英语 中的 pot 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pot 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pot 的说明。

英语 中的pot 表示花盆 huā pén, 锅 guō, 罐,坛 guàn, 大麻 dà má, 把…栽种到盆里 bǎ … zāi zhòng dào pén lǐ, 一锅, 陶罐, 壶,一壶 hú, 夜壶 yè hú, 筹款箱, 所有人押下的全部赌注, 好多钱,好大一笔钱, 啤酒肚, 可变电阻, 击…入袋,把…击入袋中, 把…放入容器, 金盏花 jīn zhǎn huā, 夜壶 yè hú, 烟囱帽, (煮咖啡的)咖啡壶 zhǔ kā fēi de kā fēi hú, (盛咖啡的)咖啡壶 chéng kā fēi de kā fēi hú, 慢炖锅, 花盆 huā pén, 衰落,衰败 shuāi luò ,shuāi bài, 砂锅菜 shā guō cài, 火锅, 室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù, 文化大熔炉 wén huā dà róng lú, 文化大熔炉的, 五十步笑百步, 防热手套, 现成饭菜 xiàn chéng fàn cài, 带菜聚餐, 自带食物的聚会 zì dài shí wù de jù huì, 飞来横财, 最终的成功, 罐烘馅饼, 炖菜带面饺, 炖牛肉 dùn niú ròu, 锅贴, 大腹的,圆肚子的, 腹部肥大, 啤酒肚的, 圆滚滚的 yuán gǔn gǔn de, 粗制滥造的文学艺术作品, 汤锅 tāng guō, 炖锅, 无可选择,没什么选择, 喷壶 pēn hú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pot 的含义

花盆 huā pén

noun (container for a plant)

I need to get some bigger pots to transfer my seedlings into.

锅 guō

noun (receptacle for cooking)

Could you get me that big pot from the top shelf? I need it to make jam.

罐,坛 guàn

noun (food storage container) (储存食物用的)

Martin poured the lentils into a pot, closed the lid, and put it in the cupboard.

大麻 dà má

noun (slang (drug: marijuana)

Karen and Tara have been smoking pot all afternoon, and now they have the munchies.

把…栽种到盆里 bǎ … zāi zhòng dào pén lǐ

transitive verb (plant: put into pot)

Josh potted the azalea.


noun (contents of a pot)

Adam has made a pot of stew.


noun (piece of pottery)

Alice bought a pot at the pottery market.

壶,一壶 hú

noun (dated (drinking vessel)

Landlord, bring me a pot of ale!

夜壶 yè hú

noun (abbreviation (chamber pot)

The maid took the pot from under the bed and emptied it out the window.


noun (informal (joint funds) (基金)

They all put ten pounds into the pot for Dan's leaving present.


noun (gambling: money staked)

Victoria won the game and claimed the pot.


noun (large amount of money)

Tom inherited quite a pot when his aunt died.


noun (abbreviation (pot belly)

Ben has been drinking too much beer and has developed quite a pot.


noun (informal, abbreviation (potentiometer: variable resistor) (电位器)


transitive verb (drive ball into pocket)

The snooker player potted the black.


transitive verb (food: put into pot) (食物)

Pot the jelly while it is still hot.

金盏花 jīn zhǎn huā

noun (plant: orange flowers)

夜壶 yè hú

noun (container used as bedroom toilet)


noun (UK (structure: smoke outlet)

(煮咖啡的)咖啡壶 zhǔ kā fēi de kā fēi hú

noun (for brewing coffee)

I still prefer my old coffee pot over my new coffee maker.

(盛咖啡的)咖啡壶 chéng kā fēi de kā fēi hú

noun (for brewed coffee)

Tip the milky coffee into a warmed coffee pot.


noun (US, ® (slow cooker)

The lamb was very tender after four hours cooking in the crock pot.

花盆 huā pén

noun (container for an ornamental plant)

The plant outgrew its flower pot.

衰落,衰败 shuāi luò ,shuāi bài

verbal expression (slang (decline, deteriorate) (俚语)

I used to exercise but I'm afraid I've gone to pot since the baby was born.

砂锅菜 shā guō cài

noun (UK (food: casserole) (一种马铃薯和牛羊肉合炖的菜)

We made a spicy hotpot for dinner.


noun (food: Chinese dish)

室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù

noun (potted indoor plant)

The conservatory was filled with exotic houseplants.

文化大熔炉 wén huā dà róng lú

noun (figurative (fusion of cultures, nationalities) (比喻)

New York city was a cultural melting pot in the nineteenth century, with immigrants coming from all over Europe.


noun as adjective (figurative (fusing cultures, nationalities) (比喻)

London is a melting-pot city of different races, cultures and religions.


expression (person criticizing is worse)

I can't believe you're calling me messy; talk about the pot calling the kettle black! You're the one who's left the sink full of dirty dishes.


noun (fabric for handling hot dishes) (锅)

现成饭菜 xiàn chéng fàn cài

noun (informal, figurative, uncountable (whatever is available) (非正式用语,指没得选的饭菜)

Sometimes you can choose, but usually it's pot luck.


noun (US (meal: guests bring food)

自带食物的聚会 zì dài shí wù de jù huì

noun (US (meal: guests bring food)

Joe brought grilled hotdogs to the potluck party, and I brought dessert.


noun (sudden wealth)


noun (figurative (ultimate success)


noun (US (pie baked in dish)

Kathy is baking a pot pie.


noun (US (stew with dumplings)

This is a great recipe for pot pie.

炖牛肉 dùn niú ròu

noun (meat dish cooked in a pot)

Emma prepared a pot roast for Sunday lunch.


plural noun (food: dumplings, wontons)


adjective (having round stomach)


noun (protruding stomach)


adjective (relating to a potbelly)

圆滚滚的 yuán gǔn gǔn de

adjective (figurative (robustly round in shape)


noun (informal, figurative (inferior novel written for money)

汤锅 tāng guō

noun (cooking container)

Pour the vegetables into the soup pot and then add the broth.


noun (large cooking receptacle)


verbal expression (accept what is available)

When you book a last-minute holiday, you often take pot luck with the hotel.

喷壶 pēn hú

noun (for watering plants)

She prefers to use a watering can instead of a garden hose.

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pot 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。