英语 中的 spell 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 spell 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 spell 的说明。

英语 中的spell 表示拼写 pīn xiě, 拼写 pīn xiě, 咒语 zhòu yǔ, 魅力,迷人之处 mèi lì,mí rén zhī chù, 一段时间,一阵子 yí duàn shí jiān ,yí zhèn zi, 意味着 yì wèi zhe, 轮替 lún tì, 口头拼出, 拼出, 解释清楚 jiě shì qīng chǔ, 解除魔力 jiě chú mó lì, 破除咒语 pò chú zhòu yǔ, 下咒语 xià zhòu yǔ, 迷住 mí zhù, 用符咒使某人迷惑,对某人施咒 yòng fú zhòu shǐ mǒu rén mí huò,duì mǒu rén shī zhòu, 春寒期 chūn hán qī, 头晕,晕眩 tóu yūn ,yūn xuàn, 干旱期, 低潮期, 诅咒 zǔ zhòu, 暂时失去知觉,昏厥 hūn jué, 咒语 zhòu yǔ, 蛊惑, 对…施魔法, 施魔咒于, 迷惑, 使...着迷, 使...沉迷, 拼写检查 pīn xiě jiǎn chá, 检查拼写, 使用拼写检查功能,进行拼写检查 shǐ yòng pīn xiě jiǎn chá gōng néng,jìn xíng pīn xiě jiǎn chá, 持续有阳光的天气, 好运不断的日子, 中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu, 中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu, 不必解释 bú bì jiě shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 spell 的含义

拼写 pīn xiě

intransitive verb (write words correctly)

I can read, but I can't spell very well.

拼写 pīn xiě

transitive verb (word: write)

How do you spell that word? Nemanja always has to spell his name.

咒语 zhòu yǔ

noun (incantation or curse)

The witch cast a spell that turned him into a frog. The spell placed on the princess by the witch caused her to sleep for three years.

魅力,迷人之处 mèi lì,mí rén zhī chù

noun (figurative (enchantment)

The beautiful redhead cast a spell over Raphaël.

一段时间,一阵子 yí duàn shí jiān ,yí zhèn zi

noun (informal (interval of time) (非正式用语)

I'm going to read for a spell.

意味着 yì wèi zhe

transitive verb (signify)

If you cross that line, it will spell trouble.

轮替 lún tì

transitive verb (relieve)

The new crew will spell the other workers.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (say how to write: a word)

Please spell your name out for me. Is it "s-m-i-t-h" or "s-m-y-t-h-e"?


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (form: a word)

The child proudly read the word by spelling it out: "C-A-T... Cat!".
“C-A-T, Cat!”那个孩子自豪地拼出了那个单词。

解释清楚 jiě shì qīng chǔ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (say explicitly)

I had to spell out exactly how to do his job for him.

解除魔力 jiě chú mó lì

verbal expression (figurative (end the illusion or mood)

Don't say anything...I don't want to break the spell.

破除咒语 pò chú zhòu yǔ

verbal expression (witchcraft: disable a charm, curse)

The frog said that if I kissed him it would break the spell and he would turn into a handsome prince.

下咒语 xià zhòu yǔ

verbal expression (witchcraft: make a charm or curse)

The witch cast a spell and the naughty boy never pulled cats' tails again.

迷住 mí zhù

verbal expression (figurative (enchant, seduce)

The skilful musician's passionate performance cast a spell on the entire audience.

用符咒使某人迷惑,对某人施咒 yòng fú zhòu shǐ mǒu rén mí huò,duì mǒu rén shī zhòu

verbal expression (witchcraft: charm or curse)

春寒期 chūn hán qī

noun (period of cold weather)

After the heat wave there was a cold spell, much to everyone's relief

头晕,晕眩 tóu yūn ,yūn xuàn

noun (attack of vertigo) (疾病,多与心脏病相关)

I had a dizzy spell when I stood up too quickly.


noun (period of dry weather)


noun (figurative (period of no activity)

诅咒 zǔ zhòu

noun (incantation intended to do harm)

暂时失去知觉,昏厥 hūn jué

noun (blackout)

Apparently, the woman fell on the tracks when she suffered a fainting spell.

咒语 zhòu yǔ

noun (incantation or curse)

蛊惑, 对…施魔法, 施魔咒于

transitive verb (bewitch)

The witch put a spell on the man, who then turned into a toad.

迷惑, 使...着迷, 使...沉迷

transitive verb (figurative (charm, enchant)

拼写检查 pīn xiě jiǎn chá

noun (feature: checks spelling)

Remember that the spell check can be wrong sometimes!


intransitive verb (check for spelling errors)

Does this program automatically spellcheck?

使用拼写检查功能,进行拼写检查 shǐ yòng pīn xiě jiǎn chá gōng néng,jìn xíng pīn xiě jiǎn chá

transitive verb (document: check spelling) (计算机)

Don't forget to spellcheck the file before you email it to me.


noun (often plural (weather: period of sunshine)


noun (figurative (fortunate period)

We seem to be enjoying a sunny spell at the moment: business is good, and everyone in the family is healthy.

中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu

adverb (in a trance)

The wicked witch put the princess under a spell.

中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu

adjective (entranced, enchanted)

Everyone who heard him speak fell under the spell of his rhetoric. I've been under her spell ever since I kissed her that first time.

不必解释 bú bì jiě shì

adverb (informal (implicitly, tacitly)

I hope that you'll accept what I say without my having to spell things out.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 spell 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

spell 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。