英语 中的 mens 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mens 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mens 的说明。

英语 中的mens 表示男人 nán rén, 人 rén, 人类 rén lèi, 人类 rén lèi, 给…提供人手 gěi … tí gōng rén shǒu, 哥们,伙计 gē men,huǒ jì, 哇!嘿! wā hēi, 哎哟!哎呀! āi yo āi ya, 丈夫 zhàng fū, 有男子气概的人 yǒu nán zǐ qì gài de rén, 男性仆人,男仆 nán xìng pú rén,nán pú, 男性下属 nán xìng xià shǔ, 情人 qíng rén, 球队队员 qiú duì duì yuán, 棋子 qí zǐ, 喜爱...的人, 老板 lǎo bǎn, 守卫 shǒu wèi, 在…岗位上服务, 后果很严重, 有能力的人,能干的人, 广告人 guǎng gào rén, 男性救护人员,男性急救人员, 愤怒的年轻人 fèn nù de nián qīng rén, 愤青 fèn qīng, 猿人, 和平常人一样, 蝙蝠侠, 别害怕 bié hài pà, 成年,成人,长成男子汉 chéng nián ,chéng rén, 做你自己, 伴郎 bàn láng, 男清洁工 nán qīng jié gōng, 黑肤色的人, 非裔, 恶魔 è mó, 盲人 máng rén, 捉迷藏, 专业人员 zhuān yè rén yuán, 史前时代穴居的人 shǐ qián shí dài xué jū de rén, 粗野人, 普通民众 pǔ tōng mín zhòng, 平民 píng mín, 骗子 piàn zi, 乡下人 xiāng xià rén, 交通指挥员, 男送货员 nán sòng huò yuán, 老色鬼,老淫棍 lǎo sè guǐ,lǎo yín gùn, 士兵 shì bīng, 现役军人,男士兵 xiàn yì jūn rén,nán shì bīng, 人类的堕落, 有妻子儿女的男人, 顾家的男人, 同胞,同类 tóng bāo,tóng lèi, 自由人 zì yóu rén, 自由人 zì yóu rén, 领衔表演者, 挂名负责人, 公务人员,政府工作人员, 收垃圾的人 shōu lā jī de rén, 姜饼人 jiāng bǐng rén, 好人 hǎo rén, 伟大的男子 wěi dà de nán zǐ, 成年男人 chéng nián nán rén, 雇佣杀手 gù yōng shā shǒu, 打手 dǎ shǒu, 职业杀手,职业刺客 zhí yè shā shǒu,zhí yè cì kè, 颇有男性气概的男人, 职业杀手 zhí yè shā shǒu, 打手 dǎ shǒu, 神职人员,献身于宗教的人 shén zhí rén yuán ,xiàn shēn yú zōng jiào de rén, 卖冰淇淋的人 mài bīng qí lín de rén, 有创意的人 yǒu chuàng yì de rén, 铁人, 三项全能,铁人三项, 机器 jī qì, 铁人竞赛 tiě rén jìng sài, 男人 nán rén, 爵士音乐人, 有女人缘的男人, 演主角的男演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nán yǎn yuán, 博学之士 bó xué zhī shì, 像个男人 xiàng gè nán rén, 像个男子汉, 小男孩,小小男子汉 xiǎo nán hái,xiǎo xiǎo nán zǐ hàn, 维修员 wéi xiū yuán, 主管人,负责人 zhǔ guǎn rén,fù zé rén, 普通人,一般人 pǔ tōng rén,yì bān rén, 实干家 shí gàn jiā, 勇敢的人 yǒng gǎn de rén, 寡言少语的人 guǎ yán shǎo yǔ de rén, 天才 tiān cái, 牧师 mù shī, 信守承诺的人 xìn shǒu chéng nuò de rén, 受过良好教育的人 shòu guò liáng hǎo jiào yù de rén, 一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ, 明智的人 míng zhì de rén, 有人落水, 士兵 shì bīng, 男孩 nán hái, 儿子 ér zi, 情感不成熟的男人, 人/工作日,人/日, 食人兽,食人动物, 有多个性伴侣的女人,性欲旺盛的女人, 吃人的 chī rén de, 工时, 工时, 人造的 rén zào de, 大的,大型的 dà de ,dà xíng de, 有男子气概的男人,男子汉 nán zǐ hàn, 人力 rén lì, 劳动力数量 láo dòng lì shù liàng, 已婚男人 yǐ hūn nán rén, 成熟男人 chéng shóu nán rén / chéng shú nán rén, 巫医,萨满巫师,术士 wū yī,shù shì, 现代人 xiàn dài rén, 尼安德特人 ní ān dé tè rén, 尼安德特人 ní ān dé tè rén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mens 的含义

