英语 中的 left 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 left 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 left 的说明。

英语 中的left 表示左手边的, 向左 xiàng zuǒ, 左边 zuǒ biān, 左翼, 左派, 剩下的 shèng xià de, 左转 zuǒ zhuǎn, 左手拳 zuǒ shǒu quán, 左派,左翼 zuǒ pài ,zuǒ yì, 离开 lí kāi, 离开 lí kāi, 抛弃 pāo qì, 留下 liú xià, 为…剩下, 把…留给, 将..交托给, 忘记, 忘掉, 把…落下, 留下 liú xià, 许可 xǔ kě, 准假 zhǔn jiǎ, 假, 休假时间 xiū jià shí jiān, 长叶子, 剩,剩余 shèng,shèng yú, 给...剩下, 把…留在 bǎ liú zài, 将...遗赠给, 给…剩下, 左下角, 落后, 掉在后面, 适应得慢 shì yìng de màn, 被淘汰 bèi táo tài, 继续右行, 左岸,左岸地区 zuǒ àn,zuǒ àn dì qū, 左岸 zuǒ àn, 知识分子的 zhī shí fèn zǐ de, 被舍弃的 bèi shě qì de, 左外野, 左外野手, 左手 zuǒ shǒu, 左侧 zuǒ cè, 左侧的 zuǒ cè de, 寄存的行李, 行李寄存的, 行李寄存处, 不寻常的,标新立异的,别出心裁的 bù xún cháng de ,biāo xīn lì yì de ,bié chū xīn cái de, 中间偏左的 zhōng jiān piān zuǒ de, 一直开着,没关, 嫁不出去的, 被排除在外的 bèi pái chú zài wài de, 剩下的 shèng xià de, 左侧 zuǒ cè, 由你自己决定, 左翼的 zuǒ yì de, 左翼 zuǒ yì, 惯用左脚的, 左脚的, 天主教的 tiān zhǔ jiào de, 左侧,左边 zuǒ cè ,zuǒ biān, 左撇子的 zuǒ piě zi de, 明褒暗损的恭维, 左撇子,惯用左手的人 zuǒ piē zǐ, 左手的一击, 左倾的 zuǒ qīng de, 左翼分子 zuǒ yì fèn zǐ, 左翼球员, 吃剩的,剩下的 chī shèng de ,shèng xià de, 剩下的,剩余的,没用完的 shèng xià de ,shèng yú de ,méi yòng wán de, 剩饭,残羹冷炙 shèng fàn,cán gēng lěng zhì, 残羹冷炙 cán gēng lěng zhì, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 左边地 zuǒ biān de, 向左滑动, 左滑, 向左边 xiàng zuǒ biān, 左上方部分, 在左上方区域, 左上角的, 左上角, 向左转 xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 left 的含义


adjective (side: left-hand)

He writes with his left hand.

向左 xiàng zuǒ

adverb (toward the left)

In this dance, you hop left and then right.

左边 zuǒ biān

noun (left side)

Your keys are to your left.

左翼, 左派

noun (political wing: socialist) (政治)

The politicians on the left opposed the change.

剩下的 shèng xià de

adjective (remaining)

There are only three cupcakes left. I only have half a sandwich left.

左转 zuǒ zhuǎn

noun (informal (left-hand turn)

Take a left at the third light.

左手拳 zuǒ shǒu quán

noun (informal (boxing: punch with left fist) (拳击,非正式用语)

He landed a left on the other man's chin.

左派,左翼 zuǒ pài ,zuǒ yì

noun (liberal position) (政治)

Viewed from the left, these statistics seem to arise out of inequality rather than any naturally criminal inclination among this group.

离开 lí kāi

intransitive verb (depart)

Is John here? No, he's already left.

离开 lí kāi

transitive verb (go away: from a place)

I'm going to leave this town at three o'clock today.

抛弃 pāo qì

transitive verb (abandon)

He left his wife at home, and went out with his friends on Friday night.

留下 liú xià

transitive verb (let remain)

I enjoyed my meal, but left some of the potatoes as I was feeling rather full.


(let remain: for [sb] else)

He left only one piece of pizza for the others.


transitive verb (let [sb] keep, take)

Leave me your number in case I need to get in touch.



Can I leave my keys with you in case something happens?

忘记, 忘掉, 把…落下

transitive verb (forget to bring)

Oh, no. I left the present at home.

留下 liú xià

transitive verb (not bring)

I've left the keys on the kitchen table in case you want to go out.

许可 xǔ kě

noun (permission to act)

The commander gave the soldier leave to manage the situation as he wanted.

准假 zhǔn jiǎ

noun (permission for absence)

My boss gave me leave to study for three months.

noun (permitted absence)

I will be on leave until August the fifteenth.

休假时间 xiū jià shí jiān

noun (period of absence)

He has two weeks' leave in the summer.


intransitive verb (grow leaves)

Many trees leave in the spring, as the weather gets warmer.

剩,剩余 shèng,shèng yú

transitive verb (remainder) (数学:减法)

Five minus three leaves two.


transitive verb (have remaining)

The coat cost thirty-five dollars and the shoes cost twenty, so that leaves us only five dollars.

把…留在 bǎ liú zài

transitive verb (deposit, give)

He left his phone number on the answering machine.



In his will, her father left her the antique clock.


