英语 中的 strained 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 strained 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 strained 的说明。

英语 中的strained 表示损伤的,拉伤的,扭伤的 sǔn shāng de ,lā shāng de ,niǔ shāng de, 滤过的, 疲倦的 pí juàn de, 紧张的 jǐn zhāng de, 极度不情愿的 jí dù bù qíng yuàn de, 勉强的,强装出来的,不自然的 miǎn qiǎng de ,bú zì rán de, 用力 yòng lì, 压力 yā lì, 扭伤 niǔ shāng, 重压 zhòng yā, 紧张,紧张状态 jǐn zhāng,jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài, 类型,种类 lèi xíng,zhǒng lèi, 尽力 jìn lì, 用力拉 yòng lì lā, 片段,小节 piàn duàn,xiǎo jié, 资源紧张 zī yuán jǐn zhāng, 品种, 品系, 张力 zhāng lì, …的旋律, 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì, 绷紧 bēng jǐn, 紧张 jǐn zhāng, 努力使用 nǔ lì shǐ yòng, 拉伤 lā shāng, 使用…超过限度 shǐ yòng chāo guò xiàn dù, 过滤 guò lǜ, 拉紧 lā jǐn, 紧张关系 jǐn zhāng guān xì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 strained 的含义

损伤的,拉伤的,扭伤的 sǔn shāng de ,lā shāng de ,niǔ shāng de

adjective (muscle: injured) (因过度用力而)

The footballer's strained muscle meant he had to sit out the rest of the match.


adjective (food: sieved)

Pour the sauce over the strained pasta and serve.

疲倦的 pí juàn de

adjective (physically tired)

Wendy has been working very hard and is feeling strained.

紧张的 jǐn zhāng de

adjective (figurative (relationship, atmosphere: tense) (关系)

Things are strained in the Smith household since Mr Smith's mother moved in with them.

极度不情愿的 jí dù bù qíng yuàn de

adjective (figurative (voice: weakened)

In a strained voice, John asked if he could have some water.

勉强的,强装出来的,不自然的 miǎn qiǎng de ,bú zì rán de

adjective (figurative (smile: forced) (笑容等)

When Hannah saw her ex-boyfriend with another girl she was devastated, but she managed a strained smile and said hello.

用力 yòng lì

noun (physical effort)

The strain of lifting too many boxes was too much for him.

压力 yā lì

noun (figurative (stress, pressure)

The strain of working too many hours really affected him.

扭伤 niǔ shāng

noun (muscular injury)

The player was out with a muscle strain.

重压 zhòng yā

noun (fatiguing pressure)

The foundation of the building crumbled under the strain.

紧张,紧张状态 jǐn zhāng,jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài

noun (figurative (tension)

You could note a strain between the two of them.

类型,种类 lèi xíng,zhǒng lèi

noun (variant: of virus, etc.) (病菌、病毒等)

Many people did not have immunity to this new strain of flu.

尽力 jìn lì

intransitive verb (make strenuous physical effort)

The men strained with all their might, but the piano wouldn't budge.

用力拉 yòng lì lā

(pull with force)

The animal strained against the rope.

片段,小节 piàn duàn,xiǎo jié

noun (often plural (music: piece, section) (指音乐)

We heard a strain of Mahler's 5th as we walked by the open window.

资源紧张 zī yuán jǐn zhāng

noun (severe demand on resources)

The strain on the server was caused by the many hits the site received that day.

品种, 品系

noun (animal: breed, stock) (植物、动物的)

The farmer is raising a new strain of cattle.

张力 zhāng lì

noun (mechanics: deformation)

What is the equation that defines strain?


plural noun (sound: of music)

We could hear the distant strains of a guitar.

竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì

verbal expression (strive forcefully)

He really strained to make it work.

绷紧 bēng jǐn

transitive verb (figurative (stretch)

Lavish spending strained his finances to the limit.

紧张 jǐn zhāng

transitive verb (figurative, often passive (deform under pressure) (关系)

The way they acted, it was obvious that their relationship was strained.

努力使用 nǔ lì shǐ yòng

transitive verb (exert)

He had to strain his eyes to see something so far away.

拉伤 lā shāng

transitive verb (muscle: stretch or tear) (身体的)

The football player strained a muscle.

使用…超过限度 shǐ yòng chāo guò xiàn dù

transitive verb (figurative (stretch to a limit)

Her childishness strained my patience.

过滤 guò lǜ

transitive verb (filter)

You need to strain the rice before you cook it.

拉紧 lā jǐn

transitive verb (draw tight)

The bulge of his stomach strained his waistband.

紧张关系 jǐn zhāng guān xì

plural noun (tense relationship)

Even casual acquaintances could detect the strained relations between Anne and her mother.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。