英语 中的 meeting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 meeting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 meeting 的说明。

英语 中的meeting 表示集会 jí huì, (商务)会 shāng wù huì, 相见 xiāng jiàn, 宗教集会,宗教聚会 zōng jiào jí huì,zōng jiào jù huì, 参加集会的人,与会人员,与会者 cān jiā jí huì de rén,yǔ huì rén yuán,yù huì zhě, 连接处,汇合点 lián jiē chù,huì hé diǎn, 碰到 pèng dào, 与…碰面 yǔ pèng miàn, 与…碰面 yǔ pèng miàn, 迎接,接 yíng jiē,jiē, 结识,认识 jié shí ,rèn shi, 认识 rèn shi, 相见 xiāng jiàn, 集合 jí hé, 比赛 bǐ sài, 相撞 xiāng zhuàng, 集合 jí hé, 相交,交会,会合,交汇 xiāng jiāo,jiāo huì,huì hé, 交锋 jiāo fēng, 注意 zhù yì, 与…相连接 yǔ xiāng lián jié, 正面遭遇 zhèng miàn zāo yù, 和…交锋 hé jiāo fēng, 对付 duì fù, 满足 mǎn zú, 满足 mǎn zú, 年会 nián huì, 年会 nián huì, 董事会议 dǒng shì huì yì, 商务会议, 内部会议 nèi bù huì yì, 特别全体大会,全体特别会议, 面对面会议 miàn duì miàn huì yì, 开会 kāi huì, 会议纪要, 意见一致,心意相通 yì jiàn yí zhì,xīn yì xiāng tōng, 聚会地点 jù huì dì diǎn, 集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn, 会议室 huì yì shì, 礼拜堂 lǐ bài táng, 礼拜堂 lǐ bài táng, 每月例会 měi yuè lì huì, 祈祷会 qí dǎo huì, 季度会议 jì dù huì yì, 员工会议, 峰会 fēng huì, 年会 nián huì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 meeting 的含义

集会 jí huì

noun (assembly of people)

The community meeting lasted for two hours.

(商务)会 shāng wù huì

noun (business discussion)

The meeting about the new project is at four o'clock.

相见 xiāng jiàn

noun (encounter)

The chance meeting between his new wife and his ex-girlfriend made him nervous.

宗教集会,宗教聚会 zōng jiào jí huì,zōng jiào jù huì

noun (religious event for prayer or worship)

There will be a Quaker meeting for worship in the hall this morning.

参加集会的人,与会人员,与会者 cān jiā jí huì de rén,yǔ huì rén yuán,yù huì zhě

noun (persons assembled) (总称,常作 the meeting)

The meeting included a few farmers and some shopkeepers.

连接处,汇合点 lián jiē chù,huì hé diǎn

noun (junction) (道路等)

A town grew at the meeting of the two roads.

碰到 pèng dào

transitive verb (encounter: [sb])

I met someone today who said he knew you.

与…碰面 yǔ pèng miàn

transitive verb (get together with)

She's meeting her friends at the cinema.

与…碰面 yǔ pèng miàn

transitive verb (greet [sb])

Will you come and meet me at the bus stop?

迎接,接 yíng jiē,jiē

transitive verb (greet: a flight, etc.) (前往机场等)

The whole family will meet our flight at the airport.

结识,认识 jié shí ,rèn shi

transitive verb (be introduced) (通过介绍)

I'd like you to meet my friend James.

认识 rèn shi

intransitive verb (become acquainted)

My partner and I met at the wedding of a mutual friend.

相见 xiāng jiàn

intransitive verb (get together)

Where would you like us to meet?

集合 jí hé

noun (convention, get-together)

There will be a motorcycle meet at the park on Saturday.

比赛 bǐ sài

noun (sports: contest) (运动)

My track team has a meet this weekend.

相撞 xiāng zhuàng

intransitive verb (collide)

The speeding cars met in a loud crash.

集合 jí hé

intransitive verb (assemble)

The union will meet on Tuesday.

相交,交会,会合,交汇 xiāng jiāo,jiāo huì,huì hé

intransitive verb (form a junction) (道路等)

There is a stop sign where the roads meet.

交锋 jiāo fēng

intransitive verb (clash, fight)

Many men died when the two armies met.

注意 zhù yì

transitive verb (encounter: [sth])

The traveller meets a strange sight as he enters the city.

与…相连接 yǔ xiāng lián jié

transitive verb (join with)

There is a blockage at the point where the pipe meets the main line.

正面遭遇 zhèng miàn zāo yù

transitive verb (face directly)

Dartmouth will meet Princeton for the championship.

和…交锋 hé jiāo fēng

transitive verb (contest with)

The allied forces met their enemy on the fields of northern France.

对付 duì fù

transitive verb (cope with)

I'll meet that problem later. For now, I have to do this job.

满足 mǎn zú

transitive verb (satisfy)

The employee's performance did not meet his manager's expectations. The project team are struggling to meet their objectives due to a lack of effort on the part of some members.

满足 mǎn zú

transitive verb (conform with)

This process does not meet quality standards.

年会 nián huì

noun (initialism (Annual General Meeting)

年会 nián huì

noun (yearly firm meeting)

董事会议 dǒng shì huì yì

noun (meeting of a committee)

All directors are requested to attend Friday's board meeting.


noun (discussion of commercial activity)

内部会议 nèi bù huì yì

noun (discussion: members only)

Although some members urged a public debate, the majority thought the matter was so sensitive that it should only be discussed at a closed meeting.


noun (initialism (extraordinary general meeting)

面对面会议 miàn duì miàn huì yì

noun (in-person discussion)

When discussing matters like these, it's usually better to have a face-to-face meeting.

开会 kāi huì

verbal expression (meet to discuss [sth] formally)

The council will hold a meeting to discuss the road repairs.


noun (statement of a meeting's aims)

意见一致,心意相通 yì jiàn yí zhì,xīn yì xiāng tōng

noun (agreement) (尤指初次见面时就想法相同)

By the end of the discussion, the partners had come to a meeting of minds about how they would tackle the firm's financial situation.

聚会地点 jù huì dì diǎn

noun (place where people meet)

We need to agree on a meeting place before the concert begins.

集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn

noun (designated place to meet)

They settled on the library as a meeting point because it was near both their houses.

会议室 huì yì shì

noun (venue where discussions are held)

礼拜堂 lǐ bài táng

noun (building for religious gatherings)

礼拜堂 lǐ bài táng

noun (Quaker house of worship) (基督教贵格会)

每月例会 měi yuè lì huì

noun (meeting held once a month)

Did you attend our company's monthly meeting?

祈祷会 qí dǎo huì

noun (religious gathering for shared prayers)

Please come to our Wednesday night prayer meeting at 7pm.

季度会议 jì dù huì yì

noun (meeting held every 3 months)

At the quarterly meeting, we read financial reports and plan for the next quarter.


noun (company gathering of employees)

峰会 fēng huì

noun (conference of leaders)

Summit meetings are often held on neutral territory.

年会 nián huì

noun (annual reunion or conference)

At the company's yearly meeting, the shareholders ousted the CEO.

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meeting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。