英语 中的 stepped 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 stepped 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stepped 的说明。

英语 中的stepped 表示舞步 wǔ bù, 步 bù, 台阶 tái jiē, 阶段 jiē duàn, 踩 cǎi, 继的, 脚步声 jiǎo bù shēng, 一步的距离 yí bù de jù lí, 步态 bù tài, 梯级 tī jí, (上下车等的)阶梯 shàng xià chē děng de jiē tī, 等级 děng jí, 步骤 bù zhòu, 踏板操, 介入 jiè rù, 跨出, 用步子丈量 yòng bù zi zhàng liáng, 跳…舞步 tiào wǔ bù, 让到一边, 站到旁边, 让开, 让位,退位 ràng wèi,tuì wèi, 躲开 duǒ kāi, 退后 tuì hòu, 辞职 cí zhí, 站出来 zhàn chū lái, 向前走,前进 xiàng qián zǒu,qián jìn, 插手帮助 chā shǒu bāng zhù, 走入,踩进 zǒu rù, 进入 jìn rù, 从…走下来 cóng zǒu xià lái, 踏上,踩上,踩到 tà shàng ,cǎi shàng, 欺负 qī fù, 出去娱乐 chū qù yú lè, 增加 zēng jiā, 站出来 zhàn chū lái, 跬步, 后退一步,后退步 hòu tuì yí bù,hòu tuì bù, 退后,落后,开倒车 tuì hòu,luò hòu,kāi dǎo chē, 舞步 wǔ bù, 开端 kāi duān, 开始走路, 踏上征程, 更进一步 gèng jìn yí bù, 正步 zhèng bù, 正步走 zhèng bù zǒu, 一致的,同步的,合拍的 yí zhì de ,tóng bù de ,hé pāi de, 步调一致地 bù diào yí zhì de, 与…一致 yǔ … yí zhì, 与…合拍, 多步的,多步骤的, 下一步, 一步一步地,逐渐 yí bù yí bù de, 一步的,单步的, 不合拍,不一致 bù yí zhì, 预备性步骤 yù bèi xìng bù zhòu, 向一边跨一步 xiàng yì biān kuà yí bù, 向一边跨一步以避免, 避免, 回避, 一步一步地 yí bù yí bù de, 分步的, 赶快!, 踩油门 cǎi yóu mén, 从…走出去, 从…离开, 走出…, 放弃…, 脱离…, 离开…, 跨过 kuà guò, 提高(身份、地位等) tí gāo shēn fèn dì wèi děng, 加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù, 继兄弟 jì xiōng dì, 继子女 jì zǐ nǚ, 继父 jì fù, 继女 jì nǚ, 继父 jì fù, 继祖母, 继祖母, 继母 jì mǔ, 恶毒继母, 继父 jì fù, 继姐 jì jiě, 继子 jì zǐ, 惹恼 rě nǎo, 两步舞, 两步舞曲, 跳两步舞, 注意脚下, 小心脚下, 要谨慎 yào jǐn shèn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 stepped 的含义

舞步 wǔ bù

noun (dance move)

This next tango step is difficult, so pay attention.

步 bù

noun (footstep)

He took three steps before he stopped and turned.

台阶 tái jiē

noun (stair)

This stairway has thirteen steps.

阶段 jiē duàn

noun (stage in a process)

You need to wash the metal after each step of the process.

踩 cǎi

intransitive verb (tread, walk)

I stepped in the mud outside the house.


prefix (relation by marriage) (前缀,如继父、继子等)

For example: stepmother

脚步声 jiǎo bù shēng

noun (sound of a footstep)

I heard the steps as she approached.

一步的距离 yí bù de jù lí

noun (small distance)

The clubhouse is just a few steps away.

步态 bù tài

noun (gait, way of walking)

You could see the bounce in his step the day after his date.

梯级 tī jí

noun (rung)

The top step of the ladder is not safe to stand on.

(上下车等的)阶梯 shàng xià chē děng de jiē tī

noun (on a vehicle)

The general opened the door and stood on the step of the truck as it came to a stop.

等级 děng jí

noun (level in a hierarchy)

He is hoping that he will be promoted to the next step.

步骤 bù zhòu

noun (points of action)

The review board recommended ten steps to correct the problem.


noun (uncountable (step aerobics)

Sheila teaches step and pilates.

介入 jiè rù

intransitive verb (enter situation)

He stepped into the argument to help her out.


transitive verb (walk a distance)

He stepped three paces to the left.

用步子丈量 yòng bù zi zhàng liáng

transitive verb (measure)

I always just step out my flowerbeds, without using a tape measure.

跳…舞步 tiào wǔ bù

transitive verb (dated (dance)

He stepped the foxtrot lightly, and with great finesse.

让到一边, 站到旁边, 让开

phrasal verb, intransitive (move to one side)

Please step aside to let the wheelchair through.

让位,退位 ràng wèi,tuì wèi

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (allow [sb] else to take charge) (比喻)

躲开 duǒ kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, move away)

The police officer told us to step away from the vehicle. // Quickly step away from that rattlesnake; he's ready to strike.

退后 tuì hòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, move backwards)

Everybody step back, let's give him some space!

辞职 cí zhí

phrasal verb, intransitive (resign)

The chairman of the committee decided to step down because of ill health.

站出来 zhàn chū lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (present oneself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事)

When the little girl went missing, many people stepped forward to search for her.

向前走,前进 xiàng qián zǒu,qián jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (move towards the front) (本义)

When you hear your name called, please step forward.

插手帮助 chā shǒu bāng zhù

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (intervene)

The children's argument got so loud that their mother had to step in.

走入,踩进 zǒu rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (tread in, put your foot into)

I stepped in a mud puddle and ruined my new shoes.

