 hóu, 窗槛花草, 证人席 zhèng rén xí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 box 的含义

箱子,盒子,匣子 xiāng zi ,hé zi ,xiá zi

noun (container) (容器)

Duane opened the box with his knife.

一盒(的量) yì hé de liàng

noun (boxful)

He ate the entire box of chocolates.

(剧院)包厢 jù yuàn bāo xiāng

noun (theatre: private stall)

Abe greatly enjoyed his box at the theatre.

(体育场内的)专席 tǐ yù chǎng nèi de zhuān xí

noun (stadium: reserved area)

We will sit in the company's box at the football game.

陪审席,审判席 péi shěn xí,shěn pàn xí

noun (courtroom: jurors' enclosure) (法庭)

The jurors sat in the box, listening carefully.

邮箱 yóu xiāng

noun (box for sending mail)

Mail is collected from this box every afternoon.

(用于接收信件的)信插 yòng yú jiē shōu xìn jiàn de xìn chā

noun (slot for receiving mail)

The drop box is located in the office door.

投币式自动点唱机 tóu bì shì zì dòng diǎn chàng jī

noun (US, informal, dated, abbreviation (jukebox)

Put some good music on the box and let's dance!

变速箱 biàn sù xiāng

noun (US, abbreviation (automotive: gearbox) (汽车)

My car's box is very stiff, and keeps getting stuck in 4th gear.

电视机 diàn shì jī

noun (UK, slang (TV) (俚语)

There's nothing good on the box tonight.

棺材 guān cái

noun (informal (coffin)

Many unfortunate soldiers came home in a box.

(表格上的)方框 biǎo gé shàng de fāng kuàng

noun (space on a form)

Tick the appropriate box on the form.

区 qū

noun (baseball) (棒球)

Casey stepped into the batter's box.

下体护身 xià tǐ hù shēn

noun (UK (sports protector) (体育运动)

Cricketers should always wear a box and kneepads for protection.

困境 kùn jìng

noun (US, figurative, informal (predicament)

I've worked myself into a box and now I'm stuck.

耳光 ěr guāng

noun (UK, informal (slap)

The shopkeeper's box to his ears taught the shoplifter a lesson.

拳击 quán jī

intransitive verb (sport: be a boxer)

Sean and his brother like to box.

与…进行拳击比赛 yǔ … jìn xíng quán jī bǐ sài

transitive verb (sport) (体育)

Frazier boxed Ali for the heavyweight title.

反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ

transitive verb (punch repeatedly)

Tanner boxed the punching bag with all his strength.


transitive verb (put in a box)

I boxed my grandmother's present and posted it to her.

把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái

transitive verb (enclose)

We need to box in the goat if we don't want it to escape.

把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (confine)

I missed my highway exit because I was boxed in in the wrong lane.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (pack)


noun (container for liquids)

投票箱 tóu piào xiāng

noun (box for votes) (本义)

Media representatives were on hand to photograph the president as he dropped his ballot in the ballot box.

投票选举制 tóu piào xuǎn jǔ zhì

noun (figurative (results of a vote) (比喻)

We'll see how popular the new law is at the ballot box.


noun (US (animal-proof storage container) (露营)

大型商场 dà xíng shāng chǎng

noun (large retail unit)

鸟舍 niǎo shè

noun (to feed, shelter birds)


noun (airplane recording device) (飞行记录装置)


noun (slang (ghetto blaster: portable stereo) (俚语)

MP3 players and iPods have replaced the boom box.

箱式照相机 xiāng shì zhào xiàng jī

noun (simple box-shaped camera)

The invention of the box camera meant that everyone could be a photographer.

美工刀 měi gōng dāo

noun (utility knife)

The plane's hijackers were armed with box cutters.


noun (type of hedge)

We have a lovely box hedge in our garden.


noun (number used as mailing address)

Use a box number if you want something to be delivered to your local post office rather than to your home.

一盒巧克力 yì hé qiǎo kè lì

noun (filled chocolates in a box)

I love to receive boxes of chocolate on my birthday and Valentines' Day.

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (theatre, cinema: ticket booth)

The box office was closed so tomorrow I'll get the tickets for you.

票房 piào fáng

noun (figurative (theatre, cinema: attendance)

The film was a massive success at the box office.

