英语 中的 comes 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 comes 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 comes 的说明。
英语 中的comes 表示来 lái, 到达 dào dá, 来临 lái lín, 达到 dá dào, 被出售 bèi chū shòu, 变成,成为,达到 biàn chéng,chéng wéi ,dá dào, 出现 chū xiàn, 发生(在…身上) fā shēng zài shēn shàng, 到来 dào lái, 散发(自) sǎn fā zì, 进行 jìn xíng, 达到性高潮 dá dào xìng gāo cháo, 来自 lái zì, 来自 lái zì, 发生,产生 fā shēng,chǎn shēng, 掉抢, 偶然发现 ǒu rán fā xiàn, 偶然遇见 ǒu rán yù jiàn, 被理解 bèi lǐ jiě, 留下印象 liú xià yìn xiàng, 追, 进展 jìn zhǎn, 来临 lái lín, 出现 chū xiàn, 跟随 gēn suí, 与…一起去, 破碎 pò suì, 苏醒 sū xǐng, 改变观点,改变看法 gǎi biàn kàn fǎ, 改变观点, 再次到来, 离开 lí kāi, 回来 huí lái, 卷土重来 juǎn tǔ chóng lái, 回想起 huí xiǎng qǐ, 反驳 fǎn bó, 出(庭), 出庭面对, 出现在…之间, 离间 lí jiàn, 短暂拜访 duǎn zàn bài fǎng, 偶然找到 ǒu rán zhǎo dào, 下来 xià lái, 坍塌 tān tā, 药力下降 yào lì xià jiàng, 斥责,呵斥 chì zé ,hē chì, 落到, 降落到, 坍塌到, 归根结底是…, 染上…病,患…病 rǎn shàng bìng,huàn … bìng, 站出来(指证等) zhàn chū lái zhǐ zhèng děng, 自告奋勇,主动请缨 zì gào fèn yǒng,zhǔ dòng qǐng yīng, 向前站,站出来 xiàng qián zhàn,zhàn chū lái, 进来,进 jìn lái, 可以得到, 获得…名 huò dé … míng, 参与进来, 差点打起来,几乎动起手来, 最好的 zuì hǎo de, 栽跟头, 落马, 遭遇失败, 跌倒, 摔倒, 留下…的印象, 出现在…之后, 能再说一遍吗? néng zài shuō yí biàn ma ?, 活过来,像真的一样,显得很逼真, 热闹起来 rè nào qǐ lái, 赶快,加把劲 gǎn kuài,jiā bǎ jìn, 来拿 lái ná, 来来去去 lái lái qù qù, 不断变化 bú duàn biàn huà, 转瞬即逝 zhuǎn shùn jí shì, 裂开 liè kāi, 失败 shī bài, 情绪失控,崩溃 bēng kuì, 短暂访问 duǎn zàn fǎng wèn, 让人意外 ràng rén yì wài, 没想到 méi xiǎng dào, 随便穿就好 suí biàn chuān jiù hǎo, 需要付出代价, 从…离开 cóng lí kāi, 离…远点, 从…上脱落 cóng … shàng tuō luò, 回来…, 重振旗鼓,重新来过 chóng zhèn qí gǔ,chóng xīn lái guò, 鬼门关走一遭, 作茧自缚, 追悔莫及, 出现在…之前, 优先于 yōu xiān yú, 交代, 全盘托出, 坦白 tǎn bái, 靠得更拢 kào dé gèng lǒng, 从…下来, 惩罚 chéng fá, 价格下跌 jià gé xià diē, 支持 zhī chí, 赞成 zàn chéng, 出现 chū xiàn, 回到现实中来 huí dào xiàn shí zhōng lái, 与…当面对质,与…面对面 yǔ dāng miàn duì zhì,yǔ miàn duì miàn, 第一个到达终点, 先来, 放在第一位, 来自 lái zì, 来自 lái zì, 迎头赶上 yíng tóu gǎn shàng, 后来居上的, 兜了一圈回到原地 dōu le yì quān huí dào yuán dì, 无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nán, 过来 guò lái, 回家 huí jiā, 得到报应, 接触 jiē chù, 遇见 yù jiàn, 遭到,受到 shòu dào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 comes 的含义
来 láiintransitive verb (move toward) (向说话者移近) Come here and read this. 过来读读这个。 |
到达 dào dáintransitive verb (arrive) What time are they coming? 他们什么时候到? |
来临 lái línintransitive verb (approach in time) Winter is coming. 冬天要来了。 |
达到 dá dàointransitive verb (reach) The bus line doesn't come this far. 公交线路没有通到这么远的地方。 |
被出售 bèi chū shòuintransitive verb (be available) Shaving cream comes in a can. 剃须膏装在罐子里出售。 |
变成,成为,达到 biàn chéng,chéng wéi ,dá dàointransitive verb (reach a state, condition) (某种状态) How did you come to be a marine biologist? That shirt just won't come clean. 那件衬衫无法恢复洁净。 |
出现 chū xiànintransitive verb (appear) The rain came from nowhere. 雨突然从天而降。 |
发生(在…身上) fā shēng zài shēn shàngintransitive verb (occur, happen) Good things come to those who wait. 耐心等待,好事自来。 |
到来 dào láiintransitive verb (occur in relation to [sth]) Friday comes at the end of the week. 一周将尽时,周五就到了。 |
散发(自) sǎn fā zìintransitive verb (emanate) A great heat was coming from the fireplace. 一股热浪从壁炉散发出来。 |
进行 jìn xíngintransitive verb (to fare, manage) How's that report coming? 那个报告进展如何? |
达到性高潮 dá dào xìng gāo cháointransitive verb (slang (have an orgasm) (俚语) They came at the same time, crying out in joy. |
来自 lái zìintransitive verb (place: live currently) (指目前的居住地) I come from New York, although I grew up in Connecticut. 我来自纽约,不过我是在康涅狄格州长大的。 |
来自 lái zìintransitive verb (place: previous location) (指之前的居住地) I came from Chicago yesterday. 我昨天从芝加哥过来。 |
发生,产生 fā shēng,chǎn shēngphrasal verb, intransitive (happen) Dave's idea to start his own business came about after he lost his job. 戴夫想要创业的念头是在他丢了工作后产生的。 |
掉抢phrasal verb, intransitive (nautical: tack) (船) The yacht came about. |
偶然发现 ǒu rán fā xiànphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (encounter [sth]) I came across an interesting article in the newspaper today. 今天我在报纸上偶然读到了一篇有趣的文章。 |
