英语 中的 lose 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lose 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lose 的说明。

英语 中的lose 表示遗失 yí shī, 输掉 shū diào, 丧失、失去(…的权利) sàng shī shī qù de quán lì, 使某人损失某物, 亏损 kuī sǔn, 失败 shī bài, 忘记 wàng jì, 使不理解 shǐ bù lǐ jiě, 失去 shī qù, 浪费 làng fèi, 从…手中逃脱 cóng shǒu zhōng táo tuō, 慢 màn, 丢掉 diū diào, 吃亏 chī kuī, 错失 cuò shī, 不会有任何损失, 变得没血色 biàn de méi xiě sè / biàn de méi xuè sè, 不再注意 bú zài zhù yì, 失去知觉,昏迷 shī qù zhī jué,hūn mí, 情绪失控, 失去对…的控制,失去对…的掌控, 不再流行 bú zài liú xíng, 丢脸 diū liǎn, 退却 tuì què, 灰心丧气,心灰意冷, 丧失希望 sàng shī xī wàng, 失去兴趣 shī qù xìng qù, 对…丧失兴趣 duì … sàng shī xìng qù, 对…不再有兴趣, 发脾气 fā pí qì, 失去动力 shī qù dòng lì, 失去动力 shī qù dòng lì, 不浪费时间 bú làng fèi shí jiān, 等急了, 被惹恼 bèi rě nǎo, 变虚弱 biàn xū ruò, 失去权力 shī qù quán lì, 停电 tíng diàn, 看不见 kàn bú jiàn, 忘记 wàng jì, 失去...的机会, 失去理智,发疯 shī qù lǐ zhì,fā fēng, 慢,走慢 màn,zǒu màn, 失去联系 shī qù lián xì, 与...失去联系, 过时 guò shí, 脱离 tuō lí, 不知道,失去概念,迷失 bù zhī dào, 没有跟上…的进展, 减肥 jiǎn féi, 失去勇气, 失去冷静, 不再坚挺,不再勃起 bú zài jiān tǐng,bú zài bó qǐ, 不再坚挺,不再勃起 bú zài jiān tǐng,bú zài bó qǐ, 惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò, 失去理智 shī qù lǐ zhì, 发疯,疯掉 fā fēng, 生气 shēng qì, 不再自信 bú zài zì xìn, 脾气发作, 发火 fā huǒ, 迷路 mí lù, 丢掉原则,丧失原则, 陷入, 深陷, 使…分心 shǐ fēn xīn, 不要让…离开视线范围, 没有忽略 méi yǒu hū lüè。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lose 的含义

遗失 yí shī

transitive verb (misplace)

He lost his keys.

输掉 shū diào

transitive verb (fail to win)

They knew that they were going to lose the game.

丧失、失去(…的权利) sàng shī shī qù de quán lì

transitive verb (be deprived of: privilege, right)

They lost their right to use the library because they were so loud.


transitive verb (cause the loss of)

His lack of punctuality lost him his job.

亏损 kuī sǔn

transitive verb (fail to keep: money)

We lost a thousand dollars in the stock market.

失败 shī bài

intransitive verb (fail)

I can't do this job. I'm going to lose again.

忘记 wàng jì

transitive verb (figurative, informal (forget) (非正式用语)

What was her name? I've lost it for the moment.

使不理解 shǐ bù lǐ jiě

transitive verb (figurative, informal (not make understand)

You are losing me. Can you say it again more slowly?

失去 shī qù

transitive verb (figurative, euphemism (be bereaved of: [sb]) (比喻死亡)

She lost her husband to cancer two years ago.

浪费 làng fèi

transitive verb (waste)

If you don't act now, you'll be losing a great opportunity.

从…手中逃脱 cóng shǒu zhōng táo tuō

transitive verb (figurative, informal (evade) (非正式用语)

The bandit lost the police when he entered the forest.

慢 màn

transitive verb (clock: be slow by) (时间)

It's a lovely antique clock, but it loses about ten minutes per week.

丢掉 diū diào

transitive verb (slang, figurative (get rid of) (俚语)

You'd better lose that attitude.

吃亏 chī kuī

phrasal verb, intransitive (suffer a disadvantage)

Act now or you may lose out in the long run.

错失 cuò shī

(miss: an opportunity) (机会)

The team lost out on a chance to play in the final.


verbal expression (risk nothing)

You have nothing to lose by applying to the university.

变得没血色 biàn de méi xiě sè / biàn de méi xuè sè

(go pale, fade)

People lose color when they pass out.

不再注意 bú zài zhù yì

(stop paying attention)

He'll lose concentration if you keep pulling faces at him.

失去知觉,昏迷 shī qù zhī jué,hūn mí

(faint, black out)


(no longer have composure)


verbal expression (no longer have authority)

The Republicans lost control of the U.S. Senate.

不再流行 bú zài liú xíng

(become out of date)

Some said that skateboarding was a fad that would lose currency in no time.

