英语 中的 flush 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 flush 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 flush 的说明。

英语 中的flush 表示冲洗,冲刷 chōng xǐ,chōng shuā, 冲厕所, 潮红 cháo hóng, 同花,清一色 tóng huā,qīng yī sè, 冲水, 冲厕所, 将…丢弃入(马桶), 脸红,脸涨红 liǎn hóng, 变红,涨红 biàn hóng, 与…齐高, 丰足的 fēng zú de, 富有的 fù yǒu de, 齐平的 qí píng de, 恰好地 qià hǎo de, 齐平地 qí píng de, 水平地,直线地, 把...从隐藏处驱赶出来,把...赶出, 清除 qīng chú, 冲去, 冲洗,清洗,冲掉 chōng xǐ,qīng xǐ,chōng diào, 驱除,清除,除掉 qū chú,qīng chú,chú diào, 迫使...离开藏身处, 将...驱赶出, 冲马桶, 潮热 cháo rè, 倒水冲洗式, 马桶冲水,冲厕所。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 flush 的含义

冲洗,冲刷 chōng xǐ,chōng shuā

noun (toilet: waste removal) (马桶)

The toilet had a very loud flush; whenever someone got up to use it at night it woke up the entire house.


noun (action of draining waste)

A good toilet should be able to clear just about anything with one flush.

潮红 cháo hóng

noun (red face) (指脸红)

You could see Tom was embarrassed from the flush spreading over his face.

同花,清一色 tóng huā,qīng yī sè

noun (cards: poker hand) (牌戏)

Amy won the game with a flush.


intransitive verb (toilet: remove waste) (厕所)

The toilet won't flush. We'll have to call a plumber.


intransitive verb (toilet: use flush)

You used the toilet - good boy. Did you remember to flush?


transitive verb (dispose of: toilet waste)

Don't flush too much paper down the toilet, you will block it!

脸红,脸涨红 liǎn hóng

intransitive verb (get a red face) (人)

Roz flushed when Paul paid her a compliment.

变红,涨红 biàn hóng

intransitive verb (face: turn red) (脸)

Tommy's cheeks flushed when the teacher told him he was a good boy.


(flat or aligned with [sth])

The hooks should be flush with the wall, otherwise the pictures will not hang properly.

丰足的 fēng zú de

(having abundance of [sth])

富有的 fù yǒu de

adjective (informal (having money)

I'm feeling flush. Let me buy you all a drink!

齐平的 qí píng de

adjective (level, aligned)

The kitchen fitter made sure the two work surfaces were flush.

恰好地 qià hǎo de

adverb (hit, punch: squarely) (命中)

Rose hit Paul flush on the chin and he went flying backwards.

齐平地 qí píng de

adverb (level, aligned)

Check that the cupboard doors close flush once you have fitted the hinges.


adverb (hit golf ball: straight) (高尔夫球)


transitive verb (drive bird or animal out of hiding)

清除 qīng chú

transitive verb (figurative (clear)

The vet gave the dog laxatives to flush the toxin from his system.


(wash away with water)

The drug dealer heard the police at the door and quickly ran to the bathroom to flush away the evidence.

冲洗,清洗,冲掉 chōng xǐ,qīng xǐ,chōng diào

(run liquid through to clean)

They had to flush out the sewer pipe to make it drain properly.

驱除,清除,除掉 qū chú,qīng chú,chú diào


Drinking lots of water helps to flush out toxins.


(figurative (scare out, bring to light)


verbal expression (figurative (scare out, bring to light)

Our dog had flushed a deer out of the woods and into the open field.


verbal expression (lavatory: use flush)

Please flush the toilet after you've used it.

潮热 cháo rè

noun (often plural (heat: symptom of menopause) (身体症状)

The hot flash I had yesterday made me feel feverish, dizzy and tired.


adjective (toilet: flushed by pouring water in) (马桶)


noun (lavatory disposal mechanism)

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