英语 中的 led to 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 led to 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 led to 的说明。

英语 中的led to 表示引导 yǐn dǎo, 给…带头 gěi dài tóu, 领导 lǐng dǎo, 率领 shuài lǐng, 通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng, 引起 yǐn qǐ, 引导某人达成某观点, 引起某人做某事, 领先 lǐng xiān, 过...的生活, 主要的 zhǔ yào de, 领先的 lǐng xiān de, 领前的 lǐng qián de, 铅 qiān, 铅制重物 qiān zhì zhòng wù, 子弹 zǐ dàn, 铅笔芯 qiān bǐ xīn, 行间铅条 háng jiān qiān tiáo, 行间距 háng jiān jù, 领先位置 lǐng xiān wèi zhì, 领先 lǐng xiān, 领先者 lǐng xiān zhě, 线索 xiàn suǒ, 主要角色,主角 zhǔ yào jué sè,zhǔ jué, 导语 dǎo yǔ, 榜样 bǎng yàng, 领导 lǐng dǎo, 首先出牌,开牌 shǒu xiān chū pái,kāi pái, 首先出牌权,开牌权 shǒu xiān chū pái quán, 首先打出的一组牌 shǒu xiān dǎ chū de yì zǔ pái, 电线 diàn xiàn, 超前的距离, 狗绳, 潜在客户, 机遇,机会 jī yù ,jī huì, 引导腿, 缰绳 jiāng shéng, 带领 dài lǐng, 领先 lǐng xiān, 先向对手出击 xiān xiàng duì shǒu chū jī, (跑垒员)提前离垒 pǎo lěi yuán tí qián lí lěi, 带领舞伴跳舞, 引导 yǐn dǎo, 首先出…牌 shǒu xiān chū pái, 瞄准 miáo zhǔn, 扔到…前面 rēng dào qián miàn, 领先 lǐng xiān, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 率先出牌 lǜ xiān chū pái, 带领,领(舞) dài lǐng, 使…提到…,使…说到,使…谈及, 将...引开, 按搭档出的花色出牌, 将...带回, 引入 yǐn rù, 率先击球, 开始开会, 与…相连,紧挨…, 通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng, 带路 dài lù, 哄骗 hǒng piàn, 带来 dài lái, 领…出去 lǐng chū qù, 作为…的先导 zuò wéi de xiān dǎo, 导致 dǎo zhì, 引入,导入 yǐn rù,dǎo rù, 牵狗带, 延长线 yán cháng xiàn, 效法某人 xiào fǎ mǒu rén, 处于领先地位 chǔ yú lǐng xiān dì wèi, 把…引向歧途 bǎ yǐn xiàng qí tú, 把...引入歧途, 以身作则,做出表率, 欺骗 qī piàn, 潜在顾客开发, 测深索, 铅矿开采 qiān kuàng kāi cǎi, 铅笔 qiān bǐ, 铅中毒 qiān zhòng dú, 最终要作用 zuì zhōng yào zuò yòng, 领唱 lǐng chàng, 带路 dài lù, 率先 shuài xiān, 从设计到成品的时间 cóng shè jì dào chéng pǐn de shí jiān, 使某人相信,让某人相信 shǐ mǒu rén xiāng xìn, 铅基涂料,含铅涂料,铅基油漆, 无铅的, 开场白 kāi chǎng bái, 开始的 kāi shǐ de, 先导阶段, 铅笔芯 qiān bǐ xīn, 红丹, 活动铅芯 huó dòng qiān xīn, 潜在客户, 扯紧牵狗绳, 领先 lǐng xiān, 首先行动, 首先..., 团队领导人, 不含铅的 bù hán qiān de, 无铅汽油。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 led to 的含义

引导 yǐn dǎo

transitive verb (guide)

The tour guide leads the people through the city.

给…带头 gěi dài tóu


The priest leads the congregation in prayer.

领导 lǐng dǎo

transitive verb (command)

The general leads his troops well, so they do what he orders.

率领 shuài lǐng

transitive verb (head, manage)

The chief inspector leads the investigation.

通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng

(take you to) (某地)

This road leads to the forest.

引起 yǐn qǐ

(figurative (bring about)

The employee's habitual tardiness led to his dismissal. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to liver disease.



Lead them to agreement with logical arguments.


verbal expression (cause, prompt)

Jennifer's interest in animals led her to becoming a vet.

领先 lǐng xiān

transitive verb (go ahead)

The German cyclist is currently leading the race.


transitive verb (live)

My grandfather led a hard life.

主要的 zhǔ yào de

adjective (principal)

The lead speaker brought the audience to its feet with his wit. The lead story in the paper is about the bribery scandal.

领先的 lǐng xiān de

adjective (first; in front of others)

The lead runner was on second base.

