英语 中的 tea 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tea 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tea 的说明。

英语 中的tea 表示茶 chá, 午后茶点 wǔ hòu chá diǎn, 喝茶, 下午茶 xià wǔ chá, 茶树 chá shù, 下午茶 xià wǔ chá, 牛肉清汤 niú ròu qīng tāng, 红茶, 珍珠奶茶, 甘菊茶,春黄菊茶, 奶油茶点, 偏爱,爱好,最爱 piān ài,ài hào ,zuì ài, 揩碗巾 kāi wǎn jīn, 擦碗布 cā wǎn bù, 格雷伯爵茶, 姜茶 jiāng chá, 绿茶 lǜ chá, 草药茶 cǎo yào chá, 傍晚茶 bàng wǎn chá, 冰茶 bīng chá, 冰茶 bīng chá, 散装茶叶, 麦卢卡树, 薄荷茶 bò he chá, 预测未来 yù cè wèi lái, 爆料, 小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò, 茶叶袋 chá yè dài, 茶歇, 茶叶盒 chá yè hé, 室外茶室 shì wài chá shì, 泡茶球,泡茶漏网, 茶叶 chá yè, 小偷 xiǎo tōu, 茶话会, 香水月季 xiāng shuǐ yuè jì, 茶具 chá jù, 一套茶具 yí tào chá jù, 滤茶器 lǜ chá qì, 茶巾 chá jīn, 茶盘 chá pán, 茶树 chá shù, 茶包 chá bāo, 带葡萄干的烤圆饼 dài pú táo gān de kǎo yuán bǐng, 茶点饼干。, 茶室 chá shì, 茶店, 小蜡烛, 茶馆 chá guǎn, 茶叶店。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tea 的含义

茶 chá

noun (brewed beverage) (饮料)

She drinks tea daily.

午后茶点 wǔ hòu chá diǎn

noun (UK (light afternoon meal)

We had sandwiches and cakes for tea.


noun (UK (get-together to drink tea)

Let's have tea together this afternoon.

下午茶 xià wǔ chá

noun (UK, regional (evening meal)

Becky is cooking a casserole for tea.

茶树 chá shù

noun (shrub)

They grow tea in Sri Lanka.

下午茶 xià wǔ chá

noun (light mid-afternoon meal)

Karen and Lisa arranged to have afternoon tea together.

牛肉清汤 niú ròu qīng tāng

noun (thin soup made by boiling beef)

Beef bouillon is the base for lots of soup recipes.




noun (drink containing tapioca)


noun (herbal tea, infusion)


noun (tea served with scones, etc.)

偏爱,爱好,最爱 piān ài,ài hào ,zuì ài

verbal expression (figurative, informal (area of interest or liking) (比喻,非正式用语)

This is the sort of book that is exactly my cup of tea. Particle physics is not my cup of tea.

揩碗巾 kāi wǎn jīn

noun (cloth for drying dishes)

Put the dish towel on the radiator to dry after you finish. Maxine embroidered dishtowels for her mother for Christmas.

擦碗布 cā wǎn bù

noun (US (towel for drying dishes)

Maxine embroidered dishtowels for her mother for Christmas.


noun (tea: containing bergamot)

Edward was drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea.

姜茶 jiāng chá

noun (hot drink made with ginger)

Ginger tea is good for the digestion.

绿茶 lǜ chá

noun (Oriental herbal tea)

My sister loves green tea with a slice of lemon.

草药茶 cǎo yào chá

noun (drink: plant infusion)

I've reduced my coffee intake, and am drinking herbal tea instead.

傍晚茶 bàng wǎn chá

noun (UK (late afternoon meal)

冰茶 bīng chá

noun (tea served with ice cubes)

A glass of iced tea is very refreshing in the summer time. In the southern US, iced tea is usually served sweetened and called "sweet tea.".

冰茶 bīng chá

noun (tea served with ice cubes)


noun (tea: in the form of leaves)


noun (New Zealand tree) (新西兰)

薄荷茶 bò he chá

noun (infusion of mint leaves)

In North Africa mint tea is usually served very sweet in small glasses.

预测未来 yù cè wèi lái

(predict the future) (用茶叶)

Your formula for picking a winning horse is no better than reading tea leaves.


verbal expression (slang (share gossip)

小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò

noun (UK, figurative (drama over [sth] trivial)

Eventually the excitement about his remark will prove to be a storm in a teacup.

茶叶袋 chá yè dài

noun (sachet of tea leaves)

Tea bags are easier to use than loose tea. The kitchen counter was littered with old tea bags and dirty cups.


noun (pause for refreshments)

茶叶盒 chá yè hé

noun (storage container for tea leaves)

室外茶室 shì wài chá shì

noun (outdoor tearoom)


noun (mesh ball for straining tea leaves)

I always leave the tea infuser in the pot because I like my tea strong.

茶叶 chá yè

noun (dried leaf of the tea plant)

Some fortune-tellers use tea leaves to read fortunes.

小偷 xiǎo tōu

noun (UK, regional, slang (thief) (方言,俚语)


noun (social gathering at which tea is served)

香水月季 xiāng shuǐ yuè jì

noun (flower: variety of rose)

The hybrid tea rose is the most popular rose in the world. Tea roses are small and can be grown indoors.

茶具 chá jù

noun (set of teapot and cups)

My grandmother has a silver tea service that she uses on special occasions.

一套茶具 yí tào chá jù

noun (set of teapot and cups)

This tea set comes complete with a teapot and four cups.

滤茶器 lǜ chá qì

noun (small sieve for straining tea leaves)

茶巾 chá jīn


茶盘 chá pán

noun (receptacle for carrying a tea set)

茶树 chá shù


茶包 chá bāo

noun (sachet of tea leaves)

带葡萄干的烤圆饼 dài pú táo gān de kǎo yuán bǐng

noun (UK (flat currant bun)


noun (UK (cake or cookie traditionally served with tea)

茶室 chá shì

noun (building for tea ceremony)


noun (shop that sells tea)


noun (small candle floated in water)

茶馆 chá guǎn

noun (café serving tea)

He used to sit in the tea shop and read the papers.


noun (store that sells tea)

You can find all sorts of different teas in the tea shop on La Salle Street.

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tea 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。