偶然遇见 ǒu rán yù jiànphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (encounter [sb] by chance) We came across Monica in the post office. 我们在邮局偶遇了莫妮卡。 |
被理解 bèi lǐ jiěphrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (message: be clear) The President's message came across very clearly in his speech. 在演讲中,总统要传达的信息得到了充分的理解。 |
留下印象 liú xià yìn xiàngphrasal verb, intransitive (give impression) I'm not sure how my speech comes across. 我不太确定自己的演讲有没有给听众留下印象。 |
追phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (pursue, chase) The police came after the robbers in a patrol car. |
进展 jìn zhǎnphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (progress) My history project is coming along nicely. |
来临 lái línphrasal verb, intransitive (appear, arrive) Suddenly, two buses came along at the same time. |
出现 chū xiànphrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (enter [sb]'s life) I was 30 when Jason came along and changed my life forever. |
跟随 gēn suíphrasal verb, intransitive (accompany, go with) Jack and I are going to the movies this afternoon; you can come along if you like. |
与…一起去(accompany) Nancy came along with us to the park. |
破碎 pò suìphrasal verb, intransitive (fall to pieces) The delicate necklace came apart in Gisela's hands. |
苏醒 sū xǐngphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (recover consciousness) The patient came around soon after his operation. 手术过后没多久,病人就苏醒了。 |
改变观点,改变看法 gǎi biàn kàn fǎphrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be persuaded) My parents aren't keen on my new boyfriend, but they'll come round when they get to know him. |
改变观点(revise your opinion) Steve eventually came round to my opinion. 最终,史蒂夫改而接受我的观点了。 |
再次到来phrasal verb, intransitive (date, event: occur again) Jill always feels sad when the anniversary of her husband's death comes around. 每到丈夫的忌日,吉尔就会陷入悲痛之中。 |
离开 lí kāiphrasal verb, intransitive (step back, leave) I had to come away or I would have ended up swearing at them. 我必须离开了,不然最后我肯定会大骂他们一顿。 |
回来 huí láiphrasal verb, intransitive (return) I came back from the office at about 6.30pm. |
卷土重来 juǎn tǔ chóng láiphrasal verb, intransitive (return to success) In 2013, the pop singer came back with a best-selling album. |
回想起 huí xiǎng qǐ(return to memory) The name of the film suddenly came back to me. |
反驳 fǎn bó(informal (retort) James wanted to come back with a witty retort, but couldn't think of one. |
出(庭)phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (formal (appear in court) The defendant came before the court for sentencing. |
出庭面对phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (formal (appear before: magistrate, judge, etc.) (法官等) Miller came before the judge two months after pleading guilty to assault. |
出现在…之间phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (separate, obstruct) A brick wall came between the wooden building and the store. |
离间 lí jiànphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (cause estrangement) We are such good friends that nothing can come between us. |
短暂拜访 duǎn zàn bài fǎngphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (pay a visit) He doesn't come by often. 他不常来串门。 |
偶然找到 ǒu rán zhǎo dàophrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (find, obtain by chance) We came by these old coins in our garden when we were digging over the vegetable plot. 当我们在菜地翻土的时候,偶然获得了这些旧硬币。 |
下来 xià láiphrasal verb, intransitive (descend) Go upstairs and tell your sister to come down for dinner. |
坍塌 tān tāphrasal verb, intransitive (structure: collapse) After the wrecking ball hit the side of the building it came down quickly. |
药力下降 yào lì xià jiàngphrasal verb, intransitive (slang, figurative (cease to be high on drugs) (俚语) That weed was so good that it took me 3 hours to finally come down. |
斥责,呵斥 chì zé ,hē chì(figurative, informal (punish) (比喻,非正式用语) The teacher came down on him for his repeated absence. |
落到, 降落到, 坍塌到(collapse) The bedroom ceiling came down on us during the hurricane. 在龙卷风期间,我们的卧室屋顶塌了下来。 |
