英语 中的 night 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 night 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 night 的说明。

英语 中的night 表示黑夜 hēi yè, 傍晚 bàng wǎn, 夜间活动的 yè jiān huó dòng de, 夜间的 yè jiān de, 夜用的 yè yòng de, 晚上,天黑以后 wǎn shàng, 夜间工作的 yè jiān gōng zuò de, 黑暗时期 hēi àn shí qī, 晚上 wǎn shàng, 成天聊, 夜间派对, 一整夜 yì zhěng yè, 一整夜 yì zhěng yè, 整个晚上 zhěng gè wǎn shàng, 在夜里 zài yè lǐ, 男子婚前告别单身聚会, 女子婚前告别单身聚会, 漆黑的 qī hēi de, 黑色的,墨黑的 hēi sè de ,mò hēi de, 在夜间 zài yè jiān, 彻夜跳舞, 日以继夜的 rì yǐ jì yè de, 在夜间 zài yè jiān, 每夜 měi yè, 不可靠的,欺诈的 bù kě kào de ,qī zhà de, 不可靠的人, 美好的夜晚, 晚安 wǎn ān, 再见,晚安 zài jiàn ,wǎn ān, 再见 zài jiàn, 篝火节之夜, 在晚上 zài wǎn shàng, 半夜三更时 bàn yè sān gēng shí, 在晚上 zài wǎn shàng, 到深夜,至深夜 dào shēn yè, 妓女,流莺 jì nǚ ,liú yīng, 在昨晚 zài zuó wǎn, 昨天夜里 zuó tiān yè lǐ, 深夜 shēn yè, 发生在深夜的 fā shēng zài shēn yè de, 偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de, 从早到晚, 日夜 rì yè, 夜盲 yè máng, 夜间法庭 yè jiān fǎ tíng, 夜鱼饵蚓, 夜灯 yè dēng, 夜间作战 yè jiān zuò zhàn, 夜晚外出作乐 yè wǎn wài chū zuò lè, 夜猫子,夜晚工作的人,熬夜的人 yè māo zi,yè wǎn gōng zuò de rén,áo yè de rén, (成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào, 夜班  yè bān, 夜班员工, 夜空, 夜总会 yè zǒng huì, 盗汗, 床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō, 夜惊, 夜视 yè shì, 守夜 shǒu yè, 守夜人 shǒu yè rén, 晚安!, 睡前喝的酒, 睡帽, 睡衣 shuì yī, 夜总会 yè zǒng huì, 夜生活 yè shēng huó, 通宵不熄灭的灯 tōng xiāo bù xī miè de dēng, 夜间 yè jiān, 夜间的,夜里的 yè jiān de,yè lǐ de, 守夜警卫 shǒu yè jǐng wèi, 三柱门看更人, 一夜情 yí yè qíng, 首演之夜 shǒu yǎn zhī yè, 过夜 guò yè, 那天晚上 nà tiān wǎn shàng, 昨天晚上, 昨天晚上, 今晚 jīn wǎn, 整夜地 zhěng yè de, 明晚 míng wǎn, 傍晚开始连续两场比赛的 bàng wǎn kāi shǐ lián xù liǎng chǎng bǐ sài de, 新婚之夜。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 night 的含义

黑夜 hēi yè

noun (hours without light)

It was a cold, dark night.

傍晚 bàng wǎn

noun (evening)

We ate at a fabulous restaurant last night.

夜间活动的 yè jiān huó dòng de

noun as adjective (nocturnal)

Rats are night animals. They usually sleep during the daytime.

夜间的 yè jiān de

noun as adjective (of, during the night)

The night sky is filled with stars.

夜用的 yè yòng de

noun as adjective (for use at night)

The kids like the night light to be on so the room is not totally dark.

晚上,天黑以后 wǎn shàng

noun (after dark: on given day) (一天的)

Friday night is poker night.

夜间工作的 yè jiān gōng zuò de

noun as adjective (working at night)

The night guard works from midnight to six in the morning.

黑暗时期 hēi àn shí qī

noun (figurative (misfortune) (比喻)

The Civil War was the night of American history.

晚上 wǎn shàng

noun (day, evening)

They gave their best performance on the third night.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (spend hours, day, night, etc. talking)


noun (evening at bar, party)

After I got my promotion, my friends and I went for a night out on the town to celebrate.

一整夜 yì zhěng yè

adverb (throughout the night)

The convenience store is open all night.

一整夜 yì zhěng yè

adjective (continuing through the night)

These all-night study sessions are tiring me out.

整个晚上 zhěng gè wǎn shàng

expression (throughout the night)

All through the night we could hear the loud music from the floor above.

在夜里 zài yè lǐ

adverb (during the nighttime)

Bats only feed at night. My cat is often the most alert and playful at night.


noun (party for a husband-to-be)

Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy. // We're going to a nightclub for Simon's stag do.


noun (party for a wife-to-be)

漆黑的 qī hēi de

adjective (totally dark)

It was black as night in the cave.

黑色的,墨黑的 hēi sè de ,mò hēi de

adjective (black in color) (颜色)

The cat's fur was black as night.

在夜间 zài yè jiān

adverb (at night-time)

The solders staged a surprise attack by night.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (spend the evening dancing)

Sometimes when you feel really good, you just want to dance the night away.

日以继夜的 rì yǐ jì yè de

adverb (all the time)

Edgar's been working day and night to get the house ready in time.

在夜间 zài yè jiān

adverb (in the night time, at night)

I heard an eerie sound during the night; it turned out to be an owl in the garden.

每夜 měi yè

adverb (nightly)

I brush my teeth every night before I go to bed.