领前的 lǐng qián de

adjective (American Football pass: made into space) (传球)

The lead pass arrived at midfield just as the receiver got there.

铅 qiān

noun (chemistry: element) (化学)

The screen was made of lead to prevent X-rays from passing through.
屏幕由铅造成,以防止 X 光穿过。

铅制重物 qiān zhì zhòng wù

noun (weight made of lead) (如铅球、铅饼等)

Pass me those two leads please. I need to weigh this down.

子弹 zǐ dàn

noun (informal (shot, bullets)

The gangster filled his rival with lead.

铅笔芯 qiān bǐ xīn

noun (pencil: graphite) (文具)

The lead broke on this pencil, so I have to sharpen it.

行间铅条 háng jiān qiān tiáo

noun (printing: line spacing metal) (印刷)

The typesetter cut a lead to fit the line, and put it in the composing stick.

行间距 háng jiān jù

noun (printing: line space) (印刷)

Add another lead between those lines, so there will be more separation between them.

领先位置 lǐng xiān wèi zhì

noun (first place)

Ben hadn't trained for the race, so the lead wasn't a position he expected to find himself in.

领先 lǐng xiān

noun (margin)

He had a lead of three minutes over the next runner.

领先者 lǐng xiān zhě

noun (competitor: in front of others)

The lead is a Nigerian runner.

线索 xiàn suǒ

noun (clue, indication)

The investigator caught the thief after finding the important lead.

主要角色,主角 zhǔ yào jué sè,zhǔ jué

noun (principal role)

Do you know who is going to play the lead in this movie? The lead in the film was a famous actress.

导语 dǎo yǔ

noun (journalism: introduction) (新闻)

The article's lead stated all the main facts.

榜样 bǎng yàng

noun (example)

Follow my lead, and you will be a success.

领导 lǐng dǎo

noun (leadership)

The whole team followed his lead.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 在这群人中,他稳居领导地位。

首先出牌,开牌 shǒu xiān chū pái,kāi pái

noun (cards: playing first) (打牌)

John took the lead and played first.

首先出牌权,开牌权 shǒu xiān chū pái quán

noun (cards: right to play first) (打牌)

It is your lead. Go ahead and play.

首先打出的一组牌 shǒu xiān dǎ chū de yì zǔ pái

noun (cards: suit played first) (打牌)

The lead was an ace of hearts.

电线 diàn xiàn

noun (electricity: connecting wire)

First, connect the red lead to the brown connector.


noun (head start) (猎物)

The hunter gave the target a lead of about a metre.


noun (UK (leash for a dog)

Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times in this park.


noun (business: potential customer) (商业)

Max uses social media to generate leads for his business.

机遇,机会 jī yù ,jī huì

noun (business: opportunity) (商业)


noun (horse leg placement at canter) (马术)

If your horse begins to tire, changing the lead to its right leg may help.

缰绳 jiāng shéng

noun (horse: rope for leading) (马)

The rider attached the lead to the horse's halter.

带领 dài lǐng

intransitive verb (go first)

If you lead, I'll follow.

领先 lǐng xiān

intransitive verb (be ahead of others)

The runner leads by thirty metres.

先向对手出击 xiān xiàng duì shǒu chū jī

intransitive verb (take the offensive) (拳击)

The boxer led with his left fist.

(跑垒员)提前离垒 pǎo lěi yuán tí qián lí lěi

intransitive verb (baseball: runner's movement) (棒球)

Runners often lead with two outs.


intransitive verb (guide dance partner)

I don't know this dance. You will have to lead.

引导 yǐn dǎo

transitive verb (influence)

The president is able to lead public opinion with his comments to the press.

首先出…牌 shǒu xiān chū pái

transitive verb (cards: play first)

He led an ace of hearts.

瞄准 miáo zhǔn

transitive verb (aim a gun)

Lead the target by a foot or two.

扔到…前面 rēng dào qián miàn

transitive verb (throw ball ahead of [sb])

Don't throw the ball where he is, you need to lead him by throwing ahead of him.

领先 lǐng xiān

transitive verb (hold advantage over)

He led the other runner by 30 meters.

指挥 zhǐ huī

transitive verb (music: conduct a group) (乐队)

The conductor has led this orchestra for two years.

率先出牌 lǜ xiān chū pái

transitive verb (cards: play first)

You lead this hand. Throw your card.

带领,领(舞) dài lǐng

transitive verb (dance partner: guide) (双人舞蹈)

He gracefully lead his partner in the waltz.


(prompt to mention)

All of which leads me to my next point, which is that the project cannot possibly be completed on time.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (guide elsewhere)


phrasal verb, intransitive (card games) (纸牌)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (show way to original location)

I've forgotten the way to the hotel: could someone lead me back, please?

