英语 中的 words 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 words 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 words 的说明。

英语 中的words 表示字,单词 zì,dān cí, 誓约 shì yuē, 用言语表达 yòng yán yǔ biǎo dá, 争吵 zhēng chǎo, 空谈 kōng tán, 歌词 gē cí, 谣言 yáo yán, 消息 xiāo xī, 简短的谈话 jiǎn duǎn de tán huà, 要求 yāo qiú, 口令 kǒu lìng, 福音 fú yīn, 福音 fú yīn, 谈话 tán huà, 一句忠告, 明白人用不着多说,聪明人一点就明白 míng bái rén yòng bù zháo duō shuō,cōng míng rén yì diǎn jiù míng bái, 时髦话 shí máo huà, 口头上地 kǒu tóu shàng de, 代码字 dài mǎ zì, 密码 mì mǎ, 暗语,暗号 àn yǔ,àn hào, 复合词 fù hé cí, 骂人的话 mà rén de huà, 脏话 zāng huà, 诵读困难症 sòng dú kùn nán zhèng, 空话 kōng huà, 脏话,粗话 zāng huà,cū huà, 粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà, 一开始就, 插嘴,插话 chā zuǐ,chā huà, 放出话来, 保证 bǎo zhèng, 保证 bǎo zhèng, 食言 shí yán, 仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng, 谈谈, 与…进行严肃讨论 yǔ … jìn xíng yán sù tǎo lùn, 作最后的辩驳, 说出总结词, 说了算, 有最终的决定权, 家喻户晓的人物(事情), 简言之 jiǎn yán zhī, 总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī, 言行地, 遵守承诺, (搜索时输入的)关键字 sōu suǒ shí shū rù de guān jiàn zì, (解密码的)关键词 jiě mì mǎ de guān jiàn cí, 关键字 guān jiàn zì, 友好的话 yǒu hǎo de huà, 结语, 最后声明, 最新版本, 外来词 wài lái cí, 信守承诺的人 xìn shǒu chéng nuò de rén, 保密 bǎo mì, 我保证, 哎呀 āi yā, 一句话不说 yí jù huà bù shuō, 一字不吐, 不吐一词, 说过几句话,有过简短交流, 为…说好话 wèi … shuō hǎo huà, 根词, 捎信,说一声,传递消息, 信号词, 散布消息, 咒骂 zhòu mà, 相信...的话, 相信某人的话 xiāng xìn mǒu rén de huà, 最后意见 zuì hòu yì jiàn, 时尚最前沿, 黑鬼 hēi guǐ, 字数 zì shù, 逐字地 zhú zì de, 填字游戏, 忠告 zhōng gào, 解释 jiě shì, 口口相传 kǒu kǒu xiāng chuán, 词序, 文字处理 wén zì chǔ lǐ, 文字处理器 wén zì chǔ lǐ qì, 字母重组, 找词游戏 zhǎo cí yóu xì, 单词重音, 同意!, 口头的 kǒu tóu de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 words 的含义

字,单词 zì,dān cí

noun (linguistic unit)

This sentence has five words.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他说了几句话就走了。

誓约 shì yuē

noun (promise)

He gave his word that he would fix the problem by Friday.

用言语表达 yòng yán yǔ biǎo dá

transitive verb (phrase)

You should word it differently so he doesn't get upset.

争吵 zhēng chǎo

plural noun (angry conversation)

They exchanged words, and he left very upset.

空谈 kōng tán

plural noun (empty talk, not action)

Words are not enough. You have to do something about it.

歌词 gē cí

plural noun (lyrics: of a song)

Have you listened closely to the words of this song?

谣言 yáo yán

noun (rumour)

Did you hear the word about Jack and Jill?

消息 xiāo xī

noun (news)

Have you heard any word from your brother lately?

简短的谈话 jiǎn duǎn de tán huà

noun (informal (brief conversation)

Let me go have a word with him about the loud music.

要求 yāo qiú

noun (command)

You better follow your father's words.