丢脸 diū liǎn

verbal expression (be embarrassed)

退却 tuì què

verbal expression (figurative (regress, fall back)


verbal expression (become discouraged)

丧失希望 sàng shī xī wàng

(become pessimistic)

It's been three days, I'm losing hope of ever finding my puppy again.

失去兴趣 shī qù xìng qù

(become apathetic)

I'm not bothered who wins the World Cup; I've lost interest since France went out.

对…丧失兴趣 duì … sàng shī xìng qù

verbal expression (become apathetic about)

I've lost interest in politics; I really don't care who wins or loses.


verbal expression (no longer like, enjoy)

After I nearly drowned, I lost interest in swimming. Timmy lost interest in the toy after taking it away from his baby sister.

发脾气 fā pí qì

verbal expression (slang (become angry)

失去动力 shī qù dòng lì

(decrease in speed and force)

As a bullet loses momentum, it arches down toward the ground.

失去动力 shī qù dòng lì

(figurative (lose enthusiasm or energy) (比喻)

The candidate's campaign lost momentum after his early defeats.

不浪费时间 bú làng fèi shí jiān

verbal expression (act without delay)

You should lose no time in reporting a stolen credit card.


(be frustrated by waiting)

If you keep us waiting much longer we'll lose patience and go elsewhere.

被惹恼 bèi rě nǎo

verbal expression (become annoyed)

I'm beginning to lose patience with my noisy neighbours.

变虚弱 biàn xū ruò

(grow weaker)

The car engine began to lose power as we climbed the hill.

失去权力 shī qù quán lì

(lose authority)

You can be sure this government will lose power in the next election.

停电 tíng diàn

(lose electricity supply)

Thousands of homes lost power as a result of the storm.

看不见 kàn bú jiàn

verbal expression (no longer see)

We lost sight of that boat when it went around the bend in the river.

忘记 wàng jì

verbal expression (figurative (no longer be focused on)

When I lose sight of my goal, I waste time and accomplish nothing.


verbal expression (miss the chance: to do [sth])

If you ever have the chance to visit Buckingham Palace, you should not lose the opportunity of doing so. Join the queue or you will lose the opportunity to get her autograph.

失去理智,发疯 shī qù lǐ zhì,fā fēng

verbal expression (UK, informal, figurative (go insane)

Bill lost the plot when he saw the scratch along the side of his new car.

慢,走慢 màn,zǒu màn

(delay, fail to act) (钟表)

Don't lose time by taking the longer route.

失去联系 shī qù lián xì

verbal expression (informal (not keep in contact)

Colin and I were great friends, but we lost touch after we left university.


verbal expression (informal (not keep in contact with [sb]) (非正式用语)

I lost touch with so many of my classmates, there was no point in going to the class reunion.

过时 guò shí

verbal expression (figurative, informal (not keep up to date)

I used to be well informed about French politics, but I have lost touch since I moved out here.

脱离 tuō lí

verbal expression (figurative, informal (not keep up to date with [sth]) (非正式用语)

Critics have accused the leader of losing touch with the mood of the public.

不知道,失去概念,迷失 bù zhī dào

(fail to note progress of [sth])

Where have we got to with this project? I've lost track.


verbal expression (not keep up to date with [sth])

I was late because I lost track of time.

减肥 jiǎn féi

(slim, become slimmer)

If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more.


verbal expression (UK, figurative, slang (lose courage)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (become angry)

不再坚挺,不再勃起 bú zài jiān tǐng,bú zài bó qǐ

verbal expression (no longer have an erect penis) (指男性生殖器)

External distractions can cause you to lose your erection.

不再坚挺,不再勃起 bú zài jiān tǐng,bú zài bó qǐ

verbal expression (slang (no longer have an erect penis) (俚语,指男性生殖器)

惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò

verbal expression (figurative (become overexcited)

Don't lose your head in an emergency. Just stay calm.

失去理智 shī qù lǐ zhì

verbal expression (figurative, slang (lose sanity, sense)

发疯,疯掉 fā fēng

verbal expression (figurative (go insane)

My job is so stressful that I feel like I'm losing my mind.

生气 shēng qì

verbal expression (UK, figurative, informal (get angry) (非正式用语)

不再自信 bú zài zì xìn

verbal expression (become less confident)

Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake.


verbal expression (figurative, vulgar, slang (become angry)

发火 fā huǒ

verbal expression (get angry)

Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing.

迷路 mí lù

verbal expression (become lost)

It is easy to lose your way in that confused maze of streets.


verbal expression (figurative (forget principles, aims)

The pizza company has lost its way with young consumers.

陷入, 深陷

transitive verb (figurative (become deeply absorbed in) (比喻)

Why not lose yourself in a book for a few hours to take your mind off things?

使…分心 shǐ fēn xīn

verbal expression (distract [sb])

The loud music made me lose my concentration.


verbal expression (keep in view)

Do not lose sight of your children around water.

没有忽略 méi yǒu hū lüè

verbal expression (figurative (remain focused on)

Don't lose sight of your goal, you're almost there.

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lose 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。