英语 中的 health 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 health 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 health 的说明。

英语 中的health 表示健康状况 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng, 健康 jiàn kāng, 状况,状态 zhuàng kuàng,zhuàng tài, 运行状况,运转状况 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng,yùn zhuǎn zhuàng kuàng, 健康课, 不健康的状态 bú jiàn kāng de zhuàng tài, 健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng, 政府的卫生部门,卫生局 zhèng fǔ de wèi shēng bù mén,wèi shēng jú, 健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng, 合格证明, 口腔卫生, 卫生部, 卫生与公众服务部, 卫生和社会保障部, 卫生和社会保障部, 情绪健康 qíng xù jiàn kāng, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 不断恶化的健康状况, 为了你的健康 wèi le nǐ de jiàn kāng, 由于…容光焕发, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 对健康有害的 duì jiàn kāng yǒu hài de, 健康和安全规则, 健康益处, 健康福利, 医疗保健中心,医疗中心,诊所 yī liáo zhōng xīn,zhěn suǒ, 健康教育课, 健身俱乐部 jiàn shēn jù lè bù, 健康教育, 健康检查 jiàn kāng jiǎn chá, 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn, 有机天然食品店, 健康危害, 健康保险, 健康问题 jiàn kāng wèn tí, 公共卫生服务 gōng gòng wèi shēng fú wù, 健康水疗馆 jiàn kāng shuǐ liáo guǎn, 医疗保健服务,医疗保健 yī liáo bǎo jiàn fú wù,yī liáo bǎo jiàn, 医疗保健的 yī liáo bǎo jiàn de, 医药公司,医疗保健公司, 医疗保险公司, 医疗保健服务提供者,医务人员,医务工作者, 医疗保健机构, 家庭护工, 身体不好 shēn tǐ bù hǎo, 身体不好的,身体不健康的 shēn tǐ bù hǎo de,shēn tǐ bú jiàn kāng de, 身体好的 shēn tǐ hǎo de, 身体状况良好 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo, 无论风雨晴晦 wú lùn fēng yǔ qíng huì, 精神健康 jīng shén jiàn kāng, 全民医疗保健服务, 国立卫生研究院, 口腔卫生,口腔健康, 差的健康状况 chà de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng, 公共卫生 gōng gòng wèi shēng, 公共卫生危机,公共卫生事件, 公共卫生系统,公共卫生体系, 饮食方案,节食计划,养生之道 yǐn shí fāng àn,jié shí jì huà ,yǎng shēng zhī dào, 生殖健康, 身体强壮 shēn tǐ qiáng zhuàng, 危害健康 wēi hài jiàn kāng, 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī, 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 health 的含义

健康状况 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng

noun (state of body, mind)

The doctor said that he is in good health.

健康 jiàn kāng

noun (soundness of body, mind)

Despite his age, he still has health of mind and body.

状况,状态 zhuàng kuàng,zhuàng tài

noun (figurative (state, condition) (比喻)

My washing machine is still in good health after fifteen years!

运行状况,运转状况 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng,yùn zhuǎn zhuàng kuàng

noun (figurative (of company, nation) (比喻)

The health of the company could not be better.


noun (school subject) (科目)

Tim did health as a school subject three years ago.

不健康的状态 bú jiàn kāng de zhuàng tài

noun (illness)

Edward put his mother's bad health down to years of smoking.

健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng

noun (certificate on ship) (船上)

政府的卫生部门,卫生局 zhèng fǔ de wèi shēng bù mén,wèi shēng jú

noun (US, Can (government health department) (加拿大用法)

The local board of health can't even give the flu vaccines away!

健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng

noun (medicine: [sb] is healthy)

The doctor has given me a clean bill of health.


noun (figurative (confirmation: [sth] is ok)

It's good to see the building project has a clean bill of health.


noun (care, condition of teeth)

Daily flossing promotes good dental health.


noun (government ministry)

The Department of Health recommends we get innoculated against the H1N1 virus.


noun (HHS: US government agency) (HHS: 美国政府机构)


noun (UK, obsolete (DHSS: former government ministry)


noun (UK, initialism, obsolete (Department of Health and Social Security)

情绪健康 qíng xù jiàn kāng

noun (psychological well-being)

Meditation is a good tool to maintain sound emotional health.

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

verbal expression (be physically healthy)


noun (physical deterioration)

Joan's failing health worried her children.