男人 nán rén

noun (adult male)

The name's Chris? Is that a man or a woman?

人 rén

noun (person, individual) (不论性别、年龄)

That man over there is the one who stole my purse.

人类 rén lèi

noun (figurative, uncountable (humanity)

Is man destined to repeat the mistakes of the past?

人类 rén lèi

noun (uncountable (homo sapiens)

Some people still deny that apes and man are related.

给…提供人手 gěi … tí gōng rén shǒu

transitive verb (staff)

My friends and I manned the booth at the fair.

哥们,伙计 gē men,huǒ jì

interjection (colloquial (friend: usually male) (常用作称呼男性朋友)

How are you doing, man?

哇!嘿! wā hēi

interjection (slang (surprise) (表示惊讶)

Oh man! Look what I just found.

哎哟!哎呀! āi yo āi ya

interjection (slang (exhaustion) (表示辛苦,劳累)

Man! That was a difficult climb of the stairs.

丈夫 zhàng fū

noun (informal (husband, boyfriend)

Her man fixed the light bulb for her.

有男子气概的人 yǒu nán zǐ qì gài de rén

noun (strong male)

Ooh, look at his muscles! He's such a man!

男性仆人,男仆 nán xìng pú rén,nán pú

noun (valet)

The name of Lord Peter Wimsey's man was Bunter.

男性下属 nán xìng xià shǔ

noun (male subordinate)

I have three men working on the project.

情人 qíng rén

noun (male lover)

Do you have a man, or are you still alone?

球队队员 qiú duì duì yuán

noun (sports: male player) (体育比赛)

A man from the defence comes up to try to score.

棋子 qí zǐ

noun (chess piece)

He moved his man forward two squares.


noun (fan of [sth])

He's a watermelon man, but I prefer apples.

老板 lǎo bǎn

noun (US, figurative, uncountable (authority)

He spent his whole life working for the Man.

守卫 shǒu wèi

transitive verb (military: position) (军事)

They manned the barricades to stop the enemy breaking through.


transitive verb (serve at)

I manned the cash register while Steve poured the beer.


noun (figurative, slang (in serious trouble)

Touch me again and you're a dead man!


noun (figurative (capable man)

广告人 guǎng gào rén

noun (dated (male who works in advertising)


noun (male paramedic)

The ambulance man took my pulse.

愤怒的年轻人 fèn nù de nián qīng rén

noun (UK, figurative (1950s male writer) (指20世纪50年代英国一批愤世嫉俗的年轻作家。)

愤青 fèn qīng

noun (figurative (politically active male)


noun (apelike human ancestor)


expression (just as much as anyone else)


noun (comic book superhero) (漫画人物)

Batman has been a popular comic book character since 1939.

别害怕 bié hài pà

verbal expression (figurative (male: show strength)

You have to be a man about this, and admit that you made a mistake.

成年,成人,长成男子汉 chéng nián ,chéng rén

verbal expression (male: reach adulthood) (男子)

Dan's young son wants to be an astronaut when he is a man.


verbal expression (male: be independent)

伴郎 bàn láng

noun (bridegroom's male attendant) (婚礼)

Pete was the best man at Mick and Lucy's wedding.

男清洁工 nán qīng jié gōng

noun (UK, informal, dated (male refuse collector)


noun (dark-skinned male)


noun (male of African descent)

恶魔 è mó

noun (dated, rare (evil spirit)

盲人 máng rén

noun (male who cannot see)

I knew he was a blind man because he had a guide dog.


noun (blindfolded tag game)

专业人员 zhuān yè rén yuán

noun (male devoted to his work)

史前时代穴居的人 shǐ qián shí dài xué jū de rén

noun (prehistoric man)

Contrary to many depictions in popular culture, cavemen did not exist at the same time as dinosaurs.


noun (figurative, pejorative (rough or coarse person)

Dom is such a caveman; he chews with his mouth open and is always belching loudly.

