英语 中的 fitting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fitting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fitting 的说明。

英语 中的fitting 表示正确的,适当的 zhèng què de ,shì dàng de, 配件 pèi jiàn, 量体裁衣 liàng tǐ cái yī, 家具 jiā jù, 恰当的 qià dàng de, 合…的身 hé … de shēn, 合身,穿得上 hé shēn,chuān de shàng, 可被容纳 kě bèi róng nà, 能被…装下, 健康的 jiàn kāng de, 适合的 shì hé de, 能胜任, 合适的 hé shì de, 适合 shì hé, 适当的 shì dàng de, 有吸引力的, 好看的, 就要…的 jiù yào de, 突发病痛 tū fā bìng tòng, 阵发 zhèn fā, 线条,形状 xiàn tiáo ,xíng zhuàng, 合身的衣服 hé shēn de yī fú, 适合的人,与…相配的人 shì hé de rén,yǔ xiāng pèi de rén, 合适 hé shì, 与…相配 yǔ … xiāng pèi, 适合于 shì hé yú, 使适合 shǐ shì hé, 使合格 shǐ hé gé, 装配 zhuāng pèi, 紧身的 jǐn shēn de, 融入 róng rù, 试衣间 shì yī jiān, 不合身的 bù hé shēn de, 灯具 dēng jù, 宽松地, 管道配件, 蒸汽管道装配与修理技术 zhēng qì guǎn dào zhuāng pèi yǔ xiū lǐ jì shù, 紧身的 jǐn shēn de, 紧身的 jǐn shēn de, 合身的 hé shēn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fitting 的含义

正确的,适当的 zhèng què de ,shì dàng de

adjective (right, appropriate)

The teacher tried to think of a fitting punishment for the student.

配件 pèi jiàn

noun (accessory)

The plumber needed to replace a fitting.

量体裁衣 liàng tǐ cái yī

noun (being measured for clothes)

Sarah is having her wedding dress made to measure and she has a fitting next week.

家具 jiā jù

plural noun (fixtures)

The house came with all the fittings.

恰当的 qià dàng de

adjective (appropriate, justified)

It's fitting that Jimmy was punished for his bad behavior.

合…的身 hé … de shēn

transitive verb (clothing: be correct size for [sb]) (服装)

Does this shirt fit you, or is it too big?

合身,穿得上 hé shēn,chuān de shàng

intransitive verb (clothing: be correct size) (衣物)

My shoes don't fit any more.

可被容纳 kě bèi róng nà

intransitive verb (have correct dimensions)

The part won't fit because it's the wrong size.


(have correct dimensions)

That table does not fit in the small room.

健康的 jiàn kāng de

adjective ([sb]: in good shape)

She goes to the gym every day and is very fit.

适合的 shì hé de

adjective (competent)

He's not fit for the job.


adjective (competent)

Amy wants to prove to her boss that she is fit to take on more responsibility.

合适的 hé shì de


This meal is fit for a king.

适合 shì hé


The meat is fit for use as animal food.

适当的 shì dàng de

adjective (opportune)

This is no fit time to ask such questions.

有吸引力的, 好看的

adjective (UK, slang (attractive) (人)

Keira is so fit; I'm going to ask her out.

就要…的 jiù yào de


These old boots are fit for the rubbish bin.

突发病痛 tū fā bìng tòng

noun (acute attack)

He suffers from fits, periodically.

阵发 zhèn fā

noun (spell, onset)

She had a bad fit of coughing.

线条,形状 xiàn tiáo ,xíng zhuàng

noun (how well [sth] fits) (剪裁、设计)

I don't like the fit of that dress.

合身的衣服 hé shēn de yī fú

noun ([sth] that fits)

That dress is a good fit.

适合的人,与…相配的人 shì hé de rén,yǔ xiāng pèi de rén

noun (figurative (match) (比喻)

He is a good fit with this organization.

合适 hé shì

intransitive verb (be proper)

When speaking to dignitaries, it's important that your manners fit.

与…相配 yǔ … xiāng pèi

(be proper)

Her elegant behaviour fit perfectly with the diplomatic corps.

适合于 shì hé yú

transitive verb (be suitable)

Does this suitcase fit your needs?

使适合 shǐ shì hé

transitive verb (adjust)

We'll fit your jacket as soon as the tailor is available.

使合格 shǐ hé gé

transitive verb (prepare)

Experience will fit you for the job.

装配 zhuāng pèi

transitive verb (often passive (furnish)

They're having their kitchen fitted.

紧身的 jǐn shēn de

adjective (clothing: tight)

Her close-fitting dress emphasised her slim figure.

融入 róng rù

noun (assimilation to group)

Rachel has always been good at fitting in; she makes friends easily.

试衣间 shì yī jiān

noun (booth for trying on clothes) (服装店)

Once I'd picked out a few dresses, I went into the fitting room to try them on.

不合身的 bù hé shēn de

adjective (clothes: not the right size)

灯具 dēng jù

noun (fixture for attaching a lamp)


adjective (baggy, not tight)

Wear loose-fitting clothing to allow the skin to breathe.


noun (installation of tubing)

蒸汽管道装配与修理技术 zhēng qì guǎn dào zhuāng pèi yǔ xiū lǐ jì shù

noun (installation of heating, etc.)

紧身的 jǐn shēn de

adjective (clothing: snug, fitting closely)

Melissa wears tight-fitting clothes hoping to attract attention.

紧身的 jǐn shēn de

adjective (snugly-joined)

A skilled carpenter makes joints so tight fitting that they're invisible.

合身的 hé shēn de

adjective (clothing: appropriate size)

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fitting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。