英语 中的 most 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 most 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 most 的说明。

英语 中的most 表示绝大多数的 jué dà duō shù de, 最多的 zuì duō de, 最多的 zuì duō de, 最多的 zuì duō de, 最…的,至极的 zuì … de, 最,极 zuì,jí, 最大程度地 zuì dà chéng dù de, 绝大多数 jué dà duō shù, 大多数 dà duō shù, 几乎 jī hū, 大多数 dà duō shù, 许多的,多的,很多的,相当多的 xǔ duō de ,duō de ,hěn duō de ,xiāng dāng duō de, 很多人(事物),许多 hěn duō rén ( shì wù ),xǔ duō, 很多人,许多人 hěn duō rén, 到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō, 到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de, 多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de, …得多 de duō, 许多 xǔ duō, 十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù, 最多,顶多 zuì duō, 最受喜爱的, 最底部的,最末端的, 多半 duō bàn, 充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng, (在不利情况下)尽力而为 zài bú lì qíng kuàng xià jìn lì ér wéi, 充分利用时间 chōng fèn lì yòng shí jiān, 万分确定地 wàn fēn què dìng de, 绝对 jué duì, 当然 dāng rán, 最重要地 zuì zhòng yào de, 最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì, 最可能的是 zuì kě néng de shì, 所有当中最…的 suǒ yǒu dāng zhōng zuì … de, 通常 tōng cháng, 最常, 最近的 zuì jìn de, 最尊敬的大主教大人 zuì zūn jìng de dà zhǔ jiào dà rén, 多数情况下,很多时候, 英帝国勋位军官, 最好的 zuì hǎo de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 most 的含义

绝大多数的 jué dà duō shù de

adjective (almost all)

Most flowers are pretty.

最多的 zuì duō de

adjective (in the greatest number) (数量)

This plant has the most strawberries.

最多的 zuì duō de

adjective (in greatest quantity)

Tom's glass has the most milk.

最多的 zuì duō de

adjective (in the greatest measure)

Father makes the most money of all of us.

最…的,至极的 zuì … de

adjective (to the greatest degree) (程度)

That is the most difficult game of all. She is the most intelligent student in class.

最,极 zuì,jí

adverb (to the greatest quantity or degree) (最高级)

The teacher likes him the most.

最大程度地 zuì dà chéng dù de

adverb (to the greatest extent)

He wrote most clearly, and his essay was persuasive.

绝大多数 jué dà duō shù

noun (majority or larger part of [sth])

Most of the soup has been eaten.

大多数 dà duō shù

pronoun (greatest number)

Most don't read newspapers, but get their information from the internet. He owns more cars than most.

几乎 jī hū

adverb (US, informal (almost) (非正式用语)

Most all of them are at home in the evening.

大多数 dà duō shù

pronoun (the majority)

Most are in favour of the proposal.

许多的,多的,很多的,相当多的 xǔ duō de ,duō de ,hěn duō de ,xiāng dāng duō de

adjective (a large number of [sth]) (修饰可数名词)

Donna has many cousins.

很多人(事物),许多 hěn duō rén ( shì wù ),xǔ duō

pronoun (many people or things) (人、事物)

Many have tried to climb the mountain and failed.

很多人,许多人 hěn duō rén

plural noun (a lot of people)

This government's policies benefit only the richest, not the many.

到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō

adverb (greatly) (加强比较级或最高级)

He looks much older now.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你过于担心了,没有必要。

到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de

adjective (of great degree)

They ate much more than usual yesterday.

多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de

adjective (of great quantity) (数量)

We heard much laughter coming from the room.

…得多 de duō

adjective (in comparisons) (修饰比较级)

He felt much better after taking an aspirin.

许多 xǔ duō

noun (great amount)

Much of his reasoning was illogical.

十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù

noun (often negative (notable thing) (常做贬义,表示不够格)

It wasn't much of a lunch - just a few snacks.

最多,顶多 zuì duō

adverb (and no more, not more than)

A newly imported vehicle may be used for three months at most before it becomes liable to tax. It will take 10 minutes at the most.


adjective (most cherished)

She is one of the country's best-loved sportswomen.


adjective ([sth] at the very bottom)

多半 duō bàn

adverb (mostly, largely)

I agree with you for the most part, but still have a problem with the timing of the plan.

充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng

verbal expression (take full advantage of)

We made the most of our vacation by leaving our phones and computers turned off.

(在不利情况下)尽力而为 zài bú lì qíng kuàng xià jìn lì ér wéi

verbal expression (take advantage)

You only get one chance, so make the most of it.

充分利用时间 chōng fèn lì yòng shí jiān

verbal expression (be productive)

Isabel made the most of her time in the UK by visiting as many places as she could.

万分确定地 wàn fēn què dìng de

adverb (certainly, definitely)

绝对 jué duì

adverb (definitely)

Do I love my husband? I most certainly do!

当然 dāng rán

adverb (of course)

"Did you remember to bring the tickets?" "I most certainly did!"

最重要地 zuì zhòng yào de

adjective (primary, of greatest significance)

最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì

adverb (above all)

最可能的是 zuì kě néng de shì

adjective (most probable)

The most likely explanation for your wallet being missing is that it fell out of your pocket.

所有当中最…的 suǒ yǒu dāng zhōng zuì … de

adverb (above all else)

I want to make money and to be famous, but most of all I want to be loved. I love to listen to music; I like jazz most of all!

通常 tōng cháng

adverb (usually)

I can hardly understand what he's saying most of the time.


adverb (usually, chiefly)

最近的 zuì jìn de

adjective (latest)

最尊敬的大主教大人 zuì zūn jìng de dà zhǔ jiào dà rén

noun (title of high-ranking church minister)


adverb (usually)


noun (initialism (honored member)

最好的 zuì hǎo de

adjective (US, slang, dated (outstanding)

He's so dreamy, he's just the most.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。