英语 中的 said 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 said 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 said 的说明。

英语 中的said 表示提到的 tí dào de, 讲 jiǎng, 表达, 表述, 指示 zhǐ shì, 对某人说, 说做某事,让做某事, 比如 bǐ rú, 大约 dà yuē, 喂,嗨 wèi,hāi, 发言权 fā yán quán, 决定权, 背诵 bèi sòng, 假定 jiǎ dìng, 宣称 xuān chēng, 显示 xiǎn shì, 念 niàn, 做弥撒 zuò mí sā, 上述的,如上所说的 shàng shù de, 最后 zuì hòu, 据说是…, 说说容易做着难 shuō shuō róng yì zuò zhe nán, 无需再说了, 别再说了!, 然而 rán ér, 立刻去做, 虽然这么说, 然而 rán ér, 最后,结果,尘埃落定 zuì hòu,jié guǒ,chén āi luò dìng, 你说对了 nǐ shuō duì le。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 said 的含义

提到的 tí dào de

adjective (already mentioned)

The said person then tried to escape. The description of the said item was very accurate.

讲 jiǎng

transitive verb (utter)

Dexter said, "I'm hungry." He said the book was blue.
德克斯特说:“我饿了。” 他说那本书是蓝的。

表达, 表述

transitive verb (give an opinion) (见解)

I say it's a bad idea.

指示 zhǐ shì

transitive verb (order)

Mom says stop arguing or you'll be grounded.


(utter to)

Rahul, say sorry to your brother.


(order to)

Dad says to come and eat dinner right now.

比如 bǐ rú

adverb (for example)

Take any number, say seven, and multiply by four.

大约 dà yuē

adverb (approximately)

There must have been, say, 200 people there.

喂,嗨 wèi,hāi

interjection (to gain attention) (表示吸引注意力)

Say, do you know where I can find a good restaurant?

发言权 fā yán quán

noun (turn to speak)

When Richard had his say, he explained his side of the story.


noun (authority)

The parents decided it was bedtime, and the children had no say in the matter.

背诵 bèi sòng

transitive verb (recite: [sth] learned)

Jimmy can say his ABCs.

假定 jiǎ dìng

transitive verb (suppose)

Let's say that he's right.

宣称 xuān chēng

transitive verb (affirm)

She is said to be the best painter of her generation.

显示 xiǎn shì

transitive verb (indicate)

The thermometer says that it's seventy degrees.

念 niàn

transitive verb (recite: a prayer) (祷告)

The children said a prayer for their parents.

做弥撒 zuò mí sā

transitive verb (conduct: a mass) (天主教)

The priest said the Mass on Sunday.

上述的,如上所说的 shàng shù de

adjective (stated before)

最后 zuì hòu

expression (ultimately)

After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one.


transitive verb (be described as)

It´s said to be a very good restaurant.

说说容易做着难 shuō shuō róng yì zuò zhe nán

adjective (difficult to do)

Losing weight is easier said than done.


interjection (informal (understood)

"If I were you, I'd avoid mentioning her ex-husband." "Enough said!"


interjection (informal (say no more)

"Jake and Anthea disappeared upstairs together." "Enough said!"

然而 rán ér

adverb (however, nevertheless)

Most politicians have good intentions; having said that, some are corrupt.


expression (I will do it immediately.)

No sooner said than done; one sandwich coming up.


adverb (having said that, however)

然而 rán ér

adverb (however, even so)

最后,结果,尘埃落定 zuì hòu,jié guǒ,chén āi luò dìng

adverb (informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)

When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this.

你说对了 nǐ shuō duì le

noun (US, informal (expressing agreement)

让我们学习 英语

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said 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。