英语 中的 loaded 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 loaded 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 loaded 的说明。

英语 中的loaded 表示装满东西的,载满人的 zhuāng mǎn dōng xī de ,zǎi mǎn rén de, 装有子弹的 zhuāng yǒu zǐ dàn de, 带有圈套的,哄骗性的,让人误解的 dài yǒu quān tào de ,hǒng piàn xìng de ,ràng rén wù jiě de, 喝醉的 hē zuì de, 含蓄的 hán xù de, 有钱的 yǒu qián de, 加重的,灌铅的, 吸食了毒品的, 灌铅的, 负载 fù zài, (一车)货物 yì chē huò wù, 很多 hěn duō, 大量,许多 dà liàng ,xǔ duō, 很 hěn, 装载 zhuāng zài, 把…装载到…上, 用…把…装满, 一缸,一桶 yì tǒng, 装载量 zhuāng zài liàng, 负载,负荷,载重 fù zài,fù hè ,zài zhòng, 负担,重担,压力 fù dān ,zhòng dàn ,yā lì, 工作量,任务量 gōng zuò liàng, 装入枪(炮)的一次弹药的量 zhuāng rù qiāng pào de yí cì dàn yào de liàng, 装载货物 zhuāng zài huò wù, 搭载乘客 dā zài chéng kè, 填充,装药,装弹 tián chōng,zhuāng yào,zhuāng dàn, 加载 jiā zǎi, 使负担 shǐ fù dān, 使长满 shǐ zhǎng mǎn, 加载 jiā zǎi, 灌铅的骰子 guàn qiān de tóu zi, 载满, 弹簧加压的,弹簧式。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 loaded 的含义

装满东西的,载满人的 zhuāng mǎn dōng xī de ,zǎi mǎn rén de

adjective (vehicle: carrying [sth]) (卡车、汽车等)

The loaded car was visibly lower from the weight.

装有子弹的 zhuāng yǒu zǐ dàn de

adjective (gun: containing bullets)

The gun was loaded and locked in a safe.

带有圈套的,哄骗性的,让人误解的 dài yǒu quān tào de ,hǒng piàn xìng de ,ràng rén wù jiě de

adjective (figurative (question: leading) (问题等)

Paul asked Amy a loaded question.

喝醉的 hē zuì de

adjective (figurative, slang (drunk, inebriated)

Shaun was totally loaded at the bar last night.

含蓄的 hán xù de

adjective (figurative (having connotations)

Erin gave her sister a loaded look.

有钱的 yǒu qián de

adjective (figurative, slang (rich)

Tina's new boyfriend was totally loaded.


adjective (dice) (骰子)

Richard was accused of playing with loaded dice.


adjective (figurative, slang (drugged)

Ben was loaded on meth when he robbed the store.


adjective (with metals in it)

The engineer built a loaded concrete wall to block radiation inside the power plant.

负载 fù zài

noun (weight)

She carried the heavy load up the hill.

(一车)货物 yì chē huò wù

noun (cargo)

The truck driver picked up a load at the dock.

很多 hěn duō

plural noun (informal (great quantity)

Have you ever seen a shooting star? I've seen loads.

大量,许多 dà liàng ,xǔ duō

plural noun (informal (great quantity)

I spent loads of money when I went shopping.

很 hěn

adverb (informal (a lot, greatly)

I miss you loads.

装载 zhuāng zài

transitive verb (fill)

The men loaded the truck and then drove away.


(put: [sth] to be transported)

They loaded the goods into the delivery truck.


(fill with [sth])

We loaded the wheelbarrow with bricks.

一缸,一桶 yì tǒng

noun (laundry) (洗衣服)

He emptied the washing machine, hung the clothes to dry and put in another load.

装载量 zhuāng zài liàng

noun (often as suffix (measure: how many) (后缀)

I estimate that there are 50 truck-loads of dirt here.

负载,负荷,载重 fù zài,fù hè ,zài zhòng

noun (uncountable (quantity, weight borne)

The pillars of the building support the load of the floors above.

负担,重担,压力 fù dān ,zhòng dàn ,yā lì

noun (figurative (stress) (精神)

He felt the load lifted off of him when he finished his last exam.

工作量,任务量 gōng zuò liàng

noun (amount of work assigned)

I have a heavy load this semester.

装入枪(炮)的一次弹药的量 zhuāng rù qiāng pào de yí cì dàn yào de liàng

noun (charge for a gun)

The boy prepared the next load for the soldier.

装载货物 zhuāng zài huò wù

intransitive verb (take on cargo)

Trucks must pull up to the dock to load.

搭载乘客 dā zài chéng kè

intransitive verb (take on passengers)

The ship is loading at the pier.

填充,装药,装弹 tián chōng,zhuāng yào,zhuāng dàn

intransitive verb (charge: a firearm) (用于武器)

The soldier stopped firing so that he could load.

加载 jiā zǎi

intransitive verb (web page: appear in browser) (网页)

In the old days, it often took a long time for a web page to load.

使负担 shǐ fù dān

transitive verb (figurative (burden)

The managers loaded his employees with projects.

使长满 shǐ zhǎng mǎn

transitive verb (supply in abundance)

The spring rains loaded the trees with fruit.

加载 jiā zǎi

transitive verb (web page: send to browser) (网页)

I get an error message when I try to load the page.

灌铅的骰子 guàn qiān de tóu zi

noun (dice weighted for cheating)

Don't gamble with him; that fellow uses loaded dice.


preposition (laden with, full of)

The truck was loaded with trash.


adjective (containing compressed spring)

The workers used spring-loaded tools to punch holes in the sheets of metal.

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loaded 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。