(have remaining)

If you take that twenty-pound note, you'll leave me with less than five pounds.


noun (lower corner on the left-hand side)

The page is numbered in the bottom left corner.

落后, 掉在后面

verbal expression (not keep up with others)

Fit and experienced hikers should stay at the back of the group to ensure no-one gets left behind.

适应得慢 shì yìng de màn

verbal expression (figurative (not adapt quickly enough)

I got left behind when the Digital Revolution started.

被淘汰 bèi táo tài

verbal expression (be abandoned)

Hurry up and get on the bus or you'll get left behind!


(sign: stay on left, right) (路标)

The road sign said "keep left."

左岸,左岸地区 zuǒ àn,zuǒ àn dì qū

noun (Paris: area south of the Seine) (指巴黎塞纳河南部地区)

When you go to Paris you must visit the Left Bank to soak up the atmosphere.

左岸 zuǒ àn

noun as adjective (Paris: south of the Seine)

On our honeymoon in Paris, we stayed in a trendy Left-Bank hotel.

知识分子的 zhī shí fèn zǐ de

noun as adjective (intellectual or artistic)

Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir inspired many left-bank intellectuals.

被舍弃的 bèi shě qì de

adjective (abandoned)

The "Home Alone" movies are about a boy who is left behind when his family goes on vacation.


noun (baseball: location) (棒球: 位置)

He hit the ball straight to left field.


noun (baseball: player's position) (棒球)

He played left field professionally for 10 years.

左手 zuǒ shǒu

noun (hand on side opposite the right)

Wedding rings are traditionally worn on the left hand. Though widowed, she still wears her wedding ring on her left hand.

左侧 zuǒ cè

noun (side opposite [sb]'s right)

左侧的 zuǒ cè de

noun as adjective (relating to the left-hand side)

My car is a left-hand drive.


noun (baggage stored temporarily)


noun as adjective (for baggage storage)


noun (place where baggage may be stored)

I retrieved my bags from the left luggage office.

不寻常的,标新立异的,别出心裁的 bù xún cháng de ,biāo xīn lì yì de ,bié chū xīn cái de

adjective (figurative (offbeat, original)

中间偏左的 zhōng jiān piān zuǒ de

adjective (figurative (moderately left wing) (政治立场)

We now have a left-of-center government, but it's still nothing like socialist.


adjective (not switched off)

The TV was left on overnight, which wastes electricity.


adjective (figurative, dated, informal (woman: no longer marriageable) (女人)

被排除在外的 bèi pái chú zài wài de

adjective (excluded)

She did not get an invitation to the party, and she felt left out.

剩下的 shèng xià de

expression (remaining)

After the party, there was just one bottle of wine left over.

左侧 zuǒ cè

noun (side opposite the right)

The patient has a pain in the left side of her abdomen.


adjective (unsupervised, left alone)

左翼的 zuǒ yì de

adjective (politics: socialist)

The opposition was horrified by the new prime minister's left-wing policies.

左翼 zuǒ yì

noun (members of socialist or leftist political parties)

The left wing always makes that argument.


adjective (person: uses left foot)


adjective (done with left foot)

天主教的 tiān zhǔ jiào de

adjective (pejorative, slang (Catholic)

左侧,左边 zuǒ cè ,zuǒ biān

noun (side opposite the right)

Turn right, walk two blocks, and you'll see my house on the left hand side of the road.

左撇子的 zuǒ piě zi de

adjective (having the left hand dominant)

I sprained my right wrist, but luckily I'm left handed so I can still do most things without difficulty. // My little brother's the only left-handed member of the family.


noun (figurative (false compliment, insult)

He said my cake tasted better than it looked - a left-handed compliment if I ever heard one! He paid her a left-handed compliment, saying she was well-built for her height.

左撇子,惯用左手的人 zuǒ piē zǐ

noun (left-handed person)


noun (slang (left-handed punch)

左倾的 zuǒ qīng de

adjective (figurative (beliefs: tending to socialism)

左翼分子 zuǒ yì fèn zǐ

noun (politics)

Left-wingers oppose privatization.


noun (sports: player)

吃剩的,剩下的 chī shèng de ,shèng xià de

adjective (food: uneaten) (食品)

Would you finish up that leftover chicken?

剩下的,剩余的,没用完的 shèng xià de ,shèng yú de ,méi yòng wán de

adjective (materials: remaining, unused) (材料)

We'll keep those leftover shingles for repairs later.

剩饭,残羹冷炙 shèng fàn,cán gēng lěng zhì

noun (figurative ([sth] remaining)

The superstition is a leftover from pagan times.

残羹冷炙 cán gēng lěng zhì

plural noun (food remaining)

He made a great casserole out of yesterday's leftovers.

禁止 jìn zhǐ

adjective (forbidding [sth])

There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.

左边地 zuǒ biān de

adverb (to the left-hand side)


(on screen: drag finger to the left) (在屏幕上用手指)

From the home screen, swipe left to access your messages.


(on dating app: reject, dismiss) (指约会应用中)

向左边 xiàng zuǒ biān

adverb (on or towards the left-hand side)

He was going to the left.


noun (upper left-hand area)


adverb (in the upper left-hand area)


adjective (in upper left-hand area)


noun (upper corner on the left-hand side)

The author's name appears at the top left corner of the page.

向左转 xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn

intransitive verb (go round a left-hand corner)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。