英语 中的 note 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 note 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 note 的说明。

英语 中的note 表示便条 biàn tiáo, 记录 jì lù, 乐音 yuè yīn, 音符 yīn fú, 注意到 zhù yì dào, 注释 zhù shì, 说明 shuō míng, 钞票 chāo piào, 音调 yīn diào, 要点 yào diǎn, 声调 shēng diào, 味道 wèi dào, 音调,声调 yīn diào ,shēng diào, 票据 piào jù, 写下 xiě xià, 提到 tí dào, 记录 jì lù, 记下 jì xià, 空运单, 钞票 chāo piào, 保险证明, 欠条 qiàn tiáo, 收款通知 shōu kuǎn tōng zhī, 交货单 jiāo huò dān, 适当记录, 八分音符 bā fēn yīn fú, 装饰音符 zhuāng shì yīn fú, 为使情节更有吸引力而加入的细节, 半音, 高音 gāo yīn, 高音 gāo yīn, 记录 jì lù, 记住 jì zhù, 页边注释 yè biān zhù shì, 音符 yīn fú, 请注意 qǐng zhù yì, 重要的 zhòng yào de, 从消极方面, 指出缺点, 从好处看, 还好的是, 悲观而言, 另一方面 lìng yì fāng miàn, 说到这儿,在此 zài cǐ, 这么说的话, 请注意 qǐng zhù yì, 便利贴, 本票 běn piào, 四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú, 基音, 十六分音符 shí liù fēn yīn fú, 寄出一封短信 jì chū yì fēng duǎn xìn, 病假条, 唱跑调 chàng pǎo diào, 遗书, 注意 zhù yì, 注意 zhù yì, 感谢信, 全音符 quán yīn fú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 note 的含义

便条 biàn tiáo

noun (short message)

I wrote him a note about the meeting time and left it on his desk.

记录 jì lù

plural noun (memory aid, for speaking, etc.)

He didn't have a prepared text, just notes that he referred to during the speech.

乐音 yuè yīn

noun (musical sound)

The flautist sounded a sweet note.

音符 yīn fú

noun (musical notation) (乐谱上的)

Follow the notes on the music! Don't just guess!

注意到 zhù yì dào

transitive verb (observe)

She noted that he was not wearing his ring.

注释 zhù shì

noun (footnote or endnote)

Did you read the note at the bottom of the page?

说明 shuō míng

noun (short academic article)

Professor Jones has written a brief note on the mating habits of barn owls.

钞票 chāo piào

noun (UK (paper money: bill)

Have you got change for a twenty-pound note?

音调 yīn diào

noun (musical key)

Stick to the note, and stop changing key please.

要点 yào diǎn

noun (key points of a lecture, etc.) (讲课、讲座时提到的)

The third note I would like to raise is that housing prices do fall.

声调 shēng diào

noun (tone in speaking) (讲话的)

When the student misbehaved again, the teacher had a warning note in his voice.

味道 wèi dào

noun (character in taste, smell)

This sauce has a note of walnut, don't you think?

音调,声调 yīn diào ,shēng diào

noun (birdsong) (指鸟鸣声)

The bird sang a beautiful note.

票据 piào jù

noun (promissory, etc.)

He did not have the money on him, so left a note.

写下 xiě xià

transitive verb (write down)

They noted all the problems on a piece of paper.

提到 tí dào

transitive verb (mention, say)

When he noted that the house needed repair, she agreed.

记录 jì lù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (write for reference)

Hold on, I'll just note that down.

记下 jì xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (with clause: write for reference)

I will note down that only notarised statements may be presented in court.


(shipping document)

钞票 chāo piào

noun (paper money)

I found this wallet full of bank notes!


noun (UK (type of insurance certificate)

欠条 qiàn tiáo

noun (voucher with cash value)

收款通知 shōu kuǎn tōng zhī

noun (invoice slip)

交货单 jiāo huò dān

noun (proof-of-receipt slip)

The courier asked me to sign the delivery note.


(record appropriately)

八分音符 bā fēn yīn fú

noun (US (music: quaver)

装饰音符 zhuāng shì yīn fú

noun (music: note for embellishment) (音乐)


noun (figurative (film, story: embellishment) (尤指虚构的)


noun (music: half a whole note) (音乐)

Four eighth notes are as long as one half note.

高音 gāo yīn

noun (high-pitched musical note)

He always hits the high notes.

高音 gāo yīn

noun (figurative (successful or positive point in time) (比喻)

记录 jì lù

verbal expression (write [sth] down)

记住 jì zhù

verbal expression (figurative (commit [sth] to memory)

页边注释 yè biān zhù shì

noun (often plural (aside)

A good teacher doesn't just grade a paper, but adds marginal notes to help the student.

音符 yīn fú

noun (music score: symbol)

请注意 qǐng zhù yì

interjection (nota bene, please note)

Please note well the deadlines for submitting your work.

重要的 zhòng yào de

adjective (important)

Nothing of note happened on this day.


expression (in an unfavorable way)


expression (pointing out [sth] bad)


expression (in an optimistic way)


expression (pointing out [sth] favorable)

There wasn't much to do at our hotel in Greece, but on a positive note, the view was stunning.


expression (in a tragic or miserable way)

另一方面 lìng yì fāng miàn

expression (to change the subject)

说到这儿,在此 zài cǐ

expression (ending on this) (结束语)


expression (staying with this subject) (表示转换话题)

请注意 qǐng zhù yì

interjection (used to draw attention to a point)

Please note that this is a no-smoking area.


noun (® (adhesive notepaper)

I left a Post-it note on the fridge door, reminding Anna to buy some milk.

本票 běn piào

noun (IOU, credit note)

Legally, Scottish banknotes are promissory notes: that is to say, they have the same legal status as cheques.

四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú

noun (music: fourth of a whole note)

A quarter note is twice as long as an eighth note.


noun (music: fundamental note) (音乐)

C is the root of a C major chord.

十六分音符 shí liù fēn yīn fú

noun (music: 16th of a whole note) (音乐术语)

寄出一封短信 jì chū yì fēng duǎn xìn

verbal expression (mail a short letter)


noun (UK (proof of illness)

唱跑调 chàng pǎo diào

verbal expression (sing off key)


noun (letter left by person ending own life)

注意 zhù yì

verbal expression (pay careful attention)

Take note, people: the job has to be finished today.

注意 zhù yì

verbal expression (pay attention to)

Take note of the deadlines for handing in homework.


noun (letter expressing gratitude)

Don't forget to send them a thank-you letter.

全音符 quán yīn fú

noun (music) (音乐)

Take care not to rush that whole note when singing that phrase.

让我们学习 英语

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note 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。