英语 中的 replacing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 replacing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 replacing 的说明。

英语 中的replacing 表示放回 fàng huí, 更换 gēng huàn, 取代 qǔ dài, 遵循 zūn xún, 在这里 zài zhè lǐ, -色的, 信息 xìn xī, 9·11事件,9·11恐怖袭击事件, [英语字母表的第一个字母], A等,优等 yōu děng, [音阶中的第六个音], A型, A号, 少量的某物, 一定量的某物, 优于 yōu yú, ...的能手, 二人地, 一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián, 沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì, 与…大不相同的, 大量 dà liàng, 擅长做某事者, 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ, 许多 xǔ duō, 如同套在脖子上的磨盘, 一些 yì xiē, 差十五分钟到…(点), ...点差一刻, 在…附近 zài … fù jìn, 离…一箭之遥, 很多 hěn duō, ...的术语表, 匿名戒酒互助社,酒鬼互戒协会 nì míng jiè jiǔ hù zhù shè,jiǔ guǐ hù jiè xié huì, 业余体育协会, 澳大利亚汽车协会, 腹部肌肉,腹肌 fù jī, 抛弃 , 遗弃 pāo qì, 弃置, 丢弃,丢下 diū qì, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 把...的控制权让给..., 对...不抱希望, 不再奢望..., 屈从于, 降低…的地位 jiàng dī … de dì wèi, 使...羞愧, 使…窘迫 shǐ xiū kuì shǐ jiǒng pò, 减弱 jiǎn ruò, 神父 shén fù, 缩写,缩略 suō xiě,suō lüè, 放弃,舍弃 fàng qì,shě qì, 腹肌 fù jī, 绑架 bǎng jià, 教唆 jiào suō, 教唆 jiào suō, 暂时搁置 zàn shí gē zhì, 所有权未定 suǒ yǒu quán wèi dìng, 厌恶,讨厌 yàn wù ,tǎo yàn, 不容忍,不忍耐 bù róng rěn, 宣布放弃 xuān bù fàng qì, 切除,摘除 qiē chú,zhāi chú, 能做到,能够做到, 能,能够 néng ,néng gòu, 健全人, 放弃 fàng qì, 上船 shàng chuán, 上船 shàng chuán, 废除,废止 fèi chú,fèi zhǐ, 痛恨 tòng hèn, 原住民 yuán zhù mín, 原住民的 yuán zhù mín de, 澳洲土著 ào zhōu tǔ zhù, 做人工流产 zuò rén gōng liú chǎn, 中止,中途取消 zhōng zhǐ,zhōng tú qǔ xiāo, 使夭折,中止 shǐ yāo zhé ,zhōng zhǐ, 充满 chōng mǎn, 充满 chōng mǎn, 关于 guān yú, 正要做…的时候,正准备做…时, 掉头,掉转方向,往反方向 diào tóu,diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,wǎng fǎn fāng xiàng, 按周长算 àn zhōu cháng suàn, 即将成为 jí jiāng chéng wéi, 向后转!, 不至于, 超出…的理解范围 chāo chū de lǐ jiě fàn wéi, 上文 shàng wén, 线上项目的,经常预算的, 线上的, 诚实的 chéng shí de, 光明正大, 上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí de, 擦掉 cā diào, 与...持平地, 与...并排地, 保持对最新...的了解, 缩写,略写,摘要,简写 suō xiě,lüè xiě,zhāi yào ,jiǎn xiě, 缩略 suō lüè, 缩略版 suō lüè bǎn, 缩略, 节略, 废除 fèi chú, 绳降 shéng jiàng, 未出席…的, 自己退出, 离开,离席 lí kāi, 心不在焉的 xīn bú zài yān de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 replacing 的含义

放回 fàng huí

transitive verb (put back)

Please replace the lid after use.

更换 gēng huàn

transitive verb (substitute)

I finally replaced my old typewriter with a computer.

取代 qǔ dài

transitive verb ([sb]: in job, position) (工作中)

Joyce has replaced Carl as finance director.

遵循 zūn xún

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (obey)

Cathy decided to abide by the rules.

在这里 zài zhè lǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be present, in the vicinity)

Not many people are about today.


adjective (colored a certain way)

信息 xìn xī

noun (US, informal (information)


noun (US, abbreviation (September 11, 2001)


noun (first letter of alphabet)

There are two a's in the name "Anna".
"Anna" 这个单词中有两个"a"。

A等,优等 yōu děng

noun (grade) (成绩)

I got an "A" in my history test.


noun (music: note)

The song begins on an A.


noun (blood type) (血型)

My blood type is A.


noun (indicating house number) (指房子编号)

Who lived at 221A Baker Street?


noun (modicum, small quantity)

You need to use a certain amount of caution when using that product.


noun (specified quantity)

优于 yōu yú

preposition (superior to)

He is a cut above the rest.


noun (informal (person skilled at [sth])

My sister's coming to put up some shelves for me. She's a dab hand at DIY.


adverb (Gallicism (involving two people)

一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián

adjective (figurative, informal (common) (非正式用语)

In Hollywood, aspiring young actresses are a dime a dozen.

沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì

noun (UK, figurative, informal (amount: trivial)

The money I give to charity is a drop in the ocean compared to some people.


expression (informal (very different from)

Life in Canada is a far cry from what she's used to in Haiti.

大量 dà liàng

expression (large amount of [sth])

Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.


noun (informal (person: does [sth] frequently)

He's a great one for telling stories.

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

expression (figurative (very close)

The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.

许多 xǔ duō

noun (informal (great quantity)

I'll cook up a load of chicken legs and we can take them on our picnic.


expression (figurative (burden: mental or emotional)

一些 yì xiē

plural noun (some, several)

He has broken the rules a number of times.


expression (15 minutes before the hour)

I'll meet you at a quarter till one... in the afternoon, of course.


expression (informal (15 minutes before the hour)

在…附近 zài … fù jìn

expression (figurative, informal (nearby)

We can easily walk to Martha's house; she lives a stone's throw away.


expression (figurative, informal (near)

The shop is just a stone's throw from my house.

很多 hěn duō

noun (figurative, informal (large quantity)

I have a ton of work to do this week.


noun (glossary, informative list)

The A-Z of Medical Terms covers the most common words used in the medical world.

匿名戒酒互助社,酒鬼互戒协会 nì míng jiè jiǔ hù zhù shè,jiǔ guǐ hù jiè xié huì

noun (US, initialism (Alcoholics Anonymous)

If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you should join the AA.


noun (UK, initialism (Amateur Athletic Association)


noun (AU, initialism (Australian Automobile Association)

My car died; do you have the number for the AAA?

腹部肌肉,腹肌 fù jī

plural noun (informal, abbreviation (abdominal muscles)

Crunches are good for toning your abs.

抛弃 , 遗弃 pāo qì

transitive verb (person, pet: leave forever) (常指人、宠物等)

Jack abandoned his girlfriend and never spoke to her again.


transitive verb (place: leave, neglect)

The family abandoned their house and fled the country.

丢弃,丢下 diū qì

transitive verb (object: leave) (物品)

Susan abandoned her book on the train.

停止 tíng zhǐ

transitive verb (stop doing, working on [sth])

I won't abandon this project; I plan to see it through to the end.


(give up control of)

The army abandoned the territory to the indigenous peoples.

对...不抱希望, 不再奢望...

verbal expression (give up all hope of doing)

Jim abandoned hope of seeing Sarah again.


verbal expression (surrender to [sth]: desires, etc.)

降低…的地位 jiàng dī … de dì wèi

transitive verb (degrade)

His years of living in Paris seem to have completely abased him.

使...羞愧, 使…窘迫 shǐ xiū kuì shǐ jiǒng pò

transitive verb (literary (make ashamed, disconcert)

The stranger's brazen stare abashed her.

减弱 jiǎn ruò

transitive verb (formal (lessen)

I could give no excuse that would abate the headmaster's anger.

神父 shén fù

noun (French (French clergyman)

缩写,缩略 suō xiě,suō lüè

transitive verb (make shorter)

It is hard to abbreviate the name "Ian."

放弃,舍弃 fàng qì,shě qì

transitive verb (give up, renounce) (权力、要求、责任)

Dorothy abdicated all responsibility for her son the moment he started stealing to fund his drug habit.

腹肌 fù jī

plural noun (stomach muscles) (常作abdominals)

This exercise will work your abdominals.

绑架 bǎng jià

transitive verb (kidnap)

Armed men abducted the heiress on Thursday evening. The author of this book claims that aliens abducted his father.

教唆 jiào suō

transitive verb (assist or enable: a crime)

Mark was charged with abetting the murder.

教唆 jiào suō

transitive verb (assist or enable: a criminal)

Margret did not commit the crime, but she abetted the person who did.

暂时搁置 zàn shí gē zhì

adverb (in a suspended state)

The government will keep the new law in abeyance for two years.

所有权未定 suǒ yǒu quán wèi dìng

adverb (law: without an owner) (法律)

The estate is in abeyance until the court case is settled.

厌恶,讨厌 yàn wù ,tǎo yàn

transitive verb (formal (detest)

I abhor the perpetrators of this evil act.

不容忍,不忍耐 bù róng rěn

transitive verb (not tolerate)

I can't abide his smoking in the house. "I won't abide insolence or bad behaviour," said the schoolteacher.

宣布放弃 xuān bù fàng qì

transitive verb (renounce)

Galileo was forced to abjure his belief that the earth moves round the sun.

