英语 中的 memory 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 memory 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 memory 的说明。

英语 中的memory 表示记忆 jì yì, 记忆力,记性 jì yì lì,jì xìng, 能记起来的事, 记忆, 死者留在活者记忆中的印象 sǐ zhě liú zài huó zhě jì yì zhōng de yìn xiàng, 内存 nèi cún, 内存 nèi cún, 集体记忆 jí tǐ jì yì, 记住 jì zhù, 数据库 shù jù kù, 为纪念某人, 凭着记忆 píng zhe jì yì, 好记性 hǎo jì xìng, 如果没记错的话, 在当代人记忆里, 为了纪念, 为了纪念, 长期记忆 cháng qī jì yì, (因损伤等)记忆丧失 yīn sǔn shāng děng jì yì sàng shī, 记性变差 jì xìng biàn chà, 辅助记忆办法, 记忆力游戏, 感怀往事, 记忆棒 jì yì bàng, 准确得惊人的记忆力 zhǔn què de jīng rén de jì yì lì, 随机(存取)存储器 suí jī cún qǔ cún chǔ qì, 提醒 tí xǐng, 长久未被唤起的记忆, 机械记忆,死记硬背 sǐ jì yìng bèi, 屏蔽记忆 píng bì jì yì, 健忘 jiàn wàng, 短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì, 短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì, 总存储量 zǒng cún chǔ liàng, 模糊的记忆 mó hú de jì yì, 工作记忆。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 memory 的含义

记忆 jì yì

noun (mental retention)

If my memory is correct, he was once a candidate for mayor.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他一直生活在回忆中,不敢直面现实。

记忆力,记性 jì yì lì,jì xìng

noun (recall)

I have a terrible memory for people's names.

能记起来的事, 记忆

noun (often plural (specific recollection)

Do you have any memories of when you were in high school, Grandma?

死者留在活者记忆中的印象 sǐ zhě liú zài huó zhě jì yì zhōng de yìn xiàng

noun (remembrance of a dead person)

Her memory lives with us still.

内存 nèi cún

noun (computers: data storage) (计算机)

My new computer has 2 GB of memory.
我新电脑的内存是2 GB。

内存 nèi cún

noun (integral data storage capacity) (计算机)

集体记忆 jí tǐ jì yì

noun (society's shared memory)

The tragedy and its aftermath will forever be engraved in our country's collective memory.

记住 jì zhù

verbal expression (memorize)

Spies commit their orders to memory instead of carrying them on paper.

数据库 shù jù kù

noun (computing: information repository)


expression (in tribute)

After Samantha died, her parents created a scholarship fund dedicated to their daughter's memory.

凭着记忆 píng zhe jì yì

adverb (by heart, without prompts)

In primary school I was forced to recite long poems from memory.

好记性 hǎo jì xìng

noun (excellent powers of recall)

I have a good memory for names but not for faces.


expression (if I remember rightly)


adverb (as far back as people remember)

This was the worst snowstorm in living memory.


expression (in commemoration of [sb])

This bench was constructed in loving memory of Harry's grandfather. The gravestone read: "In loving memory of a dear husband and father."


expression (to commemorate)

A statue has been erected in memory of the victims.

长期记忆 cháng qī jì yì

noun (permanent recall of facts)

My long-term memory is fine, but I have no idea what I did this morning.

(因损伤等)记忆丧失 yīn sǔn shāng děng jì yì sàng shī

noun (amnesia caused by trauma, etc.)

The blow he suffered in the accident has caused a complete loss of memory. Loss of memory can be temporary or permanent.

记性变差 jì xìng biàn chà

noun (diminished ability to recall)


noun (mnemonic, aide-mémoire)

The word acted as a memory aid for the person making a speech.


noun (game that tests memory skills)


noun (nostalgia)

Mark's frequent visits to memory lane were beginning to annoy Paige.

记忆棒 jì yì bàng

noun (® (computing: flashcard, dongle) (电子产品,商标)

I use a memory stick to back up my files. I copied my photos onto my memory stick so that I can show them to my friends on their laptops.

准确得惊人的记忆力 zhǔn què de jīng rén de jì yì lì

noun (total recall)

His photographic memory allows him to remember all the faces of his old schoolmates.

随机(存取)存储器 suí jī cún qǔ cún chǔ qì

noun (computing: storage space)

My first computer only had 16 kilobytes, but nowadays personal computers have 1 gigabyte or more of random access memory.

提醒 tí xǐng

verbal expression (make remember)

You say you don't remember the night in question? Let me refresh your memory.


noun ([sth] no longer consciously recalled)

The sight of the cottage brought back a repressed memory.

机械记忆,死记硬背 sǐ jì yìng bèi

noun (memorization by repetition)

I learned multiplication tables by rote memory.

屏蔽记忆 píng bì jì yì

noun (psychology: form of repression) (心理学)

What he recalled was only a screen memory and not the real source of his childhood trauma.

健忘 jiàn wàng

noun (tendency to forget quickly)

I have a very short memory for people's names.

短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì

noun (short-term recall)

短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì

noun (capacity for recall over a brief period)

His short-term memory began to fail when he reached 80 years of age.

总存储量 zǒng cún chǔ liàng

noun (technology: storage capacity) (科技)

The computer has 250GB of total memory on the hard drive.

模糊的记忆 mó hú de jì yì

noun ([sth] remembered indistinctly)

I have a vague memory of doing something stupid last night.


noun (temporary or short-term recall)

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memory 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。