引入 yǐn rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be prelude to)

Opening titles lead into a movie.


phrasal verb, intransitive (baseball: begin) (棒球)


phrasal verb, intransitive (US, figurative (begin a meeting)

Let's lead off by introducing ourselves.


(room: adjoin) (房间)

通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng

(room: continue into) (房间)

带路 dài lù

phrasal verb, intransitive (go first, show the way)

"Lead on!" she said, and I showed her along the corridor.

哄骗 hǒng piàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal, figurative (mislead) (非正式用语)

I thought he loved me, but he was just leading me on.

带来 dài lái

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (progress to)

We hope that this early success will lead on to further triumphs.

领…出去 lǐng chū qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (guide to the exit)

作为…的先导 zuò wéi de xiān dǎo

(events: come before)

The days leading up to the wedding were so busy, with many details to finalise.

导致 dǎo zhì

(events: culminate in)

In court, the police officer recounted the events leading up to the defendant's arrest.

引入,导入 yǐn rù,dǎo rù

(introduce: a subject) (话题等)

The speaker led up to the topic by telling the audience about some of the historical background. // Tessa kept beating about the bush and her brothers wondered what she was leading up to.


noun (lead for a canine)

As Jack was always running off with other dogs, we have to put him on a dog leash when we take him for a walk now.

延长线 yán cháng xiàn

noun (electronics) (电子设备)

效法某人 xiào fǎ mǒu rén

verbal expression (do the same as [sb] else)

The leader of the exercise class wanted us to follow her lead.

处于领先地位 chǔ yú lǐng xiān dì wèi

adverb (winning)

Up by thirteen points over the hated Bears, the Wolves are currently in the lead.

把…引向歧途 bǎ yǐn xiàng qí tú

(figurative (tempt into bad behaviour)

Young people can so easily be led astray by false values.


(figurative (mislead)

The conman led investors in the scheme astray with promises of easy profit.


verbal expression (behave as you wish others to do)

If you want your children to be compassionate, lead by example.

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (deceive)

I never suspected he was just leading me down the garden path.


noun (creation of consumer interest)

Company newsletters are one method of lead generation.


(nautical) (航海)

铅矿开采 qiān kuàng kāi cǎi

noun (excavation for lead)

Much of the countryside has been scarred by the lead mining that used to take place.

铅笔 qiān bǐ

noun (graphite pencil)

When I was a child I accidentally stabbed my leg with a lead pencil and you can still see the mark today!

铅中毒 qiān zhòng dú

noun (illness caused by exposure to lead)

Removing old lead-based paintwork without wearing a mask can cause lead poisoning. Lead poisoning can cause serious developmental problems in children.

最终要作用 zuì zhōng yào zuò yòng

noun (central acting part)

My son got the lead role in the school play.

领唱 lǐng chàng

noun (main singer in a popular music group)

He's always wanted to be the lead singer in a rock band.

带路 dài lù

verbal expression (serve as guide)

John knows where we are going, so he will lead the way.

率先 shuài xiān

verbal expression (figurative (be the first to do [sth])

Ford led the way into mass-produced automobiles.

从设计到成品的时间 cóng shè jì dào chéng pǐn de shí jiān

noun (time between design and finished product)

You didn't give me enough lead time to finish this project.

使某人相信,让某人相信 shǐ mǒu rén xiāng xìn

verbal expression (often passive (mislead into thinking) (有误导之意)

The financial advisor led me to believe that my investments were safe.


noun (wet pigment containing lead)

Old houses often have dangerous lead-based paint on the walls.


adjective (without lead)

开场白 kāi chǎng bái

noun (introduction)

Every day this news program always starts with the anchor reading the same lead-in.

开始的 kāi shǐ de

adjective (US (first, beginning)


noun (preceding events, action)

The politician made promises in the lead-up to the election that he failed to keep once he came to power.

铅笔芯 qiān bǐ xīn

noun (graphite part of a pencil)


noun (lead oxide: pigment) (铅化合物)

活动铅芯 huó dòng qiān xīn

noun (point of a propelling pencil)

A pencil with retractable lead is great because you don't have to sharpen it.


noun (potential customer)


verbal expression (dog: pull against lead)

The dog was so determined to chase the cat, it was straining at the leash.

领先 lǐng xiān

verbal expression (race: in first place)

With a burst of speed, Jack took the lead in the race.


verbal expression (figurative (take the initiative)


verbal expression (take the initiative on)


noun ([sb] who manages a group)

不含铅的 bù hán qiān de

adjective (vehicle fuel: without lead) (指汽油)

This car only runs on unleaded gasoline.


noun (informal (lead-free vehicle fuel)

Fill it with unleaded, please.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。