英语 中的 sunken 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sunken 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sunken 的说明。

英语 中的sunken 表示沉没在水底的 chén mò zài shuǐ dǐ de, 下沉的, 凹陷的 āo xiàn de, 沉下 chén xià, 沉,沉没 chén,chén mò, 下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng, 使沉没, 使下沉, 击沉, 洗涤槽,洗涤池 xǐ dí cáo,xǐ dí chí, 洗手池,盥洗台 guàn xǐ tái, 不道德的场所 bú dào dé de chǎng suǒ, 散热片 sàn rè piàn, 灰岩坑 huī yán kēng, 散热元件,散热装置, 下降,下落 xià jiàng ,xià luò, 变沉重,低落 biàn chén zhòng,dī luò, 逐渐衰弱,日渐衰退 zhú jiàn shuāi ruò,rì jiàn shuāi tuì, 下陷 xià xiàn, 使…失败 shǐ shī bài, 挖 wā, 刻上, 输钱, 掩盖 yǎn gài, 击...入洞, 把...击入球袋,击...入袋, 将...插入, 将...埋入。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sunken 的含义

沉没在水底的 chén mò zài shuǐ dǐ de

adjective (submerged in water)

The divers explored the sunken ship.


adjective (lower than surrounding substance)

It was a sunken old grave with a cracked headstone.

凹陷的 āo xiàn de

adjective (figurative (eyes, cheeks: hollow)

The illness gave Jean's face a sunken appearance.

沉下 chén xià

intransitive verb (fall)

A stone will sink in water.

沉,沉没 chén,chén mò

intransitive verb (ship, boat) (船等)

The ship sank after hitting an iceberg.

下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng

intransitive verb (prices, etc.: fall) (价格等)

The price of gas sank to a new low.

使沉没, 使下沉, 击沉

transitive verb (ship, boat: cause to sink) (指船)

The torpedo sank the ship.

洗涤槽,洗涤池 xǐ dí cáo,xǐ dí chí

noun (basin in kitchen) (厨房、卫生间的)

Just put the dirty dishes in the sink and I will clean them later.

洗手池,盥洗台 guàn xǐ tái

noun (hand basin in bathroom)

When Ian brushes his teeth, he gets toothpaste all over the sink.

不道德的场所 bú dào dé de chǎng suǒ

noun (US, figurative (corrupt place)

Stay out of that bar. It's a dirty, nasty sink.

散热片 sàn rè piàn

noun (heat sink)

The computer needs another sink because it gets too hot.

灰岩坑 huī yán kēng

noun (sink-hole)

The underground river caused a number of sinks in the land around there.


noun (physics) (物理)

下降,下落 xià jiàng ,xià luò

intransitive verb (figurative (fall: sun) (指太阳)

It was beautiful to watch the sun sink over the horizon.

变沉重,低落 biàn chén zhòng,dī luò

intransitive verb (figurative (heart: feel sad, disappointed) (指心情、情绪)

Her heart sank when she found out that he didn't like her.

逐渐衰弱,日渐衰退 zhú jiàn shuāi ruò,rì jiàn shuāi tuì

intransitive verb (dying person) (健康)

He sank away slowly, and finally died that night.

下陷 xià xiàn

intransitive verb (subside)

The land will probably sink over time.

使…失败 shǐ shī bài

transitive verb (figurative (cause to fail)

The stock market crash sank the company.

挖 wā

transitive verb (dig)

The mine owner is sinking a new shaft over there. We plan to sink a well.


transitive verb (engrave)

The engraver sank the initials into the cup.


transitive verb (US, informal, figurative (lose: money)

He sank ten thousand dollars, gambling last weekend.

掩盖 yǎn gài

transitive verb (US, informal, figurative (ignore, suppress)

The government aide pressurised the newspaper to sink the story.


transitive verb (informal (golf: putt a ball) (高尔夫球术语)

He sank the putt on his first attempt.


transitive verb (informal (billiards: pocket a ball) (台球等)

It was a difficult shot, but he sank the ball.


(cause to penetrate)

The gardener sank his shovel into the earth.


(push or thrust into)

Sitting on the beach, Audrey sank her hands into the warm sand.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。