普通民众 pǔ tōng mín zhòng

noun (dated, uncountable (ordinary citizen, lay person) (过时用语)

The political parties are all trying to appeal to the common man.

平民 píng mín

noun (male commoner, without title) (指无贵族头衔的男性)

If a common man married the daughter of a nobleman, she would lose her title.

骗子 piàn zi

noun (informal (male confidence trickster) (非正式用语, 指男性)

The con man persuaded the elderly lady to give him a cheque for £400.

乡下人 xiāng xià rén

noun (male who lives in countryside)

Charles is a countryman who doesn't understand the ways of the big city.


noun (for crossing a road)

The crossing guard at this intersection is very friendly; he kids around with the children and chats with the adult pedestrians.

男送货员 nán sòng huò yuán

noun (male who delivers goods)

The delivery man dropped off the package at the door.

老色鬼,老淫棍 lǎo sè guǐ,lǎo yín gùn

noun (informal, pejorative (elderly, lecherous man) (口语)

If you keep looking at her like that she'll think you're a dirty old man.

士兵 shì bīng

noun (initialism (military: enlisted man)

现役军人,男士兵 xiàn yì jūn rén,nán shì bīng

noun (military: male soldier) (军事)

In the military 'enlisted men' include all soldiers that are not officers.


noun (Bible) (基督教)

In the Bible, the serpent brought on the Fall.


noun (married man with children)


noun (man devoted to family)

同胞,同类 tóng bāo,tóng lèi

noun (another person)

自由人 zì yóu rén

noun ([sb] who is not in prison) (与囚犯相对)

He'll be on probation for the rest of his life, so he isn't really a free man. After ten years of a bad marriage, I am once again a free man.

自由人 zì yóu rén

noun (citizen with liberty and rights)

He'll be on probation for the rest of his life, so he isn't really a free man.


noun (musical group: leading performer) (乐队)


noun (organization: public representative) (组织)


noun (US, slang (government, esp. FBI, agent) (尤其是联邦调查局探员)

收垃圾的人 shōu lā jī de rén

noun (informal (dustman, binman: refuse collector) (非正式用语)

The garbage men collect the trash on my block every Friday at 8:00 AM.

姜饼人 jiāng bǐng rén

noun (biscuit in the shape of a man) (做成人形状的姜饼)

There's a fairy tale about a gingerbread man who runs away from the baker.

好人 hǎo rén

noun (honest or kind man)

My uncle is a good man and always helps his neighbours.

伟大的男子 wěi dà de nán zǐ

noun (notable, influential man)

Napoleon was a great man, although not in terms of stature.

成年男人 chéng nián nán rén

noun (adult male)

His story was so sad, it could make grown men cry.

雇佣杀手 gù yōng shā shǒu

noun (figurative (hitman: hired murderer)

打手 dǎ shǒu

noun (figurative (person: does unpleasant tasks) (帮助上司做不愉快的事,如开除人等的)

As the company's "hatchet man", he was responsible for shedding 200 jobs within three months.

职业杀手,职业刺客 zhí yè shā shǒu,zhí yè cì kè

noun (figurative (character assassin) (比喻)


noun (informal (virile male)

职业杀手 zhí yè shā shǒu

noun (male hired murderer) (指男性)

The politician was arrested for hiring a hitman to kill one of his rivals.

打手 dǎ shǒu

noun (informal ([sb] who does unpleasant tasks)

神职人员,献身于宗教的人 shén zhí rén yuán ,xiàn shēn yú zōng jiào de rén

noun (priest, spiritual leader)

卖冰淇淋的人 mài bīng qí lín de rén

noun (travelling ice-cream seller)

I am waiting for the ice cream man to come so that I can buy some ice cream.

