英语 中的 wheels 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wheels 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wheels 的说明。

英语 中的wheels 表示车轮 chē lún, 方向盘 fāng xiàng pán, 舵轮 duò lún, 轮盘 lún pán, 一轮,一盘 yì lún, 车辆 chē liàng, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 掉转方向,掉头 diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,diào tóu, 推动 tuī dòng, 快速转身, 用…来论证, 反复使用, 开车 kāi chē, 掌控大局,领导 lǐng dǎo, 驾驶 jià shǐ, 摩天轮 mó tiān lún, 大人物,大亨 dà rén wù,dà hēng, 小人物 xiǎo rén wù, 色轮, 摩天轮 mó tiān lún, 五轮仪, 牵引鞍座, 备用轮, 多余的人, 飞轮 fēi lún, 四轮的, 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de, 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de, 四驱的, 前轮驱动 qián lún qū dòng, 前轮 qián lún, 桨轮 jiǎng lún, 转轮焰火 zhuǎn lún yàn huǒ, 陶轮, 轮虫, 舵柄,舵轮 duò bǐng,duò lún, 手摇式纺车 shǒu yáo shì fǎng chē, 方向盘 fāng xiàng pán, 驾驶 jià shǐ, 电灯泡,累赘 diàn dēng pào ,léi zhuì, (水力驱动的)水车 shuǐ lì qū dòng de shuǐ chē, 投机钻营, 将…推出。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wheels 的含义

车轮 chē lún

noun (often plural (circular part on which vehicle moves)

The wheels on the bus went round and round.

方向盘 fāng xiàng pán

noun (for steering a vehicle)

Karen indicated left and turned the wheel to steer the car into the narrow lane.

舵轮 duò lún

noun (steers a ship) (船上的)

The captain took the wheel.

轮盘 lún pán

noun (round object, turns)

The wheel beside the mill was turning. // Use the mouse wheel to scroll down.

一轮,一盘 yì lún

noun (cylinder: of cheese) (奶酪)

The shopkeeper cut the wheel of Edam into wedges.

车辆 chē liàng

plural noun (slang (car, transportation)

The teenager couldn't wait to get her own wheels.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

intransitive verb (turn on axis)

The Earth wheels about its axis.

掉转方向,掉头 diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,diào tóu

intransitive verb (turn around)

The teacher wheeled on her heel and glared at the chattering students.

推动 tuī dòng

transitive verb (push [sth] on wheels)

Steve wheeled the pushchair along the pavement.


phrasal verb, intransitive (turn, spin 180 degrees)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (use to support argument)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (present repeatedly)

开车 kāi chē

expression (driving)

Ernest was at the wheel when a pine tree fell across the road.

掌控大局,领导 lǐng dǎo

expression (figurative (in charge)

驾驶 jià shǐ

expression (driving, in control of a vehicle)

摩天轮 mó tiān lún

noun (fairground Ferris wheel)

大人物,大亨 dà rén wù,dà hēng

noun (US, informal ([sb] important or powerful)

小人物 xiǎo rén wù

noun (figurative (small part of a large system)

He's just a cog in the wheel, not a leader.


noun (chart showing color relationships)

摩天轮 mó tiān lún

noun (wheel at a fairground)

The London Eye is one of the world's tallest Ferris wheels. You have a terrific view from the top of a Ferris wheel.


noun (transport: axle device) (车辆)


noun (towable recreational vehicle) (车辆)


noun (transport: spare wheel) (车辆)


noun (figurative, informal (unnecessary person or thing)

飞轮 fēi lún

noun (rotating wheel in a machine)

Flywheels are used in some machines to regulate the speed of operation or store kinetic energy.


noun as adjective (having four wheels)

四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de

noun as adjective (powered by four wheels)

四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de

noun (vehicle: SUV) (车辆)

Drivers in rural areas need a four-wheel drive to cope with winter conditions.


noun as adjective (vehicle: of SUV type)

前轮驱动 qián lún qū dòng

noun (car: power to front wheels only) (汽车)

Her new car's got front-wheel drive; it's a lot better on slippery roads than her old one was.

前轮 qián lún

noun (part of a plane's undercarriage) (飞机起落架上的)

桨轮 jiǎng lún

noun (wheel that propels a paddle boat)

转轮焰火 zhuǎn lún yàn huǒ

noun (firework)

The children were excited by the pinwheels in the fireworks show.


noun (device: pottery) (制陶)


noun (tiny aquatic animal)

舵柄,舵轮 duò bǐng,duò lún

noun (helm: steering wheel of a sailing vessel)

手摇式纺车 shǒu yáo shì fǎng chē

noun (device for spinning fibre into yarn)

As a child I had a spinning wheel to make yarn from wool.

方向盘 fāng xiàng pán

noun (control wheel of a vehicle)

A driver should not need to take their hands off the steering wheel to turn on the indicator.

驾驶 jià shǐ

verbal expression (drive a vehicle) (车、船等)

电灯泡,累赘 diàn dēng pào ,léi zhuì

noun (odd person out among three people) (人)

(水力驱动的)水车 shuǐ lì qū dòng de shuǐ chē

noun (wheel powered by water)

In early cotton mills a waterwheel was often used to generate electricity.


verbal expression (engage in business schemes)


(bring into view)

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wheels 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。