口令 kǒu lìng

noun (password)

You need to give the word, or we cannot open the door for you.

福音 fú yīn

noun (divine wisdom) (宗教)

You can read the Word of God in the Bible.

福音 fú yīn

noun (gospel)

That is the Word according to John.

谈话 tán huà

plural noun (discourse)

The doctor's words failed to comfort her.


interjection (I warn or recommend the following)

Just a word of advice -- don't plant peas in Wisconsin in March, whatever the books may say!

明白人用不着多说,聪明人一点就明白 míng bái rén yòng bù zháo duō shuō,cōng míng rén yì diǎn jiù míng bái

noun (colloquial (giving warning, advice) (口语)

A word to the wise: do not visit this neighborhood alone after dark.

时髦话 shí máo huà

noun (trendy term)

The paper's headlines are full of buzzwords but contain almost no real content at all.

口头上地 kǒu tóu shàng de

adverb (from what others say)

The film was not heavily advertised, but its popularity quickly grew by word of mouth.

代码字 dài mǎ zì

noun (word: to break a code)

密码 mì mǎ

noun (password)

Ali Baba used the code word "open sesame" to open the door to a cave filled with untold riches.

暗语,暗号 àn yǔ,àn hào

noun (figurative (disguised reference) (比喻)

A code word like "code red" is used in hospitals to alert the staff of a fire without causing alarm to the patients.

复合词 fù hé cí

noun (made up of two words)

'Handbag' is a compound word formed by joining 'hand' and 'bag'.

骂人的话 mà rén de huà

noun (obscene language)

People will think you are ignorant and ill mannered if you use curse words extensively. Swear words are the first thing you want to learn in another language - and the last thing you should use.

脏话 zāng huà

noun (slang, figurative ([sth] unmentionable) (比喻)

For me "work" is a dirty word.
对我来说,"工作" 是个脏话。

诵读困难症 sòng dú kùn nán zhèng

noun (difficulty learning to read)

Eva dislikes reading novels because she has dyslexia.

空话 kōng huà

plural noun (informal (talk: insincere)

脏话,粗话 zāng huà,cū huà

noun (euphemism for fuck)

粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà

noun (curse word, bad word)


expression (figurative, informal (from the very first moment)

His company was doomed from the word 'go'.

插嘴,插话 chā zuǐ,chā huà

verbal expression (informal (have the chance to speak)

She was talking so much that I couldn't get a word in!


expression (spread news of [sth])

The animal rights group is getting the word out about spaying and neutering pets.

保证 bǎo zhèng

verbal expression (promise)

He'll be here! He gave his word!

保证 bǎo zhèng

verbal expression (promise)

Rachel had given her word that she would lend me the money.

食言 shí yán

verbal expression (not keep a promise)

Janice went back on her word to help me with the cooking.

仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng

verbal expression (attend very closely to)

Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word.


verbal expression (informal (discuss: a problem)

Your daughter's been skipping school again. Can you have a word?

与…进行严肃讨论 yǔ … jìn xíng yán sù tǎo lùn

verbal expression (informal (discuss)

The boss had a word with Bill about his chronic tardiness.

作最后的辩驳, 说出总结词

verbal expression (make the final remark)

Amy and Jake can argue with each other for hours because each of them insists on having the last word.

说了算, 有最终的决定权

verbal expression (figurative (triumph, win out)

Although the students presented compelling reasons for moving the exam from Friday to Monday, the teacher had the last word, reminding them that to do so would cause the class to fall behind schedule.


noun ([sth] or [sb] famous)

All of these famous actresses are household names. The footballer David Beckham is now a household name.

简言之 jiǎn yán zhī

adverb (succinctly)

"How was your day?" "In a word, awful!"

总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī

adverb (in summary)

How was the movie? In one word, awful.


adverb (in what [sb] says and does)

The Greek Prime Minister stressed that his country supports Lebanon in word and deed.


verbal expression (fulfil a promise)

He never keeps his word; he always tells my secrets. // A good friend is one who keeps his word.