归根结底是…(be essentially) What this strike comes down to is a failure to communicate with your staff. |
染上…病,患…病 rǎn shàng bìng,huàn … bìng(figurative, informal (fall ill) (比喻,非正式用语) I've just come down with a cold. 我刚患上感冒。 |
站出来(指证等) zhàn chū lái zhǐ zhèng děngphrasal verb, intransitive (go to police) (比喻) The investigators pleaded for anyone with information about the crime to come forward. |
自告奋勇,主动请缨 zì gào fèn yǒng,zhǔ dòng qǐng yīngphrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (volunteer) (比喻) When they requested volunteers, I came forward since I had nothing better to do. 他们提出需要志愿者的时候,我自告奋勇,反正也没有什么事可做。 |
向前站,站出来 xiàng qián zhàn,zhàn chū láiphrasal verb, intransitive (move to front) (本义) The preacher said; "Come forward now if you feel the spirit." |
进来,进 jìn láiphrasal verb, intransitive (enter, go indoors) Please come in; the door is open. 请进,门是开着的。 |
可以得到phrasal verb, intransitive (be available) The shipment of parts did not come in, so we will not be able to fill that order. |
获得…名 huò dé … míngphrasal verb, intransitive (finish race: in nth place) (赛跑等) I don't care if I win the race, I just don't want to come in last. 我不在乎能不能赢得比赛,只是不想获得最后一名。 |
参与进来phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (become involved) We need expert advice, and that's where you come in. 我们需要专家的建议,那也就是问什么要你参与进来。 |
差点打起来,几乎动起手来verbal expression (argue) (指激烈争吵) |
最好的 zuì hǎo deexpression (the best available) |
栽跟头, 落马, 遭遇失败verbal expression (informal (suffer defeat, misfortune) |
跌倒, 摔倒verbal expression (informal (fall badly) If you don't get down off that wall you're going to come a cropper. |
留下…的印象verbal expression (give certain impression) I don't know Emily very well, but she comes across as an intelligent girl. 我不太了解艾米丽,但是她给我留下了聪明女孩的印象。 |
出现在…之后(follow in sequence) (顺序) The letter Q comes after P in the English alphabet. |
能再说一遍吗? néng zài shuō yí biàn ma ?interjection (slang (what did you say?) Come again? I didn't hear what you said. |
活过来,像真的一样,显得很逼真(figurative (fiction: seem real) (电影等里的虚构人物或场景) The characters in the film really come alive thanks to the director. |
热闹起来 rè nào qǐ lái(figurative (become lively) Despite a quiet first half, the match came alive after the break. |
赶快,加把劲 gǎn kuài,jiā bǎ jìninterjection (hurry) (表示催促) Come along! We don't want to be late! |
来拿 lái náverbal expression (informal (fetch) If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast. |
来来去去 lái lái qù qùverbal expression (walk to and fro) During recess the students are allowed to come and go as they please. |
不断变化 bú duàn biàn huàverbal expression (be intermittent) The wireless reception is unreliable here, my connection keeps coming and going. |
转瞬即逝 zhuǎn shùn jí shìverbal expression (be fleeting) As the Great Depression taught us, financial security can come and go. |
裂开 liè kāiverbal expression (come unstitched) (缝合线) The sofa cushion is coming apart at the seams so the stuffing is sticking out. |
失败 shī bàiverbal expression (figurative (go wrong) The proposed merger appears to be coming apart at the seams. |
情绪失控,崩溃 bēng kuìverbal expression (figurative (lose control of emotions) She started getting frazzled when she lost her job; now her husband has left her, and she's really coming apart at the seams. |
短暂访问 duǎn zàn fǎng wèn(visit [sb]) If you come round later, we can do our homework together. 如果你晚点来我家,我们可以一起做作业。 |
让人意外 ràng rén yì wàiverbal expression (news: be unexpected) Since you are always late to work, it should not come as a shock that you would get fired. |
没想到 méi xiǎng dàoverbal expression (be unexpected) The letter offering me a job came as a total surprise. |
随便穿就好 suí biàn chuān jiù hǎoverbal expression (no dress code) What should I wear to the party? Just come as you are. |
需要付出代价verbal expression (figurative (have a downside or disadvantage) Rock stars discover that fame and fortune come at a price. |
从…离开 cóng lí kāiverbal expression (leave) Lucy came away from the interview feeling confident that she had got the job. |