有创意的人 yǒu chuàng yì de rén

noun (creative, [sb] employed to devise ideas)

We need an ideas man to manage our publicity campaign.


noun (male with physical endurance) (比喻)


noun (® (sporting event) (体育赛事)

机器 jī qì

noun (machine that performs job)

铁人竞赛 tiě rén jìng sài

noun (contest to determine strongest man)

He's been training for the Iron Man competition for months now.

男人 nán rén

noun (dated, slang (man)

Every jack is being drafted into the army.


noun (male jazz musician)


noun (informal (man: seduces women)

演主角的男演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nán yǎn yuán

noun (actor in central role)

Bellamy was the leading man in many low-budget action movies.

博学之士 bó xué zhī shì

noun (man who is educated, erudite)

The young prince was tutored in the sciences by several learned men.

像个男人 xiàng gè nán rén

adverb (in a masculine way)

She walks like a man.


adverb (informal, figurative (with stoicism)

Ben gritted his teeth and prepared to take his punishment like a man.

小男孩,小小男子汉 xiǎo nán hái,xiǎo xiǎo nán zǐ hàn

noun (term of affection: boy) (爱称)

Hey, little man! - let's have a talk.

维修员 wéi xiū yuán

noun (man who carries out repairs)

Call the maintenance man right away - the radiator's leaking all over the floor!

主管人,负责人 zhǔ guǎn rén,fù zé rén

noun (figurative (male in charge) (比喻)

The man at the helm works 12 hours a day to keep the company running smoothly.

普通人,一般人 pǔ tōng rén,yì bān rén

noun (figurative (common man, average person) (比喻)

Can you explain your theory so that the man in the street can understand it?

实干家 shí gàn jiā

noun ([sb] who acts rather than thinks)

He was a man of action rather than of words.

勇敢的人 yǒng gǎn de rén

noun (brave man)

寡言少语的人 guǎ yán shǎo yǔ de rén

noun (man who speaks very little)

He may be a man of few words, but when he does say something it's worth hearing.

天才 tiān cái

noun (brilliantly clever man)

牧师 mù shī

noun (priest)

信守承诺的人 xìn shǒu chéng nuò de rén

noun (male: keeps promises)

I've worked with him, and I know him to be a man of his word.

受过良好教育的人 shòu guò liáng hǎo jiào yù de rén

noun (highly educated man)

一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ

noun (responsible head of household)

Jim became man of the house after his father died.

明智的人 míng zhì de rén

noun (wise or intelligent man)

There are very few true men of wisdom in public life today.


interjection (dated ([sb] has fallen off ship or boat)

Man overboard! Toss him a life preserver before the sharks get him!

士兵 shì bīng

noun (soldier)

男孩 nán hái

noun (literary (male child, boy)

儿子 ér zi

noun (literary (son)


noun (figurative, pejorative (emotionally immature man)


noun (accounting unit of measure)


noun (informal (animal that eats human flesh)


noun (figurative, informal (sexually predatory woman)

吃人的 chī rén de

adjective (informal (animal: that eats human flesh) (动物)


noun (amount of work done) (每人每小时的工作量)


plural noun (time spent, required)

人造的 rén zào de

adjective (artificial or synthetic)

Nylon is a man-made fibre used in the clothing industry.

大的,大型的 dà de ,dà xíng de

adjective (figurative (sandwich, tissues: large)

有男子气概的男人,男子汉 nán zǐ hàn

noun (informal (confident and very masculine male)

人力 rén lì

noun (workforce)

The company is restructuring in order to use its manpower more efficiently.

劳动力数量 láo dòng lì shù liàng

noun (number of workers)

We need more manpower if we're going to finish construction on time.

已婚男人 yǐ hūn nán rén

noun (man who is [sb]'s husband)

Don't you dare flirt with him! He's a married man!

成熟男人 chéng shóu nán rén / chéng shú nán rén

noun (middle-aged male)

巫医,萨满巫师,术士 wū yī,shù shì

noun (shaman, magician)

现代人 xiàn dài rén

noun (uncountable (homo sapiens)

尼安德特人 ní ān dé tè rén

noun (uncountable (early human being) (不可数)

Neanderthal Man is thought of as the ancestor to modern man by some archaeologists.

尼安德特人 ní ān dé tè rén

noun (early male)

The remains of a Neanderthal man were found in a cave.

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