进入 jìn rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (enter)

Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

从…走下来 cóng zǒu xià lái

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (alight from)

I stepped off the train.

踏上,踩上,踩到 tà shàng ,cǎi shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (tread on) (本义)

Careful, you might step on the dog's tail!

欺负 qī fù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (mistreat, exploit)

Your naive friendliness is causing them to step on you at work.

出去娱乐 chū qù yú lè

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, dated (go out for the evening)

It's nice to dress up and step out for an evening on the town.

增加 zēng jiā

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (increase)

As demand grew for its environmentally friendly products, the business had to step up production. I had to step up my training regime as the day of the race approached.

站出来 zhàn chū lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (present yourself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事)

The chairman asked for a volunteer and Andrew stepped up.


noun (figurative (small step)

后退一步,后退步 hòu tuì yí bù,hòu tuì bù

noun (step going backwards)

Take a backward step so you won't be so close to the edge!

退后,落后,开倒车 tuì hòu,luò hòu,kāi dǎo chē

noun (figurative (retrograde action)

He took a backward step when he had to quit his job.

舞步 wǔ bù

noun (foot movement: part of a dance)

开端 kāi duān

noun (beginning, introduction)

Realizing that there is a problem is the first step towards solving it.


verbal expression (baby: starting to walk)

The baby took its first steps today.


verbal expression (figurative (initial action towards goal)

James took the first step to becoming a doctor by beginning a medical degree.

更进一步 gèng jìn yí bù

verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] more extreme)

This year the team went one step further and won both domestic cup competitions.

正步 zhèng bù

noun (Nazi or military marching walk)

正步走 zhèng bù zǒu

intransitive verb (march like a Nazi)

一致的,同步的,合拍的 yí zhì de ,tóng bù de ,hé pāi de

adjective (walking or dancing in rhythm) (走路或跳舞)

Our dancing was awful last night: we weren't in step most of the time.

步调一致地 bù diào yí zhì de

adverb (in rhythm)

The couple walked in step, holding hands.

与…一致 yǔ … yí zhì

expression (figurative (in harmony with)

Rachel had been very careful to stay in step with her colleagues.


expression (moving in rhythm with)

The dancers did an amazing job of staying perfectly in step with the music.


adjective (graduated, sequential)

Turning a harvested olive into something edible is a multi-step process.


noun (subsequent action to be taken)

I've stripped the wallpaper and primed the plaster, so the next step is to paint the walls.

一步一步地,逐渐 yí bù yí bù de

adverb (gradually, progressively)


adjective (consisting of one stage)

不合拍,不一致 bù yí zhì

expression (not following rhythm)

预备性步骤 yù bèi xìng bù zhòu

noun (initial measure or action)

向一边跨一步 xiàng yì biān kuà yí bù

noun (step to one side)

Andy avoided the puddle with a quick sidestep.


transitive verb (step around to avoid)

Nicki skillfully sidestepped the patch of ice on the sidewalk.

避免, 回避

transitive verb (figurative (avoid)

The company sidestepped serious financial difficulties, but it is not safe yet.

一步一步地 yí bù yí bù de

adverb (in stages)

This book shows you how to paint a watercolour step by step.


adjective (presented in stages)

The magazine includes a step-by-step guide to starting an internet business.


interjection (informal (hurry up)

Driver, go to the hospital, and step on it!

踩油门 cǎi yóu mén

interjection (informal (accelerate, drive faster)

Step on the gas or we'll be late for church.

从…走出去, 从…离开, 走出…

verbal expression (exit, walk from)

He stepped out of the elevator and went down the hall.

放弃…, 脱离…, 离开…

verbal expression (figurative (leave or renounce)

Once her husband returned, she stepped out of her role of primary breadwinner.

跨过 kuà guò

(lift foot to avoid treading on)

I stepped over the rubbish.

提高(身份、地位等) tí gāo shēn fèn dì wèi děng

noun (increase in status)

That promotion was really a step-up for you.

加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù

verbal expression (increase speed)

继兄弟 jì xiōng dì

noun (son of parent's spouse)

Even though we look like we're related, Greg is actually my stepbrother.

继子女 jì zǐ nǚ

noun (child of your spouse)

Marcia never had children of her own, but she has a stepchild with her husband.

继父 jì fù

noun (informal (parent's husband)

My mum married Mitch last year; he's a great step-dad.

继女 jì nǚ

noun (spouse's female child) (配偶上次婚姻所生女儿)

Dan has a daughter, so when I marry him I will have a stepdaughter.

继父 jì fù

noun (parent's husband)

My stepfather has no biological children.


noun (wife of grandparent)


noun (mother of parent's spouse)

继母 jì mǔ

noun (parent's wife)

Did your stepmother inherit all of your dad's estate?


noun (wicked figure in fairy tales) (童话中的邪恶形象)

In fairy tales the stepmother is often wicked and hates children.

继父 jì fù

noun (mother or father's spouse)

Marty has very loving stepparents, and he feels comfortable whether he is at his mom's house or his dad's house.

继姐 jì jiě

noun (daughter of parent's spouse)

Cinderella was belittled by her stepsisters.

继子 jì zǐ

noun (spouse's male child)

Dana loves her stepson as if he were her own child.

惹恼 rě nǎo

verbal expression (figurative (encroach on [sb]'s territory) (因干预他人)

The new employee trod on Gloria's toes when he sold some new products to her clients.


noun (ballroom dance)


noun (music for two-step)


intransitive verb (dance the two-step)

注意脚下, 小心脚下

verbal expression (be careful where you tread)

You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain.

要谨慎 yào jǐn shèn

verbal expression (figurative (be cautious about what you do)

He's very irritable today so watch your step when you talk to him!

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