英语 中的 irons 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 irons 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 irons 的说明。

英语 中的irons 表示铁 tiě, 铁 tiě, 铁,铁质 tiě,tiě zhì, 熨烫 yùn tàng, 杠铃 gàng líng, 铁器 tiě qì, 熨斗 yùn dǒu, 铁头球棒 tiě tóu qiú bàng, 烙铁 lào tiě, 钢铁般的意志, 刚强, 坚强, 镣铐 liào kào, 熨烫衣物 yù tàng yī wù, 处理,解决 chǔ lǐ,jiě jué, 烙铁 lào tiě, 铸铁 zhù tiě, 用铸铁制的 yòng zhù tiě zhì de, 强有力的,有说服力的 qiáng yǒu lì de ,yǒu shuō fú lì de, 无懈可击的不在场证明, 波状钢, 热烫发钳 rè tàng fā qián, 熨斗 yùn dǒu, 熨斗状建筑物 yù dǒu zhuàng jiàn zhú wù, 镀锌的铁 dù xīn de tiě, 压褶皱的工具, 铁幕 tiě mù, 铁幕,难以逾越的障碍 tiě mù,nán yǐ yú yuè de zhàng ài, 铁腕,铁拳 tiě wàn,tiě quán, 铸铁厂 zhù tiě chǎng, 铁腕 tiě wàn, (病人用)铁肺 bìng rén yòng tiě fèi, 铁处女,铁娘子, 铁人, 三项全能,铁人三项, 机器 jī qì, 铁人竞赛 tiě rén jìng sài, 铁矿 tiě kuàng, 熨平 yù píng, 钢铁般的意志 gāng tiě bān de yì zhì, 热烫转印的, 热烫转印贴片, 包着铁的, 刻板的,不容变通的 kè bǎn de ,bù róng biàn tōng de, 覆盖着岩石的, 免烫的, 生铁 shēng tiě, 练举重,做重量训练, 硫铁矿 liú tiě kuàng, 烧红的烙铁 shāo hóng de lào tiě, 锈 xiù, 废铁料 fèi tiě liào, 铁皮 tiě pí, 烙铁 lào tiě, 蒸汽熨斗, 趁热打铁, 撬轮胎棒 qiào lún tāi bàng, 华夫饼烤模 huà fū bǐng kǎo mó, 以铁腕政策 yǐ tiě wàn zhèng cè, 熟铁 shóu tiě / shú tiě, 熟铁的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 irons 的含义

铁 tiě

noun (chemistry: element) (化学元素)

Fe is the chemical symbol for iron.

铁 tiě

noun (metal) (金属)

It was made of wrought iron.

铁,铁质 tiě,tiě zhì

noun (medicine: anaemia treatment) (药物)

She was put on a course of iron for anaemia.

熨烫 yùn tàng

transitive verb (press: clothing)

I need to iron a shirt for work.

杠铃 gàng líng

noun (slang (training weights) (俚语,举重)

She spent some time pumping iron in the gym.

铁器 tiě qì

noun (instrument made of iron)

She picked up a fire iron from the hearth.

熨斗 yùn dǒu

noun (pressing device)

He bought a new steam iron.

铁头球棒 tiě tóu qiú bàng

noun (golf: club)

Niblick was an old name for an eight iron.

烙铁 lào tiě

noun (branding iron)

There was a dreadful smell as the iron singed the steer's hide.

钢铁般的意志, 刚强, 坚强

noun as adjective (figurative (strong)

She has an iron determination.

镣铐 liào kào

plural noun (shackles)

His feet were shackled by leg irons.

熨烫衣物 yù tàng yī wù

intransitive verb (press clothing)

Do you know how to iron?

处理,解决 chǔ lǐ,jiě jué

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (resolve) (比喻)

Let's sit down and iron out the problems with this report. There are many issues that we need to iron out before we can make progress.

烙铁 lào tiě

noun (rod for stamping cattle) (牲畜烙印)

铸铁 zhù tiě

noun (molded metal)

Bicycle frames used to be made of cast iron, so they were quite heavy.

用铸铁制的 yòng zhù tiě zhì de

noun as adjective (of molded metal)

He cooked the eggs in his trusty cast-iron skillet.