切除,摘除 qiē chú,zhāi chú

transitive verb (formal (medicine: remove) (医学)

The surgeon ablated the patient's tumor.


expression (capable of doing)

The only people able to afford to buy a house in this area are millionaires.

能,能够 néng ,néng gòu

verbal expression (can, have the ability to do)

Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf.


plural noun (not physically disabled)

People with disabilities enjoy sports as much as the able-bodied do.

放弃 fàng qì

transitive verb (give up, renounce)

上船 shàng chuán

(enter: a ship, vehicle)

The passengers were waiting to go aboard the ship.

上船 shàng chuán

(enter a ship or vehicle)

The last few passengers went aboard and the bus departed.

废除,废止 fèi chú,fèi zhǐ

transitive verb (eradicate, end)

The company has pledged to abolish these unfair practices.

痛恨 tòng hèn

transitive verb (formal (loathe)

Mrs. Howell abominates people with low morals.

原住民 yuán zhù mín

noun (Australian Aborigine) (较早定居的族群)

The Australian Aboriginals made art to tell stories.

原住民的 yuán zhù mín de

adjective (relating to indigenous peoples) (较早定居的族群)

Contemporary Aboriginal art builds on an artistic tradition that is hundreds of years old.

澳洲土著 ào zhōu tǔ zhù

noun (indigenous Australian)

Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia.

做人工流产 zuò rén gōng liú chǎn

transitive verb (pregnancy: terminate)

She aborted an unwanted pregnancy at age 17.

中止,中途取消 zhōng zhǐ,zhōng tú qǔ xiāo

transitive verb (rocket launch: stop) (火箭发射等)

Technicians aborted the launch when two tests failed.

使夭折,中止 shǐ yāo zhé ,zhōng zhǐ

transitive verb (process, project: end) (项目、计划等)

The sooner we abort this foolish project the better.

充满 chōng mǎn

(be filled with [sth])

The hotel cellars were abounding with vermin.

充满 chōng mǎn

(have a plentiful amount of [sth])

The fields in this area abound in wildflowers.

关于 guān yú

verbal expression (be on the subject of)

My presentation is about the effects of alcohol. This book is about a king who loses his crown.


verbal expression (on the point of doing)

I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.

掉头,掉转方向,往反方向 diào tóu,diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,wǎng fǎn fāng xiàng

adverb (in the opposing direction)

He whirled about and saw that his girlfriend was behind him.

按周长算 àn zhōu cháng suàn

adverb (in circumference)

The lake is approximately three miles about.

即将成为 jí jiāng chéng wéi

verbal expression (on the point of being)

She is about to become the youngest scientist to win the Nobel Prize.


interjection (military: turn) (军事)

Company halt! About-face! Forward march!


verbal expression (figurative (morally superior to)

He's above lying about such things.

超出…的理解范围 chāo chū de lǐ jiě fàn wéi

verbal expression (figurative (too complex for)

All this talk of economics is above me.

上文 shàng wén

noun (preceding text)

Heavy snowfall overnight has left the road impassable. In light of the above, we have decided to close the office.


adjective (figurative (of current expenses)


adjective (figurative (advertising: in mass media) (广告业:大众传媒)

诚实的 chéng shí de

adjective (figurative (honest)

He likes to keep his business dealings aboveboard.


adverb (figurative (honestly)

Be assured, I always operate aboveboard.

上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí de

adjective (formal, written (cited previously)

The above-mentioned changes will be in effect until the end of the month.

擦掉 cā diào

transitive verb (rub, wear)

Claire used sandpaper to abrade the rough edges of the wood.

与...持平地, 与...并排地

adverb (level, side by side)


adverb (figurative (up to date with: events, etc.) (事件等)

Keep me abreast of any changes to the plan.

缩写,略写,摘要,简写 suō xiě,lüè xiě,zhāi yào ,jiǎn xiě

transitive verb (often passive (cut, shorten: a text) (文本等)

The publisher has abridged the novel for recording as an audiobook.

缩略 suō lüè

noun (condensing written work)

缩略版 suō lüè bǎn

noun (writing: condensed version)

缩略, 节略

noun (lessening, limitation)

The working group is trying to come up with an abridgement of the process.

废除 fèi chú

transitive verb (abolish)

绳降 shéng jiàng

(descend using a rope)

Sharon abseiled down the side of a skyscraper to raise money for charity.


(not present at)

Jasmine was absent from the party on Sunday.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (leave)

I started feeling unwell at the party, so I absented myself.

离开,离席 lí kāi

verbal expression (formal (leave)

If you feel unwell, simply absent yourself from the table.

心不在焉的 xīn bú zài yān de

adjective (forgetful)

He's so absentminded that he forgot his own birthday!

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 replacing 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。