英语 中的 wedding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wedding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wedding 的说明。

英语 中的wedding 表示婚礼 hūn lǐ, 婚礼的 hūn lǐ de, 结婚 jié hūn, 嫁, 嫁给, 为…举行婚礼, 与…结合 yǔ … jié hé, 已婚的 yǐ hūn de, 教堂婚礼 jiào táng hūn lǐ, 非宗教形式的婚礼 fēi zōng jiào xíng shì de hūn lǐ, 金婚纪念 jīn hūn jì niàn, 婚纱 hūn shā, 闪电式结婚 shǎn diàn shì jié hūn, 银婚纪念日 yín hūn jì niàn rì, 老二, 结婚纪念日 jié hūn jì niàn rì, 结婚通知 jié hūn tōng zhī, 结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ, 婚礼钟声,婚礼的钟声, 结婚的可能性, 喜宴 xǐ yàn, 结婚蛋糕 jié hūn dàn gāo, 结婚庆典 jié hūn qìng diǎn, 婚礼 hūn lǐ, 结婚礼服 jié hūn lǐ fú, 婚礼举办日 hūn lǐ jǔ bàn rì, 婚纱 hūn shā, 结婚回礼, 参加婚礼的客人 cān jiā hūn lǐ de kè rén, 结婚请柬,婚礼请柬, 新婚之夜, 婚礼策划师, 婚宴 hūn yàn, 结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ, 告别单身派对 gào bié dān shēn pài duì, 结婚誓言 jié hūn shì yán, 白色婚礼。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wedding 的含义

婚礼 hūn lǐ

noun (marriage ceremony)

They celebrated their wedding on March 27th.

婚礼的 hūn lǐ de

noun as adjective (of a wedding)

The wedding pictures were beautiful.

结婚 jié hūn

intransitive verb (formal or dialect (get married)

The two young people plan to wed on Saturday.

嫁, 嫁给

transitive verb (formal or dialect (get married to) (女嫁人)

Steve wed his childhood sweetheart.


transitive verb (formal or dialect (officiate at marriage of)

The registrar wed the young couple.

与…结合 yǔ … jié hé

transitive verb (figurative (unite, combine) (把事物连在一起)

This tart weds chocolate with pears to make a delicious dessert.

已婚的 yǐ hūn de

adjective (formal or dialect (married)

Robert and Felicity have been wed for thirty years.

教堂婚礼 jiào táng hūn lǐ

noun (religious marriage ceremony)

They had a civil ceremony in June but she still wants a real church wedding.

非宗教形式的婚礼 fēi zōng jiào xíng shì de hūn lǐ

noun (marriage: non-religious)

The bride and groom decided on a civil wedding as they were not themselves religious people.

金婚纪念 jīn hūn jì niàn

noun (marriage: 50 years)

My parents will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary next year.

婚纱 hūn shā

noun (wedding dress)

Jane's wedding gown was breathtaking.

闪电式结婚 shǎn diàn shì jié hūn

noun (informal, figurative (marriage due to pregnancy)

Yes, it was definitely a shotgun wedding: the bride gave birth at the reception!

银婚纪念日 yín hūn jì niàn rì

noun (marriage: 25 years)

They had a party to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.


noun (UK, slang (male genitals) (俚语,指男性生殖器)

Simon opened his fly and showed Marie his tackle.

结婚纪念日 jié hūn jì niàn rì

noun (marriage: annual celebration)

November 9th is our wedding anniversary.

结婚通知 jié hūn tōng zhī

noun (notice of a forthcoming marriage)

They only sent wedding announcements to their more distant relatives.

结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ

noun (ring given on marriage)


plural noun (church bells at a wedding)


plural noun (figurative (possibility of marriage)

喜宴 xǐ yàn

noun (meal served at wedding reception)

After the ceremony, the wedding breakfast was held at a five-star hotel.

结婚蛋糕 jié hūn dàn gāo

noun (tiered cake served at a marriage party)

The wedding cake had three tiers, a chocolate interior, and white glaze for frosting.

结婚庆典 jié hūn qìng diǎn

noun (party following a marriage ceremony)

Barry and Tracy had their wedding celebration in the local pub.

婚礼 hūn lǐ

noun (marriage service)

结婚礼服 jié hūn lǐ fú

plural noun (bride or bridegroom's outfit)

Although a tuxedo and a dress are the typical wedding clothes, some people opt for more casual attire.

婚礼举办日 hūn lǐ jǔ bàn rì

noun (day of a marriage ceremony)

Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamed of and planned for her wedding day.

婚纱 hūn shā

noun (gown worn by a bride)

I tried on several wedding dresses before I found the perfect one.


noun (gift for guests at a marriage)

参加婚礼的客人 cān jiā hūn lǐ de kè rén

noun ([sb] invited to a marriage ceremony)

The bride did not recognize the wedding guest in the brown tuxedo.


noun (request to attend a marriage ceremony)


noun (newlywed couple's first night together)


noun ([sb] hired to organize a marriage day)

婚宴 hūn yàn

noun (party after a marriage)

The wedding reception will follow the church ceremony. The family hired a band to play at the couple's wedding reception.

结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ

noun (gold band worn by [sb] married)

My wedding ring doesn't fit me any more. Since he doesn't wear a wedding ring, I assume he's single.

告别单身派对 gào bié dān shēn pài duì

noun (US (party where bride-to-be is given gifts) (准新娘)

结婚誓言 jié hūn shì yán

plural noun (promises made by bride and groom)


noun (traditional marriage ceremony) (新娘穿白色礼服的传统婚礼)

She has been married before, but still wants a white wedding.

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wedding 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。