票房 piào fáng

noun as adjective (figurative (relating to ticket sales)

The movie was the biggest box-office success of the year.


transitive verb (basketball: block [sb]) (篮球)

得分记录表,总成绩 dé fēn jì lù biǎo,zǒng chéng jì

noun (sport: statistics) (体育运动)

The box score for basketball game gives you lots of useful statistics.

包厢座位 bāo xiāng zuò wèi

noun (theater, sports stadium: seat in box)

包厢座位 bāo xiāng zuò wèi

plural noun (sport, theatre: best seating)

The company I work for has box seats for the season at the baseball stadium.

套装 tào zhuāng

noun (series of CDs, DVDs, etc.)

I just bought the box set of the StarTrek Voyager series on DVD for $200!


noun (figurative (whole series available via streaming)

床箱里的弹簧 chuáng xiāng lǐ de tán huáng

noun (frame in a mattress) (box是指在床垫下起床架作用类似箱子之物)

Sleeping on a mattress without a box spring underneath is bad for your back.

盒龟,箱龟 hé guī,xiāng guī

noun (tortoise-like reptile) (一种乌龟)

Box turtles are wild animals so it is not a good idea to keep one as a pet.


noun (type of bed frame)

储藏室 chǔ cáng shì

noun (storage room)

小房间 xiǎo fáng jiān

noun (very small room)

面包盒 miàn bāo hé

noun (storage container for bread)

Bread boxes are not really used anymore. I haven't seen one in years.

公用电话亭 gōng yòng diàn huà tíng

noun (US (public phone booth)

Do they still have those red-and-glass telephone call boxes on the streets in London?

纸板箱 zhǐ bǎn xiāng

noun (box made of cardboard)


noun (for money)


noun (toilet box for cats)

One of my son's chores is to clean out the cat box daily and add fresh litter when needed.

复选框 fù xuǎn kuàng

noun (square for marking with a tick)

Only half of the check boxes on my "to do" list are checked.

花里胡哨的 huā lǐ hú shào de

noun as adjective (figurative (over-decorated) (比喻义)

木制雪茄烟盒 mù zhì xuě jiā yān hé

noun (wooden case for cigars)

Long since void of cigars, her late husband's cigar box was used by her granddaughter as a makeshift piggy bank.

冰箱 bīng xiāng

noun (box: keeps food and drink chilled)

There's a cooler full of beer in the back of the van.


noun (message on computer screen)


noun (driver's seat on a carriage)

募捐箱 mù juān xiāng

noun (receptacle: for donations, etc.)

Please leave all donations in the drop box next to the front door.

假饵盒,装假蝇的盒子 jiǎ ěr hé,zhuāng jiǎ yíng de hé zi

noun (fishing: box for storing bait) (钓鱼时)

I keep my fishing hooks and lures in my fly box.


noun (with circuit breakers)

There's been a power cut and I don't know where the fuse box is.

变速箱, 变速器, 齿轮箱

noun (car: gear casing) (车辆的)

I don't know anything about cars; I can't even identify the gear box when I look under the hood.


noun (fruit)


noun (decorative packaging)


noun (small storage compartment in a car)

Keep your insurance policy in your vehicle's glove box. Nowadays, few people actually keep gloves in the glove compartment.


noun (enclosed compartment in lab) (实验室中的)

The chemist used a glove box in her experiments.

电视机 diàn shì jī

noun (US, slang (television, TV set)

They sat and watched that idiot box for six hours.


noun (toy: doll springs up when opened) (开盒盖时其中的玩偶能跳起)

I bought my nephew a jack-in-the-box for his birthday.

首饰盒,珠宝盒 shǒu shì hé,zhū bǎo hé

noun (case for valuable accessories)

I've put all my rings in the jewelry box.


noun (cover for electrical wires)

陪审席 péi shěn xí

noun (courtroom: area where jury sits)

The lawyer turned to the jury box and made a last plea on behalf of his client.

收信箱 shōu xìn xiāng

noun (slot, box for delivered mail)

邮筒 yóu tǒng

noun (UK, informal (box for posting mail)

The letter box in the village is emptied at 6.30 pm.


noun (US (box that can be locked)

保险箱 bǎo xiǎn xiāng

noun (US (bank service)

午餐盒 wǔ cān hé

noun (container for a packed lunch)

I put a sandwich in my lunch box, ready for lunch later that day.