为了你的健康 wèi le nǐ de jiàn kāng

adverb (to make you healthier)

You should start exercising more for your health.


(figurative (radiate: pride, health) (骄傲、健康等)

Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter.

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

noun (healthiness, fitness)

I am lucky to enjoy good health.

对健康有害的 duì jiàn kāng yǒu hài de

adjective (dangerous, risky)

Swimming after eating can be hazardous to the health.


noun (regulations that protect people)

Catering staff must be trained in health and safety.


plural noun (positive effects on health)

The health benefits of exercise are beyond dispute.


plural noun (health-related government allowances)

医疗保健中心,医疗中心,诊所 yī liáo zhōng xīn,zhěn suǒ

noun (medical clinic)


noun (US (education: sex, drugs, etc.)

健身俱乐部 jiàn shēn jù lè bù

noun (fitness spa)

Join a health club and get into shape.


noun (teaching people to improve health)

Health education teaches people how to live a healthy lifestyle.

健康检查 jiàn kāng jiǎn chá

noun (physical check-up)

My father looked pale and tired so I made him a doctor's appointment for a health examination.

健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn

noun (highly nutritious food)

Health food is a commercialized term for healthful food. My mother avoids salty snacks; she only eats health food.


noun (shop selling organic and whole foods)

You can buy tofu in the health food store.


noun ([sth] dangerous to health)

Mosquitoes are a health hazard because they spread disease.


noun (private medical policy) (私人医疗保险)

健康问题 jiàn kāng wèn tí

noun (ailment or disorder)

I have stopped hiking because I have a number of age-related health problems.

公共卫生服务 gōng gòng wèi shēng fú wù

noun (system of medical care)

Some Americans are against the idea of having a health service like the British NHS.

健康水疗馆 jiàn kāng shuǐ liáo guǎn

noun (type of hotel)

For a birthday treat I went to a health spa.

医疗保健服务,医疗保健 yī liáo bǎo jiàn fú wù,yī liáo bǎo jiàn

noun (medical services)

Healthcare on the island is provided by a free clinic.

医疗保健的 yī liáo bǎo jiàn de

noun as adjective (medical)

Healthcare costs have skyrocketed in the last twenty years.


noun (UK (makes pharmaceuticals)


noun (US (provides medical insurance)


noun (medical worker)

You probably can get your flu shots from your healthcare provider.


noun (medical facility)


noun (caretaker in [sb]'s home)

身体不好 shēn tǐ bù hǎo

noun (poor physical condition)

Taking care of yourself when you are young will help avoid ill health later in life.

身体不好的,身体不健康的 shēn tǐ bù hǎo de,shēn tǐ bú jiàn kāng de

adjective (in bad physical condition)

身体好的 shēn tǐ hǎo de

adjective (in good physical condition)

Although he is getting on in years, he is in good health.

身体状况良好 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo

adverb (when healthy)

In sickness or in health, I'll always be there for you.

无论风雨晴晦 wú lùn fēng yǔ qíng huì

adverb (no matter what happens)

Tony has always taken seriously his vows to love his wife in sickness and in health.

精神健康 jīng shén jiàn kāng

noun (psychological wellness)

Mental health is just as important as physical health to a person's wellbeing.


noun (British National Health Service) (英国)


noun (US, initialism (National Institutes of Health) (美国)


noun (care and hygiene of the mouth)

Oral health was important in our family.

差的健康状况 chà de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng

noun (illness)

She has been in poor health ever since she caught bird 'flu last year.

公共卫生 gōng gòng wèi shēng

noun (social schemes to benefit health)

The legislature debated the public health plan proposal last week.


noun ([sth] that risks the health of many people)


noun (medical services available to all)

Budget cuts severly impacted the public health system last year.

饮食方案,节食计划,养生之道 yǐn shí fāng àn,jié shí jì huà ,yǎng shēng zhī dào

noun (diet, fitness plan) (减肥)

I'm trying a new regime to lose weight.


noun (condition of the sexual organs)

身体强壮 shēn tǐ qiáng zhuàng

noun (good physical condition)

Even at age eighty, she walked a mile every day and was in robust health.

危害健康 wēi hài jiàn kāng

noun ([sth] dangerous, unsanitary)

Everyone knows that smoking is a threat to your health.

世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī

noun (initialism (World Health Organization)

The WHO recommends that you eat vegetables.

世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī

noun (UN agency) (联合国机构之一)

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health 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。