不可靠的,欺诈的 bù kě kào de ,qī zhà de

adjective (figurative (dishonest, scamming)


noun (figurative, slang ([sb] dishonest) (俚语)

He's no fly-by-night operator: he's got years of experience and will do a good job.


noun (enjoyable evening, night)

We had a steak dinner and lots of laughs--it was a good night.

晚安 wǎn ān

interjection (on [sb] going to bed) (晚上上床睡觉前用)

I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.

再见,晚安 zài jiàn ,wǎn ān

interjection (in evening: goodbye) (晚上告别时用)

I'll be leaving now; goodnight!

再见 zài jiàn

noun as adjective (indicating farewell)

He gave her a good-night kiss.


noun (UK (5th November celebration) (英国11月5日节日)

在晚上 zài wǎn shàng

expression (poetic (at nighttime)

In the dark of night, the forest became a menacing place.

半夜三更时 bàn yè sān gēng shí

adverb (in the middle of the night)

Strange noises in the dead of night can be very scary.

在晚上 zài wǎn shàng

adverb (between sunset and sunrise)

At some point in the night I awoke to the sound of screaming.

到深夜,至深夜 dào shēn yè

adverb (continuing past nightfall)

The party went on going long into the night.

妓女,流莺 jì nǚ ,liú yīng

noun (euphemism (prostitute) (委婉语)

With her short dress, high heels and make-up she looked like a lady of the night.

在昨晚 zài zuó wǎn

adverb (yesterday evening)

I went to bed very early last night - just after nine.

昨天夜里 zuó tiān yè lǐ

adverb (yesterday during the night)

There was heavy snowfall in the area last night.

深夜 shēn yè

adverb (at a late hour, during the night)

I used to stay up late at night listening to music and reading.

发生在深夜的 fā shēng zài shēn yè de

adjective (taking place at a late hour)

I saw it on the late-night news.

偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de

adverb (silently, stealthily)

The fog crept down the valley like a thief in the night. The cat crept through the garden like a thief in the night.


expression (at all times)

日夜 rì yè

adverb (all the time, constantly)

We worked night and day to meet the deadline. I have been working night and day to get this project finished on time.

夜盲 yè máng

noun (inability to see in low lighting)

夜间法庭 yè jiān fǎ tíng

noun (law court that holds sessions at night)


noun (colloquial (large nocturnal earthworm)

夜灯 yè dēng

noun (soft room light left on at night)

My daughter is afraid of the dark so she sleeps with a night light in her bedroom.

夜间作战 yè jiān zuò zhàn

plural noun (military action carried out at night)

夜晚外出作乐 yè wǎn wài chū zuò lè

noun (evening or nighttime social outing)

We had a great night out on Friday – you should've come.

夜猫子,夜晚工作的人,熬夜的人 yè māo zi,yè wǎn gōng zuò de rén,áo yè de rén

noun (figurative ([sb] who is active at night) (比喻)

I am at my best in the morning, but my husband is a night owl.

(成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào

noun (adult evening classes)

I am learning Russian at night school every Thursday evening.

夜班  yè bān

noun (nocturnal work period)

People who work the night shift often have trouble adjusting their sleep schedule.


noun (team working overnight)

The night shift are just starting work when most of the rest of us are going to bed.


noun (stars, etc. seen at night)

夜总会 yè zǒng huì

noun (late-night entertainment venue)

Gary and his friends decided to explore the night spots near their hotel.



床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō

noun (small bedside table)

I keep a glass of water on my night table.


noun (psychology)

夜视 yè shì

noun (ability to see in the dark)

Cats have excellent night vision.

守夜 shǒu yè

noun (surveillance or guard kept at night)

I was working as a night watch at the bank when the earthquake struck.

守夜人 shǒu yè rén

noun (male: guards property at night)

Our office is guarded at night by the night watchman.


interjection (infantile (good night)


noun (alcoholic drink)

Would you like to come to my place for a nightcap?


noun (hat worn for sleep)

My grandfather wears a nightcap to bed.

睡衣 shuì yī

plural noun (garments worn for sleeping)

夜总会 yè zǒng huì

noun (bar with dancing)

Some of the nightclubs stay open till 2 am.

夜生活 yè shēng huó

noun (night-time entertainment)

The beach was great but the town had no nightlife.

通宵不熄灭的灯 tōng xiāo bù xī miè de dēng

noun (soft light left on at night)

夜间 yè jiān

noun (period of night)

They skyline is especially beautiful during nighttime.

夜间的,夜里的 yè jiān de,yè lǐ de

adjective (nocturnal)

Owls are nighttime hunters.

守夜警卫 shǒu yè jǐng wèi

noun (man employed as nighttime guard)

Our office is guarded at night by the nightwatchman.


noun (figurative (cricket: batsman playing at end of day) (板球)

一夜情 yí yè qíng

noun (isolated sexual encounter with [sb])

Betty's not my girlfriend; we had a one-night stand, that's all.

首演之夜 shǒu yǎn zhī yè

noun (theatre: first performance)

过夜 guò yè

verbal expression (stay somewhere overnight)

那天晚上 nà tiān wǎn shàng

adverb (on a specified night in the past)

Sixteen ships were sunk that night. Do you remember what you were doing that night?


noun (previous night or evening)


adverb (on the previous night or evening)

今晚 jīn wǎn

noun (tonight)

This night should be a good one.

整夜地 zhěng yè de

adverb (during the whole night)

They travelled through the night in order to get there at first light.

明晚 míng wǎn

adverb (on the evening of next day)

See you tomorrow night!

傍晚开始连续两场比赛的 bàng wǎn kāi shǐ lián xù liǎng chǎng bǐ sài de

adjective (baseball game: beginning at twilight in doubleheader) (棒球运动术语)


noun (newlywed couple's first night together)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。