英语 中的 below 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 below 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 below 的说明。

英语 中的below 表示在…下面,在…下方 zài … xià miàn,zài … xià fāng, 低于,比…低 dī yú ,bǐ dī, 低于… dī yú, 低于,比…低 dī yú ,bǐ dī, 低于,在某级以下 dī yú ,zài mǒu jí yǐ xià, 在楼下 zài lóu xià, 零度以下, 舱板下, 在地面,在下方 zài dì miàn,zài xià fāng, 在地狱 zài dì yù, 在下层甲板 zài xià céng jiǎ bǎn, 在(舞)台下面 zài wǔ tái xià miàn, 详情见后,如下详述, 低于平均水平的 dī yú píng jūn shuǐ píng de, 低于预期水平, 不佳,处于正常水平之下, 不合格的 bù hé gé de, 不公正的,不按规矩,暗箭伤人 bù gōng zhèng de, 线下, 寒冷的,很冷的 hán lěng de ,hěn lěng de, 零度以下, 线下账目的, 在地狱 zài dì yù, 在下身, 进入 jìn rù, 到...下面去, 在世上 zài shì shàng, 采用不正当手段, 参见下文 cān jiàn xià wén, 小声说话。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 below 的含义

在…下面,在…下方 zài … xià miàn,zài … xià fāng

preposition (lower down than)

The coffee maker is kept below the coffee cups.

低于,比…低 dī yú ,bǐ dī

preposition (at a lower temperature) (温度)

Red wine should not be served below room temperature.

低于… dī yú

preposition (lower in amount, rate) (数量、价格等)

He would not sell it for anything below twenty dollars.

低于,比…低 dī yú ,bǐ dī

preposition (rank: lower than) (职位等)

Does a sergeant rank below a colonel?

低于,在某级以下 dī yú ,zài mǒu jí yǐ xià

preposition (of lower rank than) (等级、身份地位等)

She would not speak to anyone who was below her.

在楼下 zài lóu xià

adverb (on a lower floor, downstairs)

I left the hammer below in the cellar.


adverb (temperature: below freezing) (温度)

The temperature in parts of Canada right now is 35 below.


adverb (beneath decks)

The flight attendant went below to look for a suitcase with Marie's heart medication.

在地面,在下方 zài dì miàn,zài xià fāng

adverb (on Earth) (相对于星空等处于下方)

The stars shine down on us below.

在地狱 zài dì yù

adverb (in hell)

The dead man had been cruel and would certainly go below.

在下层甲板 zài xià céng jiǎ bǎn

adverb (ship: lower deck) (船)

The first mate had gone below.

在(舞)台下面 zài wǔ tái xià miàn

adverb (theatre: downstage) (剧院)

The actor had to walk from below to centre stage.


adverb (in the way described further on)

Construction of your model airplane should be carried out as detailed below.

低于平均水平的 dī yú píng jūn shuǐ píng de

adjective (less good than most)


adjective (not up to expected standards)

The team produced a below par performance against Manchester United.


adjective (informal (unwell) (健康状况)

I'm feeling below par today.

不合格的 bù hé gé de

adjective (inferior to expectations)

Sorry, we're going to fire you. Your work has been below standard.

不公正的,不按规矩,暗箭伤人 bù gōng zhèng de

adjective (figurative (uncalled for, mean)


expression (finance: capital expenditure) (金融:资本支出)

寒冷的,很冷的 hán lěng de ,hěn lěng de

adjective (colder than freezing)

Christ, it's below zero out there!


adverb (colder than freezing)

Temperatures in Moscow regularly drop below zero.


adjective (finance: capital expenditures) (金融)

在地狱 zài dì yù

adverb (figurative, informal (in Hell)

They should send these evil people down below.


adverb (euphemism (in the genital area)

Harry's been suffering from problems down below.

进入 jìn rù

(go underneath deck of ship) (指船甲板下方)

The captain gave his crew their instructions, before going below to his cabin.


(go underneath [sth])

在世上 zài shì shàng

adverb (on earth, in one's earthly life)

His deep religious faith, and the expectation of an afterlife, enabled him to bear the torment of his life here below.


verbal expression (figurative (not be fair or sporting)

参见下文 cān jiàn xià wén

(written (refer to text, etc., further down)


adverb (spoken quietly)

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below 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。