离…远点verbal expression (move further) Come away from that cliff edge; it may crumble. |
从…上脱落 cóng … shàng tuō luòverbal expression (become detached) The cupboard door had come away from one of its hinges. |
回来…verbal expression (return in order to do [sth]) Ava left home at 18, but came back ten years later to care for her mother. |
重振旗鼓,重新来过 chóng zhèn qí gǔ,chóng xīn lái guòverbal expression (figurative (succeed again) (比喻) In last place going into the final lap, the runner came back from the dead to win the race. |
鬼门关走一遭verbal expression (figurative (recover) (比喻) After the triple bypass, he came back from the dead and now he is living an active life. 经过三次旁路移植,他终于捡回一条命,现在过着非常活跃的生活。 |
作茧自缚verbal expression (figurative, informal (cause problems later) |
追悔莫及verbal expression (figurative, informal (cause regret later) |
出现在…之前(precede) The number 2 comes before 3, and 4 comes before 5. |
优先于 yōu xiān yú(figurative (be more important than) The welfare of my family comes before anything else. |
交代, 全盘托出(informal (confess) (非正式用语) |
坦白 tǎn bái(informal (confess to [sth]) You might feel better if you go to your boss and just come clean about what you did. |
靠得更拢 kào dé gèng lǒngintransitive verb (approach, get nearer) If you come closer to the nest, you will be able to hear the birds better. |
从…下来(descend) An avalanche prevented them from coming down the mountain. |
惩罚 chéng fáverbal expression (informal, figurative (punish) |
价格下跌 jià gé xià diēverbal expression (informal (become less expensive) That computer will come down in price when a faster model becomes available. |
支持 zhī chíverbal expression (choose to support) |
赞成 zàn chéngverbal expression (decide in favor of) |
出现 chū xiànverbal expression (US, figurative (appear, emerge) |
回到现实中来 huí dào xiàn shí zhōng láiverbal expression (figurative (be realistic) He came down to earth with a real bump when he was forced to get his first job. |
与…当面对质,与…面对面 yǔ dāng miàn duì zhì,yǔ miàn duì miànverbal expression (literal, figurative (be confronted by, meet [sb], [sth]) I knew that at some point, I would have to come face to face with my ex. |
第一个到达终点(finish first in race) Mark came first in the race. |
先来(be first in sequence) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? |
放在第一位(figurative (be top priority) Caring for her children comes first; her job is second priority. |
来自 lái zì(be born or raised in) She comes from India. He comes from a very poor part of the country. 她出生于印度。 |
来自 lái zì(have as its source) Three-quarters of our daily water supply comes from lakes, rivers, and streams. 我们日常用水的四分之三来自于湖泊、河流以及小溪。 |
迎头赶上 yíng tóu gǎn shàngverbal expression (sports: win from a lagging position) (体育) He overtook the leader in the last lap to come from behind to win. |
后来居上的adjective (involving a big catchup in points) |
兜了一圈回到原地 dōu le yì quān huí dào yuán dìverbal expression (figurative (return to original situation) Today I'm starting work back at the firm where I had my first job; I feel like my career's come full circle. 今天,我又回自己开始工作时的第一家公司任职了;我感觉自己的职涯兜了一圈,又回到了原地。 |
无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nánadverb (whatever the difficulties) Come hell or high water, I am going to finish this marathon. |
过来 guò láiinterjection (beckoning) Come here and look at the painting. |
回家 huí jiāverbal expression (return to your home) Come straight home after school today, young man! Finn's parents were anxious when he failed to come home after going to the pub with his friends. |
得到报应verbal expression (figurative (become a problem) The company's financial problems came home to roost and it nearly went bankrupt. |
接触 jiē chùverbal expression (be exposed to: [sth] harmful) I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu. |
遇见 yù jiànverbal expression (meet: [sb]) |
遭到,受到 shòu dàoverbal expression (informal (suffer: criticism, etc.) (批评、指责等) |
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