英语 中的 chair 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 chair 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 chair 的说明。

英语 中的chair 表示椅子 yǐ zi, 主席 zhǔ xí, 重要的职位 zhòng yào de zhí wèi, 大学教授职位, 死刑电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ, 轮椅 lún yǐ, 主持 zhǔ chí, 主席一职 zhǔ xí yì zhí, 主席行为,主持局面, 可调座椅, 海滩睡椅 hǎi tān shuì yǐ, 豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ, 轻便折叠椅 qīng biàn zhé dié yǐ, 椅子扶手, 椅背 yǐ bèi, 吊椅,椅式升降机,椅式缆车 diào yǐ,yǐ shì shēng jiàng jī,yǐ shì lǎn chē, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 共同领导, 轻便折叠躺椅 qīng biàn zhé dié tǎng yǐ, 牙科诊所的就诊椅 yá kē zhěn suǒ de jiù zhěn yǐ, 餐椅 cān yǐ, 导演椅,轻便扶手折椅 dǎo yǎn yǐ ,qīng biàn fú shǒu zhé yǐ, 导演的位置, 安乐椅,摇椅 ān lè yǐ ,yáo yǐ, (死刑)电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ, 空出椅子, 高脚椅 gāo jiǎo yǐ, 梯式靠背椅, 折椅 zhé yǐ, 休闲椅, 坐便椅,便盆椅, 躺椅 tǎng yǐ, 摇椅 yáo yǐ, 轿子 jiào zi, 沙发椅, 转椅 zhuǎn yǐ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 chair 的含义

椅子 yǐ zi

noun (seat)

This is a comfortable chair.

主席 zhǔ xí

noun (chairperson)

Frank is chair of the steering committee.

重要的职位 zhòng yào de zhí wèi

noun (seat of authority)

I would like Peter to take the chair and lead this discussion.


noun (professorship)

Dr. Roberts was offered a chair in history.

死刑电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ

noun (electric chair)

The serial killer is being sent to the chair.

轮椅 lún yǐ

noun (abbreviation (mobility aid: wheelchair)

Joe can't walk very far unaided, so he usually uses a chair.

主持 zhǔ chí

transitive verb (preside over) (会议)

The superintendent chaired the meeting.

主席一职 zhǔ xí yì zhí

noun (office of chairman)

Edmund has recently been awarded the chairmanship.


noun (actions taken as chairman)

Everyone agreed that Frank's chairmanship had changed the club for the better.


noun (seat at male hairdresser's) (美容美发店用的)

In order to get my hair cut, the man asked me to sit on the barber's chair.

海滩睡椅 hǎi tān shuì yǐ

noun (deck chair, foldout chair)

I unfolded my beachchair but it collapsed when I sat on it.

豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ

noun (large soft bead-filled sack to sit on)

轻便折叠椅 qīng biàn zhé dié yǐ

noun (portable folding chair)


noun (armrest of a seat)

椅背 yǐ bèi

noun (back rest on a chair)

Proper posture requires sitting up straight against the chair back.

吊椅,椅式升降机,椅式缆车 diào yǐ,yǐ shì shēng jiàng jī,yǐ shì lǎn chē

noun (cable car for skiers) (运送滑雪者上下的)

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun ([sb] who presides jointly)


transitive verb (lead [sth] jointly)

轻便折叠躺椅 qīng biàn zhé dié tǎng yǐ

noun (folding seat for beach)

I like to sit outside on my deck chair when the weather's mild.

牙科诊所的就诊椅 yá kē zhěn suǒ de jiù zhěn yǐ

noun (adjustable seat for dental patient) (病人躺在上面接受治疗)

He is sitting in the dentist's chair.

餐椅 cān yǐ

noun (chair used at dining table)

I've just bought a set of six antique dining chairs.

导演椅,轻便扶手折椅 dǎo yǎn yǐ ,qīng biàn fú shǒu zhé yǐ

noun (film director's seat) (原多为电影导演坐用,故而得名)

The film director sat in the director's chair and gave instructions to the actors.


noun (figurative (position of authority)

I'm in the director's chair now.

安乐椅,摇椅 ān lè yǐ ,yáo yǐ

noun (large upholstered armchair)

Grandpa reclined in his easy chair when he arrived home.

(死刑)电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ

noun (execution apparatus)

The electric chair is arguably more humane than the guillotine.


transitive verb (UK, often passive (display chair of [sb] refusing to debate)

The politician refused to attend the debate, so the presenter empty-chaired him.

高脚椅 gāo jiǎo yǐ

noun (child's tall chair) (小孩吃饭时用的)

The restaurant provided a highchair for my 3-year-old son.


noun (type of chair)

折椅 zhé yǐ

noun (sun lounger, deck chair)

We bought some comfortable lawn chairs so we could enjoy summer evenings in the back yard.




noun (child's seat with toilet bowl)

躺椅 tǎng yǐ

noun (seat that tilts backwards)

I always fall asleep if I watch TV in my reclining chair.

摇椅 yáo yǐ

noun (seat that rocks back and forth)

Grandma and Grandpa like sitting in their rocking chairs on the veranda.

轿子 jiào zi

noun (litter: carried chair)

The princess was carried through the town in a sedan.


noun (long seat)

转椅 zhuǎn yǐ

noun (seat that revolves)

I'm sitting in a swivel chair in front of my computer screen.

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chair 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。