强有力的,有说服力的 qiáng yǒu lì de ,yǒu shuō fú lì de

noun as adjective (figurative (alibi, excuse: strong) (借口,托辞)

He came up with a cast-iron excuse for not attending the meeting.


noun (figurative (strong defence)



热烫发钳 rè tàng fā qián

noun (tongs for curling hair)

Annie didn't need a curling iron: her hair was naturally curly.

熨斗 yùn dǒu

noun (historical (pressing iron heated on the stove) (历史用语)

熨斗状建筑物 yù dǒu zhuàng jiàn zhú wù

noun as adjective (building: triangular)

镀锌的铁 dù xīn de tiě

noun (iron protected by zinc coating)

Many nails are made of galvanized iron to prevent rusting.


noun (clothing: tool for pleating trim)

铁幕 tiě mù

noun (figurative (Communist countries) (前苏联与西方社会之间意识形态方面的无形屏障)

During the 1950s it was very difficult for Westerners to travel behind the Iron Curtain.

铁幕,难以逾越的障碍 tiě mù,nán yǐ yú yuè de zhàng ài

noun (figurative (ideological separation) (比喻,一种阻隔思想交流的障碍)

I've no idea what they're planning: they've put up an iron curtain of secrecy in recent weeks.

铁腕,铁拳 tiě wàn,tiě quán

noun (figurative (harsh rule) (比喻)

The dictator ruled with an iron fist.

铸铁厂 zhù tiě chǎng

noun (ironworks, forgery)

If you're going to work in an iron foundry, be ready for some intense heat.

铁腕 tiě wàn

noun (strict control, severity) (比喻)

Mussolini ruled Italy with an iron hand.

(病人用)铁肺 bìng rén yòng tiě fèi

noun (metal breathing apparatus)

Thousands of polio victims were saved by the invention of the iron lung.


noun (historical (torture device) (刑具)

The heretic was locked in an iron maiden to make him confess.


noun (male with physical endurance) (比喻)


noun (® (sporting event) (体育赛事)

机器 jī qì

noun (machine that performs job)

铁人竞赛 tiě rén jìng sài

noun (contest to determine strongest man)

He's been training for the Iron Man competition for months now.

铁矿 tiě kuàng

noun (rock mined for iron)

Iron ore is found beneath hills and must be brought to the surface.

熨平 yù píng

(wrinkles: press out) (本义)

I should iron out the creases in my suit for my interview tomorrow.

钢铁般的意志 gāng tiě bān de yì zhì

noun (stubbornness, determination)

She governs the country with an iron will. My sister has an iron will when it comes to physical fitness.


adjective (applied with an iron)


noun (patch, etc., applied with an iron)


adjective (bound with iron)

刻板的,不容变通的 kè bǎn de ,bù róng biàn tōng de

adjective (figurative (rigid, unyielding)


adjective (archaic, figurative (coast: covered with rocks) (海岸)


adjective (does not require ironing)

生铁 shēng tiě

noun (crudely processed iron) (冶金)

Pig iron is produced in a blast furnace.


intransitive verb (lift weights for exercise) (健身)

硫铁矿 liú tiě kuàng

noun (mineral: fool's gold)

烧红的烙铁 shāo hóng de lào tiě

noun (burning brand)

The farmer marked his cattle with a red-hot iron.

锈 xiù

noun (oxidation)

There is rust on this old farm machinery.

废铁料 fèi tiě liào

noun (discarded iron or other metal)

All the steel in the building was made from recycled scrap iron.

铁皮 tiě pí

noun (iron in flat panels)

In the shipyard you could see stacks of sheet iron everywhere.

烙铁 lào tiě

noun (tool for fusing metals)


noun (iron using steam)


expression (figurative (take an opportunity)

撬轮胎棒 qiào lún tāi bàng

noun (metal tool for removing a tyre)

I've got the jack but I can't find the tyre iron.

华夫饼烤模 huà fū bǐng kǎo mó

noun (appliance for cooking waffles)

I burnt my finger on the waffle iron.

以铁腕政策 yǐ tiě wàn zhèng cè

adverb (figurative (severely, strictly)

She runs this department with an iron hand.

熟铁 shóu tiě / shú tiě

noun (decorative ironwork)

A wrought iron gate would be too showy on a house like ours.


noun as adjective (made of, featuring wrought iron)

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irons 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。