男性生殖器 nán xìng shēng zhí qì

noun (UK, figurative, slang (man's crotch area)

Stop sticking your lunchbox in my face while I'm trying to read!

完全疯了 wán quán fēng le

expression (UK, informal (crazy, insane)

信箱 xìn xiāng

noun (in street: post box)

The mailbox is emptied twice a day.

邮箱 yóu xiāng

noun (US (of building: letterbox)

The package was too big for the mailbox.

语音信箱 yǔ yīn xìn xiāng

noun (phone: voicemail storage)

My mailbox is full; I need to delete some messages.

电子信箱 diàn zǐ xìn xiāng

noun (email: inbox)

I'm trying to get my mailbox emptied before I go on holiday.

存钱罐 cún qián guàn

noun (UK (piggy bank: container for coins)

音乐盒 yīn yuè hé

noun (box that plays mechanical music)

When I was a child, I had a music box with a ballerina who twirled as the music played.

奇思妙想的 qí sī miào xiǎng de

adverb (figurative, informal (unconventionally, creatively)

Let's try thinking out of the box here.

拆盒即可使用的 cā hé jí kě shǐ yòng de

adverb (computing: ready to use) (计算机)

This computer should work out of the box.


adjective (computing: ready to use) (计算机)

It is quicker to buy an out-of-the-box laptop than to have one built to order.


expression (figurative (idea: unconventional) (形容想法等)

The leader told his team he wanted them to come up with ideas that were outside the box.

打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng

noun (storage container)

受罚席 shòu fá xí

noun (ice hockey: bench for penalized players) (冰球运动)

After the brawl broke out, three players were sent to the penalty box for fighting.

罚球区 fá qiú qū

noun (soccer: area in front of goal) (足球)

The attacker was just inside the penalty box when he was fouled, resulting in the penalty kick.

铅笔盒 qiān bǐ hé

(box for pencils)

公用电话亭 gōng yòng diàn huà tíng

noun (UK (public telephone booth)

邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng

noun (abbreviation (Post Office Box)

I would prefer if you sent it to my PO Box instead of my house.

捐款箱 juān kuǎn xiāng

noun (receptacle for charitable donations)

People put coins into the poor box outside the church.

邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng

noun (number used as mailing address)

FedEx will not deliver packages to post office box addresses.


noun (journalists' enclosure)

To ensure a professional working environment, no family members or guests are permitted in the press box.

保险箱 bǎo xiǎn xiāng

noun (secure container in a bank)

I keep my expensive jewelry and old photos in a safe-deposit box.


(structure for shelter)


noun (television signal converter)

独自练拳 dú zì liàn quán

intransitive verb (practise boxing alone)

推诿, 打太极

intransitive verb (figurative (pretend to deal with a problem)

展示灯箱 zhǎn shì dēng xiāng

noun (shallow display case)

鞋盒 xié hé

noun (cardboard box in which shoes are sold)

When I buy new shoes I always save the shoe box for storing things in.


noun (figurative, pejorative (simple or cramped house, building)


(UK (railway signal tower) (铁路)


noun (tobacco container)

Belinda kept trinkets in an antique snuff box.

肥皂箱 féi zào xiāng

noun (historical (speaker's makeshift platform) (用作临时演讲台的)

In the 19th century, politicians would literally stand on soap boxes to give their speeches.

扬声器 yáng shēng qì

noun (informal (loudspeaker) (非正式用语)

The students listened as the day's announcements came over the squawk box.

公共电话亭 gōng gòng diàn huà tíng

noun (UK (public phone booth)

It is such a shame that they got rid of the old red telephone boxes.


noun (computing: space for typing text) (计算机)


verbal expression (figurative (think unconventionally)

The company values employees who can think outside the box and find creative solutions.


noun (cardboard box of disposable tissues)

工具箱 gōng jù xiāng

noun (container for handheld implements)


noun (container for toys)

喉 hóu

noun (informal (larynx)

Cats have two separate voice boxes: one for meowing and one for purring.


noun (plants on a window sill)

证人席 zhèng rén xí

noun (in a law court)

The defendant lied when he was put on the witness stand.

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