(搜索时输入的)关键字 sōu suǒ shí shū rù de guān jiàn zì

noun (search term)

The index can be searched by subject or by keyword.

(解密码的)关键词 jiě mì mǎ de guān jiàn cí

noun (word: deciphers a code)

The spy's mother was the only other person that knew the keyword to decipher the notebook.

关键字 guān jiàn zì

noun (important term)

The key word here is 'estimated'.

友好的话 yǒu hǎo de huà

noun (friendly remark)

Mr. Brady has a great disposition and always has a kind word for everyone.


noun (closing remark)


noun (figurative (final work or statement)


noun (figurative (most modern version)

外来词 wài lái cí

noun (term taken from another language)

信守承诺的人 xìn shǒu chéng nuò de rén

noun (male: keeps promises)

I've worked with him, and I know him to be a man of his word.

保密 bǎo mì

interjection (slang (It's a secret.)

Don't tell anybody about this; mum's the word.


noun (my solemn promise)

This car is in 100% perfect condition, I give you my word.

哎呀 āi yā

interjection (expressing astonishment) (表示惊讶)

My word, that candy certainly is sour! My word, that is one beautiful woman.

一句话不说 yí jù huà bù shuō

verbal expression (remain silent)

Be quiet and don't say a word, or they will discover where we are hiding.

一字不吐, 不吐一词

verbal expression (not divulge [sth]) (形容能守住秘密)

Don't say a word: it's our secret!


noun (informal (occasional verbal exchange)

I've had the odd word with him over the years, but I never really knew him well.

为…说好话 wèi … shuō hǎo huà

transitive verb (informal (say [sth] in support of) (非正式用语)

Dad's angry at my big sister; Grandpa's going to put in a good word for her. // You're applying for a job at that firm? I know the boss; I'll put in a good word for you.


noun (basic word form without prefix or suffix) (语言学)


verbal expression (convey a message)


noun (grammar: conjunction) (语法:连词)


verbal expression (make others aware)

咒骂 zhòu mà

noun (curse word, obscene term)

Please don't use swearwords around me; it's offensive.


verbal expression (believe [sb] is speaking honestly)

相信某人的话 xiāng xìn mǒu rén de huà

verbal expression (believe)

Don't take my word for it - look it up for yourself.

最后意见 zuì hòu yì jiàn

noun (final retort)

My brother has to have the last word in every argument.


noun (figurative (ultimate, most fashionable)

You can always find the last word in haute couture in Paris.

黑鬼 hēi guǐ

noun (euphemism (see note)

字数 zì shù

noun (number of words in a text)

Write the word count at the end of your essay.

逐字地 zhú zì de

adverb (verbatim, using the exact wording)

The cheater copied his neighbor's answer word for word.



忠告 zhōng gào

noun (caution or recommendation)

My word of advice is get to know someone before asking her to marry you. Graduation speakers usually give the graduates some words of advice about the future.

解释 jiě shì

noun (comment or note explaining [sth])

The teacher gave us a few words of explanation about the book.

口口相传 kǒu kǒu xiāng chuán

noun (personal recommendation)

He hoped that word of mouth would attract customers to his landscape business.


noun (grammar: arrangement of words)

Word order in English is more important than in some other languages.

文字处理 wén zì chǔ lǐ

noun (electronic typewriting)

I only ever use my computer for word processing.

文字处理器 wén zì chǔ lǐ qì

noun (computer text editor)

Word processors have been largely superseded by computers.


noun (anagram game) (游戏)

找词游戏 zhǎo cí yóu xì

noun (puzzle: words hidden in grid)

Wordsearches contain letters which can be read horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.


noun (emphasis on a syllable)

It can be difficult to tell where the word stress is placed in very long words.


interjection (slang (expressing agreement)

口头的 kǒu tóu de

noun as adjective (by personal recommendation)

Word-of-mouth advertising is not always reliable.

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words 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。